Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 803: Senior White went out to avenge them

A very ugly big turtle!

Li Can was stunned on the spot, what kind of stinky lady, holding a brush to paint on his face? Do you use his face as a canvas?


Li Can tensed all over, raising his hand about to slap Bai Chuwei, and suddenly realized...he couldn't move.

Bai Chuwei took the color palette, smiled and dipped the green seasoning on it, and painted it comfortably. The green was beautiful.

The director of the Department of Fine Arts of the Imperial University saw this scene, and he was about to commit high blood pressure. What was he doing?

What about the stunning masterpiece that shocked everyone?

None, only a big green tortoise.

The simple strokes of a tortoise quickly took shape under Bai Chuwei's sketches. Someone present couldn't help but laughed out loud.

Although, hahaha is so funny.

Liu Zheng couldn't help but laugh, and he suddenly felt a sigh of relief in his heart. This group of innocent demons robbed him of his heirlooms, and bought paintings for paintings, but deliberately belittled the works of the great masters of Chinese painting.

"I know that this moon shadow picture is actually the work of the Liu family in China. Although it exhales, it's probably cold, right?"

"I think the boss of the Calligraphy and Painting Club is going crazy, should we ask the security guard to **** the teacher to the retreat? This will be beaten!"

"Teacher Shenxian, hurry up, I'll **** you."


What paintings are you buying? It's good not to be killed.

Suddenly, a group of people found a sense of peers in Bai Chuwei's zealous behavior.

Look, drawing a tortoise on the boss's face under this anger, isn't this a naive behavior that a young girl can do?

A group of young boys and girls aged 18 and 9 found the shadow of their peers in Bai Chuwei.

Bai Chuwei threw the brush casually, the brush flew out in a parabola, everyone screamed and wanted to flee, and then opened their eyes to see that the button of the brush just hung on the brush holder, and it collided with other brushes and made a clear crash.


This Nima, back shots are not up to this level!

The brush stand was so small that there was only one empty space, she threw it in and hung it up!

A coach of the women's basketball team watching the excitement couldn't help but said: "Can she come to learn basketball?"

The manager rushed over, gave Bai Chuwei a fierce look, held Li Can in his ear and said eagerly: "Boss, let's go backstage first."

what's the situation? Isn't this Li Can the boss of the magic repair? Why are you standing so stupidly that a little girl draws a tortoise on his face? Is it possible to be fascinated by beauty?

Big beads of sweat rolled on Li Can's face, and his face gradually turned pale.

From the moment the brush was on the center of his eyebrows just now, he couldn't move!

He is the leader of Country Demon Cultivator, but he... can't move?

The little girl in front of me is a monk, 100% a monk.

"You...who are you?" Li Can was confused and his voice trembled.

Fairy teacher... Fairy teacher, this nickname is so familiar...

Bai Chuwei tilted her neck, teased her ears and hair lightly, in a casual tone: "Children, tell this foreign kid what my real name is."

Ahhhh, teacher Shenxian likes to call all of them children! !

It's so kind!

A girl was so excited that her cheeks were flushed, and she shouted: "Real name Bai Chuwei!!"

The sound was about to lift the roof of the exhibition.

The people behind Qingxuan who were **** behind the exhibition heard the noise in front, Qingxuan suddenly whimpered, two rows of tears flowed down his cheeks, and cried and laughed: "Senior Bai, we are out Senior White, she is out!"

Qingxuan knew when he heard the discussion outside, the first thing Senior Bai came back was to avenge them!

Bai Ze's tight shoulders finally slumped down, completely relaxed.

Little Junior Sister Liu Sisi lay on Bai Ze's back and shoulders, crying: "Senior White is here, come to save us? Uuuuuu...Can Senior White find a chance to teach me flying the sword?"


Bai Chuwei...

Li Can's pupils shrank suddenly. Isn't Bai Chuwei the owner of that spatial artifact? That senior monk who Qingxuan didn't want to say to death?

Wasn't she scared to run away by their magic repair, didn't she dare to come out for ten days?

Why did you come out suddenly at this time?

Bai Chuwei smiled and looked at the green tortoise on Li Can's face, and asked casually: "What does Boss Li think of my painting? Is this moon shadow picture willing to sell it to me now?"

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