Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 804: If you like this painting so much, I will give it to you forever

Bai Chuwei...

There may be many people called Bai Chuwei in China, but there is only one that can alarm everyone present.

Li Can looked at Bai Chuwei in shock. His eyes widened several times and the skin on his face was uncontrollably pulled, causing the big green tortoise on his face to be elongated and become weird.

It's Bai Chuwei, she... why did she run back again?

Her hairpin space magic weapon had fallen into his hands for nearly ten days. During these ten days, Bai Chuwei had not dared to make a sound, as if the world had evaporated. At this moment, she unexpectedly rushed out by herself?

And so high-profile, he appeared in an exhibition with thousands of people, and painted a tortoise on his face in front of everyone.

Li Can has never seen such a high-profile woman, it is rare in the world.

Li Can looked straight at Bai Chuwei with bloodshot eyes. She carried her hands on her back and her eyebrows were full of smiles. She didn't care about the behavior of drawing a turtle on his face just now, and she still had a face for granted.


Li Can did not see the word "fear" on Bai Chuwei's face!


A terrible thought suddenly popped into Li Can's mind—Bai Chuwei did not appear before. It may be that she had other things to do at the time, so she couldn't appear...

Probably not because of fear of demons!

Then his current behavior...

It was just this thought that flashed through his mind, and the blood on Li Can's face quickly faded like the sea at low tide.

Bai Chuwei froze when he saw him, "Huh?"

Bai Chuwei was so impatient, "You want to buy paintings with paintings. Does Mr. Li think my paintings are qualified?"

When the crowd onlookers heard this, they almost knelt down to Bai Chuwei.

Teacher Shenxian, Dad, uncle, I have never seen you so right and confident.

I used people’s faces as canvas paintings, and I painted them so ugly. I want to replace the famous paintings displayed in the exhibition. Do you think your paintings are world famous? Or are you a famous painter?

Run, you will be beaten.

Li Can secretly mobilized the whole body's cultivation base, trying to forcefully break through the invisible restriction that fell on him, and soon his whole body's energy seemed to be suddenly vented and disappeared without a trace.

How could this be?

Li Can became more and more panic, constantly running his whole body cultivation base, but the results were exactly the same!

The cultivation base consumed too much, Li Can's breathing accelerated, and a series of big beads of sweat rolled from his forehead.

Bai Chuwei's lazy voice suddenly came up again: "Don't sweat, don't sweat, your sweat will stain my painting."

When Li Can heard this, he almost didn't mention it.

Her painting, she painted a tortoise on his face.

Bai Chuwei smiled rather than smiled: "Boss Li, do you like it? Does this painting fit your aesthetics?"

Li Can's throat was blocked and his teeth were fighting.

Li Can's eyeballs were about to stare out of his eye sockets, and a few words were almost squeezed out between his teeth: "Hi, like it, look good."

Everyone: "..."

Is it because they can't keep up with the trend now, don't understand the current fashion?

Just... Is this thing good-looking?

With the big tortoise on this face, they bite the bullet and couldn't say the word "good-looking".

Bai Chuwei stood with her hand in hand and looked at Li Can with great relief: "Mr. Li is worthy of being the behind-the-scenes boss of the Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Association of A. His aesthetic is really good. Since he likes it so much, I will give it to you forever."

The ancestors have always been more generous.

This foreign magic repair child, although ugly, has a good aesthetic, and his ancestors appreciate it.


Li Can's complexion instantly became diversified!

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