Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 827: If you don't bother to cheat, Bai Chuwei should go

This is a voice, not even anonymous, it was sent out directly and violently.

The female voice in the voice is quite angry and contains anger.

Many students heard it, this is Ning Yumeng's voice.

It's no wonder they heard it, it's purely because the girl Ning Yumeng became popular because of her big tongue and her entire archeology major. It's hard not to remember her voice.

The counselor was taken aback for a while, but he had never seen such a sincere student, and hurriedly sent another message in the group:

"@All members, students who have objections to this follow-up list chat with me privately."

Ning Yumeng looked even more angry, standing in the dormitory with anger and kicking over his suitcase, frightened the other two roommates who were packing up and preparing to go home for the winter vacation.

"I want to cover it up! Why do you want me to talk privately?"

Ning Yumeng felt even more unhappy. She had just read the transcripts of everyone in the profession carefully. It happened that she and Bai Chuwei both scored 92 points, ranking fifth in the year.

Because Bai Chuwei's initial letter is b and her initial letter is n, she ranks one row below Bai Chuwei, but they are all fifth.

[Ning Yumeng: I think it's unfair. Bai Chuwei and I are in the same ranking. Why can't she go and I can't go? I have won more awards in archaeology than Bai Chuwei! ]

She is also a teaching assistant in a professional course. This semester she won more than ten awards in archaeology, but Bai Chuwei? She is more senior than anyone else, her class members are improper, she doesn't participate in competitions organized by the school, and she doesn't even have a certificate in her hand.

And this is an internship for archaeology, so you have to rely on archaeology to speak.

Bai Chuwei is very popular in the school and even the whole country, but that is because she is a fairy teacher, and she is famous for all kinds of amazing inventions in "Super Brain Learning Ba", but what does this have to do with archaeology?

Bai Chuwei looked at the entire archaeology major, among which she was quite a humble student! The high is not the low, and there is not even an archaeological certificate.

Under this circumstance, why should Bai Chuwei go, she can't go?

The other classmates were not fools either. Seeing Qunli Ning Yumeng's questioning, they almost didn't directly ask Bai Chuwei whether he was walking through the back door.

This...Is this Bai Chuwei's affair?

The instructor felt angry. The Imperial University is the first institution of higher learning in China. One of the hundred-year school regulations that Ms. Bai established at the time was that she would never falsify.

The professors of the Department of Archaeology are so proud that they disdain to give a student the back door!

Otherwise, the group of professors would not be so anxious to give Bai Chuwei a make-up lesson before.

[Counselor: @宁雨萌, if you have any objections, we will chat privately, and I can tell you why. ]

Had it not been for the principal's instructions in advance, her counselor would have liked to tell everyone the reason directly in the group!

A sneer hung on Ning Yumeng's lips, with a hint of sarcasm.

There is a serious reason, why not announce it directly in the group? Doesn't this mean that the reason is a bit shameful?

Isn't this just going to the back door of [Bequge]?

[Bai Chuwei: Classmate Ning can go if he wants to, I can do without. ]

It's not that she has never visited the tomb of Emperor Duan Jinggu, and it doesn't matter if she goes to archaeology.

It’s better to go back to Haicheng and spend the winter vacation. For example, take the cold and practice hard, maybe there are more...

Ning Yumeng flushed her eyes when she saw these words, who is rare about Bai Chuwei's charity? It should have been her chance!

"No, classmate Bai, you must go to archaeology with our professor!"

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