Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 828: Ms. Bai, on behalf of the archaeological community in China, thank you

Professor Sun held the phone in one hand and Bai Chuwei's sleeve in the other. His tone was extremely excited. Obviously, the old professor was also in the group and saw what he said just now.

Professor Li of the Department of Mathematics on the side was a little gloat, and said to Bai Chuwei: "Student Bai, if you don’t want to go to the archaeological site, let’s study math problems together. I have some eyebrows about the world problems you left behind. Let’s take the students to discuss together. !"

What's the use of going to the archaeological site?

Following a group of professors, Bai Chuwei can only honestly hold her tail as a student and run errands for those archaeological experts.

It is not the same as doing research in their mathematics department. All professors and students have to ask her for advice! Everyone else has to run errands for her!

Digging the wall again!

Professor Sun blushed, and the hand holding Bai Chuwei's arm was trembling with anger. Yu Guang suddenly caught a glimpse of a group of people. The group of people was cautiously holding a box with a red hijab on it, and there was a woman wearing "Emperor Capital Culture". The staff in uniform with the word "Museum" held a roll of fine pennants cherished in both hands.

Professor Sun, the little old man, was obviously overwhelmed by the anger of the engineering men in the Department of Mathematics. He kept shouting at the group of people, "Here, Bai Chuwei is here!"

The students on the side were stunned. What kind of operation is Professor Sun?

The curator of the Imperial Capital Cultural Museum heard the sound and turned his head to take a look. His eyes fell on Bai Chuwei's beautiful facial features, and he suddenly showed a big smile, as if he had seen the biggest benefactor.

People of all ages at all stages of the country nowadays may not know the first-line celebrities or actors, but they definitely remember the face of Bai Chuwei!

One in ancient times, that one hundred percent wanted to live in Taimiao to become a sage.

The curator was so excited that he strode over without a word, and suddenly stretched out his hand to hold Bai Chuwei's hand. Who knew that he threw a blank and grabbed Bai Chuwei's sleeve.

The curator didn’t care about these details either. He looked at Bai Chuwei and said in a full-fledged manner: “Ms. Bai Chuwei, on behalf of the archaeological community of China, thank you!

Everyone present: "...???"

Nima, what's the situation?

On behalf of the archaeological community in China, thank you Bai Chuwei?

This name is terribly big!

The sharp-eyed student suddenly exclaimed, "That seems to be not only the staff of the Imperial Capital Cultural Museum, but also the curator!"

All the students were confused, looking at the few people in front of them with a little confusion.

What did Bai Chuwei do? Can the director of the Imperial Capital Cultural Museum come in person?

What's more, people directly took out their mobile phones and took video shots. They had a hunch, this is definitely big news!

At this moment, the principal of the Imperial University who had received the news came from the office, followed by a few reporters from the journalism department who had already prepared, and smiled at the curator.

Some students were already impatient and shouted: "Principal, what is going on?"

The principal and the curator shook hands, grateful eyes fell on Bai Chuwei, and cleared his throat and said directly: "Bai Chuwei, an outstanding student of our school, has made a significant contribution to the entire Chinese archaeological community. She donated to the Imperial Capital Cultural Museum in her own name. Nearly a thousand famous historical paintings and calligraphy works! The value is more than 20 billion RMB!"

This was like a heavy bomb falling on everyone's ears, and it exploded directly!

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