Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 910: Make you the richest man in China within ten years

Once Teacher Shenxian made a move, it was definitely a good thing.

This idea is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and it has directly caused many netizens to start infinitely looking forward to what kind of New Year gift Bai Chuwei will give to the people of the whole country in the New Year!

Although it is winter, Bai Chuwei's dormitory bedroom always likes to open the window.

The man fell from the balcony and gently shook the snow particles off his body. His obsidian eyes looked inward, but he didn't see the figure he wanted to see. He asked in a deep voice, "Where did she go?"

Snowball was losing weight in the hamster running wheel, panting and said: "Seeing Zhou Ying is gone, Duan and Duan will save...? ? ? ’

Snowball opened his big blue eyes and was dumbfounded.

Man, gone?


Bai Chuwei saw that Zhou Ying had gone. Zhou Ying was a well-known real estate woman in China and had contacted him many times.

Duan Feihan put one hand in his suit pocket and looked at the front blankly, thinking of Bai Chuwei's second Weibo that caused a sensation, he had a strong premonition——

Bai Chuwei promised to accompany him back to the Spring Festival during the good Spring Festival and to release his pigeons.

Zhou Ying, who is Nana's best friend, still lives in He's house in Zhongzhou after the engagement banquet.

The He family has been in anger and anxiety recently. The bodyguards always report that monks frequently go to the dangerous peaks, and the monks have missed and hit Tianming Mountain, where the ancestral hall has been erected!

There are not only Chinese monks, but also blonde foreigners.

Had it not been known that the ancestors were still in Zhongzhou, Mrs. He and He Nana would be unable to sit still.

There are so many cultivators at home and abroad, it's because they are the No. 1 tyrant in Zhongzhou, they can't stop it!

So Zhou Ying lives in He's house, and she dare not touch their brows recently.

When I heard that Bai Chuwei had invited her to meet, Zhou Ying thought that Bai Chuwei was here to learn about the recent situation of the He family.

Unexpectedly, before Zhou Ying took the initiative to talk about the situation of the He family, Bai Chuwei took the lead: "Want to make money?"

Zhou Ying: "???"

Zhou Ying almost didn't react as soon as this inexplicable question came out.

Netizens all over the Internet praised Bai Chuwei for not caring about money. The 50 billion spent in the previous Chinese system was clean, and all were spent for China.

This time, Bai Chuwei opened the authorization for the winter homework, not taking any cents.

Bai Chuwei was named the woman who cares about money least in China.

Bai Chuwei chuckled at this. The ancestors really didn't care about money, because everyone would not be richer than her.

But... she will still make money.

Zhou Ying asked tentatively: "Miss Bai, you are asking me to talk about making money. It should be related to real estate, right?"

Bai Chuwei’s slender fingers touched the glass table with round fingertips and shiny fingernails. She bluntly said: “Take the dangerous peaks and mountains as the center coordinates and develop land around you. I guarantee you will become the richest woman in China within ten years. "

Bai Chuwei sighed slightly, if Hanhanfei hadn't been her Taoist companion, she would have made him the richest man.

Look, Hanhan, you missed another chance.

Zhou Ying: "!!!"

Damn! What the hell?

The richest woman in China?

These words irritated her dizzy. She quickly picked up the hot milk tea on the table and took a sip before she woke up.

"Miss Bai, isn't it? I heard," Zhou Ying lowered her voice, "I heard Nana and the others say that many outsiders came to the Xianfeng Mountains in Zhongzhou, and they used to fight there. The villagers were all scared away. Quite a lot."

And that is the mountains, the continuous mountains, surrounded by villagers.

That place, almost the least valuable place in the entire Zhongzhou land, now attracts so many monks, who dares to go there to develop?

This was Zhou Ying's first thought when she heard Bai Chuwei's words. How to make money from that piece of land? impossible!

She knows real estate better than anyone else.

The land in the city is very expensive, but the land in the rural villages... is really worthless, and the value of real estate development is not great.

Seeing Bai Chuwei's beautiful eyes, Zhou Ying suddenly remembered that when Bai Chuwei persuaded her not to bid for the land south of Haicheng, she would lose money.

At that time, I thought it was unbelievable, but the result was exactly as Bai Chuwei expected. Below is the emperor's tomb. Now I am going to repair the museum. Mr. Li, who was bidding at the time, was in miserable conditions.

Zhou Ying's expression was unpredictable, and she gradually became solemn: "Miss Bai, are you serious? That piece of land is really useful?"

Bai Chuwei did not answer and asked, "Where is the most expensive place in the country?"

Zhou Ying did not hesitate: "Emperor Capital!"

The corners of Bai Chuwei's lips curled up, and her tone was extremely determined: "Then the most expensive place in the country in the future will be there."

Once the seven-star dragon pulse formation is repaired, the surrounding area will be a blessed land of spiritual energy!

"So, are you really going to let me dove?" The man's low, low, and somewhat muffled voice suddenly rose from a distance.

Duan Feihan walked into the milk tea shop.

Bai Chuwei: "???"

When did she let him dove?

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