Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 911: It’s okay, it’s nice to be the richest man in the world

She seemed to accompany him back to Haicheng Duan's home for the New Year.

According to the signs of her arrangement now, it really doesn't seem to be the posture of going back to the New Year.

Duan Feihan lowered his eyelids slightly, his slender eyelashes seemed to drop a layer of gray.


At that moment, Bai Chuwei realized the joy of love between sisters and brothers. Little wolf dog and little milk dog did not like her big sister, including the ancestor who had lived for more than five thousand years!

What real estate, what Qixing dragon pulse formation, where is her little wolf dog important?

Bai Chuwei left Zhou Ying behind and grabbed Duan Feihan's hand: "Isn't it still new year? Me, my words must count!"

Duan Feihan's tone was uncertain: "Really?"

Bai Chuwei nodded frantically: "Really!"

Zhou Ying was so scared that she almost fell to the ground: "..."

Mr. Duan, this is not the case in your shopping malls. You are decisive. In business competition negotiations, a sharp look can scare the other party to throw away their helmets and armor. Do you want to use this little pitiful expression?

Sure enough, as powerful as Miss Bai, he couldn't stand this kind of man.

Little wolf dog is Gentle Town.

Bai Chuwei sat down with Duan Feihan and ordered a cup of milk tea for him.

Zhou Ying first greeted Duan Feihan, and turned her attention to Bai Chuwei tentatively, "Miss Bai, how much do you think the land around the dangerous peaks can increase?"

Bai Chuwei is sure: "Now the highest house price in the country has doubled. If you cooperate with me, I want 50%."

Zhou Ying took a sigh of relief when she heard this, damn!

The land price is terribly expensive now, can it be doubled? !

This is too scary.

If it is true as Bai Chuwei said, maybe...she will become the richest woman in China one day!

Zhou Ying's heart was pounding, but she hesitated.

The land next to the Xianfeng Mountain Group is much larger than that of the southern city of Haicheng. She will almost go bankrupt if she wants to start her hand. She has to mortgage all of her properties to the bank to eat the land.

This risk is too great.

If one fails, she will turn from a real estate superwoman to a street beggar.

Bai Chuwei didn't urge her, but took Duan Feihan leisurely and asked him if he thought the milk tea was good.

Duan Feihan frowned and commented: "It's too sweet."

Suddenly Zhou Ying slapped the table and shouted: "I did this vote!"

Zhou Ying didn’t know who Bai Chuwei was, nor was she very clear about the relationship between Bai Chuwei and her best friend He Nana, but He Nana had hinted at her that she followed Bai Chu [txt fiction] Wei, absolutely nothing. problem. Moreover, Bai Chuwei is looking for someone to cooperate, but also depends on the person, not all cats and dogs.

A girlfriend will never harm her.

Zhou Ying got up and said quickly: "Miss Bai, since time is running out, I will go back now to raise money and prepare to purchase the land."

Time is money, and one minute late may miss the big bills.

Zhou Ying took the bag and strode outside. When she walked to the door, she suddenly remembered something. She hurried back and settled the bill before leaving.

Bai Chuwei smiled at what he saw and lost. Some people just made money by hitting them. Zhou Ying has the courage and it will not be a problem to want to be rich in the future.

Bai Chuwei glanced at Duan Feihan, who was tasting milk tea.

Bai Chuwei said with a hint of sympathy: "Han Han, you see that you missed the opportunity, and you won't be the richest man in China in the future."

This opportunity was snatched by Zhou Ying! Heartache?

Duan Feihan's expression was as calm as ever, "It's okay, it's also nice to be the richest man in the world."

Bai Chuwei: "..."

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