Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 938: The girl riding on the beast looks like Bai Chuwei

"Boom boom——"

He Nana knocked on the door respectfully, but never heard a response. After hesitating for a while, she opened the bedroom door. The hamster Snowball, who was supposed to be sitting at the table, was gone, and even its handheld computer was gone. Gone.

A hint of surprise flashed in He Nana's eyes, and she said to herself: "Don't you let me prepare supper for it? Where?"

Xueqiu: ...I was forced to go abroad:)

It was stuffed in the pocket of a man's white windbreaker, perhaps because the body was too fat, and it was stuck in it and couldn't move. The cold night wind kept blowing on its white hair, and it was so cold that it exploded.

‘Let you come out, Master Snowball! ’

Xueqiu raised his head and stared at the man’s soft jaw, cursing: ‘You have the ability, don’t come while the ancestor is away, do you dare to come in front of her? ! ’

Wuming smiled and answered honestly: "No. If she is there, I won't be able to catch you."

Her strength is obvious to all. It is impossible to **** her only pet from under her nose.

Snowball wanted to slobber at the nameless.


He admitted so frankly!

It doesn't want to go abroad, why is it going to O State?

It likes to stay with its ancestors. Although the ancestors like to enslaved him to lose weight all day long, isn't it also fatter than thin? It has roundabout tactics.

Snowball was full of grief and indignation, and found that it had no way to struggle.

Xueqiu yelled: ‘Wait, the ancestor will know that I’m gone when I come back. Then she will come to find her favorite Xuebao. Wait for her to hang up and beat her. ’

Wuming touched its fat little head, as if to remind me: "She will only know when she comes back, you absconded in fear of sin."

Snowball: ‘...’

This one who kills a thousand swords comes prepared!

Suddenly Snowball became a little languid.

It messed up.

The ancestors confessed its mission, to open a live broadcast room in an underground forum, so that all monks should watch it with their own eyes, and foreign monks would dare to come to China to dig out the fate of the baby!

As a result, it made the matter known to everyone on the Internet.

Even ordinary people have seen the picture of the ancestor, and the appearance of the cloud swallowing beast is announced on the whole network.

It's cold.

It has been captured now, and the ancestors think 100% that it is "fearing sin and absconding", not only will not come to it, but will also wait for it to kneel back and admit its mistakes.


Snowball became angry and shouted at Wuming: ‘Why are you arresting your Xueye? Did you fall in love with Xue Ye's beauty? Still jealous that I can stay with my ancestors? ’

The nameless fell silent, as if it had been a century before he spoke:

"Yeah, I'm jealous."


That photo of a girl riding a beast was the hottest one on the Internet in these two days, and it was reprinted by countless public accounts. Even Western painters praised the artistic beauty.

Many mothers who are expecting to become pregnant hope that they can have a beautiful daughter like the girl in the photo.

Everyone just thinks this is a PS photo that was taken artificially and synthesized later.

Headlines of the day-

"It is reported that the recently circulated pictures of the girl riding the beast on the Internet are not composite photos, but real photos. According to Huaguo Zoology, the cloud swallowing beast may actually exist."

Internet crowd eating melons:? ? ? ?


What are you talking about?

This photo is not a composite, but a real photo?

The cloud swallowing beast is said to have the bloodline of the auspicious beast unicorn.

What's so...the cloud swallowing beasts all exist, don't tell us the people who eat melons, even the ancient unicorns existed thousands of years ago?

This is to verify that China has five thousand years of history?

We must know that although China has claimed that China has a history of 5,000 years, in fact, foreign countries recognize that China has a history of only 2,000 years.

And if the cloud swallowing beast really exists, this is an iron proof! It must be recognized internationally!

As soon as the news came out, netizens became more lively.

The cloud-swallowing beast's face value is not lower than that of the panda. Does it mean that they have a national treasure in China? ! !

At this moment, a Weibo was hotly discussed:

"Well, don't you think... the girl riding on the beast resembles Bai Chuwei? She wears white dresses, especially her shoes! It's hard proof."

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