Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 939: The sugar-coated cannonballs of capitalism will never get caught

In terms of who is the most popular on the entire network, if the top stars will definitely attract a group of ridicules, but if it is Bai Chuwei, no one dares to laugh at it.

Someone predicted that if Bai Chuwei went to live broadcast the goods, she would definitely create a sales miracle.

Many girls want to buy the same model of the fairy teacher, but it is a pity that Taobao can't do it, and can't copy it.

Even if it is copied, it will be seen at a glance.

Some time ago, some well-known embroidery descendants publicly declared that Bai Chuwei's outfits are very valuable, especially the embroidery work on her shoes, which is a lost ancient embroidery method, and it really cannot be imitated!

However, in this photo, there is no sense of disobedience in those shoes. Looking at the body proportions, it really fits Bai Chuwei.

[One more proof! The cloud swallowing beast came from Zhongzhou, and it is found in the mural in the tomb of Emperor Duanjing. Bai Chuwei is now in Zhongzhou. ]

[According to a friend of the archaeological team, Bai Chuwei has taken leave from the archaeological team these days. What's so special, did she take time off and ran to ride a beast? ]

[@白初薇, teacher Shenxian came out to clarify, or said that the person is really you? ]

Bai Chuwei... can't reply.

Even her endorsement mouse Xueqiu has now been forced to go abroad.

Xueqiu has lived on the mountain with his ancestors for twenty years, and this is really the first time he has gone abroad to Ozhou.

Xueqiu thought he was going to live a miserable life like a prisoner. Who knows that no celebrity is pretty good. Once back to the manor, he ordered the housekeeper to prepare food. Chinese cuisine and Western desserts almost filled the entire table.

Snowball swelled his cheeks, his white beard was stained with snow-white cream, and his mouth was still vaguely said:'You are a capitalist sugar-coated cannonball, and your master Xue will definitely not get caught... Uh, this Good times. ’

Snowball secretly looked at the young man not far away. Wuming was looking at the iPad with his head down. His side face looked very soft, far from Duan Zong's innate aura, like a brother next door.

If it weren't for it was just a male hamster, Xueqiu suspected that the man was engaging in the drama of the imprisoned heroine in the romance novel.

Seeing that he seemed to be unprepared, Snowball picked up a piece of cake on the table, climbed silently along the legs of the table, and carefully crawled toward the window.

"The night in Ozhou is not as peaceful as the night in China," Wuming said casually, sliding the posts on the underground forum, "There are not only superpowers, monks, but also kinsmen who like to be active at night, you must go. ?"

The snowball hair is blown up!

Threaten it?

Snowball threw away the piece of cake and immediately jumped onto the leather sofa next to Wuming, yelling fiercely, ‘what are you doing with me? ’

Wuming raised his head and smiled: "Seeing that you have been unable to transform yourself, how about I help you?"

Snowball squeaks and screams with his fat face, it doesn't need it!

It does not need to be transformed, it is good now.

It couldn't beat him again, and immediately stimulated him: ‘Do you know why the ancestors took Duan Zong to repair the dragon veins in Zhongzhou? ’

Wuming looked at the snowball in his spare time.

Snowball is triumphant, with a paw and fork's invisible waist, raising his chin is very rampant:'There are countless treasures in the Seven Star Dragon Vein Formation. Maybe this time, Duan Zong will be able to directly break through the realm of the spiritual house. At that time, we can make a bond with our ancestors. Bad intentions, wait to cry to death! ! ! ’

Wuming looked deeply at the canopy outside the window and chuckled, "Impossible."

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