Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 998: Although the ancestor is gone, she left homework

"Good walk, very good walk!" Baimao Xiaozheng Tai was lying on the balcony holding a telescope, exclaiming with excitement.

The ancestors are gone!

As soon as the old ancestor left, no one would force him to practice illusion. He and Duan Zongna had a very good comrade-in-arms relationship, and it was impossible to force him.

It was miserable that he was miserable, he was forcibly transformed by the nameless shameless thing, and now he can't be transformed back to his original form for a while!

This caused him to eat and live with his ancestors before, but now he can only live in the next room, which is really insecure.

The nameless dog is just envious and jealous of him.

Oh no, he is not a dog.

Snowball sapphire blue eyes are full of satisfying smiles. One million looks at him with a look of foolish eyes, ‘innocent. ’

Snowball's hair exploded on the spot: "? Stupid snake, who are you naive? Do you dare to say it again?"

As soon as the voice fell, the door was pushed open from the outside, Duan Feihan walked in from the outside, put down the suit casually, and pressed his palm on Snowball's head.

Suddenly the snowball didn't dare to move, with an ominous premonition.

Duan Feihan said concisely: "She asked me to teach you illusionism before she comes back."

Snowball: "???"

Damn it, the old ancestor is gone and left homework? ? ?

Xueqiu suddenly understood what the stupid snake just said "innocent" means, dare to feel that this stupid snake heard what they were talking about at the gate from the balcony...

I want to pull out its scales.

Xueqiu raised his head, seeing Duan Feihan's cold side face, shivering abruptly.

The Supervisor Duan is learning phantom art, and his life will definitely not be easy. Duan Feihan looked like the most strict and serious teaching director in the school!

Duan Feihan glanced at him: "Come here and start."

...It's cold.


The nanny car is not just as simple as picking up Bai Chuwei, Bai Chuwei asked the driver to change lanes and pick up Liu Zhen by the way.

Liu Zhen, a master of Chinese medicine, her Nth-generation disciple-grandson.

Call him, he will be much easier.

Liu Zhen also had many medical disciples, all of them called her over.

The Holy Doctor's Sect brought people, how could she just ask one person to set up the place?

The old ancestor, not only wants lee but also cannot lose face.

Liu Zhen was excited and touched. He didn't expect that he was so rude at the beginning. The ancestor master taught him the thirteen acupuncture methods in a dream regardless of his predecessors, and now he wants him to follow the TV.

He is much luckier than his master, he is a lucky goose.

Arrive at the destination, get off the bus to the study room.

In the "Super Brain Learning Ba" program group, everything else can be missing, but there will be absolutely no shortage of study rooms and libraries for contestants!

Bai Chuwei took Liu Zhenyi into the study room. When the few remaining contestants, Xueba saw Bai Chuwei, his eyes were bright like the highest wattage light bulbs, they were extremely enthusiastic, and they kept shouting "Teacher Immortal, Happy New Year."

Bai Chuwei laughed: "Happy New Year everyone."

"Give everyone some New Year gifts."

When several top school bullies heard this, their eyes brightened.

Bai Chuwei took out a few thread-bound books and posted one by herself.

The scalp numb with the photographer: "!!!"

Nima, a New Year gift for a book.

This is almost as effective as giving students a five-three.

This is left to the end, who is not the top schoolmaster who loves to read? I am satisfied with this gift.

The book is bound according to the ancient book line. There is no book title on the cover, let alone a publishing house. At first glance, Bai Chuwei printed it for learning.

A few Xueba were about to turn around and take a look, when suddenly a beautiful female voice came from outside: "Teacher Shenxian, she is the low-profile pirated product!"

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