Matriarch is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 999: Let me show you, my holy doctor is amazing

The twin sisters walked into the study room surrounded by a tall woman, and shouted like a complaint.

Several school tyrants who participated in the wild card competition, including the photography group, were all taken aback.

Why is this woman also called "Teacher Immortal"? ?

What does it mean to have low-profile pirated goods?

Bai Chuwei squinted her eyes slightly to look at the woman. Before she spoke, Liu Zhen was already furious:

"How do you talk to such a yellow-mouthed kid?"

Li Zhuer covered her lips and chuckled slightly. His sister Li Yuer snorted softly, and said sarcastically, "Yellow-mouthed child? It's not certain who is yellow-mouthed."

This little old man, talk to the monk about his age?

Not to mention their immortal master's age, thousands of years old, just they can let this low-match joint and everyone respectfully call them seniors.

Li Yuer was not polite, anyway, this is a recording, not a live broadcast, just don't broadcast the bad places.

Bai Chuwei patted Liu Zhen's shoulder lightly, motioning him to stop arguing.

Name collision is not terrible, who is embarrassed.

Who knows that the sisters are reluctant to forgive and caress their delicate faces one by one, which means obvious.

That **** snake broke their faces, isn't it as tender as a peeled egg now? No trace was left.

Just concede defeat and get Tunyun out!

Bai Chuwei's forehead twitched fiercely by these two disfigured but still unaware girls. In order to avoid her hot eyes, she diverted her eyes and looked at Bai Wuyou.

Bai Chuwei looked at the counterfeit, and a smile appeared on her face unconsciously.

It's so interesting, the ancestors have not seen such an interesting thing for a long time.

Small things, illusion is well learned, but women don't pretend to be like.

Bai Wuyou always felt that the girl's eyes could see through everything, and subconsciously did not look at Bai Chuwei.

The atmosphere is subtle.

These schoolmasters are not only easy to use their brains, but also their emotional intelligence is not low. When they see this situation, they laugh at the end and call their teachers in unison.

A total of eight contestants participated in the resurrection match, divided into two teams for team pk, and only two resurrected in the end.

There was a rare opportunity, and a few students were struggling to compete for those two seats.

As soon as they heard the group, everyone looked at Bai Chuwei.

That posture, obviously wanted to follow Bai Chuwei's team.

Although I have never heard of the achievements of the Shenxian teacher in medical skills, the idea of ​​"following Bai Chuwei to eat meat" has become popular.

Following the fairy teacher, the chance of resurrection should be greater, right?

The two sisters had never received such treatment before, and immediately blushed.

This group of people is also embarrassed to say that they are the top academic bully of the outside world? Do you have eyes? Can you look down on their orthodoxy?

Do you know what kind of medical school they are?

Do you know that the president of Haicheng Hospital, ranked in the top five of Huaguo Hospital, was once the most ordinary and ordinary young disciple of their sage doctor?

"Just show you, my holy doctor is amazing!"

Li Yu'er was so angry that he took out a knife from his pocket and frightened everyone. Why is this?

Li Yuer took a knife and cut through her palm on the spot, and a drop of blood flowed down her palm, which was quite dazzling on the white marble tiles!

Li Zhuer took some medicine out of her bag and applied it to the wound on her palm, almost at a speed that was visible to the naked eye, and the blood stopped it.

Everyone was amazed, and Bai Chuwei smiled and complained: "Aren't you X Nanbaiyao?"

Twin sisters: "..."

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