May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 96: :There is no reason to hate the guy who desperately wants to live...

   "Hey, where are you going to sneak away?" Yue Yong leaned in the corridor and said.

"Huh?" Jiang Cheng turned his head and said a little depressed, "Could you not be like me sneaking out and stealing fishy? I walked out of the room openly, why did you sneak out in your mouth? Did you watch some **** TV series again?"

   "Honorable ghost! Look at your outfit!" Yueyong vomited.

   At this time, Jiang Cheng is wearing a doll bear.

"It's not because of your subordinates that caused me to sleep insecure..." Jiang Cheng sighed and took off his headgear. "Wake up in the middle of the night and see a few pairs of shiny eyes. Try that feeling! I'm almost scared to pee, okay!"

   "Isn't it simple? Isn't it enough to have one or two shots with them?" Yueyong said casually, "You seem to be that kind of casual man anyway."

"Here is a ghost! How many people do you have in your Baihua do not know?! I will die if one person comes and one shot! Who else is that kind of casual man?!" Jiang Cheng cried loudly, " Can you please take care of them?! They are your subordinates, OK!"

Yue Yong hummed a laugh, and then said: "Who said yesterday [When you were away, I was lying on Miss Baihua’s lap while playing games and being fed~], how come I start to dislike my subordinates now? Up?"

   "That's their conspiracy! Absolute conspiracy! I want to train me to be a trash otaku! When I lose my resistance, take the opportunity to take me [Beep—]!"

"Who would **** your dirty stuff!" Yueyong retorted, but in the end he was relieved. "When you go out, remember not to talk nonsense. Recently, many shogunate spies have appeared in Yoshihara. If they know that Fengxian is no longer there. If you do, it will be a matter of time before you start here."

   "What about the other side? That spring rain." Jiang Cheng asked.

   "I don't know, originally they rarely contacted them when Fengxian was still there, so for the time being, they probably don't know the fact that Fengxian is no longer there."

   "This way..." Jiang Cheng put on his headgear and turned around, "Then I will go out~"

   Just finished speaking, Jiang Cheng heard a mess of footsteps and instantly stood against the wall.

   "The leader, Jiang Chengsama is missing!" A Baihua member said to Yue Yong in a panic.

   "Ah, I see." Yue Yong glanced at Jiang Cheng who was standing against the wall, and replied casually, "I'll go outside to look for it."

   "We have to go too!"

   "No, you stay at Yoshihara! Don't be self-willed!" Yueyong replied.

   "Okay... Okay." The members of Baihua could only obey the orders.

   "Hey, why is there a bear there?" a Baihua member pointed to Jiang Cheng and asked.



   "Sama Jiang is preparing for a surprise at this time?"

   "Ahem!" Yue Yong coughed twice, "This is just a performance tool that Haruta needs to use in the private school. I was walking in a hurry in the morning. Haruta forgot to take it, so I asked him to send it over."

   "It’s making people happy~ I thought Sama Jiang likes this~"

"This is the kind!" Yueyong scolded, "Don't think about the things that are not there anymore! Where has your enthusiasm for work gone?! Don't you know what is happening in Yoshihara recently?! Work quickly. go with!"


   Then, Yue Yong dragged the doll bear on the side and walked outside.


   "Hey, it's already out." Yue Yong looked at the doll lying on the floor and reminded.

   "Huh~" Jiang Cheng took off his headgear, took a greedily breath of fresh air, and then looked at Yueyong, "Thank you Yueyue~"

   "Hmph, I'm not helping you," Yue Yong snorted coldly, "I just think that letting you stay at home will affect Baihua's enthusiasm for work."

   "It makes sense!" Jiang Cheng nodded, and then looked at Yue Yong with clear eyes, "Then let me go and give each other freedom~"

   "Yes," Yueyong said casually, "as long as you compensate for the damaged items at the original price."

"Didn't that mean I didn't say it!" Jiang Cheng curled his lips. "And that was not caused by me alone! Isn't there a part of Boss Fengxian and Yin Shi? Why didn't you just hold me alone? Put it there?"

   "Isn't it okay to refuse if I hate it?" Yueyong continued, "Isn't it all right to say what I hate them? I believe they won't pester you anymore."

   "Don't say something useless for yourself, I didn't say I hate them." Jiang Cheng stood up and stripped off his disguise and said.

   "Isn't it annoying?"

   "I don't hate guys who want to live hard, no matter what their status." Jiang Cheng said and walked straight in a certain direction.

   Looking at Jiang Cheng’s straight back, Yue Yong was lost in thought...



   "Have you not found it yet?" Fourteen asked.

   "Don't worry, the defense is very tight, I believe the day of arresting Gui is not far away." Sougo replied, "It's only a matter of time before that guy shows his tail."

   "It's just that way."

   "Kui's foot is injured, and he can't escape." Sougo noticed the shocked eyes of the fourteen on the side, and then asked, "What's wrong?"

   "It's nothing, it's just a little accidental." Fourteen replied, "This may be the first time I have seen you work so seriously."

"You surprised me, Tufangsan," Sougo said, looking at the string of mayonnaise in Fourteen's hand, "except you, there won't be a second creature to put this kind of thing on the balls. ."

   "Really?" Fourteen didn't care at all, and directly put the mayonnaise-coated **** into his mouth. After eating one, he looked at Sougo, "Are you eating? It's really delicious."

   "Thank you for your kind intentions, I still count..." Sougo was about to get up, but at this moment, Jiang Cheng's voice came.

"Ah la la, no wonder the Zhenxuan team didn't find you, Zong Wu Jun~" Jiang Cheng walked over and said, "And it doesn't seem to be slipping orangutans, what is this? Your new pet ?"

   "Who do you say is a pet?!" Fourteen roared.

   "Hey, how can I give pets this kind of food? It will affect the brain's ability to respond~" Jiang Cheng said deliberately.

   "No way, he likes to eat that kind of dog food. I can't manage it anymore. I can't help it." Zongwu sighed back.

   "You two want to die!" Fourteen roared.

   "Speaking of which the boss is asking me for anything?" Sogo asked.

   "Didn't you tell me to lend you some games yesterday?" Jiang Cheng said as he took out a stack of game CDs from his arms, "These are all pretty good."

   "Oh, thank you boss," Sougo took the CD and said.

   "It doesn't matter, in this case, as long as you practice harder, the hit rate will definitely become higher." Jiang Cheng said casually.

"What are you two talking about? What hit rate?" After saying that, Fourteen looked at Zou Wu and said solemnly, "You are not a person who likes to play games? Don't lose your mind, or you will cut my belly! Shidao If you don’t have enough, please cut my belly!"

   "This is this one, which is very helpful for practicing moving targets." Jiang Cheng pointed to the top CD and said.

   "Hey? Really?"

   "Would you like me to show you something?" Jiang Cheng put away his umbrella and faced the fourteenth.

   "Did you two **** really listen to people talking?!" Fourteen directly exploded, "Why do you want to demonstrate against me?!"

   "There is no other reference nearby, and only Liu Haijun can be seen..."

   "You can't practice if you don't practice to others?!" Fourteen frantically spit out, "Can you still not call me by that name?! Do you know what is super rude?!"

   "I see! Sorry! Liu Haijun!"

   "There is no attitude of apologizing at all!" After the complaint, the tone of fourteen changed, "If you are under my hand, I must have solved it long ago."

   "The same goes for Liu Haijun. If I were under my control, there would be no more mayonnaise that had been squeezed by Yoshiwara's girls a long time ago."

   "That's it!" Sougo looked like this, "The earthwork mulberry drank too much mayonnaise, so all the mayonnaise sprayed from that place!"

   "It turns out to be so big!" Fourteen roared, UU reading "How is it possible! Even if you eat a lot of mayonnaise, it is impossible to shoot mayonnaise!"

"Tsk tusk tusk, this may be true," Jiang Cheng looked like a person who came over, "There is so much mayonnaise deposited in the body, maybe even the blood is mayonnaise, maybe the whole body has mutated. You might as well be as early as possible. Go to the hospital for a check. Otherwise, you will regret it after your future wife gave birth to three bottles of mayonnaise! What will you do then?! Is it to endure the grief and eat the triplets?! Can you? Do I have to go down?!"

   "How could that happen!" Fourteen retorted, "And why are triplets!"

   After speaking, Fourteen again ate a ball with mayonnaise.

   "It's really amazing, the man who can be eaten by his own children is worthy of being the deputy chief of the ghost~" Jiang Chengcou whispered in Sougo's ear.

   "It's the vice-chief of ghost after all~" Sougo sighed lightly, "I can hear the screams of Tokuro's screams~ But Tokusan doesn't care at all~"

   "I heard you all! And why did you name my son without authorization!"

"You're wrong~ Sougo-kun, that was not the screams of Shizuro, but the screams of Shizuro." Jiang Cheng corrected, but the tone really made Shichigo come. The fire gets bigger.

   But at this moment, the cry of a doll suddenly sounded, which shocked Fourteen.

"what happened?!"

"It seems that you have heard it too. That's right, that's the cry of the last Shichiro! I was scared to cry because I saw my two brothers were put into my mouth by you!" Jiang Cheng nodded and explained Tao.


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