May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 98: :Children need to be coaxed!

   "I am~ I am~ Ka, Fuji, Ken~ Samba!..." Kagura sang along with the TV while dancing.

Jiang Cheng glanced at Xin Ba Chi and Luo Luo Fang, who were sitting on the sidelines, and then at the Sun Wheel and Moon Wing on the other side. He narrowed his eyes and asked, "Why are they here? Here? I remember that I only invited Kagura-chan? Is there something wrong with my memory?"

   "Of course it is crowded and lively during the New Year." The sun wheel on the side said with a smile.

   "Never mind them," Jiang Cheng sighed, then looked at Gui and Elizabeth who were sitting on the other side, "Why is he here too?! I don't remember I invited them!!"

   Elizabeth held up a wooden sign with the words [Sincere and fearful, thank you for the invitation. 】

"I came when I received your text message!" Gui said, "I knew that Jiang Cheng would never forget us! After all, he was once the trump card of our organization! What's wrong? Now I want to rejoin our big family. Already? It's a bit late, but I won't mind it!"

"I never remember that I sent you that kind of thing! And I never remember when it was your trump card in your organization! What's the matter with that posture?! Why is it like being in my own home?! Why do you look like a master?! What about your barbarian activities? Aren't you going to create a new dawn in Japan?!" Jiang Cheng roared.

   "There are a lot of things like dawn, but!" Gui's expression became more solemn, "This year's New Year is only once! It's rare to have a chance to follow..."

   "Shut up, you!" Jiang Guo interrupted Gui's speech.

   "Because I saw the two of them squatting tremblingly at the door of Yoshihara, so..." Yueyong stopped talking.

   "No need! You don't need to pick up this kind of thing at home! You can't die!"

"It's reasonable. It's not the Yueyong Hall where you can pick up everything. If there are bacteria, it will cause a lot of trouble to the human body." Gui nodded and said, "Especially if there are children like this at home. A fragile life form, children are very fragile. The immune system has not yet formed. If you contract some disease, it will be terrible. Also, Captain, why didn’t Dingchun Temple come? I’m the meat ball of Dingchun Temple. I've been looking forward to it for a long time!"

   "Oh, Dingchun is still at home..." Kagura replied.

   "Can you listen to people's words? Don't you have any consciousness?! You are the one who was picked up!" Jiang Cheng spit out frantically.

   "Why don't you see Yin Shi?" Gui said, picking up dishes from the table.

   "It seems to be going out to buy a bound book of jump, but it's really slow to talk about it," Xin Baji explained with a light sigh, "Could it be that I have encountered an accident and amnesia?"

   "Where is 80% and the young girl [fixed]," A Miao said with a face full of nothingness, "Don't worry about him..."

Afterwards, Ah Miao looked at the sun wheel, "Thank you for the invitation. It's been a long time since such a lively New Year. Last time when my father was still alive, I sat on the quilt with Xin Jiang enthusiastically and watched. Hong Bai Ge will eat hot pot..."

"Are you disgusting that I don't have a kotatsu here? Why do you make a regretful expression, saying that it is better to be in your house here? Hello!" Jiang Cheng vomited expressionlessly, "Also, there is the kotatsu. How can something for the poor appear in my house? There is floor heating here! It won't be cold anymore! Don't you feel that your **** is hot?"

   "Talking to girls about ass, Jiang Chengsang is really a frivolous man~" A Miao blushed and sipped.

   "Don't make that expression! I'm just telling the truth!"

   "Really! It's incredible! I feel like my chrysanthemums are getting hot into it! Is this high-tech?! It's almost like an automatic flushing toilet!" Gui said in surprise.

"Did your senses pass Santuchuan first? How do you feel the heat drilling into the chrysanthemum? What is it like? Don't let strange pictures flash in my mind! There are still three futures here. Adulthood is good!" Jiang Cheng spit out loudly, with blue veins bursting out of his suffocated face.

"But Yoshihara is similar to Akihabara where I am, but it seems that the scenery here is much better than Akihabara." Katsura continued, remembering the barely dressed tour that can be seen everywhere on the road. Ladies, and the scenery of white flowers that they can see when they lower their heads when they pull themselves...

Seeing Gui, who was suffering from a nosebleed, Jiang Cheng was really helpless. "I said you are too. You are so innocent as a middle school student at such an age. I don't know what to say about you. Obviously, the interest is like that." With that said, Jiang Cheng took out a few coupons, with a picture of a villain in revealing clothes painted on it, and it said people [Beep——] and familiar [Beep——].

   "This is also a New Year's gift." Jiang Cheng said and handed Gui the coupon.

   "Are you insulting the samurai?!" Gui shouted loudly and stood up, drew out his sword and cut the coupon in Jiang Cheng's hand to pieces, "I like NTR only!"

   "You are insulting a samurai! How can a samurai like that kind of thing?! Is it really okay to expose one's habit in this kind of occasion?!" Xin Bajia vomited.

   "This is what you don't want. Don't blame me for not giving you anything in the future, and these are the last two, and I have sent them all who begged him." Jiang Cheng didn't care, and said casually.

   "Hey?! Really?!" Gui said in shock, and then sat down again and fell into depression, surrounded by shadows.

   "Don't you still want it in the end?! Then why do you want to look like [I'm not that kind of person at all]!" Xin Ba Hao said again.

"There are also new eight chicks, because I don't know which type the new eight chicks like, so I prepared the royal sister and the maid. I like that kind of casual..." Jiang Cheng took out a few coupons again from his arms. But before he finished speaking, he was torn to pieces by Ah Miaoduo.

Looking at Ah Miao who was smiling and squinting, Jiang Cheng swallowed his saliva and said, "If you want to tear the one, tear the other one. Tearing paper is also a good way to relieve pressure. For example, candidates who just finished the exam will always tear it. Lost books and test papers and the like. Isn't the new eight-jaw also a lot of pressure at work?"

  New Eight: "……"

   "I'm sorry, New Eight..." Jiang Cheng whispered.

   "It's okay..." Xin Baji said quickly, "Speaking of Haruta-kun, it seems that Haruta-kun has prepared a show for everyone~ Haruta-kun~"

   "The show? What to perform? Is there a boulder in my chest? If it is, I can barely take a look." Jiang Cheng said casually.

   "Who would perform that kind of stuff?! Do you want me to die?! Do you want to be dyed red with blood?!" Qing Tai retorted with a small face upwards.

   "Isn't it good? Isn't the color red that comes to mind during the New Year?" Jiang Cheng replied.

   "It's not that kind of thing anymore! Swordsmanship! Swordsmanship!" Harita yelled, raising his face.

   "Swordsmanship? When did you learn that kind of stuff?" Jiang Cheng asked in confusion.

   "Or you sent me there, okay?! Are you amnesia?!"

   "Really?" Jiang Cheng was shocked.

   "Are you the only fish in the memory?" Qing Tai was completely defeated, "Anyway, I just want to show my training results in front of my mother, so that Jiang Cheng will look at everyone!"

   "I think it's impressive? How to shave? Is the third quarter of eye exercises?" Jiang Cheng said casually.

   "Swordsmanship? I remember back then that we were also in the same dojo..." Gui nodded and said with emotion, but was interrupted by Jiang Cheng before he finished speaking.

   "Shut up, wig."

   "It's not a wig, it's Gui!" Gui retorted.

   "Anything like that is okay~" Jiang Cheng said impatiently with his ears out, and then looked at Haruta, "Shall we play a game?"

   "Game?" Haru was too puzzled.

   "Well, as long as you can touch the corner of my clothes with your swordsmanship, your pocket money for the next year is multiplied by two." Jiang Cheng nodded and said casually.

   "Really?!" Harita said in surprise.

   Jiang Cheng nodded.

   "Then you can't use weapons!" Qing is too confident, "New Starling said that I am the most talented student! Now I feel that I am really super!"

   "That's just because you are the only student!" Jiang Cheng vomited, "Yes, as long as I can touch the corner of my clothes. It does not matter if I sprinkle my own blood on me."

   "Don't be so horrible!" Xin Baji spit out, and looked at Haruta encouragingly, "Come on! Haruta!"

   "Yes! Take out the aura of our paradise!" Ah Miao answered.


   The whole room was cleared out. Jiang Cheng and Haruta were opposed to One was Jiang Cheng who was carelessly stuck in his pocket, and the other was the confident Harita. Of course there is a group of viewers.

   "I haven't seen this kind of scene for many years." Gui smiled and said softly.

   "What are you talking about? Guisang?" Xin Ba Hao asked in confusion.

   "Nothing." As he said, Gui also looked at the two who were ready to go.

   A Miao stood between the two and acted as the referee.

   "Then, let's start!" After Ah Miao shouted, she took two steps back. Haruta rushed to Jiang Cheng impatiently.

   Jiang Cheng turned a blind eye and was still lazy, as if he didn't pay attention to Harita at all.

   got it! Harita thought. Just touch the clothes! Although Jiang Cheng looks very strong, but... just touching the clothes is very simple!

   Thinking about it, Haruta swung down the bamboo sword...

   But the result often does not change with people's thoughts. Jiang Cheng, who was still in front of Harita just now, disappeared in an instant. Harita hadn't reacted yet, Jiang Cheng had already appeared behind Harita and raised his fist.

   With a clear knocking sound, the competition is over.

   The crowd onlookers looked at Qing, who had sunk into the floor and lost consciousness, was too speechless.

   Jiang Cheng stretched his waist and clapped his hands, "Yo Xi, the warm-up exercise is over! I felt uncomfortable just now, but I felt my whole body stretched after this punch~"

   "Don't use such a cruel hand!" Xin Ba Ji was the first to react and vomit, "Should not treat children more as encouragement?!"

   "Encourage? What to encourage?" Jiang Cheng asked in confusion.

   "Haruta-kun has made a lot of progress, okay! Every day off has serious training! Shouldn't you be an adult at this time to praise his efforts?!"


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