May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 100: : Nothing to do with courtesy-to steal or steal. This principle has to be...

   In a certain restaurant.

   Katsura smiled and said softly to the four people across from the seat, "What's wrong? Don't you want to eat? Don't worry about the money, I'll take it today."

Jiang Cheng sniffed the food on the table, then glanced at Gui weirdly, and finally sighed, "Kagura sauce, Xin Ba Hao, you two can eat. Don't worry, you two will pay for the meal. I'll be fine."

   Kagura/New Eight: "It's great!"

   "Then I..." Gin Shizuo drooled and pointed to the fruit parfait in front of him.

   "It doesn't matter." Jiang Chenggong replied decisively.

   "It is indeed the trump card in our organization!" Gui moved, "Use your own funds to fill the lack of funds in the organization! I am so touched!"

"I moved your head," Jiang Cheng said blankly. "Nothing to show your courtesy is to steal. Do you think I don't understand this truth? How many times have you invited customers since childhood? Don't you have any points in your heart? Even if you are forced to entertain guests, you disappear every time you check out. Don’t you remember how you got the title of Otaro Kotaro?!"

   "Is Kotaro's escape from a single escape? Does this name come from?!" Xin Baji spit out while eating.

   "What's the matter with that smiling expression? That expression is definitely an expression of intention!" Jiang Cheng nodded, holding his hands.

   "That's right, it's definitely an expression that wants to say something unlucky again." Yin Shi said without looking up.

   "No need to be so suspicious." Gui said with a chuckle.

"It's not weird who makes that look in this work. It's weird just because of you." Jiang Cheng answered, and at the same time picked up the braised pork rice bowl in front of him, "Miss waiter, let's have another thirty copies." Braised pork with rice."

   "It's our organization..." Before Katie finished speaking, Jiang Cheng punched him expressionlessly.

"You shut up!" Jiang Cheng spit out while eating. "Every time you talk about so much nonsense, the readers will be aesthetically tired, and why did you also appear today? You played for three consecutive days, right? Why? You have so many scenes this week? It's so disgusting!"

   "What I'm talking about later is something else!" Xin Bajia vomited.

"Don't you feel annoying? How many days is it now?" Jiang Cheng raised his head and looked at Xin Ba Ha, somewhat helplessly, then continued, "Don't you think his presence has squeezed all of your scenes down? I doubt it. Did he make some kind of unknown transaction with the author."

   "Ahahahaha!" Gui wiped his nosebleeds and then sat down again, haha ​​laughed, "You are too slow! This week was originally [Gui Strengthening Week]!"

"Strengthen your stature!" Yin Shishi yelled, "I haven't played for four days, okay! All thanks to you, okay? Show me the title of this work, oh soul! "Gintama", in other words, "It may be the true Gintama"! It is about the same as "Gintama"! In other words, I am still the protagonist!"

   "There is no such an appointment, right?" Jiang Cheng retorted with his voice, "Show me a good introduction to the work, it's so soulful!"

"What can I do!" Gui said as two lines of tears and nasal mucus flowed down at the same time, "In the original book, every word can show up in OP and ED, but what about here? There is no such thing at all! I have worked very hard too!"

   "Don't worry, wig, these words you said will be deleted. Don't worry." Jiang Cheng said with a smile.

   "It's not a wig, it's Gui!" Gui's voice increased by an octave.

   "Yo Xi, are you full, you two?" Jiang Cheng looked at the Kagura and Xin Bajia on the side.

   "Hiccup~" Kagura hiccups, rubbing his belly with one hand as if he is about to be on a pan, and picking his teeth with the other hand unscrupulously, "Reluctantly...really force Aru."

"It's just enough to eat! How much did you eat!" Xin Ba Hao spit out frantically, and then said bitterly in the same posture, "Kagura-chan, others should be more reserved when they entertain guests, and say thank you anyway. , You know? Thank you, Jiang Chengsang!"

   "Is this Aru? Thank you, uncle."

   "Then we're full, let's leave here." Jiang Cheng said as he got up first, he was about to go to the counter to check out.

   But just after taking two steps, I felt something was wrong.

   "My belly..." Jiang Cheng felt a tumult in his stomach, then looked at Gui, gritted his teeth and said, "You are so pale! You dare to yin on me!"

   "My belly..." Shin Baji and Kagura also covered their belly at the same time, with painful expressions on their faces.

   "So, you guys are too tender when you are holding bad water in your wig, but you will do whatever you can!" Gintoki nodded and said, holding his hand.

   "Hey, what are you shaking?" Xin Baji looked at the trembling silver, "Aren't you also trying to hold back?! In the end, didn't you eat too?!"

"Ahahaha, even you can't smell it, this colorless and odorless powerful laxative! It took me a lot of work to get it from a genius inventor! It cost me three whole classes Vouchers!"

   Ignoring Gui's ridicule and chatter, Jiang Cheng and the four rushed to the restroom of the restaurant at the same time.

   Someone! Someone! There are still people!

   The three of Jiang Cheng, Yin Shi and Xin Ba Ji are almost at their last moments!

At this time, Gui Youyou walked into the men’s bathroom and laughed loudly: "Don’t worry! The men’s bathroom with a radius of ten kilometers is occupied by my people! If you want to use the toilet, please be obedient! Today your chrysanthemums My destiny is in my hands!"

   "Would you like to go to the women's toilet?" After a long time, Yin Shi slowly said such a sentence.

   Jiangcheng/New Eight: "……"

   "There is no other way. I believe readers will forgive us." Yin Shishi continued tremblingly.

   "No! Absolutely not! I will definitely be treated as a perverted alarm!" Xin Ba Hao resolutely refused.

   "Do you want to pull it in your pants or sit on the toilet? Make a decision! New Eight!" Gin Shiki said solemnly.

   "Because there is no other way, so as the protagonist, I agree with Yinshi's suggestion!" After a short period of thought, Jiang Cheng came to his own conclusion.

   "Silver sauce... Uncle..." Kagura's painful voice came from the door of the men's toilet, "Are there any seats...Aru..."

   Hearing this, Jiang Cheng and Yinshi still had the expressions of New Baji as if they had been struck by lightning.

"Do you think I didn't think about it in advance?!" Gui Hun laughed and continued, "Whether it is a men's toilet or a women's toilet, even all the alleys within a radius of ten miles are occupied by me! Even wild **** is impossible. Sa! Make the decision! Whether to pull it in your pants or sit on the toilet! It depends on your choice!"

   "Why are you waiting for us! Fake-hair!" ×4

"Not a wig is Gui!"


   The trio of Jiang Cheng and Wanshiwu all sat on the seats of the restaurant again with the expressions of being hollowed out and resembling zombies.

"Then come and listen to my demands now," Gui sat opposite, nodded and said with some emotion, "Everything is that I am too stupid. It is not at all that I took Elizabeth by my side all the time and was tied by the shogunate. strange."

   The trio of Jiang Cheng and Wanshiwu still sat blankly, no one spoke, as if they hadn't heard at all.

"A villain named Jintaro Motoyama pursues it. He is a lustful **** who can do everything for money corruption and bribery. Sooner or later, Elizabeth's head will not be kept! So, please! Jiang Cheng, Yin Shi! If it were the two of you If you do, it will definitely help me rescue Elizabeth!" Gui exclaimed excitedly.

   "Gui Sang...Before that," Xin Ba Hao raised his head, although he was smiling, he was still in tears, "Can you find us some clean clothes? Would it be better for us to take a bath?"

   Gui: "…………"


   A ninja-themed restaurant where the little monkey works.

   "Huh? Sneak into the office?" The little ape asked in doubt while holding the tray.

   "This guy said he was going, so he wouldn't listen to any advice." Gintoki shook his finger and pointed at the opposite Katsura, "Aren't you a ninja? You should be good at this, right? Please."

"Please? What the **** do you want me to do?" As he said, Xiao Yuan lifted his eyes and looked at Yin, "Also, when did you change clothes? Just like you just picked it in a clothing store? It doesn't fit your At this time, the three of Jiang Cheng and Yinshi are wearing sportswear just bought from the clothing store. As for the bath, they may have been washed.

   "No, I just think it's good to change the style occasionally. I wanted to try this kind of sportswear a long time ago, isn't it, Jiang Cheng?" Yin Shi scratched his head and said with a smile.

   "That's right! I've always tried it before! It's like that...that, isn't there in some works? We want to try that too, do you think, Yin Shi!"

   "Hey?" Yin Shi could only bite the bullet and continued, "Yes! That's it! We occasionally want to change the style and try that!"

   "That? What is that? Is there any sportswear?" Xiao Yuan asked puzzled.

   "Don't worry about that much! Anyway, help him become a ninja!" Gin Shiki skipped the topic decisively and pointed to Gui.

   "Are you underestimating our ninja?" Xiao Yuan replied.

   But Yin Shi did not listen at all, but suggested to Gui, who was on the side, "In any case, start by imitating her, and remember to add [Dog Zalu] at the end of the sentence! Wig!"

   "It's not a wig, it's Guigou Zalu!"

   "The two of you really don't understand ninjas at all. To the extent that you want to learn ninjas is simply idiotic dreams." Jiang Cheng said with a sneer.

   "You, Masaka!" Little Ape was a little unbelievable, "Do you know the meaning of ninjas?!"

"Of course," Jiang Chengli nodded as he should, and said, "The first thing you should learn about the so-called ninja is... from feeling the chakra! Come, wig, join me with careful attention, and feel the feeling from you. That trace of energy produced in the depths of the body!"


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