May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 108: : Both a man and a dog. If you don’t see each other in 3 days, you will be too big to

   Opened the window and raised his head to look at the dazzling sun. Jiang Cheng stretched out, "It's another good weather~ Then, it's decided! Today, I must clear the new game I bought yesterday!"

   While talking, Jiang Cheng walked to the computer and sat down and took out the newly bought game disc. But before Jiang Cheng could call the computer, the phone on the side vibrated twice.

"Oh, it turned out to be Kagura sauce, what's the matter?" Jiang Cheng replied casually by pressing the answer button, and then added: "But my uncle really has no money. I have bought all the money for this month. It's a game. If you have pocket money, you can only wait for next month."

   "It's not that, Aru!" Kagura replied in another sentence, "Dingchun, it has become very strange!"

   "Strange?" Jiang Cheng puzzled, "If you are sick, quickly send to the veterinary hospital. You must have eaten something weird. So, you must pay attention to raising a dog~"

   "It's not that!" Kagura's anxious voice came from the other end, "Dingchun seems to have grown up!"

   "Growing up? Did you mean it!!" Jiang Chenggong thought of a scene about the resurrection of all things in spring, and he also thought of the strange words Kagura said...

"I know! In short, let's sterilize it first! This situation is normal! Although knowing that it may be unfair to Dingchun, there are many benefits to sterilizing the dog! Now let's put the pillow at home first. Hide things like that, otherwise it would be very dangerous for Dingchun’s size! Take it out for a run first, and get rid of its excitement. I will come right away! Let Yin Shi put it The money for sterilization is ready!"

   "I understand Aru!" Kagura hung up after speaking.


   House of Everything.

   "What are you doing? What did Jiang Chengsang say?" Xin Baji asked blankly as he looked at Kagura, who was rummaging through the cabinet and hiding his pillows.

"My uncle said to put away the pillows and everything at home, and said that the dog looks like this is very normal Aru." Kagura said as he cleaned up, "Finally, he said that Yinjiang will be ready for the given spring sterilization. Money."

   "Hey, what did you tell him?" Xin Baji asked with a black face.

   "Just tell the truth, Dingchun is a little weird and then grows up Aru." Kagura wiped the sweat from his face, "Hoo~Finally put all the pillows away~"

"That's not what I mean! No, it's not that you said it wrong, but that he understood it wrong!" Xin Ba Hao roared, "Is he only thinking of that kind of thing in his head?! What he thought was [Long] Is it the kind of [grow up]?!"

   "Huh? Isn't it Aru?"

   "Of course not!" Xin Ba Chi pointed to Dingchun, which had been magnified several times, "Although the two kinds of [grow up] are in the physiological sense, they are not the same thing at all!"

   Just when the two began to quarrel, Dingchun lowered his head and held both of them in his mouth. And at this time, Yin Shi who had been drinking outside all night came back...

"Hey... I'm back..." Yin Shi opened the door, staggered into the house, took off his shoes and lay down directly in the hallway, "Yin Sang is back... Ah, it's really disgusting... Yes. No one has ever brought me a cup of strawberry milk...Σ_(???」∠)Oh..."

   "What? Haven't you gotten up yet?" Gintoki murmured, "What a bunch of slackers..."

With that said, Yin Shi slowly crawled into the living room and opened the door of the living room, "Hey, strawberry cow...milk..." Just now, Yin Shi noticed that something was wrong, Kagura and Shinbachi’s upper body. Still in the huge mouth of Dingchun.

"What's the matter? It seems that I still drink too much..." Yin Shi wiped his eyes. "Why Dingchun looks much bigger than usual... Hey, Xin Ba Ha, don't drill your head around, here's I'll bring a glass of strawberry milk..."

After    finished, Yin Shi lay down again.

   "What nonsense are you talking about in broad daylight?! Don't look at the current situation!" Xin Ba Ji and Kagura simultaneously opened Dingchun's mouth and shouted at Yin Shi.

   "Dingchun...Dingchun suddenly grew up in Aru overnight! Get the money for sterilization!" Kagura shouted.

   "That's not what I said! Don't just believe what Jiang Chengsang said! If you talk about sterilization, you have to ask Dingchun's opinion!" Xin Ba Hao said loudly.

"You guys are too noisy... I don't agree with such things as sterilization. Don't look at the experts who say that sterilization is good for dogs. Why don't they cut off their own two? Meatballs?" Yin Shi muttered.

   "Look up your head for me! It's not the case at all! It's not the kind of growth that I'm talking about! I'm talking about body shape, body shape!" Xin Ba Hao cursed with a burst of green veins.

   "Body size? So don't worry about it. Men and dogs are both. If you don't see each other in two or three days, you will be too big to know each other." Yin Shishi replied casually.

   "You will never speak with a bull's head and a horse's mouth. You are destined to be a waste of life!!"

   Xin Ba Ji just finished speaking, Dingchun used a little force, and closed his mouth again...



"I'm here..." Jiang Cheng yelled and walked directly into the House of Everything, and said as he walked, "Before the operation, please comfort Dingchun. After all, this is also for its good. After all, find one with Dingchun. It’s also very difficult for a **** of the same size..."

   said, Jiang Cheng has already arrived in the living room. I saw that Kagura was feeding Dingchun strawberry milk in an oversized pot. Looking at Dingchun, who was several times larger, Jiang Chengcai finally understood that he had misunderstood.

"Ah, Jiang Chengsang, you are here!" Xin Ba Hao said in surprise, "Let's take a look at Dingchun! Didn't you say that Dingchun is a brow god? Do you know this kind of dog well? Dingchun What is going on with it becoming so big overnight?"

"How do I know? I just know its type, and I don't know the rest at all." Jiang Cheng sighed and walked to Dingchun, "Maybe the God of Browsing is this kind of creature, that can grow up overnight. Kind of. This is nothing unusual."

   "Yeah," Yin Shi nodded his head to express understanding, "just like a boy, he will get incredible growth overnight."

   "That's right." Jiang Cheng also nodded.

   "That's right! What you are talking about is just psychological growth!" Xin Ba Hao frantically complained, "This is physical growth! It's completely different from what you said!"

   "But it's okay," Kagura raised his head and said with a smile, "Even if he grows bigger, his personality will not change. Dingchun still likes strawberry milk the most~"

   "But why did it happen like this? I thought Jiang Chengsang could give us an explanation." Xin Ba Ji sighed while sitting aside.

   "I'm not an animal expert... Don't count on me for everything."

   "You must have allowed it to take in calcium indiscriminately, but don't underestimate the calcium," said Yin Shih and took a sip of strawberry milk. "As long as you take in calcium well, everything will go smoothly!"

   "What's going on with you..." Xin Ba Ji glanced at Yin Shi Tucao, and then looked at Dingchun, "Now the important thing is the solution. They have grown up so big..."

   "I thought of two possibilities..." Jiang Cheng frowned and analyzed.

   "Two kinds?!" Xin Ba Ji was a little surprised, "Two possibilities were analyzed in a short time!"

"Well," Jiang Cheng raised his head and replied solemnly, "The first one is natural evolution, perhaps this unique evolution method for dogs. It's the same as the Digimon next door, but depending on this situation, it is possible for ordinary evolution. Be more sexual."

"Hey?! Is this work like this?!" Xin Ba Hao stood up in shock, "Are we going to enter the digital world to save this world?! Are we also the selected children? ?!"

   "How could it be possible!" Yin Shizuo exclaimed.

   "If it's not, then there is only the second possibility," Jiang Cheng said again, and then raised his head with a serious expression, "Do you know [Pim particles]?"

   "Pim particles?! Isn't that the setting in "Ant-Man"? You mean..."

Without waiting for the new eight haws to finish Jiang Cheng nodded and continued to analyze, "Maybe it was because he swallowed... Ant-Man's DVD while walking the dog. That's why it became like this. !"

"Why did it become like this when you swallowed a DVD! I thought you were going to say you swallowed Pim particles!" Xin Ba Hao couldn't help but vomit, "Don't just use other people's settings! You will be accused of infringement Right!"

   "Don't worry about this! The rushing street author has already conducted a wave of PY transactions with a few writers who write Digimon doujin and several authors who write Marvel doujin! There will be no problem!"

   "There is no meaning at all, okay!" Xin Ba Hao cursed, "If you want to trade, you must at least trade with the original! Isn't this still an infringement?!"

"What's the use of you telling me?" Jiang Cheng waved his hand and said casually, "The fact that fanfiction does not constitute infringement is inherently ambiguous. Some say infringement, some say not infringement, and none at all. Affirmative statement. Besides, don’t forget, this work is also a fan work..."

   New Eight: "…………"


"Don't worry, Xin Ba Hao, this kind of time should be..." Speaking of this, Yin Shi took out a small dog-head-shaped screen, or translator, from his arms, "I'm afraid of it." [Wang Wang Dialogue Machine]~"

   "As long as you use this, you can convert the dog's barking into language." Yin Shi explained with a translator.

"Hey, are you coming too?! What's the matter with a Doraemon pose?! Also, when did you get such a convenient machine!" With so many words in one breath, it seems Shinpachi Haw's Tucao skills are good again. Seeing this scene, Jiang Cheng showed a look of relief.


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