May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 109: : It is essential to promote the development of the plot, but can you not...

"Don't worry about that much, Jiang Cheng is right. If this is the case, I will copy it later... When you learn from other works, you don't need to add [BEEP——] such a muffler or switch to homophony? This is not the case. Is it convenient?" Yin Shi replied casually, and then shook the translator in his hand, "And don't underestimate this thing, it was exchanged for edamame with the uncle next to him when I was drinking yesterday."

"Do you believe in 100% suspicious things?! There is also that kind of copyright awareness that you can change as soon as possible! This attitude will cause trouble when I go back to the "Gintama" crew! There will be more in January next year. The theater version is going to be released!" Xin Ba Hao said again.

   "Suga, it turns out there is something like this..." Gin Shiki murmured, "I thought it was over..."

   "It's over! It's only eleven days, OK! It will be officially released on January 8th, 2021! How can your attitude be!" Xin Baji exclaimed.

"Somehow, add [Japan]! Otherwise, it will mislead the audience! Imagine if on January 8th, Chinese audiences who have watched this chapter went to their local movie theater but could not see the Gintama theater version. What will be the result of the screening?!" Yin Shi corrected.

   "Hey? I thought that China and Japan were in theaters simultaneously..." Xinbaji was a little shocked.

   "According to the usual urine quality, it should be shown in summer or autumn." Jiang Cheng said casually, but the unpleasantness in his tone can be felt.

   "What's the matter? Your attitude? What's the matter with that unhappy attitude?" Xin Bajia looked speechless, "Is it expressing dissatisfaction for the Chinese audience..."

   "Nothing..." Jiang stopped the topic, and looked at Dingchun again. "The most important thing now is to figure out why Dingchun became like this?"

   "It makes sense, so let's try this." With that, Yin Shi stood up and walked to Dingchun with the translator, "Maybe I can figure out the reason for the change."

   "Dingchun, why are you so big?" Yin Shi said to Dingchun, but after waiting for a few seconds, Dingchun still did not move, Yin Shi was anxious, "Hurry up and call twice!"

   said, Yin Shi slapped Dingchun.

   "Wang!" Dingchun stretched out his paw and slapped Yin Shi back, but with a completely different strength, Yin Shi was slapped directly.

   Jiang Cheng picked up the knocked-out translator, and saw it read: [It hurts! Be careful, I go to the Animal Protection Association to sue you! Bastard! ! 】

   "It's pretty accurate." Xin Baji leaned his head to take a look and said.

   "Asshole! How dare you treat the master like this!" Yin Shishi got up and wiped his nosebleed, and cursed.

   "Hmm, I will be the next one!" Kagura said confidently, "I have always loved Dingchun, so it must be fine!"

   Talking, Kagura walked to Dingchun and said confidently, "Dingchun, let me say a few words of thanks for my usual greetings and care, Alu."


   "Appeared!" Jiang Cheng looked at the text on the translator and muttered: "[You are the seventh, popular vote on jump]..."

   "Asshole! Why do you say this!" Kagura exploded in an instant, but was stopped by Xin Baji.

"Calm down! Kagura-chan! I'm only eighth!" With that, Xin Ba Hao walked towards Dingchun, "There is no way, after all, I am the one who takes care of Dingchun the most! Dingchun, you will listen to me. Right?"


   Jiang Cheng glanced at the translator again: [I usually observe you as a person. With all due respect, no matter who is stupid, your attitude of making complaints is worthy of recognition, but you are too deep in it! There is a tendency to forget your own character. After all, your character is that you are an idol and nothing but an otaku. It's a sad character. 】

"It's so dark!" Xin Ba Haw roared with a black face, "I'm obviously covered in white hair, but there is a super black belly inside! And it's too long! Is there so much meaning to scream?! What can I say? Stop complaining!"

"Don't mind so much, I think it's pretty accurate," Jiang Cheng said casually, and then walked towards Dingchun with a refreshing smile, "Dingchun, what's wrong with you? What's wrong with eating? Something?"

   I saw Dingchun curl his legs slowly and knelt down, "Wow!"

  【Please don't eat me! please! 】

   "Hey! Am I that scary?!" Jiang Cheng scolded angrily, "When did I say I would eat you! This translator is just a waste!"

   Talking, Jiang Cheng and the four people from Wanshiwu stepped on the translator, but the quality of this small translator is really good, and it hasn't been stepped on for a few minutes...

   But at this moment, the translator once again displayed a paragraph of text: [ painful...]

"Hmph, I knew it," Jiang Cheng snorted, "The translator with a computer chip, but it's the so-called artificial intelligence. It was made up just now! How could there be something like a translator... …"

   "That's right, now I know to beg for mercy?" Yin Shi squatted down and said to the translator, "Why didn't you know to beg for mercy when we were playing us just now? But it's really high-end, even a small translator knows it hurts..."

  Yinshi hadn't finished speaking, everyone felt the floor shaking. Jiang Cheng turned his head alone to search for the source of the vibration. At this look, Jiang Cheng was stunned...

【help me……】

   "Help me?" Kagura said with an unhappy expression, "It's just a machine, Aru! Did you step on it just now? Is it [BEEP——]?!"

   "Isn't it!" Jiang Cheng shouted, and turned the three of them's faces away, "Look at Dingchun! It has evolved again!"

  At this time, the Wanshiwu trio found out that Dingchun had grown up again... it had already broken the house... its head was stretched out...

   "This is..." Jiang Cheng murmured, "Perhaps it is already in a super-evolutionary state, and it is still far from ultimate evolution..."

   "It's not this!" ×3


"Probably it can only do this first..." Jiang Cheng looked at the broken house of everything that had been destroyed, "Anyway, let it stay on top. There is no way today. Kagura will go to me first. No one can live in such a house."

   "Don't Aru!" Kagura resolutely refused, "I want to accompany Dingchun!"

"I know you want to accompany it, but you can't always do this, right? This kind of house cannot be accommodated, and I will transport it back to Yoshihara at night. After all, such a meeting will cause trouble to the people around." Jiang Cheng Murmured, "It happens that Yoshihara is expanding. I will let Yueyong choose a place for it to make a nest. If it is underground, so many people will not notice it."

   "No! I don't want to separate from Dingchun!" Kagura refused again, "and it will definitely return to normal! I believe it Aru!"

   "Although I don't want you to touch the ground like Yoshihara, there is no way now. In short, let's go with Dingchun..." In the end, Jiang Cheng could only say that.

"Yosi! I'm ready!" Gin Shiki was carrying a large bag and a small bag, looking like he was ready to set off. "Should you leave now? This is really troublesome. It seems that the [All Things House A Gin] in Kabukicho wants Disappeared, but Yoshihara’s [All Things House A Gin] is about to be born!"

   "You are headed off! When did I invite you?!" Jiang Cheng roared, "Just stay here honestly!"

   "No! The House of Everything is always a trinity! Wherever Kagura is, we are there! Please! Brother-in-law!" Gin Shiki said with a serious face.

   "Who is your brother-in-law! Don't yell at me! Do you think Sister Jiang Hua will fall in love with a man like you?!"

   "I think at least, I'm much handsomer than that bald guy..." Gin Shiki said with a pose.

   "Such words..." Kagura squeezed his chin and carefully analyzed a certain bald man and the silver hour in front of him.

   "Don't analyze it! It makes no sense at all!" Jiang Cheng shouted again.


   In the end, under the insistence of Kagura, Jiang Cheng could only give up. Of course, Jiang Cheng returned to Yoshihara after looking at the House of All Things to make sure that it would not collapse suddenly.

   Dingchun just filled up the living room, and Yinshi’s bedroom and Kagura’s bedroom were not damaged. There is no problem living temporarily.

   Jiang Cheng also thinks that Dingchun will change back, but how long it will take is not sure.

   But Jiang Cheng felt a throbbing in Dingchun, and he could restrain his throbbing. In other words, Dingchun was definitely related to Dragon Vessel or Altana!

   Jiang Cheng actually knew that he was a variant of Altana. When he first met Jiang Hua, Jiang Cheng had always remembered what Jiang Hua said. During those years of growing up, Jiang Cheng also gradually understood what kind of existence he was. Although it has never been revealed.



   "What's the matter?" Yueyong asked, pointing to the TV.

   News about Dingchun is being broadcast on TV.

   "I don't know, maybe I ate something that shouldn't be eaten." Jiang Cheng replied casually.

   "What kind of food can grow so big!"

   "Even if you ask me, I don't know," Jiang Cheng waved his hand, and then looked at the TV. "But even if it becomes that look, they never thought of giving it up~"


   The next day, rainy day, everything is house.

   Kagura sits on top of She uses her small umbrella to cover Dingchun from the rain.

   "Sorry, the umbrella is too small..." Kagura touched Dingchun's head, "But, even if Dingchun becomes too big, I will protect Dingchun's Aru! Understand?"


   But suddenly, a stone hit Dingchun's head, and Dingchun groaned in pain.

   "Dingchun!" Kagura shouted, only then did Kagura notice that a group of passersby or neighbors were throwing rocks towards Dingchun.

   "The monster, get me out of this street!"

   "What are you doing?!" Kagura jumped down and stopped in front of Dingchun, "Be careful, I go to the Animal Protection Association to sue you Aru!"

   "What animal!"

   "That's a monster at all, a monster!"

   Several passers-by shouted while throwing rocks.

   "Stop! Dingchun is just a little bigger, but its gentleness is just as big!" Kagura yelled after blocking the stone with an umbrella.

   "Kill that kind of monster!"

   a passerby shouted, and the others continued to curse and throw stones as if they had been beaten with blood.

   Seeing that a stone was about to hit Kagura, it was suddenly blocked.

   "Hey, I said you guys, you don't need to be so old-fashioned to promote the development of the plot, right?" Jiang Cheng put away the umbrella and looked upset.

   "Uncle! Hurry up and help Dingchun say a few words Alu!"

   "No way," Jiang Cheng sighed and shouted at the bottom, "You almost got it, even the voice actors are rubbish. I will take it away in a while, don't be annoying here. Otherwise..."

   "I will show you what a real [monster] is!"

  Looking at Jiang Cheng’s face of Heshan, several passers-by swallowed their saliva and ran away quickly...


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