May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 112: : Don't underestimate 300 yuan, the soul is light!

   Kabukicho, smile bar.

  "Welcome~This guest, please~" the waiter greeted Jiang Cheng enthusiastically.

"It looks no different from Yoshihara," Jiang Cheng followed the waiter to the shop, glanced around and muttered, "It's really unnecessary to say thank you, why do you have to let me come here? local?"

   "Ah! You!" Ayin, who was in the deck on the side, was exchanging cups with guests, inadvertently caught a glimpse of Jiang Cheng, and said in shock, "Why are you here?!"

"Who are you? Do you know me?" Jiang Cheng scratched his head and was a little confused, but then suddenly realized something, and sighed earnestly, "This is not good, this way of soliciting customers is really too old-fashioned. Be an acquaintance or something."

   "Do you think I'm accusing you?!" Ah Yin was a little mad, "I just met a few days ago, OK!"

   "Huh? Really?" Jiang Cheng scratched his head again, then immediately put on an apologetic smile and said, "I'm really sorry, I am blind to women of average body and character."

   "What do you mean?! Does it mean that I am not in good shape and have no personality?! You are weak in spirit!" Ayin said desperately.

   "Unexpectedly, your judgment of yourself is quite accurate, this is the advantage! It seems that you are not useless! Bellflower!" Jiang Cheng nodded and said.

   "Who do you say is Kikyo! Can you remember other people's names clearly! Are you here to watch my jokes?! You come to see my jokes because the money is cheated by you?!"

   "I don't know what you're talking about, it's just that I was asked..." Jiang Cheng dug out his ear and said casually.

   "Can the women of Yoshiwara still not satisfy you?" Ain sneered and then mocked, "I also go to such a place for fun."

   "Guest, who do you name?" the waiter on the side asked.

   "Miss A Miao," Jiang Cheng replied.

   A Yin looked at Ah Miao who was running towards Jiang Cheng with a smile on his face. The whole person was not well.

   "Jiang Chengsang, here~" Ah Miao yelled at Jiang Cheng while trotting.

   "Is it really okay? I really don't have any money..." Jiang Cheng was a little embarrassed, "This month's funds have all been bought into games..."

   "It's okay, I wanted to thank you for taking care of Xinjiang, how could it make you spend money~" A Miao waved her hand and smiled, "By the way, Miss Yueyong didn't come?"

   "Ah, Baihua still has some things to deal with. She said she will come later." Jiang Cheng replied.

   He sighed with relief when he heard Jiang Cheng’s words, and at the same time he thought to himself: [Scared to death, I almost thought it was the woman who yin to me, I didn’t think I was a pauper~]

   So, Ah Yin's hanging heart was let go again, and he continued to accompany the guests around him to exchange cups.


   "Does it really matter?" Jiang Cheng sat on the deck, always a little cautious, and a little unsure in his heart.

"It doesn't matter, you can drink whatever you want. You don't need to pay for it today." A Miao replied with a smile, "And I heard from Xin Jiang that Jiang Chengsang seems to only drink Chinese wine, and the store just introduced a batch of Chinese wine. What about white wine~"

"Really?" Jiang Cheng said uncertainly, and picked up the wine list, "Flying Moutai. Wuliangye. Feitian Moutai is mixed with Wuliangye, Wuliangye is mixed with Feitian Moutai, Danfeitian Moutai is mixed with Feitian Moutai, Dan Wuliangye is mixed with Wuliangye. This What are they all about?"

   "Isn't it your favorite Chinese wine?" Ah Miao was always smiling.

"These are a bit expensive, isn't Ms. A Miao already very rigid? Is it really okay to order such an expensive one?" Jiang Cheng asked a little uncertainly, "Actually, my ordinary Chinese wine is fine. This kind of expensive It’s really unnecessary."

   "Even at this time, I still think of me..." Ah Miao wiped the corner of her eyes moved, and then complained, "It really doesn't matter, it's our great benefactor, after all, what's the point?"

   "Speaking of great benefactors, it's actually nothing..." Jiang Cheng scratched his head a little embarrassed, after all, he didn't remember when he became A Miao's great benefactor.

   "Don't worry, your friends will pay for today's consumption!" Ah Miao said with a smile.

   "Friend?" Jiang Cheng was a little confused.

   "Yes~" As he said, Ah Miao looked in the direction of the door, "Isn't that here?"

   "Who?" Jiang Cheng also followed Ah Miao's line of sight, a somewhat familiar silver-haired natural curl and a familiar madao.


   "Is it here, right? It's right here, right?" Hasegawa glanced around, unsure.

   "It looks very expensive here, is that okay?" Yin Shizou thought as he walked.

   "Ah! You are not from the House of Everything..." A Yin looked up and saw Yin Shi who was looking around.

   "Oh, isn't this the shrine maiden who doesn't admit it without being cheeky?" Gintoki said casually.

   "You said who lost and don't admit it! Wasn't you the first to shout for a refund?!" Ah Yin stood up and didn't fight, "and why are you here?"

   "I have an appointment with an acquaintance..."

   "Guest, who do you name?" the waiter on the side asked.

   "Miss A Miao." Yin Shi turned his head and turned back.

   once again looked at Ah Miao who was smiling and came running, finally Ah Yin realized that he had been tricked! [That shameless woman! Actually find someone to be a guest! Not only that Yoshihara's, but also these two! I'm really careless! I'm really out of mind! 】

   Thinking of this, Ah Yin picked up his phone and rushed out, [Asshole! It's too late to remedy it now! They are not like rich people! Even the man from Yoshihara said he didn't bring a penny! I am sure I can win! 】


   "Oh, are you here at Yinshi?" Jiang Cheng said hello, and then poured himself a glass of wine, to be precise, a bottle of Wuliangye in the name of Yinshi.

"Now you can feel at ease, don't worry about being deducted if you don't have any money." The moment Yin Shixuan's heart was relieved when he saw Jiang Cheng, and then sat down, "It seems that I can have a drink today. Go! Hasegawa-san, sit down too."

   "What are you talking about?" After Jiang Cheng finished a drink, he turned his head to Yin Shi and wondered, "Didn't you tell me about your treat? I didn't bring a penny with you~"

In an instant, Yinshi's face turned black, and he looked at the bottle of Chinese liquor on the table that looked quite expensive, "Qiaodou sacks...a treat? I treat? When did Yinsang say such a treat?! "

   "Miss A Miao said," Jiang Cheng said of course, and then said with a slight emotion, "I can't imagine that I can still drink the wine you invited~ I didn't expect it~ Since childhood, the guests you have invited are very few."

   "That said, the bottle of wine..."

"Well, of course it was called in your name." Jiang Cheng replied without thinking, "I really appreciate it. I wanted to order some cheap Chinese wine, but there seems to be only these two kinds of Chinese wine in this store. It really cost you money~"

   "Just take the liberty to ask, how much is this bottle?"

   "It seems to be fifty thousand yen," Jiang Sung replied, "this is the cheaper one, and the other one seems to cost fifty one thousand yen, but I saved you money~"

"If you want to save me money, can you just order it! Is it necessary to save that yen?!" Gintoki roared, "Do you think I am a big money like yours?! Normally, drinking shochu has to be increased by half. Water!"

   "There is no way, who can let there be no other wine here," Jiang Cheng waved his hand and said helplessly.

"Speaking of which, brother, the alcohol you drink is really high..." Hasegawa on the side was not polite, and he poured himself a glass and took a sip, "But it was unexpectedly good. Thank you Yinsang. You even invited us to drink such high-class wine!"

   "I never said to invite you to drink! Don't talk to yourself like that!" Gin Shiki said angrily.

   "I see," Jiang Cheng sighed, his tone sighed, "Then, I will help you out a little too, this is my last private money."

   "Oh! I have forgotten that you have the habit of hiding money!" Yin Shizuo was surprised, "Then please..."

I haven’t said the word Cheng has already taken off both shoes, took out the few remaining steel pegs and put them in Yin Shi’s hands, “Don’t thank me, who will let me Am I so kind?"

   "I don't need the kindness of three hundred yuan anymore!"

   "What are you talking about? Three hundred yuan is enough to buy a jump! Are you looking down on three hundred yuan?!"

   "This is the money for wine just now," Ah Miao drew all the money from her wallet and handed it to the waiter.

   "You..." Yin Shi was a little unbelievable, and murmured, "I can't think of someone who can understand Yin Sang my wallet."

   "Remember to write Sakata Ginshi on the invoice." Ah Miao said the second half.

"No, it was you who paid the bill. What is my name written in the invoice..." Yin Shi suddenly found that the wallet in A Miao's hand was a bit familiar. It seemed to be the same brand as his old wallet, and Yin Shi was careful He glanced at him, "Isn't that my wallet?! When did you take it away?!"

   "Huh? Didn't you just hand it to me?" Ah Miao asked in confusion.

"When did I hand it to you!" Yin Shi yelled, and took his wallet back, opened his wallet and took a look, "All my money... earned by playing small steel **** for two days. The money... all is gone!!!"

   "Isn't it?" Ah Miao continued, "You just sat there with your arms wide open. People saw it by accident and thought you did it on purpose~"

   "Who did it deliberately! That's not the case at all!" Gin Shizuo went crazy, "and why don't you grab a bottle of 50,000 yen for a bottle of wine!"

   "It's alright, Ginsan," Hasegawa persuaded, "Anyway, the degree is so high, it's good for shochu, and if you pair it with water, this bottle is enough, and you don't need additional consumption."


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