May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 113: : [Drinking white wine] is not the same thing as [White drinking wine]!

   "Just this time!" Yin Shi's face was full of ferociousness, as if his heart was dripping with blood, "Thank you, give me a bucket of water!"

   "What do you want a bucket of water for?" Jiang Cheng, who was blowing the bottle, put down the empty bottle and wondered.

"Have you drunk it yet?!!!" Yin Shi's whole body was not well, and he yelled at Jiang Cheng's collar, "This is the wine bought with my money! Your kid drank all of it! Me! I haven't even drank a bite!!!"

   "Hey? I remember Yinshi you don't like to drink Chinese wine?" Jiang Cheng pretended to be puzzled.

   "It doesn't matter whether you like it or not! It's just because I bought it with my money! My money!"

   "Your money!" Jiang Cheng said in shock, and then looked at Yin with grateful expression, "Unexpectedly you would invite me to drink such expensive wine..."

   "Do you only have seven seconds of memory?! Are you a fish?! Don't pretend to be a fool, OK!"


   "Hey, it's really bad luck... I haven't drank a glass of wine, and the whole wallet is empty..." Yin Shi said with his head down and lost.

   "Does it matter? Those are just things outside of the body." A Miao on the side comforted.

"Things outside?" Yin Shi raised his head and sent one away. "That is something outside of your body to you, but to Yinsang, that is all my property! I was planted in Jiang Cheng's hands last time, no Thinking of planting in his hands again within a few days, I am really a hopeless idiot!!"

   "Unexpectedly, your positioning of yourself has been so accurate. Congratulations, Yin Shi." Jiang Cheng applauded first.

"Don't let me see your face! I'm super hot now!" Yin Shih roared, and then looked at A Miao aside with contempt and teased, "After spending so much money, what service is there? Is it okay to touch your **** or something?"

   Just finished speaking, A Miao smiled and gave Yin Shi an elbow. At this time, Yin Shi did not dare to talk nonsense, picked up the napkin on the table and wiped his nosebleed.

   "Just kidding, instead of touching your poor buttocks, I might as well knead the dough..." Yin Shizi curled his mouth and said brokenly.

   "Is that so?" As she watched the nosebleeds flow to the silver that couldn't stop, Ah Miao looked contemptuously, "It's really annoying to see people start to get a nosebleed."

   "This person is not so strong. I forgot what happened two or three seconds ago..." Yin Shi spit out silently, "It's exactly the same as the soul of a seven-second memory..."

   "It's really an interesting guest, so let's have something to drink first~" Ah Miao skipped the topic with a smile, "There is Champagne King, Champagne King, Super Champagne..."

   (ps: Winter Paley, a very expensive champagne, a certain treasure is about more than one thousand yuan.)

   "Shochu with water." Gin Shizuo replied decisively, "I only have enough to drink this now."

   "I understand," Nodded, Ah Miao shouted at the waiter on the side, "Please have a glass of Champagne King!"

   "Can anyone help me find a translator!" Yin Shi decisively raised his hand for help.

   "Champagne King? I really miss it~" Hasegawa sighed with emotion, "I used to drink often when I stayed at the shogunate, but now I can't touch it. It's better to have some cheap ones, such as beer..."

   While talking, Hasegawa picked up the wine list on the side and turned to the first page. The first page was the Chinese wine Jiang Cheng just opened. "Is the first page Chinese wine?"

   "No! The kind of expensive and super high alcohol liquor is fine!" Yin Shi shook his head decisively, ignoring the dissatisfaction expressed by Jiang Cheng.

"That's what I said, look at the others," he said, Hasegawa turned to the second page, "Champagne King, Champagne King Light Champagne King, non-beer Champagne King, Champagne King, only Champagne King, OK? Of course Want the King of Champagne, hurry up, King of Champagne, ah, what exactly is King of Champagne, I am already at a loss, King of Champagne, fragrance..."

   "Only the King of Champagne!!" Both Yin Shi and Hasegawa were all ill at once.

   "Black shop! This is definitely a black shop!" Gin Shizuku reminded Hasegawa in his ear.

   "How can I say that, Miao, how could she..." Hasegawa replied.

   "But, what is [Champagne King and Champagne King]? How can it be diluted like this! I can't be diluted when I am in a bad mood!" Yin Shig retorted.

   "Yin Sang," A Miao said with a shy face sitting on the deck, "I haven't had Champagne King for a long time, I really want to drink~"

   "People are too~" Jiang Cheng has to learn, "People want to drink too~"

"Champagne King, you're so big! What is it? I haven't drunk it for a long time, I haven't drunk it at all!" Yin Shi yelled, then looked at Jiang Cheng, "Why are you drinking that kind of thing?! I want to take this shop apart Yet?!"

   "When you didn't think of Silver, you cared about me so much," Jiang Cheng covered his face and sobbed twice, then raised his head slightly, "Then two more bottles of Wuliangye!"

"I don't need that anymore! By the way, can you really drink the difference between white wine?!" Yin Shi frenzied, and then whispered in Jiang Cheng's ear to remind, "Did you not notice that this is a black shop? Maybe it’s only 50,000 yen a bottle of wine? Let’s withdraw it first. I remember that you used to like a Chinese liquor called Erguotou? I can buy you that!"

   "Who do you look down on? Yin Shi!" Jiang Cheng snorted, and continued arrogantly, "I'm a man who has tasted Chinese liquor all over! I can tell whether it is a strong flavor or a delicate flavor!"

(Ps: The author has a leader who loves to drink, and he knows the brand of wine as long as he smells it. Unlike me, any liquor only smells of alcohol. The key is that the leader pulls me on as long as he drinks... …)

   "It's useless to say this here!" Yin Shi was mad again.

   And A Liang, who had been sitting on the side from the beginning, also began to attack Hasegawa frantically.

   "Hasegawa's sunglasses, sunglasses, and sun glasses, they seem to match the champagne king superbly." A Liang said with a smile.

   "Perry? (Speaking)?" Hasegawa, who listened to words, was a little uncomfortable. "That's abnormal, isn't it?! And you just praised my sunglasses for a long time!"

Afterwards, watching A Miao and A Liang who were brainwashing Ginseng and Hasegawa, Jiang Cheng sighed and got up and walked to the nearby deck. If Jiang Cheng has any skills that can get a full score in the test, then he can only drink Baijiu] and 【Baijiu】. Of course [Bai Drinking] This skill was also tailored by Yin Shi according to Jiang Cheng's characteristics and passed on to Jiang Cheng.

   "Beauty, is there anyone here?" Jiang Cheng showed a refreshing smile and said to the two pretty young ladies who were drinking with the guests.

   "No!" The two young ladies replied decisively, and flew out the previous guest.

   "Then can I sit here?" Jiang Cheng asked again, still with the refreshing smile on his face.

   "Of course!" The two little sisters pulled Jiang Cheng into the seat one by one.

   In fact, the trick that Yin Shi gave to Jiang Cheng is very simple. First, the expression must be refreshing and the eyes must be sincere. Then, coax these women to obediently pay out for themselves to buy alcohol and drink.


   "Hey, didn't you find one missing?" Yin Shi reminded.

   "So...Where did Jiang Chengsang go?" Ah Miao noticed that Jiang Cheng was missing.

   "Miao, look there..." A Liang said, pointing in a certain direction.

"That's..." As he said, Ah Miao looked over, and saw Jiang Cheng joking and laughing with the two young ladies beside him while drinking, "Does that guy treat this place as another store?" Such as the Cowherd Store?"


   "Hey, why are you dragging me back? I finally mixed up with the wine." Jiang Cheng grumbled with a look of reluctance.

   "It's not a real man to coax a woman to buy herself a drink in the pub, it's just a scum." A Miao said, squinting.

   Seeing Awona exuding a dangerous smile, Jiang Cheng swallowed his saliva and quickly explained: "That is what Yinshi taught me! At first I was very resistant!"

   "Really?" Ah Miao kept smiling and turned her head to Gin Shi.

"No way, who made it poorer at that time," Yin Shi said casually, without noticing the inexplicable arrogance burning on Ah Miao. "Is there anything wrong with using his conditions to drink free wine? "

   "Unexpectedly, there is a real scum here~" Ah Miao said while raising her fist...


   Just when Yin Shi screamed, a louder cheer sounded than Yin Shi screamed.

"Wow!! It's Mr. Asong!" A crowd of escorts around the entrance of Duke Songping cheered You are really here~ I am so happy~" I rushed in front of Duke Matsubei, and then took Duke Matsubei by the arm, "I'm sorry~ I disturbed you at work~"

   "That kind of meeting doesn't matter, Edo will not perish anyway," Matsubira spit out a smoke ring, and then said, "Uncle here, I will perish."

   "Ah~ I am so happy~" Ayin said a little.

   Jiang Sung and Eun Si who saw this scene were defeated by this witch.

   "That's Master Matsudaira!" A Liang said, "That uncle is a famous sex, and it's so fun to play!"

   "That's it..." Jiang Cheng murmured, "but I always feel familiar... as if I've seen it somewhere..."

   "Hey? Is that Jiang Chengsang's acquaintance?" Ah Miao covered her mouth, a little surprised.

   "Oh! I remember it!" Jiang Cheng remembered the last time in the amusement park, "That was the uncle who played shooting games together at that time!"

   "Shooting game?" Gin Shiki squinted at Jiang Cheng, and fell into a dream. After all, there are many types of shooting games, especially with the man-specific gun he brought, "You..."

"Don't worry, it's just a pure shooting game. It's definitely not the kind of lustful game you thought of, or a killer game." Jiang Geng interrupted Yin Shi's fantasy, "I'm really happy, at that time~ Let me help kill my daughter’s boyfriend or something~"

"Hey, how come it has become a criminal case again! Didn't you say it was a game just now?! What the **** did you guys do for others!" Gintoki cursed, "And, isn't that uncle from the Police Agency? How could I ask you for something like this?!"


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