May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 114: : No matter what industry competition is very fierce!

"Actually, I understand that uncle's mood very well," Jiang Cheng shook his head and continued, "Think about it carefully, if it is you, if you have your own family and a daughter in the future, but !"

Jiang Cheng's voice increased a bit, "One day your Kawaii daughter brought a gangster full of holes to the house when you announced your relationship? How did you feel when the gangster was full of holes? How did you feel when you called your father or mother?!"

   "Kill him!" Gintoki and Hasegawa spoke out first. By the way, the imaginary children of these two people are a certain female anchor who is homophonic with Chrysanthemum, and the other is his wife who left home.

   Jiang Cheng nodded after hearing the answers of the two.

   "Too extreme!" A Liang grumbled with blank eyes.

   "It makes sense," Ah Miao nodded and showed a smile, "It's really too much to do something."

   "Yes." A Liang nodded.

"Since he likes holes so much, why don't you give him a bigger hole?" A Miao continued with a smile, "Isn't it good to put it on the street as a trash can? It can also contribute to society. "

   "You are the same as them!" A Liang spit out frantically, and then his tone changed, and said bitterly, "At this time, you should teach your children to talk to them!"

"No, it's wrong to leave it to the mother to talk to the child at this time!" Kondo, who didn't know when he arrived, held his hand and stood in front of the crowd. "Compared with the mother, the relationship between the adolescent daughter and the father is better. Better. So, leave it to my father at this time! Miss A Miao!"

"Ah! Orangutan!" While shouting, Ah Miao made a straight punch, or collapsed the punch, right in the middle of the Kondo front door. The latter flew straight out like a cannonball and plunged into the wall. Among.

   "Ah, it's really dangerous. Recently, I have always seen wild gorillas that are inexplicable. This world is not peaceful." A Miao patted her chest with a sorrowful face.

   "What kind of trouble is this?" A Liang roared, "And that's not a gorilla, it's Kondo-san!"

   A Miao didn't listen at all.

   At this moment, the waiter's excited voice came from the decks of Matsuhira and Ain not far away.

   "Five bottles of champagne king please!"

After   , everyone sighed for a while looking at the deck of Ayin with the champagne tower.

   "It's a waste, the wine is spilled out." Yin Shig stared at the spilled wine for a while and sighed.

   "The way to drink in a nightclub." A Miao explained.

   Looking at Matsudaira, who was standing on the table, blowing the bottle, and the little girls around the table cheering for him, A Liang was a little discouraged, "Five bottles in one breath, there is no chance of winning this time."

"Winning chance? Do you want to beat him?" Yin Shi nonchalantly leaned on the sofa, "Don't worry, just give me an 8 to 2 shochu, and then give this idiot a bottle of Chinese Erguotou, we will definitely drink it. Are higher than them!"

   "It's not better than this, who is going to have such a sad test..." Hasegawa replied quickly.

"Isn't this? Is it better than drinking?" Yin Shi was puzzled, and then smiled lightly. "Then don't worry, Jiang Cheng can drink the existence of an army by himself! He will definitely not lose. !"

   "Hey? Is Jiang Chengsang drinking so good?" A Miao exclaimed.

   "Yeah," Yin Shi nodded, "but you can only drink Chinese liquor, and you can get drunk with a drop of the rest."

   "What is this setting!" A Liang vomited.

   "Where did that idiot go?" At this time, Yin Shi discovered that Jiang Cheng was missing again.

   "Where are you looking..." A Liang pointed to Jiang Cheng who was mixed into Ayin's deck. At this time, Jiang Cheng was exchanging cups with Songping Bus, standing on the table and drinking wine.

   Adjust the time back, three minutes ago.

   "Uncle, what a coincidence." Jiang Cheng said hello to Matsuhira who was drinking on the table.

   "Oh, it's your kid!" Matsuhira remembered, "What an adventure! Thank you for your help last time. To express my gratitude to my uncle, I will treat you today! Whatever you want to drink!"

   "Hey?! Really?!" Jiang Cheng was a little unbelievable.

   "Of course it's true!" Matsuhira continued, "But I can only deal with alcohol. If I deal with my cute babies, I won't spare you, Uncle~"

   The above is the whole process. Of course, Ah Yin strongly opposed it midway, but the rest of the girls agreed unanimously. Outnumbered, Ah Yin had no choice but to agree.

   "Hey, he's fully integrated in!" Hasegawa reminded, "I'm already playing!"

   "That traitor!" Gin Shiki said angrily, "You didn't even take me!"

   "It's not this! Is this only what you are angry about?! Is the reason for being angry just because you didn't bring you?!" A Liang turned on the crazy Tucao mode.

   "Then, let's go too! Just pretend to be acquaintances and mix in for a drink! It's okay!" Then, Gintoki had stood up with a serious face, "Little ones! Keep up with me!"

   Yin Shi did not notice that A Miao’s face was getting darker and darker. The result was...

   Jiang Cheng sat down on Ah Miao's deck again, but there was a slight difference in that there was half an unplugged wine bottle on the back of Jiang Cheng's head. As for who smashed it, there is no need to know.

   Yin Shi has been beaten and passed out, and there is no need to know who beat him.

   "Ah, who is so careless and smashed a wine bottle on someone else's head." Jiang Cheng sighed, and pulled out the wine bottle from the back of his head. The blood spurted out instantly.

   "It's not this! You are spraying blood behind you!" A Liang roared.

   "This one?" Jiang Cheng looked indifferent, then took out two band-aids from his arms and put them directly on the back of his head, "Isn't this all right?"

   "Is it really okay? It looks so serious..." A Liang looked at the back of Jiang Cheng's head, who had stopped bleeding, in disbelief.

   "Isn't it normal in the animation?" Jiang Cheng glanced at A Liang, "No matter what the injury is, putting a band-aid on it is like nothing."

   "I said so... But does it really matter? Don't you need to go to the hospital to take a CT or something?"

   "It doesn't matter," Jiang Cheng waved his hand, his face didn't matter, "At least the hardness of my head is still a little bit confident. After all, I and Yinshi have undergone very severe training."

   "Exercise?" A Liang asked in confusion.

   "Don't you know?" Jiang Cheng was a little helpless, "Then I will show you personally."

   While talking, Jiang Sung stood up and looked for a suitable victim beside him. When he saw Hasegawa, his eyes lit up, and he instantly came to Hasegawa’s back and stretched out his hand, "Look at it~"

After    there was a crisp knock, A Liang stopped thinking while watching Hasegawa, who had fallen into the floor with only one head left and fainted.

   "In short, it is this kind of exercise. Since I was young, I have experienced countless times with Yin Shi." Jiang Chengyu said earnestly.

   "It doesn't even count as exercise at all! It's just being beaten!" A Liang retorted with a burst of green veins.

   Jiang Cheng looked indifferent, as if he could not hear A Liang's words, he dug out Hasegawa who had fainted on his own. And put it on the sofa.

   "The amount of alcohol is really bad, I'm drunk at this point." Jiang Cheng sighed.

"Hey, you are really irritating! Have you forgotten everything a few seconds ago?!" A Liang roared, and then looked at A Miao with a look of embarrassment, "A Miao, in the end What should we do? Let alone victory, two players on our side have already been killed!"

   "Victory? What victory?" Jiang Cheng asked in confusion.

After   , after A Liang's explanation, Jiang Chengcai finally understood.

"That's it, that's how it is, competition in any industry is very fierce," Jiang Cheng nodded his head with a hand in his hand, and then A Miao showed an apologetic expression. Help you, but this month's wallet is indeed a bit stretched. Yueyue is very tight on my money. But!"

   "But?" A Liang said.

"Isn't it just work? It's not a big deal," Jiang Cheng waved his hand. "I really can't change jobs and go to Yoshihara. Yueyue has been complaining that Baihua's workload is too large and there are no new people. But I I believe that it is A Miao who will be able to complete Baihua's work outstandingly. UU看书"

   "Baihua? What is that?"

   "Women's guardian angels and other jobs, dealing with entangled men and other jobs." Jiang Cheng explained.

   "Hey? Is there still this kind of work?!" A Liang was a little unbelievable.

   "Of course, I believe that with Ah Miao's ability, he will be able to complete the task perfectly." Jiang Cheng glanced at Yin Shi who was still fainting, nodded and continued.

   "Although it's a bit presumptuous, but dealing with some entangled men, specifically those jobs?" A Liang then asked.

   "Cut off the limbs or the roots of life, to be honest, I don't know too well, after all, Yueyue has been dealing with it." Jiang Cheng pulled out his ears with a casual look on his face.

   "This method is not right!"

"That's right!" Kondo, who didn't know when he pulled himself off the wall, reappeared in front of A Miao, holding his hand and nodded, "I would not agree with Ms. A Miao to work in such a place! No husband would allow his wife to work in that kind of place!"

   "Ah! Orangutan!" A Miao exclaimed and punched again.

   Looking at Kondo who was beaten to the ground, and A Miao who was still punching Kondo's face, Jiang Cheng said to A Liang, "Look, it's suitable, right?"



   "Miss A Miao, stop beating..." Kondo said with his face covered.

   "Yeah! The orangutan spoke!" Ah Miao was so frightened that he pushed back a few steps. Just when Kondo thought A Miao was about to stop, A Miao rushed over again in a pose.

   "This planet is human!" A Miao stepped on Kondo’s belly with a strong vajra leg...

"Ah ah ah ah ah-!!"


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