May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 116: :Don’t do bad things, don’t be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door, but if you don’t

Breakfast time in the house of everything.

"Hey, hey, the **** in the idol group seems to be waiting for Fengzi to marry Aru." Kagura pretended to look like an adult and muttered while looking at the newspaper in his hand.

"It's rotten." Yin Shi sniffed the pudding in his hand and said.

"The current society is really rotten. I live together for a while and become pregnant. The ethics are messed up." Xin Ba Hao said earnestly while picking up dishes, "And, Kagura sauce, that is not an anus, but GOEMON. Yes. Don’t always talk like Jiang Chengsang! Having said that, I know that GOEMON is really not a good person."

"I didn't mean that," Yin Shi was still looking at the pudding in his hand, "there are white spots on it, is this moldy?"

"Indeed, maybe my thinking is that something old is like moldy, but if human beings don't have the spirit of self-discipline, they will be ruined." Xin Ba Hao said casually while eating.

"I didn't mean that!" Yin Shi was speechless, holding the pudding in his hand, "When did you buy this? The shelf life has passed for a long time."

"Yes! Those women care too much about their expiration date Aru!" Kagura closed his eyes and nodded nonchalantly, "How can you betray yourself so easily?!"

"Hey, you can stop it," Yin Shi sighed and pointed to the pudding in his hand. "This is rotten! Who brought this out?"

"It's really rotten." Xin Ba Hao and Kagura nodded in agreement at the same time.

"It's rotten," Yin Shi really broke down, "your heads are really rotten!!"

After finishing such an unpleasant breakfast, Yin Shi was about to go out for a stroll...

Ding dong, ding dong.

"Hi, here comes."

After hearing the door bell, Xin Ba Ha hurried to open the door.

"Ah, Jiang Chengsang and Miss Yueyong." Xin Ba Haw opened the door and said in surprise, "Welcome, please come in."

"Oh, where's Yinshi?" Jiang Cheng asked casually, and stepped into the house. Yue Yong walked in behind him.

"That guy is in the living room." Xin Bajia replied, and shouted into the house, "Kagura-chan, Eunsang, Jiang Chengsang and Yueyong are here."

"Uncle~" Kagura yelled sweetly and ran towards Jiang Cheng.

"Oh, Kagura sauce." Jiang Cheng showed a warm smile, but before Jiang Cheng was moved, Kagura's little hand had already reached into Jiang Cheng's arms first, and took out the wallet in Jiang Cheng's arms.

"Cut, is this only the only thing?" Kagura sipped disdainfully, but still took out the less than 10,000 yuan left in Jiang Cheng's wallet and put it in his arms.

"Hey, facing the little uncle who hasn't seen him for a long time, are you this kind of attitude? Kagura-chan, the little uncle is really sad~" Jiang Cheng felt that his heart was hurt a little bit.

"Kagura, it's wrong to do this." Gin Shiki also walked over, holding his hands with a serious expression on his face.

"Yes, yes, people store the lovely niece with you, and you have to teach her normal etiquette occasionally." Jiang Cheng nodded and said, at this time Jiang Cheng thought he would be serious next time. Criticizing Kagura, I didn't expect...

"This guy will hide most of his money, it's always like this in his wallet." Yin Shi continued.

"Really Alu?!" Kagura was a little unbelievable, then looked at Jiang Cheng with a fierce look, and then threw Jiang Cheng down.

"Not there! Shoes are right for Kagura!" Gintoki commanded from the side.

"Under the insole!"

"Don't let go of the other shoe!"

"There may also be hidden in the underwear!"

"Five to five points, Kagura!"

……Fuge Novel Network

Jiang Cheng sat on the sofa in the living room of Wanshi's house with a look of loveless expression, with an expression of being broken by the play.

"Kagura-chan, it's wrong for you to do this!" Shinbachi was seriously criticizing Kagura who was excited about sharing the account with Ginshige.

"Do you want to divide it too, Aru?" Kagura didn't listen at all, and looked at Xin Bajia with a look of malicious intent, "Then if you call me the factory manager, maybe I will give you mercy. One sheet~"

"Really?! Am I part of it too?!" Xin Ba Hao rebelled in an instant, and Jiang Cheng could only sigh heavily when he saw this scene.

In the end, after sharing Jiang Cheng's small vault, the Wanshiwu trio sat on the sofa again.

"Now I can tell, is there any work to be entrusted? For the sake of the old friend's face, I can give you a discount." Yin Shi said while supporting his chin with both hands.

"There is no such thing," Jiang Cheng sighed softly, "just come out and just turn around."

"It's really been a long time since I saw Jiang Chengsang." Xin Ba Hao said with emotion.

"Let's not talk about it," Jiang Cheng looked at Xin Ba Jia with a solemn expression. "Is your sister back to work now?"

"How did you know? By the way, does Jiang Chengsang know that there is something wrong with the Smile Bar?! Are you worried that my family will lose the source of income?" Xin Ba Haw was a little moved, but then wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes and smiled and then said, " Don’t worry, the smile bar has been reopened after the break, and my sister has gone to work. The period of the break is also regarded as a paid vacation."

"That's all right..." Jiang Cheng patted his chest, looking scared.

"Unexpectedly, Jiang Chengsang cares about our siblings so much..."

"It's not for this reason!" Yin Shi pointed to Jiang Cheng and continued, "These two talents are the culprits for the closure of the Smile Bar!"

"Hey?! Why don't I know at all?!!!"

"Don't care about that much," Jiang Cheng waved his hand, "As long as the ending is good, don't care about the details."

"I don't care about the details..." Xin Ba Hao murmured silently, "It is said that the smile bar at that time became the same as the underworld rush... So you did it all?!"

"Don't care, don't care, you can't blame me anymore." Jiang Cheng still has an indifferent expression, "and I have been banned for so long, forget about those indifferent things!"

"It doesn't matter at all! The store manager hasn't fully recovered yet! Go to work with your own wheelchair to go to work, right! What have you all done?!" Xin Ba Hao exclaimed.

"To be honest, I don't remember anymore, after all, I was drunk." Jiang Cheng looked innocent.

"I can't imagine..."

"Wow..." The baby's cries suddenly sounded, and the trio in the House of Everything was startled.

"Hey? What's the matter? How can there be children's crying?" Xin Ba Chi stood up, and at the same time began to look for the source of the crying sound. Finally, Xin Ba Chi saw a baby in Yue Yong's arms.

"This is..." Yin Shi glanced at Jiang Cheng, then at Yue Yong, then closed his eyes and thought for two seconds before opening his eyes again, just about to speak something, but Yue Yong did not give Yin Time this opportunity.

Yue Yong raised his hand and took out two kunai, and threw it directly towards Yin Shi...

"I haven't said anything yet!" Yin Shi said while pulling off the kunai from his head.

"All your words are written on your face." Yue Yong retorted.

"I understand. I understand. After all, you two are also adults," Yin Shi nodded and said, "It is inevitable that something will happen if you live under one roof. I can understand it."

"You understand what a fart," Jiang Cheng gave Yin Shi a fist in a blank expression, and then jumped his feet, "Who would like this female Tyrannosaurus!"

"Who is the female tyrannosaurus!" Yue Yong stood behind Jiang Cheng with a punch and scolded Jiang Cheng.

"Hey, this child..." The new eighth carefully glanced at the child in Yue Yong's arms, and carefully compared Yin Shi, and instantly thought of a large-scale ethical dog-blood TV series in his mind. The name of the play is just called.

"Please!" Xin Ba Haw handed Jiang Cheng a dagger, and at the same time he pressed Yin Shi on the table, kneeling at the same time, "I didn't expect Yin Sang to do such a thing! It doesn't matter how you vent your anger, please, please Keep him alive! It's my fault for not teaching him well!"

"It's really super rude! What are you making up for in your head!" Jiang Cheng roared and then sighed, "I found this one downstairs. At that time you were so true that you left the woman and let the woman raise the child by herself."

"Qiaodou sack... The amount of information is a bit big," Yin Shi raised his head and said uncertainly, "You asked me to stroke... You mean this child was picked up below the house of everything?"

"Yeah." Jiang Cheng nodded, but then suddenly thought of something, he took out a piece of paper from his body, "and this."

The trio of Wanshiwu looked at this piece of paper and did not look up for a long time.

"Yinsang, can you explain it?" Xin Ba Hao said first.

"No, no, no, it's impossible..." Yin Shi obviously hasn't recovered yet, and his face is full of disbelief, "This is too ridiculous, no no no no no!!! Impossible! Yes! It was like that at that time!!! It was impossible!!"

"At that time?" Everyone caught the key word.

"At that time?" Xin Ba Hao helped his glasses, and the lens flashed a layer of light.

"That's the time, stamens and pistils..." Kagura nodded and made a clear expression, but Jiang Cheng covered his mouth before he finished speaking.

"No, you don't need to explain this kind of thing! You don't need to understand this kind of thing before you are twenty! My little uncle will not allow it!!" Jiang Cheng said sharply, and then looked at Yin Shi with a face. The complaint, "There is no need to hide this kind of thing, right? It's all right now, and the girl has sent you all the children back."

"It's impossible! I don't know anything!" Yin Shi was a little frantic, but his eyes occasionally glanced at the child in Yue Yong's arms, the defiant expression and the silver natural curl. Yinshi's sweating is getting more and more...

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