May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 117: : The beginning of becoming a father: Start by naming your child!

"The money you just took is treated as a full moon gift." Jiang Cheng said casually, and took the one in Yue Yong's arms. "It's exactly the same as you. I don't think your genetics are so powerful!"

"No, no, no!!! This is definitely impossible!!!" Yin Shi was obviously still reluctant to face the reality, "because it was like that! Because it was like this at that time, it is absolutely impossible to combine it! No possible!"

"It's so noisy! You are so soulless!" everyone present shouted at the same time, kicking Yin Shi.

"Yin Sang, don't be scared, really," Xin Ba Hao glanced at Yin Shi and complained, and then began to tease Jiang Cheng in his arms, "Don't learn from your father. Wan Shi~"

"I want to take a picture and send it to Mommy to see Aru~" Kagura excitedly took out his cell phone, or the communicator, and took a few photos at Xiao Yin, quickly took a few photos and quickly edited a paragraph of text , And sent it to Jianghua in the distance at a very fast speed.

"Ah, Mommy has returned the message to Aru!" Kagura said excitedly, and at the same time raised his cell phone to show everyone.

"Congratulations?! Is this something to be congratulated?!" Yin Shi frantically said.

"By the way, that woman didn't give the child a name," Jiang Cheng murmured.

"Perhaps I want my father to be named. It seems that this woman also loves Yinsang very much," Xin Baja looked at Xiao Yin with a gentle expression, "I can't think of even Yinsang such an unreliable man. Can also attract women~"

"Yeah," Jiang Cheng nodded nonchalantly, "The so-called lover has Xi Tzu in the eyes. Then Yin Shi, hurry up and give the child a name! Please trouble Zong Wujun for a while and give him an account. That's it."

After finishing speaking, Jiang Cheng expressed his emotion, "I can't imagine that Lord Bai Yacha, who was so powerful at the beginning, will eventually become an ordinary father. It is really incredible. That's right!"

Suddenly, Jiang Cheng thought of something. He handed the child in his hand to Yin Shi, and took out his mobile phone on his body, and began to confess good news to his acquaintances.

"Find an acquaintance first..." Jiang Cheng murmured while pulling the phone, "First send one to Gaozi, then one to Sakamoto, and then to Kurokono..."

Yin Shi listened to Jiang Cheng's words, his face getting darker and darker, and finally... he couldn't bear it, "You have enough! You don't need to send it!! Why are you sending this to them?! I'm not sure at all!!"

"I don't know what you're talking about," Jiang Cheng sighed lightly, then raised his head to explain, "This is also considering that your financial situation is very bad. We are also very kind. At least we can help you collect some gift money so that you can be well. Raise this child. Don't worry, I won't embezzle it!"

"What are you kidding?" Yinshi roared, "Can you make a million?"

"The second half of the sentence has already betrayed you!!" Xin Ba Haw spit out with his throat.

"Oh, Gao Zi has returned the message," Jiang Cheng said in surprise.

"Hey? Is it so fast?!" Xin Ba Haw leaned over, ""

"Gao Tsai is still busy with work as always~" Jiang Cheng said with a slight emotion, "What a really amazing man, a man who loves work, he must pay attention to his body when working overtime."

"Why in your mouth, the most ferocious philosopher of Yi Yi has become a working group who loves work and likes to work overtime?!" Yin Shi vomited.

"I don't quite understand it, but it seems that Gao Zi really likes this job." Jiang Cheng said with emotion again.

"That's not called work at all!!!" Yinshi retorted loudly.

"Oops, I'm going to cry Aru." Kagura said, pointing to the silver in Ginshi's arms. At this time, Ginshi's face was tangled, and he seemed to be crying soon.

"Are you going to hush?" Jiang Cheng asked.

"It should not be," Yue Yong said, who had not spoken, "it should be big."

Yue Yong hadn't said much since entering the door, and when she had been staring at Xiao Yin, Yue Yong thought in her heart.

"You and Jiang Chengsang's thoughts are no different at all!" Xin Ba Hao said angrily, and when he carefully observed Xiao Yin, "Neither! It should be hungry!"

After that, Xinba Haw pulled his throat and started shouting, "Is there anyone who can breastfeed?!!!"

"Is it you again?!!!" Mother-in-law Dengshi's angry voice came, "Never mind if you owe the rent, and you are still yelling while the owner is sleeping, your cheeks are too thick!!"

But when the mother-in-law Dengshi rushed upstairs and opened the door, she was stunned looking at Yin Shi who was holding the child...


Downstairs of the House of Everything, Dengshi small shop.

"It really rots..." Mother-in-law Dengshi whispered. When she glanced at the little silver that was holding the baby bottle in her arms, she looked at the big silver standing aside, picking her nostrils, "Although I always knew you It's a casual man, I didn't expect you to be a rotted person who sowed all over the place and left a woman alone."

Afterwards, Mother-in-law Dengshi looked at Xiao Yinshi in her arms again, and said softly: "Don't learn from your father~ Jinshi~"

"You can't say that, mother-in-law," Jiang Cheng defended Yinshi, "maybe from now on Yinshi will play the role of a father and change slowly. Isn't it all on TV? After having children, the prodigal son will also focus on the family."

"Hope," Mother-in-law Dengshi said as she raised her head and looked at Yin, "for one month, the rent owed can be waived for one month as a gift for the child."

"But speaking of it, she deserves to be Dengshi's mother-in-law, who can coax ten thousand hours in three or two." Xin Ba Hao said with emotion.

"I can't be sure at all!!" Yin Shi was a little bit intolerable, "My health care class has always been full of five points! I won't make such a mistake! Absolutely!!!"

"No, you remembered Yinshi wrong!" Jiang Chenggong retorted decisively, "I always have the perfect score of five!"

"Enough for you too! It has nothing to do with health care!" Xinba yelled, and then looked at Yin with contempt, "Don't pretend to be stupid, Yinsang, this fluffy curly hair, this The appearance of no one on his face is obviously inherited from Yinsang!"

Jiang Cheng and Yue Yong nodded at the same time.

"Am I the inheritor of natural curls?" Yin Shi was a little unhappy, "I won't let my children bear this burden! Even if the genetic factor is twisted, I have to give birth to a kid with flowing straight hair!!"

"I'm full..." Jiang Cheng said while looking at Xiao Yin in the arms of Dengshi's mother-in-law, "laughed! I smiled! It's incredible!!"

"Your voice is too loud!" Yue Yong slapped Jiang Cheng's head with a palm, "It will scare the children!"

"You are almost the same!!" Xin Ba Haw exclaimed.

"You are all the same..." Granny Dengshi said with a light sigh.


Looking at Xiao Yin sitting in the stroller for self-entertainment, everyone in the room showed soft eyes. Of course, an adult who has the same hairstyle as a child must be eliminated.

The cold sweat on Yinshi's face is getting more and more.

"It would be better to have these? What a troublesome kid." Mother-in-law Dengshi said, but her expression was surprisingly soft.

"That's why I hate little ghosts." Catherine sneered, but the voice was not loud, as if she was afraid of making a noise to Xiao Yin.

Kagura on the side made a grimace at Xiao Yin.

"But I don't laugh at all~" Xin Ba Hao sighed in a low voice.

"Don't you laugh?" Jiang Cheng asked in confusion, "I just smiled clearly, and smiled at me when I was full."

"By the way, can you tell the baby's expression?" Yue Yong glanced at Jiang Cheng contemptuously and said Who are you looking down on? ! "Jiang Cheng retorted.

Yinshi looked at everyone who was with Xiao Yinshi, and became even more panicked.

"Yoshiyoshi, Jinshi, you can't become a person like your dad~" Granny Dengshi whispered to Xiaoyinshi.

"Wanshi, look here, Wanshi~" Xin Ba Haw yelled softly.

"Yinle, mother, Yinle~" Kagura said, pointing to himself.

"Sakata, Idiot Sakata~" Catherine said this sentence.

After Yin Shi on the side heard these few words, he became even more uncomfortable. Just when Yin Shi was crying in his heart, Jiang Cheng finally spoke in a dark face.

"Enough of you!" Jiang Cheng said angrily.

Yin Shi was moved in his heart, but before he was moved, he heard Jiang Cheng's words, and his whole person became more calm.

"Shouldn't Yinshi decide the name?! How can I say that he is also the father of the child!" Jiang Cheng said in a deep voice, "You have to have confidence in Yinshi too! I am willing to believe that he has a family. Yin Shi will definitely change his mind and re-behave!"

"Jiang Chengsang, you..." Xin Ba Haw looked incredulous, but then smiled with satisfaction, "That's right, I believe it too!"

"Humph," Yue Yong snorted disdainfully, and when he took out a few banknotes from his arms and handed them to the silver side, "At this time, I'm going to take part with the sun wheel, come on."

"Since Jiang Chengjun believes what you said, I will reluctantly believe you once." Granny Dengshi hummed softly with her eyes closed.

Then everyone held Xiao Yinshi and handed it to Yinshi, and at the same time said with satisfaction: "Name him! Dad!"

Yin Shi's face was completely black.

He kicked the silver that the child had snatched over in an instant, kicked open the door and rushed out, while still yelling, "What a joke!!!"

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