May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 121: : Don't yell at the funeral!

   "Hey, uncle~" Kagura's voice came.

   "Hey, it's Kagura sauce," Jiang Cheng noticed Kagura who was greeting him across the road, Gintoki and Shinbaji beside Kagura, and an old man with a wonderful haircut.

   "Do you want to kick the jar Aru together?" Kagura shouted at Jiang Cheng.

   "I'm really sorry, I can't play with Kagura today," Jiang Cheng pointed to the suit (black kimono) he was wearing, "My uncle is going to attend the funeral of a friend's father today."

   "Friends?" Gintoki on the side wondered, "Are there any friends of yours in Edo who I don't know?"

   "Can you guys don't underestimate other people's social circles!" Jiang Cheng scolded, "Anyway, see you later."

   After finishing speaking, Jiang Cheng also greeted the Xin Ba Ji who was on the side and was about to leave.

   "That's the way it is said, shouldn't you go alone with your friend? What is she going to do?" Yin Shi skipped Yueyong, who was also dressed up next to Jiang Cheng.

"I don't know." Jiang Cheng also glanced at Yue Yong next to him, then curled his lips and said in a low voice, "I have to come together and talk about etiquette. But I think the reason must be because I want to have more chances to play. ."

  Jiang Cheng just finished speaking, a Kuwu has already been pierced on Jiang Cheng's head.

   "Then, see you later." With that, Yue Yong dragged Jiang Cheng away.

   "Uncle won't attend~" Kagura sighed, and then looked at the old man seriously, "It's okay Aru! There are us!"

   "I have a head!" Yin Shit cursed, "How many times have you said that you can't play with the unfamiliar man!"

   "I am not an uncle but an old man, should I be ok?" The old man stepped on the jar and said.

"Shut up, men are all beasts," Yin Shi turned around and started walking, reminding him as he walked, "Kagura, don't care about the old man you don't know, an old woman you know wants to invite us to eat meat. It's hard to come by."

After that, Yin Shi looked at the newly-arrived mother-in-law Dengshi, "This era is the world of old ladies, and old men are dead. The old ladies are amazing! The old ladies who help people die without hesitation, referred to as "dead old ladies"! "

   "Who do you call the dead old woman! Bastard!" Grandma Dengshi scolded.

   "Then, I'll be a ghost, let's play and kick the can!" the old man shouted.

   "Shut up your mouth! Dead old man!" Catherine screamed as she rushed towards the old man and kicked the jar away, "If you want to kick that much, I'll kick it for you!"

Looking at the missing can, Catherine was holding a cigarette in one hand, and at the same time she showed a difficult face, "Get the can back in 20 seconds. If you can do it, I will play with you, die." Old man."

   "Good or bad, you are good or bad," the Xin Baji on the side couldn't help but vomit.

   "Catherine, how can you bully the elderly?!" Kagura shouted righteously.

   "Shut up! I'm in a hurry to get protein right now. I'm in a hurry." Catherine replied with a puff of smoke after taking a puff of smoke, "Hurry up while the old woman hasn't changed her mind."

   "Catherine, go back to the store and watch." Granny Dengshi glared at Catherine and said, "If you don't respect the elderly, don't think that the elderly will treat him well."

   said, everyone walked in a certain direction.

   "Why do you say that? Sister Denshi, where are you old?" Catherine pretended to complain, "You are still young!"

   "Yo Xi! I picked up the jar! Then let's start!"

   Before everyone left, the voice of the old man came. Everyone looked over and saw that the old man had really found the jar.

   So, although reluctantly, in addition to the elderly Dengshi mother-in-law and Catherine, the three people in Wanshiwu began to play the can-kick game with the old man...


   On the other side, in the Hattori House.

   "I didn't expect you to actually come, I am very grateful." Quan Zang, who was dressed in formal clothes, looked at Jiang Cheng who came in and hurried up to greet him.

   "No, I am." Jiang Cheng shook his head, and continued with a slight emotion, "Since we are the father of Brother Quanzang, even if we are juniors, we should do our filial piety even if we don't know each other."

   "Quan Zang, who is this person?" Xun stepped forward and asked.

   "Ah, a friend of life and death!" Quan Zang explained in a deep voice.

   "Life and death?!" Xun was a little shocked, "Why we never knew..."

"Although the time we know each other is very short, there is no doubt that we are friends of life and death!" Quan Zang recalled that day, if it weren't for Jiang Cheng, he might have died in the most powerful enemy in his life [ Hemorrhoids], "Thanks to him, I can survive in the hands of the enemies of my life!"

"Unexpectedly..." Xun covered her mouth in disbelief, but he recovered in a few seconds, and quickly introduced himself to Jiang Cheng, "It's really rude, I'm a friend of Quanzang, Xun. Don't be here. I’m standing outside, go into the house quickly. The funeral is about to begin."

   "Well," Jiang Cheng nodded, sighed and led Yue Yong into the house. Of course, when he passed by Quan Zang, he patted Quan Zang on the shoulder and whispered, "Sorry."

   "Hey, did you get into something strange without my knowledge?" Yueyong whispered, and put the gift money into the box at the door.

"I don't know what you are talking about," Jiang Cheng replied casually, and then solemnly reminded: "Don't talk about those first, you must clean up your mood when attending the funeral, and use a pious and sincere heart. Seeing off the dead, don’t do extra things."

   "You should take care of yourself first." With that, Yue Yong and Jiang Cheng had already walked into the house, found two adjacent vacancies, and sat down on their knees.

   Finally, the funeral is about to begin.

   "The strongest man in the Royal Court can't beat the time..." He just knelt down beside the whole hiding place and said softly.

   "What's the strongest? It's just a big idler who wanders around 365 days a day," Quan Zang replied, "Thanks to him, I don't know how much trouble it is."

"No, no, how can someone who only knows how to become an instructor in a ninja school?" He just shook his head. "The ninjas who are active in Edo now are all cultivated by your father. And even though you always say he is too It’s fun, but in my opinion this kind of playfulness is..."

   Before he finished speaking, the sliding door just behind was kicked over, just pressing on Gang. At the same time, the culprit who kicked the sliding door, the little ape, rushed in while shouting.

   "Master!!" After the little monkey shouted, he looked around and said with a puzzled face, "Ahhhhhhh, I heard that the master fell, so I rushed to see the last one..."

   "You said what my father said, he has closed his eyes..." Quan Zang looked at the little ape who had just stepped on him and explained, "What happened the night before, it has been a long time."

   "How can...Master..." Looking at the portrait, the little ape murmured, "It's too late, bastard!!"

"It's so noisy! You bastard! You just squinted, OK!" Jiang Cheng scolded, "Have your parents taught you not to yell at a funeral?! There is no such thing as respect for the deceased? Did you learn?! You stinky natto girl?!"

   "You are almost the same too! Falling asleep at the funeral does not count as respecting the deceased!" Yue Yong cursed on the side.

   "Hey? You, why are you here?" The little monkey looked at Jiang Cheng and muttered, "Could it be..."

  In an instant, Xiao Yuan’s brain made up a large-scale drama series, “Although I knew that the master was unscrupulous before, I never thought about the illegitimate child. But since it happened, I have to face the reality, hide it all!”

   "What are you making up for in your head!" Jiang Cheng scolded, "How is that kind of thing possible? Brother Hattori invited me to come!"

   "Hey?! Why? Are you not enemies?" The little monkey asked in confusion.

   "What silly thing to say, we are friends of life and death." Quan Zang waved his hand and said.

   "Isn't it! At the time in Fengxian Institute, shouldn't you have a big battle?"

   "Huh? What kind of battle? What are you talking about?" Jiang Cheng was confused.

   "Qiaodou sack..." The little ape lowered his head and held his glasses and said, "Let me stroke it first... At the time of Fengxianzuo, we all thought you were dragged by the whole Tibet... What happened?"

   "That time," Jiang Cheng said haha, "Don't worry about that much, let him go through those things, isn't it, Hattori brother?"

   "That's right," Quan Zang said haha ​​at the same time, "The friendship between men is always established in battle!"

   "Hey, did you two hide something?" The little monkey still didn't believe the words of the two.

   "No, no!" The two quickly denied.

   "Stop talking about such a heavy topic, get ready, the funeral is about to begin." Quan Zang continued.

   After such an episode, the funeral finally began.

  One by one, the guests came forward to offer flowers to pay homage to the corpse.

"Hey, it's your turn." A guest whispered to Jiang Cheng and Yueyong who were on the side to remind Jiang Cheng nodded and then stood up, and walked forward with a chrysanthemum in his hand. go with. Jiang Cheng knew the funeral etiquette, and Jiang Cheng worked hard to make a sad expression.

   Finally, after the ceremony, Jiang Chengcai finally raised his head and glanced at the remains of Quan Zang's father. This didn't matter, Jiang Cheng stayed where he was.

  If you want to say why, this old man looks exactly the same as the old man seen on the way with Kagura and others! !

   "Hey, it's almost done," Quan Zang at the front reminded, "Don't make it so solemn."

   "Oh, this way..." Jiang Cheng just replied, and then walked to his seat with his head down and black face.

   "Hey, what's the matter with you?" Yue Yong looked at Jiang Cheng, who was sitting down on his knees with a black face, and asked in a low voice, "Your face is so bad, why do you sweat so much? Is it hot?"

   "You..." Jiang Cheng murmured back, "Don't look at that old man's face...Don't look at... you will have nightmares..."

   "It's just a dead person, are you?" Yue Yong said disdainfully, and stood up and walked forward.

   "Hey!" Jiang Chenggang wanted to stop, but it was too late... Yue Yong had already walked to the body.



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