May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 122: :Keep quiet at the funeral, or you will be caught up in strange things...

   Jiang Cheng watched as Yue Yong finished the worship service and then retreated calmly, and then sat down calmly.

"Hey!" Jiang Cheng yelled in a low voice, "Don't you find that the old man who was with Kagura-chan on the way with that old man has a subtle similarity?! No, saying that the similarity is a bit wrong, accurate That said, it’s exactly the same!!"

   "Huh?" Yue Yong looked at Jiang Cheng with an idiotic look, "I don't know what you are talking about, it's just an ordinary dead old man, referred to as [dead old man]."

"No, that means two things at all!" Jiang Cheng was a little frantic. "That's the one, right? It's said that the soul will cross the Santuchuan River after death, but if there is an unfulfilled wish before then, it will be. Left in the world, that's the one, right!"

   "What silly thing to say," Yue Yong sighed lightly, and then continued, "Older people have very subtle similarities. You will believe that legend, really.

   "That's not the degree of similarity at all! It's exactly the same at all!" Jiang Cheng retorted.

   Seeing Jiang Cheng's crazy appearance, Yue Yong was a little helpless and chose to ignore it.

  As the funeral progresses, it's time for the family members to give a speech. I saw Quan Zang at the forefront slowly standing up, then took the microphone and faced the guests.

   "My father likes the jar game very much, and I often played it together when I was a kid..." Quan Zang just said, Jiang Chengcheng was not calm, and the three words [Kick the jar] kept echoing in Jiang Cheng's mind.

   Looking at Jiang Cheng, who was sweating and still trembling, Yueyong said in a low voice, "Hey, are you feeling sick? Do you have a fever?"

   "No, nothing..."

Quan Zang in front of him held the microphone and kept chattering and saying, "He is a really good father. Actually, I want to say that he doesn't care about me all day long at work... After I grow up, I often ask me to play and kick the pot. ."

"Hey? It’s weird. In fact, it’s because my father loves to play. In fact, my father is really like an old child and always looks happy. Although I was always a little bit angry with him when I was adolescent, there are also Half envious..."

"In fact, growing up is really simple and beyond imagination, but it is difficult to happily enjoy everything with a childlike innocence. In this regard, he is really a respectable father." Speaking of this, Quan Zang sniffed, and two lines of tears fell.

"But there are still things that I regret..." Quan Zang yelled with tears in his eyes, "That dead old man actually sold all my jumps to Zhonggu Store! He also bought a bunch of ergonomic DVDs! This really makes me super anger……"

   "Sorry, I'm so excited... I'm so angry, I couldn't help crying..." Quanzang, who realized that he was a little excited, quickly bowed to the guests present and apologized.

   "Woo woo woo... so touched..." Jiang Cheng wrinkled his face, tears and snot flying.

   "Your attitude has changed too quickly!" Yueyong vomited.

   "I just couldn't stand the thought of my father being able to replace an old jump with an ergonomic DVD..." Jiang Cheng retorted, sobbing.

   "The place you moved is wrong, right!" Yue Yong roared with white eyes, but did not pay attention to the volume, all the guests looked over.

   "Private Marseille..." Yueyong said in a low voice.

   "It's okay, this one next to you looks really sad, we can understand..." the guests comforted, "but don't be overly sad. Use these tissues."

   Looking at the tissues handed to him from all directions, Jiang Cheng wiped his tears, showing gratitude, "Thank you..."

   Yueyong was speechless to the extreme, really wanted to stand up and retort loudly, but watched Jiang Cheng who was smiling again, and swallowed the words again.

Quan Zang glanced at Jiang Cheng and showed his gratitude, and then proceeded to make his own speech: "After all that, in summary, he is an old man. There is such an old man. , So maybe it will turn into something like a ghost to find you, then please play with him again in the pot..."

Hearing this, Jiang Cheng he... exploded his hair, Jiang Cheng stood up directly, rushed to Quan Zang, grabbed Quan Zang's clothes, his eyes were bloodshot, and shouted, "Hey! You guy! What are you talking about? Ghosts and kicking jars! Shouldn't you hope that your father will go to heaven with a pious heart at this time?! Hurry up and say it again! Change the ghost thing to me!"

   "Hey? That's just a joke or a joke." Quan Zang was a little confused.

"Jokes should also be divided into those that can be made and those that cannot be made! Do you think this kind of joke is suitable for such a serious occasion?!" Jiang Cheng roared, and then panted twice, "Hurry up and apologize! Talk to the ghost! Can apologize!"

   "What the **** do you guys want to do!" Yue Yong stood up, raised his hands to the back of Jiang Cheng's head, "Is enough trouble?!"

   "No, Yueyue!" Jiang Cheng turned his head and retorted, "This guy said at the funeral that these are completely disrespectful to the deceased, right?"

   "You are disrespectful if you make such a fuss!" Yue Yong retorted with a gaze.

   Jiang Chenggang wanted to explain, he saw Quan Zang’s father in his posthumous photo grinning at him, his face was like saying [I am very interested in your kid]...

   "I'm extremely sorry!!" Jiang Cheng knelt down facing the portrait instantly, using his dantian to make a sound.

"Don't be so grand," Quan Zang hurriedly lowered his body to Fu Jiang Cheng, but regardless of Quan Zang pulling or kicking, Jiang Cheng did not move, seeing this, Quan Zang could only shout at the guests, "Anyway, today's funeral. That's it..."

   And at this time, on the other side, Kagura, who was kicking the can with the old man, kicked the can away as he wanted...


   The funeral was over. Jiang Cheng remained kneeling and did not raise his head for a long time, but if you look closely, you will find that Jiang Cheng's entire face is dark, and the cold sweat has soaked Jiang Cheng's clothes.

"Hey, it's almost all right, this kind of dead old man." Quan Zang persuaded in a low voice, and then showed gratitude. "You who have never met him before, did not expect to regret his death so much. I believe my father. He will be very happy if he knows."

   "What do you mean?" Jiang Cheng raised his head mechanically, sweating on his head, and then asked intermittently, "Does this mean even in **** this old man is interested in me?"

   "Hey?" Quan Zang let out a doubt, then chuckled softly, "It's almost there."

  ... Jiang Cheng lost the highlight.

   "Hey? I feel like the master smiled a bit." The little monkey looked at Quan Zang's father lying in the coffin, and suddenly said.

   "Why? He just has this smiling face all the time..." Quan Zang said casually.

  ... Jiang Cheng rolled his eyes...


   Go back on the way.

   "Uncle~ Are you over at the funeral?" Kagura shouted at the desperate Jiang Sung and Yueyong.

   "Yeah." Yue Yong nodded.

   "What's wrong with Jiang Chengsang?" Xin Ba Ji pointed to Jiang Cheng who had lost the high light beside Yue Yong and asked, "Why does it look like an expression of lovelessness."

   "This..." Yue Yong didn't know how to answer, "Always speaking, it's all the result of this idiot's own brain replenishment."

   "That, Kagura sauce..." Jiang Cheng raised his head and asked intermittently, "Well, where is the old man who played with you and kicked the can..."

   "Aru is gone!" Kagura replied, before showing a proud face, "I just kicked the can! In other words, I won!!"

   "This way... disappeared..." Jiang Cheng asked intermittently again, "Well, what characteristics did it have before disappearing... For example, the corners of the mouth were smiling and it became translucent..."

   "Hey?" Kagura put his finger on his chin and replied after thinking about it for a while, "I didn't pay attention to Aru, but it seemed to be kicking the can and disappearing Aru!"

   "Ah, this way..." Jiang Cheng smiled reluctantly, and then walked forward.

   "Is Jiang Chengsang really okay?" Xin Ba Ji looked at Jiang Cheng's desperate back and muttered, "What is it that makes Jiang Chengsang look like this..."

   "Uncle, I want to eat barbecue Aru!" Kagura shouted at Jiang Cheng who was leaving slowly.

"Huh! Kagura-chan is right. If the dead old woman doesn't treat guests anymore, isn't it the same for Jiang Cheng to treat guests?!" Yin Shisi on the side was excited, and then directly caught up with Jiang Cheng, the familiar generals. His arms rested on Jiang Cheng's shoulders.

   "Hey, did you hear that? Your lovely niece said she wants to eat barbecue. As an uncle, she will definitely satisfy her niece's wish? Right?"

   "Ah, sorry," Jiang Cheng raised his head and reluctantly tugged at the corners of his mouth, "I really don't have much interest today, next time... Next time you must have a treat..."

"Why is your guy's face so white? So are your lips," Yin Shi murmured while looking at Jiang Cheng's face, "Is it because you have encountered something strange? Are you entangled in ghosts or something? ?"

   "What more are you talking about!" Jiang Cheng instantly exploded his hair and gave Yinshi a shoulder fall, "How could it be possible! That kind of thing! Do you think I'm as afraid of that kind of thing as you?!!!"

   "The waist is about to break..." Yin Shi slowly got up and rubbed his waist and complained, "It's just a joke..."

   "There must be a limit to joking! It is necessary to distinguish which jokes can be made and which jokes cannot be made!!" Jiang Cheng roared with two big bloodshot eyes.

   "I know, I know." Yin Shi hurriedly waved his hand and said.

   "Well, does it really matter? That kind of state." New Baji murmured.

   "Probably..." Yueyong replied.


   After bidding farewell to Kagura and his party, Jiang Cheng and Yue Yong continued to walk towards Yoshihara.

   "Brother over there, do you want to play kicking the pot..."

   After hearing this voice, Jiang Cheng and Yue Yong looked over. Seeing that smiling old man who stepped on the jar and looked exactly like the old Quan Zang passed Jiang Cheng was about to collapse.

   [That, if, I mean, if your dad turns into a ghost and finds someone to play and kick the pot, what will happen if that person refuses? 】

   Jiang Cheng used his own hand speed to play fps games and sent a message to Quan Zang in a short 0.1 second.


   Quanzang quickly replied: [May be pestering that person for a lifetime~]

   After Jiang Cheng finished watching, the whole person is not good...the phone also fell to the ground afterwards.                                                            .

  【...Just kidding, how could that happen. At this time, Quanzang’s message was sent again, but Jiang Cheng hadn’t noticed it anymore...

"The little brother and the beauty over there, are you interested in playing a game of kicking with this old man like me?" Papa Ghost continued to shout, and then said to himself, "But it seems that you two are very familiar with each other. ~Like I saw it at a funeral~"

   Jiang Cheng: "……"

   Yueyue: "..."


   (End of kicking the jar!)



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