May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 126: : Persuade people 3 times at most, if you don’t persuade 3 times, just give up...

   "You guy!!" A member of Baihua took out Kumo and stood up, looking at the punks in front of him, "Even so, I sprinkled the juice on Jiang Chengsama's face and clothes!!"

   "Well, calm down, maybe it wasn't intentional, it's okay." Jiang Cheng waved his hand, and took a napkin from the table and wiped the soda on his face.

"What stupid thing to say, it's just a bunch of stupid women... Wow!" Before the headed gangster finished speaking, he was kicked by Jiang Cheng, flew out like a cannonball and got stuck on the other side. Among the walls, it seemed that it should have been a long time to faint.

   "But for insulting a woman, you can't forgive it so easily..." Jiang Cheng showed a smile on his face and then sorted his clothes, and then walked towards Hachiro, who was kicked by the punk on the table.

   "Just now, Sama Jiang Cheng came forward for me!"

   "No, it's for me!"

   "Shut up! Ugly! Obviously it's for me!"

   A group of Baihua members quarreled again.

   Things should start from two minutes ago. Originally, Jiang Cheng and the others were playing happily, but suddenly there was a sound. At this time, Jiang Cheng all saw that a group of small gangsters kicked Hachiro to a side table.

  As the table collapsed, the juice on the table was also spilled, and it happened to drip onto the heads of Jiang Cheng and others on the side deck...

   "Are you okay?" Jiang Cheng stretched out his hand and pulled Hachiro up.

   "Ah, no problem..." Hachirou stood up reluctantly and said.

   "Well, the repair money for the wall, I will send it later, don't worry." Jiang Cheng continued, showing an apologetic expression.

   "Please don't care about that..." Hachirou said quickly.

   "Big brother! That guy is Hachiro, but..." A small gangster pointed at Hachiro and looked at the dark horse Katsuo who was standing at the door with a look of decay.

   "So, didn't you say it!" The dark horse Katsuo kicked the little brother, "Don't make trouble for people who have nothing to do with the incident! How do you usually teach you?!"

   Seeing the dark horse Katsuo who kept kicking that little brother’s face, even Jiang Cheng was a little embarrassed...

   "Well, it's okay, if you kick it down, that person may have to cross the three-way river..." Jiang Cheng hurriedly stepped out to make a round.

   "What's the matter with you?! What do I teach my subordinates to do with you?!" The dark horse raised his head and cursed loudly, "The irrelevant, hurry up! I'm here to find Hachiro!"

   Now, even Jiang Cheng, who thinks he has a good temper, is a little angry. If you want to ask why, it is the dark horse Shengnan's saliva and stars spraying Jiang Cheng's face.

   "Ah, this way..." Jiang Cheng said with his head down and black face.

   "That's it! Hurry up and hand over that Hachiro to me and go away!" Heima Katsuo continued loudly, still spraying the spitting star on Jiang Cheng's face.

   "Hehe..." Jiang Cheng lowered his head and laughed twice, then he slammed a punch, hitting the dark horse Shengnan's stomach straight, and the latter flew out directly.

   But Jiang Cheng didn't give up, he rushed directly, and greeted the dark horse Shengnan who had been lying in the ruins with a punch, but Jiang Cheng's face still had that faint smile.

"Speaking so loudly, do you think I have ears? I'm about to ring in my ears, do you know?" Jiang Cheng said while beating. The grievances have nothing to do with me, but now, I really want to kill your kid!"

   "That bastard!" All the boys of the dark horse wins scolded and they were about to rush forward. However, the members of Baihua were not vegetarians, and they immediately took out their weapons and confronted them.

   At this juncture, Yin Shi stepped out and crossed between the two teams, "Stop here!"

   "What silly thing do you guys say! Do you know who we are?!" the headed **** cursed.

   "One of the four kings of Kabukicho, [Ditch Rat Group] under the head of Nasui Jiro." Ginshiro drew his nostrils and said casually.

   "If you know, let us go!"

   "You, the bully should check the information first, right?" Yin Shizuo sighed softly, "Do you want this street to change from four heavenly kings to three heavenly kings?"

   "Huh?" The gangsters laughed instantly, "What silly thing to say? Is there a problem with your head?"

   "The guy who can't persuade me to come back in three sentences is not worthy of sympathy. I'm too lazy to speak again," Gintoki stepped aside, "please."

   "Hey, that guy seems to be there." A little **** murmured.

   "Hey?" At this time, this group of small gangsters took a close look at the members of Baihua in front of them. With years of experience in gangsters, these talents finally realized that these people are not easy to mess with!

   "Let's put it away, Baihua's power is not used in this kind of place." Yue Yong, who had been on the sidelines, walked out and said.

   "The leader, but..."

"No, but I have enough to play, let's go back first." With that, Yue Yong walked to the door and dragged the collar of Jiang Cheng, who was beating the dark horse, and walked away. "Enough, then A fist that doesn’t hurt or itch..."

"Hey? You found this by Yueyue, hahahaha..." Jiang Cheng stood up and gently removed Yue Yong's hand, "You go back first, I still want to follow this... …What the zodiac rat will play for a while..."

   "Don't be kidding! How much trouble do you want to cause!" Yue Yong retorted.

   "No, trust me." Jiang Cheng gave Yue Yong a nice smile.

"okay I know……"


   "Will you speak in a low voice now?" Jiang Cheng asked as he sat on the deck and looked at the black horse Katsuo who was beaten into a pig in front of him.

   At this time, the trio of Wanshiwu, Kushiro and Hachiro, as well as Jiang Cheng and Heima Katsuo are sitting on the same deck.

   "Hi..." Kurima Katsuo replied in a low voice, but the hatred in his eyes was not concealed at all.

"Is that right," Jiang Cheng sighed softly. "It must be clearly distinguished when going out. Those who have ears and those who don't. In fact, the easiest thing is to look at your age. You are indiscriminately big in front of people. Shouting, it’s easy to scare people, okay? Fortunately, you met me, and you won’t be treated like this when you meet other people. Also, if you have too much saliva, you must go to the hospital to see it, know what? Salivary glands or something..."

   Listening to Jiang Cheng’s endless chatter, [I am xxxxxxxx! ! ! 】Black horse Katsuo cursed wildly in his heart, but his face did not happen, because he just heard the word "Baihua" from the younger brother, Hekma Katsuo knew that even if he had a conflict with Yoshihara, even his boss was unwilling. I saw it, so I can only swallow it now.

   "...Okay, that's all I have to say." Finally, Jiang Cheng finished his speech.

   "I see, I will pay attention to it from now on!" The dark horse Katsuo said quickly, and at the same time he let out a sigh of relief, [This guy is really annoying! ! 】

   "Then, let's talk about it next, why did you come to my friend's shop?"

   Looking at Jiang Cheng's awkward smile, the dark horse Katsuo really wants to take his knife and give the **** in front of him. If I know that this is a shop related to Jiyuan, I won't come here!

   "That..." The dark horse was rubbing his hands, with a smile on his face, "In fact, it was a misunderstanding."

   "Misunderstanding? What misunderstanding?" Jiang Cheng asked curiously.

   "...Actually, one of my younger brothers seems to have been fired by this shop, so as an older brother, I just take a look..." Heima Katsuo pointed to Kanji at the door and said bitterly.

"Oh, that's it," Jiang Cheng nodded, "This is forgivable. My brother was fired, so my brother came to the work place and asked why this kind of thing is understandable. Then, you have already figured out your Kawaii brother. Is there a reason for being fired? Has your brother been oppressed in this shop? Don't worry, speak boldly, I am very fair!"

   "Ah, I have figured it out, and I haven't received any pressure!" The dark horse Katsuo said quickly, "It's just that he doesn't work seriously!"

"Hey?! Really?!" Jiang Cheng was a little unbelievable, pointing to Kanji at the door and then said, "Your brother looks like he was beaten up, okay?! It's really not being bullied here. Yet?"

   "No, it's not! It was just that he fell by himself!" As he said, the dark horse Katsuo looked at Kanji at the door, "Is that right? Kan...Seven Jun?"

   "It's Kanji..." Kanji replied, "That's right, I fell by myself!"

   "It turned out to be like this," Jiang Cheng nodded and said, "Then since the misunderstanding has been resolved, then these damaged public objects..."

   "I will send it to my men in a while!"

   "Well, then I will trouble you, it seems that you are also a good and reasonable person!" Jiang Cheng said with some emotion, and then looked at Kuangshi Lang who was aside, "Kuang Shi Langsang, how is the result of this treatment?"

   "Ah, hey, it's already fine." Kuang Shi Lang replied quickly.

"Uncle, you were deceived Aru..." Kagura leaned over to Jiang Cheng and said in a low voice, "The cowboys said just now that those guys said they wanted to be their bodyguards and insisted on collecting money, but Kuang Shi Lang refused. ......" Kagura was dragged back by Gin Shishi before he finished speaking.

   "This kind of result is already very good now! What kind of mess do you have to fill in!" Gin Shiki cursed.

   "Is that so?!" Jiang Cheng looked at the dark horse Katsuo.

   The latter swallowed his saliva and heard Jiang Cheng continue to say just as he was about to explain.

"It turns out that I wanted to apply for the job. If that's the case, it's okay to say it early? Although it seems that you look really... hard to say, but if you clean up a little bit, it may be much better. Even if you can't deal with ordinary customers, Maybe you can find guests with special hobbies?"

  【Comprehensively wrong! ! ! 】The crowd roared in their hearts.

   "Ah, that's it..." Crazy Death rang out for the dark horse Katsuo to relieve him at this time, "These gentlemen do not meet our recruitment standards, so..."

"Crazy dead Langsang, it’s not that I said you, do you give someone a chance for an interview anyway? These men who want to invest in the Cowherd industry for their dreams just use the phrase [not meeting the recruitment standards], yes Isn't it too impersonal?" Jiang Cheng complained in a low voice.


   "No need, no We know we are not from that piece of material..." The dark horse wins out quickly.

Looking at the reluctant smile on the dark horse Shengnan's face, Jiang Cheng suddenly understood something and cursed sharply, "Are you ready to give up?! Is it scared just by saying [Not meeting the recruitment standards]?! Is your dream really so cheap?! Don't give up! Don't give up even this kind of dream!!"

   [This person is too annoying! ! 】The dark horse wins roaring wildly in his heart.

   "Do you think it is, Okasan." Jiang Cheng said to Hachiro's mother who was aside.

   "That's right," Hachiro's mother wiped her tears. "Since it is your dream, I understand it as Okasan! Don't give up! As long as you don't give up, it will definitely come true!"

   [When did you come? ! ! ] The people present frantically complained.

   "So, that glamorous little brother, why not give them a chance!" Hachirou's mother looked at Kuangshi Lang, and said in a pleading tone.

   "Then... Then try..." Crazy Death Lang could only answer like this...

   In this way, an extraordinary Cowherd trials began...

   (If you want to know what is going on, please listen to the next breakdown...)



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