May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 128: :Okasan, he is the most selfless person in the world...

"The 100 points I gave is not a simple 100 points," Kagura held his hands with a deep expression. "It's just a simple common sense. When you see a ball, you will associate it with another ball. A stick."

   "Hey, what kind of association is that?" Jiang Cheng vomited expressionlessly, and then rushed forward to throw Yin Shi over, "What kind of common sense did you **** instill in his niece?!"

   "No one instilled such common sense in her!" Yin Shit got up and retorted, "It's better to ask the little girl with strange power! Who knows where she learned this common sense!"

   "Calm down, Jiang Chengsang!" Xin Ba Ji rushed to the stage and jammed Jiang Cheng, "The game is still going on..."


   "Hehehe...Big brother..." The one-eyed bald man touched his bald head with a shy expression, "I score higher than the big brother, hehehe."

"What's the matter with your expression? Are you proud? Can you look in the mirror and take a good look at your face?!" Heima Shengnan cursed, and then wiped off his three-seven-point haircut, disdainful Said, "Take it down for me! Except for the boss, the face value of the Goumo group will count me!"

   [You are too confident too! ] All the little brothers roared in their hearts.

   But it didn’t take long for the dark horse to speak, because his strangely-looking little brothers all scored higher than himself...

   "Shady! Shady!" The dark horse Shengnan loudly expressed his dissatisfaction, "Those judges use power for personal gain!"

   "Big brother is upset..."

   "No wonder, he always thinks he is more handsome than us..."

   "Even the eldest brother can hardly face reality..."

   "It's just..."

   "But don't you feel pitiful? Brother he..."

   "That's the same thing..."


   Finally, a group of younger brothers discussed the result, and at the same time looked at the dark horse Katsuo with unusually sympathetic eyes, and said at the same time: "Big brother! In our minds you will always be the most handsome!"

   "You guys..." As soon as the dark horse was about to be moved, he suddenly found the sympathy in the eyes of these boys, "What is the sympathy in your eyes?!"


   "Then, next is the second-tier selection, that is..." Before Yin Shi finished speaking, he was interrupted by the crazy dead man on the board of judges.

   "Wait a minute, we are still discussing the questions for the second exam."

   "Wait a minute," Yin Shi nodded and looked at the four judges who were whispering. After two minutes, the four judges sat down again and gestured to Yin Shi with their eyes.

   Yinshi knows how to move forward, and took the note in Kuangshilang's hand, "I didn't expect it to be this test question, but it was unexpected."

   When looking at the mysterious silver, the people underneath also raised their hearts to their throats.

"That is: Etiquette!" At last Yinshi announced the topic of the second session. "As we all know, as a cowboy, etiquette is also a very important part! Behavior and a smile are very important! But, so much. It is also difficult for us to evaluate one by one, so! We chose the most basic etiquette evaluation! That is how to use chopsticks!"

   "I believe everyone uses chopsticks in different ways. But! Don't underestimate this most basic etiquette! You can tell a person's character and character from the posture of using chopsticks!"

After    Yinshi clapped his hands, then a dozen tables were lifted up and placed in front of the contestants. On each table was a plate of boiled beans and a pair of chopsticks.

   "The next assessment is very simple. Use the chopsticks in front of you to eat the boiled beans in front of you! The jury will score points based on your performance!" After Yin Shi finished, the contestants also started...catch the beans...

"It seems that the situation is really full. Some players like to pick up several beans at once, some like to pick up one bean at a time, and some times to pick up a bean," Yin Shig watched the contestants who were picking up beans. The player went on to say,

   "It seems that the score this time will be greatly reduced. What are you doing with that horse-faced contestant? Why did you break the chopsticks? Is it because you can't get the beans, so you become angry?! Points are deducted!"

   Just finished speaking, Yin Shi found Okasan on the board of judges walking down.

"Is Okassan going to take a closer look..." Gintoki murmured, but then Okassan's actions shocked Gintoki, "No! Okassan is correcting the chopsticks of the players! How impressive! Moved!"

"Just like when your Okassan corrected your mistake of using chopsticks when you were a child, he used his incomparable standard movements as a demonstration, not even letting go of any step, gentle and careful, this is... it is a great maternal love. Yin Shi exaggeratedly wiped his tears, "Full score! Okasan full score!"

   "You..." The player who broke his chopsticks before looked at Okassan, who was not impatient and taught himself how to use chopsticks, and was a little touched, "Thank you..."

"No, this is only Okassan's obligation. Isn't it Okassan's responsibility to correct when the child does something wrong? So, thank you or something, don't say it. You just need to live full of energy. Just go down..." Okasan said with a smile.

   "Woo woo woo..."

   All the contestants burst into tears.

   Kuang Shi Lang and Hachi Lang on the judges' bench couldn't help but sniffed their noses, and showed their scores: 100 points! 100 points for all members!

   "It seems that not only the players, but even the judges have been captured by Okasan!" Gintoki announced loudly.

   But at this moving stall, the dark horse Shengnan's cell phone rang, which was a message.

   "Ah! Mel-chan, Mel-chan became a mother when I was away!" After reading the message, the dark horse Katsuo was stunned.

"Wait! The scene seems to be nothing but a little situation!" Yin Shi was completely immersed in the identity of the host, "The pregnant woman in the home of the dark horse Shengnan player seems to have given birth! First of all, let us congratulate the dark horse Shengnan player, starting from today you I am a father! Do you use your job search success as a gift to children who have just come to this world? What a great father!"

   "No! The child's father is not me anymore!" the dark horse Shengnan shouted.

"No..." Rao Shi Yinshi was also a little shocked, but fortunately Yin Shi responded quickly. "It seems that the dark horse player's family situation is a bit complicated, but it can be seen that although he is not his biological father, he is still very nervous about his children. of!"

   "What are you talking nonsense! Mel-chan is a dachshund!" Kurima Shengnan scolded his neck.

   "Are you a dachshund star person?!" Gin Shizuo was completely shocked, "Is this the so-called love that can transcend the astral world? It's really touching."

   "It's just an ordinary dachshund! Now is not the time to talk about this!" With that, the dark horse ran out without looking back, and the rest of the contestants followed.

   "Abstain! All members abstained! Although it is a pity, no one passed the selection of Cowboy!" Gintoki announced the result of the competition loudly.

   "What the **** are we here for..." Xin Ba Ji spit out expressionlessly again.


   "Thank you so much, where is Jiang Chengsang?"

   After a farce was over, Kuang Shi Lang walked over to Gin Shishi and said a sincere thanks and asked.

   At this time, Yin Shi realized that Jiang Cheng had disappeared. "Don't worry, he may have gone back to play games. After all, that man is already obsessed with games..."

   "That's it," Kuang Si Lang smiled, looking at the game he had just bought from the employee, "He hasn't got this yet..."

   "Silver sauce! Silver sauce!" Kagura suddenly ran over with an anxious expression, "Trouble Alu! Auntie her, she can't find auntie anywhere!"

   "Hey? Where's the toilet?" Xin Ba Ji answered.

   Kagura shook his head, "Could it be that I was abducted by those people?"

   "Mom!" Kuang Si Lang shouted and rushed out.

   All things house trio: "Mom??!"


   Black Horse Katsuo and all of his men were too late to change their clothes. They lay on the floor in a circle and looked at Mel sauce and its four children in the carton kennel in front of them.

   "Big brother! Did you just see that puppy?!" A younger brother said excitedly, "It looks like a puppet!"

   "It's too loud!" The dark horse smashed the boy with a fist and cursed, "Melchan is the most sensitive time now!"

   "Oh oh oh..." The boys exclaimed again, "What's the matter with this?! Why did another one come out?!"

   "Oh, UU reading, please calm down!" Seeing the newly born puppy in the little brother's hand, the black horse Katsuo said quickly.

   "But... it seems to have died..." the little brother said weakly, and then handed the puppy in his hand to the black horse Katsuo, "Here you, brother, I don't know what to do!"

   "I don't know either!" The dark horse was a little flustered, but the boys around ran away.

   But just at this moment, Okasan walked over and took the puppy from the black horse Katsuo, and slapped the black horse Katsuo.

   "What are you men nervous about?! If you don't cheer up a little, who will save this puppy!" Okasan cursed, "It's okay for a man to have no spirit at this time!"

   "Okasan!" The boys shouted in surprise.

   "I'm sorry..." The dark horse Katsuo quickly said, touching his face that was slapped, but then suddenly reacted to the younger brothers who looked at him and cursed, "When did she become your Okasan!"

   "Please save Melchan's child!" A group of gangsters knelt down instantly and shouted.

   "Listen to me, you bastards!" The dark horse screamed with white eyes.



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