May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 130: : The next preview and the number of water words are totally two different things!

   Finally, under Jiang Cheng's insistence and Okassan's curse, Jiang Cheng still sent Okassan on the late night tram. Jiang Cheng also got a reward-a box of boiled pumpkins.



"Wait, we didn't order this kind of thing," Hachiro was smiling when he put a box of boiled pumpkins on the table, and the two young ladies who were snuggling next to Kuangshilang were unhappy." And what are you laughing at? It's really disgusting."

   "This is a special service!" Hachiro replied with a smile.

   At this time, Kuang Si Lang finally reacted, realizing that this was a gift left by his mother before he left.

   "How could Lang Sang eat this kind of boiled pumpkin?" A young lady was a little impatient...


   sent away the last two guests. Kuang Shi Lang sat in the empty hall, looked at the boiled pumpkin on the table, and opened the letter under the lunch box.

  【To Hachiro:

   First of all, the way you use chopsticks is still wrong. Didn’t you say that you changed it many times? Mom, I really care about it, but fortunately, my mom has shown it to you so many times. Have you taken a good look?

  Of course, and don’t make a chirping sound while eating. Mom, I’m very anxious.

   Finally, although there are many details that I don’t understand, Mom, I feel very good to see you live so energetic. No matter what happens, you are the proud son of your mother. --mom. 】

   Finally, in the empty hall, Kuang Si Lang tearfully finished eating the box of boiled pumpkins.



   "What are you holding?" Yueyong stood in the corridor, looking at Jiang Cheng who had just returned to Yoshihara and asked, "Where is your game?"

   "Yeah! Forgot!" Jiang Chengcai finally reacted, but then smiled, "It's okay, next time I go to that son's shop to get it."

   "Son? What are you talking about?" Yue Yong asked in confusion, "Also, what's in your box?"

   "This," Jiang Cheng looked at the lunch box in his hand and smiled, "This is a rare delicacy, do you want to try it?"

   "No, no need." Yue Yong resolutely refused.

   "Really? It's really a very rare dish," Jiang Cheng continued to seduce Yue Yong, "This is reputed to be the number one most delicious dish in the world!"

   "How come there is such a thing!" Yue Yong scolded, "and when did you study food!"

   "All people are born gourmets!" Jiang Cheng retorted without thinking.

   Finally, under the temptation and instigation of Jiang Cheng, the two of them sat on the roof and finished the box of boiled pumpkins that were somewhat cold in the moonlight...

   "Don't you hate sweets?" Yueyong asked, looking at Jiang Cheng who was lying on the side and watching the moonlight.

   "I've never said anything like this before," Jiang Cheng replied casually, "It's okay to eat it once in a while."

   "You..." Yue Yong wanted to say something, but found that Jiang Cheng had already snored, "What an incredible man, he invited the lady to dinner, but in the end he fell asleep alone."

   (The Cowherd Part 1, End.)

--Dividing line--

   Jiang Cheng wiped a handful of blood that splashed on his face, then glanced at Yin Shi Yugui who was fighting with the heavens, and said softly.

   "Takazai, me," Jiang Cheng said, looking at Takasugi who was leaning on the side with a face full of carelessness, "I have made an agreement with a man who has died."

   "It doesn't matter if it can't be used as a sword to protect them, at least, you can also use this tattered umbrella to block a few drops of rain or sadness for them, that's enough!"

   Takasugi laughed, laughing louder and louder, and finally laughed loudly, "What silly thing to say? What agreement? Or as naive as always. Who are they? Silver time? Wigs?"

   "No, you know." Jiang Cheng shook his head and said, then turned to look at Yin Shi and Gui who were fighting **** battles.

"Disgusting, disgusting makes me want to vomit... So, please go to hell..." Takasugi said that he had come to Jiang Cheng's back, gently drew out his sword, and pierced Jiang Cheng's heart. Go down.


   "Takasugi!!" Gintoki and Katsura shouted at the same time, and kicked Takasugi's sword away...

   Certain pounce on the street Author: Click! Yo Xi, it's time to stop, that's it.

   Voiceover: Hey? ! what happened? ! What is going on in such a passionate scene? !

   Certain Pounce on the Street Author: It's just a trailer. "May be this fake Gintama" completely new work, the trailer for the Red Sakura chapter!

   Voiceover: Do you still need something like this in the novel? !

   A bashing on the street Author: At least let the readers be prepared? So that's it!

   Voiceover: That's it! So if you say that, the next article will be Red Sakura?

   Mopu Street Author: No.

   Voiceover: Didn’t you still play the trailer here? ! This is completely fraud! I have heard of the ending fraud, and I have never heard of the advance fraud! You just want to count water words! !

  Pop Street Author: How can the trailer be said to be the number of words in the water? ! Then, readers on the other side of the screen, please stay tuned! "Red Sakura chapter change! 》Ps: It will probably be updated in 2021.

  Voiceover: I am xxxxxxxxxxxx! !

--Dividing line--

   One day, Yoshihara.

   "Hey, what a great man, Zongwu Jun has done his work again." Jiang Cheng muttered while looking at the newspaper in his hand, "It seems that I have to congratulate him."

   While talking, Jiang Cheng took out his cell phone, edited a congratulatory text message and sent it to Zongwu.

   "Achieve meritorious service? Who?" Yue Yong glanced curiously at the newspaper in Jiang Cheng's hand, and saw a big headline on the upper right, "Religious merit? ! Shinsengumi got into trouble again! ! There are no excuses for making the incidents that have been dealt with in succession! 】, under the title is Okita Sogo who is carrying a bazooka and facing the camera Biye.

   "What a meritorious service! It's clearly to demolish the house!" Yueyong said, "When did you meet a member of Zhensengumi?! Why did you become friends?!"

"Men always become friends without knowing it!" Jiang Cheng said sternly, "Also, it is always understandable to demolish one or two houses in order to arrest prisoners. After all, there are no prisoners who are honestly waiting for you to arrest them. Right?"

   "Last time it was the son of the ghost father, this time it was the captain of the first team of the True Selection Team...The friends you mentioned are more remarkable than the other~" Yue Yong mocked.

   "Haha, there is no way," Jiang Cheng scratched his head, "A man like me is very attractive, after all, even I can't find my own shortcomings."

   "You are a little bit ashamed anyway!" Yue Yong cursed with white eyes.

   "I see," Jiang Chengshen nodded in agreement, "That means I'm still too conservative? Sure enough, does even Yueyue think I am a perfect man? Hahahahaha..."

   "No one said that!" Yueyong roared.


"Oh, Mr. Zongwu returned the message," Jiang Cheng said with his mobile phone, "What a great man, as if to celebrate Zongwujun's meritorious service, he used Liu Haijun's few mayonnaise purchase funds to withdraw part of it. I invited the No. 1 idol in Edo, Atong-chan, and invited us to the show, so polite, Sougo-kun."

   "I don't understand at all!" Yue Yong cursed.

   "It means that we are invited to watch the show," Jiang Cheng said casually, "Although I am not interested in any idols, but since Sou-go-kun has kindly invited me, it would be unreasonable if I don't go..."

   "I didn't see it at all! You were kindly invited there, bastard!" Yue Yong cursed after reading the message.


   The next day.

   "That's it! Our city invited idol singer Atong-chan to serve as the head of the day! In order to enhance our image!" Kondo shouted in front of the members of the Shinsengumi group.

On the right of    Kondo is Atong-chan in a Shinsengumi uniform. The members of the Zhensuan group looked at the Atong sauce in front of them like a idiot.

   "Listen well! Don't mess with me today!" Kondo's voice increased by an octave, "Also, for Atong-chan, ah no, respect the director! And learn how to win people's hearts!"

   "Yeah! It's the real Atong sauce!"

   A group of Shinsengumi members did not listen to Kondo's words at all, and they rushed over with cheers, holding the blank paper and pen to be signed by Atong-chan.

"You bastards!" Kondo yelled, and got up and gave the Shinsengumi member who led the charge with a big fist, "I just said that the citizens should not relax their vigilance. You will let me make a fuss. Now, how can this work?!"

"I'm really sorry, Director, my education is too failed, so I make them so easily excited, I'm sorry..." Kondo's tone changed, and he turned around and said with a smile at Atung-chan, but the big one on his back The pink signature instantly betrayed him.

   "Asshole, don't you want to sign your own first?!" A group of Shinsengumi kicked Kondo and scolded How do you explain this uniform! "

   "I will carry this signature for my life! As long as I am alive!" Kondo shouted, guarding the signature behind him.

   "Ah, morale has really improved a lot," said Sougo on the side.

   "That's right, I didn't think that even in Zhen Xuan Group, there are so many men who are crazy about that kind of little girl." Jiang Cheng nodded and said.

   "How can it improve morale, it's just fooling around," Fourteen said nonchalantly, and then looked at Jiang Cheng who was aside, "By the way, why are you here?"

   "Don't be so cold~ Liu Haijun," Jiang Cheng put on a self-familiar appearance, "After all, they are all old acquaintances."

   "Who is an old acquaintance with you, bastard!" Fourteen scolded, "Can you remember other people's names clearly?! Can you?!"

"Even if you say that..." Jiang Cheng was a little embarrassed, and then his inspiration flashed, "Could you please change your name? After all, the first impression you see is the V-shaped bangs. This name always feels unexpectedly suitable for you~ Isn't it, Sougo-kun?"

   "What the boss said makes sense." Sougo praised, "After all, the first impression of Tufangsang is the V-shaped bangs and mayonnaise."



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