May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 131: : Be cautious about changing your image!

   "Shut up to me! You two!" Fourteen roared with white eyes, "It's so rude! Anyway, what do you want to do here?!"

   "Hey?" Jiang Cheng wondered, "Didn't you invite me to come to the show?"

   "Fart! When did I invite you?!" Fourteen scolded.

   "It's really not frank," Jiang Cheng gathered in Zong Wu's ear and whispered, "That's why I can't make friends, that person."

"That's right, boss," Zongwu replied in a low voice, and at the same time he glanced at Fourteen on the side. "Because I'm always so unfrank, I can't make friends. I can't help it. Such an unfrank son. The same is true in school, and when I bring friends to play at home, I can’t do anything..."

   "I heard it all!" Fourteen scolded his neck, then looked at Sougo, "Why do I say that I am the same as your son who doesn't like to communicate with others?!"

"Don't worry! Okasan! Fourteen he has his own ideas!" Jiang Cheng patted Zou Wu's shoulder and encouraged, "Children of this age are like this, and I understand it from that age! "

   "That's right, O'Duo Sang, I hope he grows into a good adult!" Sougo replied.

   "You two! Did you listen to someone talking!!"

"Don't talk about it, fourteen," Jiang Sungbian said while taking out a cake drenched in mayonnaise from his arms, and said in a very caring tone: "Today is your graduation ceremony, this is Odosan I went to a lot of places to buy it. Congratulations, fourteen."

   Fourteen subconsciously took the mayonnaise cake and subconsciously said: "Thank you."

   But the next moment, Jiang Cheng and Zongwu secretly chuckled.

   "How did you hear the sound of [Dididi]? Is it an alarm clock?" asked the fourteen who was holding the cake.

   Next moment...Boom! ! !

   "Hahahahaha!" Jiang Cheng and Zongwu couldn't stop laughing while clutching their stomachs.

"Idiot! This person is definitely an idiot, right?!" Jiang Cheng pointed to the bombed fourteen with a black face and turned into an explosive head with a smile, "What kind of graduation ceremony, he actually believed it all, hahahahahaha... …"

   "My smiling stomach hurts, I'm dying, boss, no, O'Duo Sang." Sougo smiled while holding his stomach.

   "You guys..." Fourteen was already unbearable, and gritted his teeth and said word by word, "Give me all to die!!!"

   said, Fourteen directly took out a rocket launcher and pressed the switch at the two of them.

   Jiang Cheng and Zongwu reacted very quickly, and the two of them instantly dodged the cannonball by lowering their waists.

   But the crowd watching from behind was not so lucky. They all turned into... afro.

"What are you doing?!" Kondo came over cursingly, "I just said that I want to improve the image of Zhensengumi in the eyes of the public. You are still messing around here! If this continues, let alone improve the image, there is no way to save it. Come on!!!"

"It's the two of them who are picking things up at all!" Fourteen pointed at Zou Wu and Jiang Cheng who were whispering aside, "It's all the fault of both of them! Can I kill both of them?! Yes. ?!"

"Ah, isn't this Jiang Chengsang?" Kondo finally noticed Jiang Cheng on the side, and then said with emotion, "Since the last time I met at the smile bar, I haven't seen it for a long time. The second half of that day seemed to be drunk. That's it..."

   "Yes, I have always wanted to invite you to Yoshihara for a drink." Jiang Cheng replied with a narrow smile.

"Really?! Thank you first, but there is really no time now," Kondo declined. "The most important thing now is to improve the image of Shinsengumi in the eyes of the public. This is the most important thing. . But then again, why are you here?"

"Ah, I was invited by Sougo-kun to watch a free show." Jiang Cheng sighed, "I heard that it was to celebrate Sou-go-kun, so I used the few mayonnaise purchase funds to invite the number one in Edo. Idol."

"Not at all! Do you think you are attending a celebration party?!" Fourteen yelled, and then looked at Kondo on the side, "What the **** is going on? What's the matter with the mayonnaise pre-purchase funds? Don't keep talking, hello! Said that the woman was invited with the mayonnaise pre-purchase funds in the bureau?!"

"Don't be angry, fourteen," Kondo comforted, "This is also no way. The funds in the bureau are all compensated to the house owners who were blown up by Sougo, and the only thing left is your mayonnaise pre-purchase. Funded."

   "What a joke! What he did is make him responsible!!" Fourteen pointed at Sougo who was whistling.

"Don't say that, fourteen!" Kondo said with a rare seriousness, holding his hands, "Sougo is also for work, and he didn't expect it to be the result! Don't complain fourteen! I will use my **** next time. Mao’s special funds will be compensated for you!"

   "Who wants that kind of disgusting compensation!" Fourteen frantically spit out, "By the way, is there any kind of special funds in our bureau?! Why do I never know?!"

   "Well, calm down, Fourteen." Jiang Cheng patted Fourteen on the shoulder and comforted.

   "Who is your name fourteen! I don't want to be called that by you!" Fourteen scolded.

"If you think about it carefully, improving the image of Zhensengumi in the eyes of the citizens generally has more advantages than disadvantages for the Zhensengumi?" Jiang Cheng analyzed with his hands in his hands. If the image rises to the point of being close to the people..."

"When Xiao Ming on the road saw you, he rushed towards you with a smile and presented the mayonnaise that he bought after saving for two months with pocket money. How do you feel?! PS: Xiao Ming He is an orphan whose parents have died since he was a child. At the age of five, his grandmother who took care of him also passed away due to illness. Since then, he has lived by picking up garbage."

   "I feel too heavy! You can't swallow this mayonnaise, bastard!" Fourteen cursed.

   "That's the same, then please ask Shenlong to revive Xiao Ming's parents and grandma before eating mayonnaise!" Jiang Cheng thought for a moment and said.

   "It's too much trouble!" Fourteen grinned and said, "Don't you just want to talk about the benefits of improving your image?! Don't be so troublesome! I understand!"

"In short, it's good to say that, at least you can get the citizens' sympathy and assistance when arresting the prisoner," said Fourteen, and looked at Kondo, who was crying because of Xiao Ming's topic, "Hey, you What are you crying for?"

  "Xiaoming...Xiaoming, he is so pitiful!!" Kondo wiped his tears, "Yoshi! Today's task is to collect dragons..."

   Fourteen kicked Kondo and shouted, "It's not this at all!"

"Ah, isn't this Jiang Chengsang?" Atong sauce, who was signing for the Zhenseng group members, ran over excitedly after seeing Jiang Cheng, "Is Jiang Chengsang also here to help improve the image of Zhenseng group? "

   "No, not at all." Jiang Geng replied decisively.

  "Are Atongchan and Jiang Chengsang acquaintances?" Kondo asked in doubt.

   "No, I just saw it twice." Jiang Cheng replied.

   "I thought that Jiang Chengsang, who is popular with women, would definitely help Shinsengumi with good suggestions."

   "Ms. Temple Gate, this is today's itinerary," Sou Wu finally remembered something, and walked over and handed a itinerary to Atong Jiang.


   "You don't have to do anything. Just stand aside and keep smiling. Just relax." Fourteen then asked.

   "I said," Atong-chan raised her head and said seriously, "Since I have to do it, I won't do anything half-hearted! No matter what work I want to do, that's what my dad told me!"

   "Uh, but..."

   Fourteen just wanted to say something and was interrupted by Atongchan again.

   "There is only one day in time. I also want to fulfill my duties as the director, and I have also considered many ideas to change the image of Shinsengumi."

   "Ah, no need, you just need to be here." Fourteen replied casually.

"Hey, you guys! Take a look!" Atong-chan said to the members of the Zhenseng group, "I have also investigated a lot and found that your negative comments are caused by violence, and everything is resolved by violence. It's the worst!"

   As he said, Atong-chan took two steps forward, "Today, violence is to be forbidden! Remove everything from your waist!"

"Hey, does this little girl take herself as the chief chief?" Fourteen stood behind Atongchan and said disdainfully, "They can't be commanded by anyone who brings them. And what else would they do if they put down their weapons? Management of law and order? The sword is the soul of the samurai..."

   Before I finished speaking, Fourteen saw a member of the Shinsengumi group including Kondo, unloading all the knives from his body.

   "I'm really sorry! Director!" Kondo saluted and shouted, all the members of the Zhenseng Team were all lined up.

   "I'd better resign as soon as possible..." Fourteen was speechless.

   "Fourteen, Sougo! What are you doing?! You also disarm me quickly!" Kondo shouted at Shiv and Sougo.

   "Kondo-san, your head really needs to be armed..." There is a big # on the fourteenth head.

   "We are going to try our best to improve our image today!" Kondo said sharply, "Do you think I asked Atong-chan to come without thinking about anything?!"

   As he said, Kondo's hand surreptitiously wrapped Attong-chan's shoulder.

   [No, you are just thinking about something trivial...] ​​The three people (Jiang Cheng, Zongwu, 14) thought at the same time.

"Atong, it's the director. Although he fell to the bottom of his career because of the scandal, he sang wherever he went with the spirit of NVERGIVEUP. Finally, the music producer discovered his talent and completely broke it. The image of the past! He has become the leading idol singer in Edo today! He is an idol who has been reborn from the ashes!"

   Kondo said solemnly.



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