May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 132: : The core of comedy is tragedy!

"I know, you are called [Rogue Police 24 Hours]," Atong-chan said, holding his hands in a serious manner, "I decided to thoroughly use the literary and artistic tactics taught by Tongbu-san after I became the chief. In the transformation of your influence! First of all, you must get rid of your dangerous negative image!"

"For this, I think we should start to change the rules!" As he said, Atong-chan took out a scroll and unfolded, "[In-game law]: Do not violate the spirit of Bushido, offenders cut their belly! Although it is cool, this is still so horrible."

"So!" Atong-chan's voice increased a little, and he took out a new scroll again and unfolded, "Let’s implement this from today! [Add some cute words at the end of the sentence (Atong) , The offender will cut his belly by himself]!"

(Explain a little bit in Athong. At the end of every sentence, in Atong, a word is added, similar to Solitaire. Let’s use Chinese as an example: today’s leader is just like a [Beep—] [洋得意] .If you say this, you should be able to understand it. Just follow the last sound of the sentence to randomly group words.)

   "It's not like a bad hobby at all! And the scariest word [cut abdomen] is still on it!" Fourteen vomited.

   "This is to show the samurai style so it can't be deleted." Atong-chan explained.

   "No, this is not the most basic change," Jiang Cheng shook his head and said earnestly. "The most basic thing should be the change in appearance. Only in this way can citizens feel the changes in Zhenseng Group most intuitively."

   "It makes sense..." Atong-chan nodded and said.

   "I see!" Sougo took a shot, then drew his sword and chopped it down at Fourteen.

   "What are you doing?! Bastard!" the fourteen who had escaped a disaster roared.

   "It's just changing the image," Sougo explained, "It might be better to change the uniform into a sleeveless jagged shape [I want to ask you to go to hell, earthwork]."

   "No need for that kind of image change!" Fourteen exclaimed, "And you will only make people feel even more hateful if you talk like that!"

   "Why not just cut off the V-shaped bangs?" Jiang Cheng suggested, "In this case, I feel that the image of the entire Zhenseng group will be improved by a big step."

   "It makes sense, the boss [please ask the earthmovers to die for the nailed things]." After saying that, Sougo swung a knife again, but was evaded by Fourteen again.

"Indeed, I have considered this kind of thing, but I really couldn't find a way to change the overall image at once," said Ah Tong-chan and waved to the side. "Come here. Jinsengumi’s auspiciousness. Things, small towns."

   Then, I saw a, it should be said that it was a horse, the upper body of a human holding a bow and arrow, and the lower body of a horse. On the horse's back there was a corpse that had been shot.

"It's not cute at all!" Looking at the strange creature that appeared in front of everyone, Fourteen's whole person was not good. "What does this have to do with Zhensengumi! Why is there a corpse behind! One, which one is the small town in the end!"

   "Of course it is the horse." Atongchan explained.

   "Indeed, it is a good way to use a mascot to enhance your image." Jiang Cheng held his hand and nodded to express his understanding.

"A good way to shit! It's not cute at all!" Fourteen yelled, "And what's the matter with that look! I have never seen a mascot with such a sad look! Where is this cute? It just reveals a faint expression. The tragedy atmosphere!"

   "No! You are wrong!" Jiang Cheng corrected, "The core of comedy is usually tragedy!"

   "What you said has nothing to do with the mascot!"

   "Yeah, I was killed..." The silver wig covered his head and muttered.

   "What did he just say [killed] mean?! Is it the corpse on the back?!"

Kondo squatted behind Xiaocheng’s buttocks, interrupted XIV’s complaints and comforted: "Well, XIV, nowadays, it’s no longer possible to rely on straightforward cuteness! A closer look may feel that Xiaocheng is disgusting, but …"

   Before he finished speaking, he was kicked and kicked in the chin by Xiaocheng.

   "What are you doing! Asshole!" Kondo said angrily, and rushed towards the town...

   Looking at the fighting mascot and the orangutan, Jiang Cheng was also a little speechless.

   "Speaking of the mascot, I know a furry animal." Jiang Cheng thought for a while and said.

   "Hey?! Really?!" Fourteen was surprised, "Is it really an ordinary animal?!"

   "Ah, it's just an ordinary dog." Jiang Cheng replied.

   "That will do! There is no need for this at all!"

   "Suga, then you can wait for a while." After speaking, Jiang Cheng turned and left.


ten minutes later.

   "I'm back," Jiang Xiang said hello to the Zhensengumi who was waiting in place.

   "Where is the dog?" Fourteen asked.

"Ah, here." After Jiang Cheng finished speaking, everyone found that behind Jiang Cheng there was a madao lying on the ground with a collar, "I'm really sorry, that friend doesn't seem to be at home, but I met this guy on the way, he Said that he has experience working as a civil servant, so..."

   "That's just an old man! How can I improve my image by that!" Fourteen cursed.

"No, maybe it used to be, but since he put on the collar, he has become the mascot of Zhenseng Group!" Jiang Cheng retorted, "So, please give him a chance! Every meal only needs a plate of dogs. Food is enough, it's definitely easy to feed!"

   "Achu...uuuu..." Hasegawa ran to the phone booth to the side and called his wife who had run away from home, "I finally became a civil servant again! Work has been settled! When will you come back..."

"I haven't decided yet, bastard!" Fourteen shouted and rushed over and kicked Hasegawa, "Are you in such a hurry to give your family happy?! You can't be a mascot like this! Kids will scare away. Right!"

   "I think it matches the small town on the side, uh," Atong sauce said with a pouting mouth, "you can make a debut if you form a combination."

   "I can't tell at all, OK!" Fourteen frantically complained.

"I think it's pretty good," Sougo put a plate of dog food in front of Hasegawa, "Quickly eat, you will be Madao 13 of Zhenseng Group from today! Your task is to eat all the egg yolks in the game. sauce!"

   "Don't make a decision without authorization, bastard!" Fourteen scolded.

   "In general, which one do you choose between these two?" Jiang Cheng asked.

   "If you can, I will..." said a cigarette after fourteen.

   [I don't want to] Before the two words were spoken, Jiang Cheng first said: "Have you heard?! Both of you have been admitted! You deserve to be the deputy head of the Zhenseng team!"

   "Can you listen to someone finish the sentence!" Fourteen angered.

   "Yo Xi, you two will be colleagues from now on, so get along well." Jiang Cheng said to Xiaocheng and Madao, "Don't hurt your peace just because of the mayonnaise."

   "Hey, Kagura-chan, that person is here to grab your job..." Gin Shiki turned his head and whispered at Kagura who was sleeping on horseback.

   "Huh?!" Kagura got up instantly, kicked madao, and then cursed while kicking, "The one who grabs my job can't forgive Alu!"

   "Alu?" Fourteen finally found out that the small town was pretending to be the trio of Wanshiwu. "So it's you!!"


"At 14:17, you will be arrested for the crime of obstructing official duties." Kondo said in a deep voice standing in front of the house of all things, and then ordered someone to handcuff the three of them, and took a bus rented for publicity. on.

   "Hey? Really?" The Wanshiwu trio sat on the bus and looked at the handcuffs on their hands. They still couldn't react.

   "Nothing like that, right? We didn't do anything if we said it was obstructing the execution of official duties."

   At this time, Gin Shih was only wearing shorts.

   "Wow! Didn't you ruin our parade?!" Fourteen stood outside the car and cursed.

   "Listen to me, Atong-chan asked us on this matter." Yin Shizuku went to the window and explained.

   "Otherwise, we won't take the initiative to help you Aru!" Kagura continued.

   "Your help only hinders us!" Fourteen retorted.

   "Because Ah Tongjiang will be the chief for one day, so I secretly asked us to help!" Xin Bajia explained.

   "She's a good boy, so she hired us out of her own pocket for today." Yin Shizou said with emotion.

   "Her mind is trampled on by you!" Kagura shouted.

   The next moment, Kondo opened the door of the car, pulled Kagura down, unfastened the handcuffs, and sent it to Jiang Cheng, "I see, parents must educate their children well when they go back. They are thinking about the first offense..."

   "You are almost the same, too!" Fourteen scolded, and Kondo kicked over, "I saw all the actions of the two of you just now!"

   "I don't know what you are talking about..." Kondo stood up and retorted.

   "The coupon in your arms is exposed!" Fourteen cursed.

   "What coupons? These are just some promotional papers," Kondo retorted without hesitation, and stuffed the coupons that Jiang Cheng had just secretly stuffed himself into his clothes.

   "Who believe it!"

   "Jiang Chengsang! Help me too! Jiang Chengsang!" Xin Baji hurriedly shouted.

   After hearing the sound, Jiang Cheng thought carefully, walked in front of Fourteen, and secretly stuffed a few coupons into Fourteen's hand.

   "Do you think I'm the same as Kondo-san?" Fourteen grinned, UU read, but the next moment, when Fourteen clearly saw what he was holding...

"Yo Xi, you can go down too," she said. Fourteen opened the car door, put the new eight haws down, and sent them to Jiang Cheng. "The adults must educate the children well, and don't let the children commit crimes at this age. Wrong thing."

   "You are doing the same thing, right!" Gintoki cursed, "Aren't they all accepting bribes in broad daylight?!"

   "I don't know what you are talking about, this is just a publicity page for today's work." Fourteen said disdainfully, "I am still very tolerant to children."

"Don't lie! The [Mayonnaise Soup Free Coupon for Three Days] on the page is clear to me!" Yin Shi yelled, and then looked at Jiang Cheng, "Hey, you can help me too! We! Isn't it a friend?!"

   Jiang pretended not to hear him.

   "Hey! Don't pretend to be inaudible!" Gin Shiki cursed.

   "By the way, now there is only this mascot, and there is no choice." Kondo said and looked at Sougou who was feeding madao 13 on the side.

   "This is also something that can't be helped," Jiang Cheng replied, but then he felt a breach of peace, "By the way, where did Ah Tong sauce go?"



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