May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 136: : Soap bubbles are illusory dreams?

   "Cut," Tatsumi sipped disdainfully, and then loosened Gintoki's tie, "Hurry up and go."

   In fact, from the conversation just now, Tatsumi has already understood that the idiot in front of him is not an arsonist, but just unhappy.

   "The attitude of catching the wrong person is still the same," Yin Shi stood up and moved his neck, "I will be grateful if I don't complain."

   "It doesn't take a good attitude to be with someone like you!" Tatsumi replied loudly.

   "Yeah," Jiang Cheng nodded his head with his hands in his arms, "this kind of idiot who treats recyclable garbage as combustible garbage is only good for society!

   "How much do you think you are better than me?!" Gin Shiki cursed.

   "At least I am definitely better than you in garbage sorting!" Jiang Guo replied decisively.

   "Really?" Yin Shi disdainfully said, "Then what kind of garbage do you think the game CD belongs to?!"

   "Recyclable garbage!" Jiang Guo replied brokenly.

   "No!" Tatsumi spit out.

"Why not? After recycling, repackaging can be re-sold as second-hand CDs. This is a kind of re-employment!" Jiang Cheng retorted, "All garbage is recyclable garbage! If you don't want to be recycled, just They are just being lazy! They don't want to be used twice!"

"No! All **** is combustible rubbish! I don't understand why it is divided into combustible and non-combustible, why can't it be burned? Isn't it just not wanting to burn it? They can actually be burned! Everyone is just lazy. !" Yin Shi retorted decisively.

   "You two are almost the same!" Tatsumi cursed, and got up from the wall and picked up two books on garbage sorting and stuffed them into their hands. "After you go back, take a look!"

   "No! I have to respect my will!" Jiang Cheng replied.

   "Me too!!" Gin Shiki agreed.

   "You guys..." Tatsumi just wanted to scold the two idiots in front of him, but suddenly the "jingle bell" alarm sounded along with the broadcast sound:

  【A fire broke out at a tofu shop in Sanmachigo. The source of the fire was the garbage dump next to the shop. Please hurry to the scene quickly! 】

   Then several burly men rushed out of the house in an instant.

The one-eyed Mediterranean headed by    was stunned when he saw Tatsumi who was talking with Gintoki and Jiang Cheng, "You...have grown up..."

   "What are you thinking about! You bald!" Tatsumi scolded.

   "Let's talk to me in the evening, so-called girls are like this!" With that, the one-eyed uncle gave Tatsumi a thumbs up, and then rushed out quickly.


   "It's all your fault, which made me misunderstood!" Tatsumi stood at the door facing Yin Shi and Jiang Cheng cursing.

   "It's okay!" Jiang Cheng comforted, "Don't look at Yinshi so casually, but you really are not the type he likes, and you are not the type I like! Don't worry!"

   "Hmm." Yin Shi nodded.

   "Hey, you two are really rude!" Tatsumi scolded, but then sighed and looked at Silver, "I have already contacted your home, and your family will come to pick you up soon."

   "Huh?" Yin Shi touched the back of his head very casually, "Don't do such unnecessary things."

   "I'm sorry," Tatsumi said apologetically, "It's all because I made a mistake that made you so miserable."

   "Don't mind this, I also polluted your eyes with dirty scenes. It's comparable." Gin Shiki replied.

   Jiang Cheng nodded in agreement.

   "You only talked about the crotch after you came here, right?!" Tatsumi exclaimed Aojiuji, but then chuckled lightly, "What a weird guy."

   After finishing speaking, Tatsumi walked in one direction.

   "Hey, where are you going?" Yin Shig shouted.

   "Of course I caught the arsonist, I wouldn't just give in!" Tatsumi replied without looking back.

   "I'm really not afraid of suffering." Gin Shizuo casually reminded, "Maybe it will disappear in the wind like soap bubbles."

"Long-winded! My goal is to become the number one firefighter in Edo! I will neither lose to those men nor to the arsonists!" Tatsumi paused and sternly said, before turning his head again without looking back. Go ahead...

   "Not bad vibe," Jiang Cheng muttered looking at Tatsumi's further and further back.

   Just finished speaking, suddenly, two Kuwu Cong shot directly from behind Jiang Cheng, and they pierced the back of Jiang Cheng's head with great precision, Jiang Cheng rushed to the street...

   At this time, Yin Shi turned his head and looked into the distance. It didn't matter to see that, I saw Kagura roared and rushed over instantly, a flying kick, Yin Shi was kicked to the ground.

However, Kagura didn’t plan to let Ginshi off just like that, so he cried and kicked and cursed, “You unsatisfied son! Did you come to this place to play with fire again?! I don’t remember having a support. A son like you!"

   At this time, Jiang Chengcai finally stood up, pulled out a few kunai from the back of his head, glanced at Kagura, who was blasting silver, and then at the new Baji and Yueyong on the side.

   "What's the matter?" Jiang Cheng asked blankly.

"After Kagura received the call, he sent a message to Yue Yongsang..." Xinba Haw explained, and then quickly stopped Kagura who was addicted to the silver blasting hammer, "Stop it! Kagura! He will! You killed me! I really will be beaten to death!"

   "Oh oh oh oh, men are like soap bubbles, I'm so pitiful..." Kagura-chan complained in tears, "You are exactly like your dead father, oh oh oh..."

   "Kagura sauce, where did you learn this kind of lines..." Jiang Cheng asked with black lines.

   "[Never pay attention: Edo Hachimachi, 24 hours] said above," Kagura explained with a raised face, "I selected Aru from [Asshole Thief G]!"

   "Choose your size! If you remember this thing all day long, you can't become a good adult!" Yin Shi and Jiang Cheng shouted at the same time.

   "And you! Why throw kunai at the back of someone else's head without knowing it!" Jiang Chengbai pointed his eyes at Yueyong Tucao on the side, "It's super rude!"

   "The same goes for you! What else do you have besides causing trouble every day!" Yue Yong cursed.

   "This time it has nothing to do with me!" Jiang Cheng roared.

   "Men are all the same, to avoid responsibility, they would say that Aru! You have to be careful, Tsukiyuki." Kagura Xiangyueyong reminded.

   "Enough for you!!" Jiang Cheng roared.

   "Ahhhhh, what is Jiang Chengsang's hand?" At this moment, Xin Baji looked at the garbage classification brochure in Jiang Cheng's hand and asked.

   "Oh, this," Jiang Cheng handed the album to Xinba Ji, "It seems to be about garbage sorting. I'll give it to you. Anyway, I'm too lazy to remember such things."

   "By the way, garbage classification has become more and more strict recently," Xin Ba Hao looked at the album in his hand and said with emotion, "Some even I have to compare the album to figure it out."

   "Right?" Yin Shi accepted the conversation, "Obviously all garbage is combustible garbage!"

   "This person is really not good for society at all..." Xin Baji vomited expressionlessly.

   "But the weather today is really good! It's a day suitable for barbecue!" Jiang Cheng looked at the big sun and said with emotion, "Yo Xi! It's decided! I invite you to eat barbecue today!"

   "That's great!!" Kagura and Xin Bajia cheered instantly.

   Looking at the excited Shin Baji and Kagura, Gintoki struggled for a long time, but finally stood up and walked in the other direction.

   "Go ahead, I'm not interested," Yin Shi said with a wave of his hand.

   "This person is not normal today..." Xin Bajia vomited, "Usually, even if you don't take him, you will follow..."

   "Masaka..." Kagura looked at Ginshi's back, "Is it burned out Aru?!!!"

   "No, just to catch the arsonist..." Jiang Cheng explained.

   "The arsonist? Is it a task commission?" Xin Baji asked in confusion.

   "No, it's just the nosy problem..." Jiang Cheng replied casually.

   "Will there be any danger?" Xin Baji asked.

"When is it his turn to worry a child like you, don't worry," Jiang Cheng waved his hand and said casually. Different creatures."


   "I said that guy will be fine," Jiang Cheng said impatiently, "As for worrying to this degree?"

   In the end, Jiang Cheng, who was not enough for Shin Baji and Kagura, could only take the two of them to the street looking for silver, and Yue Yong returned to Yoshihara after giving (threat) Jiang Cheng a few words.

"We are the house of everything! The president ran to pick up the life by himself or something... How could this kind of thing be allowed!" Shin Baja replied, and then looked at Kagura who was eating takoyaki while walking nearby. "You mean, Kagura-chan?"

   "It's a big head! You have four eyes! I can't even eat barbecue Aru!" Kagura scolded, "Anyway, it's the kind of job that can't get money?"

"Where did that idiot go? We almost turned the entire Kabukicho around." Jiang Cheng complained, "Could it be that I was wrong, that guy didn't come to catch the arsonist at all." , But ran to play with Little Steel Ball?"

   "No! If it's playing with small steel balls, that guy will definitely choose barbecue!" Shinyachi retorted, "And according to my investigation, the arsonist must be in Kabukicho!"

"Maybe it's not to play Little Steel but to find a little girl to practice body-fitting skills," Jiang Cheng continued, "I am embarrassed to explain this kind of thing to you, so Yin Shi Maybe after leaving."

   "In your impression, is Yinsang that kind of person?" Xin Baji said, curling his lips.

   But just after the complaint, Xin Ba Ji turned his head and found Yin Shi riding on the lying trash can at the side of the alley.

   There is a young girl in the trash can, it is Tatsumi.

   "Ah, sure enough, it's a fit skill..." Xinba murmured, and then took a bite decisively to turn around and leave.

"Yin Shi, no matter how you say it, don't play like this on the street." Jiang Cheng sighed lightly, "Forget it, I will explain to Kagura-chan and Xin Ba Hao. Such an adult world also exists !"

   After finishing speaking, Jiang Cheng dragged Kagura and Shin Baji to leave.

   "Wait a minute! Have you misunderstood something?!" Gintoki and Tatsumi hurriedly shouted.

   "I'm going to live with my uncle these days, you are so sick, Yinjiang!" Kagura spit out and said.

   "Listen to someone's explanation, you bastards!" Gin Shiki stood up and kicked the three of them and cursed.



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