May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 137: : The streets and alleys are always unexpectedly attractive...

   "You don't need to explain, Yin Shi, I understand." Jiang Cheng got up from the ground, holding his hands and muttering.

   "You don't understand anything at all!" Ginshiro yelled, but just after speaking, he heard footsteps.

   Immediately after, Yin Shi pulled Jiang Cheng, Tatsumi pulled Shin Baji and Kagura quickly hid or lay in an ambush.

   "It smells so bad!" Jiang Cheng whispered while looking at the trash around him.

"Shut up! You idiot!" Yin Shi quickly covered Jiang Cheng's mouth, and secretly looked towards the alleyway, only to see a figure sneaking up to the alleyway and squatting down, but couldn't see it. Be clear about his appearance, "You can't go wrong, that person must be an arsonist!"

"Really?! Is that person the arsonist who recently committed crimes?!" Xin Ba Hao, who was hiding behind the trash can, said in shock, then looked at Yin Shi on the other side and complained: "Yin Sang is also true, too. Since it's here to catch the arsonist, somehow tell us about it."

   "The kid is not old enough to play with fire!" Yin Shiyi said righteously.

   "Qiaodou sack...that did you take off your pants..." Jiang Cheng felt that something was wrong, and the figure seemed to be clearer and clearer, and the uniform on his body was somewhat familiar.

   At this moment, the figure let out a comfortable groan: "Almost can't make it~ Fortunately there is a toilet here~"

   "That's a gorilla..." Jiang Cheng said uncertainly.

   "Ah, it's really a gorilla..." Kagura agreed.

   "Sure enough, it's just a gorilla..." Xin Baji said blankly.

   When watching the orangutan in the Zhenseng Group uniform preparing to put on the pants, everyone finally couldn't help but jump out together. Jiang Cheng kicked Kondo first, and the others kicked and cursed around Kondo.

   "What's the matter?! Come out and make trouble at this time!" Yin Shik kicked and cursed, "Why are the alleys like toilets in your eyes?!"

   "The director of the Zhenxuan Group is **** on the street, I have thought about the news headlines tomorrow." Jiang Cheng answered.

   "Wait for your ruin! You orangutan!" Xin Bahao yelled, "Don't do bad things at this time!"

   "Wait... wait a minute!" Kondo shouted as he got up, "I just can't help it! What can I do!"

   "I can't help but pull in my pants! You are so pale!" Jiang Cheng kicked Kondo again and cursed, "What dirty picture did you show us!"

   "Don't kick, don't kick..." Kondo quickly begged for mercy, "What are you doing here?"

   "Of course I came to catch the arsonist Aru!" Kagura answered first.

   "Arsonist? Do you work?" Kondo wondered.

   "This was originally the job of the police! Are you not the chief of the police?!" Yin Shi vomited, but the next moment, everyone heard footsteps again.

   "It must be an arsonist this time!" Gintoki came to a decisive conclusion, and at the same time gave Tatsumi a wink at the side, and the latter knew that Kagura and Shinbaji would still be pulled into hiding quickly.

   and Gintoki dragged Jiang Cheng and Kondo to hide quickly.

   Everyone just hid in the trash and waited quietly. The footsteps are getting closer...Finally! That figure appeared in the alley!

   "This must be an arsonist!" Yin Shi decisively concluded.

   "You can't make a mistake again, right? Or is it someone who came to pull wild **** again?" Jiang Cheng retorted in a low voice.

   "Definitely not! He is more cautious than the gorilla just now! You see, he still looks around!" Yin Shi looked at the figure and analyzed.

   "Ape! Come on! When he is about to set the fire, you go out and give him a personal spoil and get it!" Gintoki turned his head and said to Kondo who was aside, "We can get the bonus by then?"

   Speaking of this, Yin Shi is a little bit complacent, "I didn't expect an unpaid task to suddenly become a paid task..."

   "I see! This is also the duty of the police!" Kondo nodded and said, "I will help too!"

   But the next operation of the figure really made a group of people puzzled.

   I saw the figure face the wall, one hand held the wall, raised his butt, and then took off his pants...

   "Ah, it's so dangerous..." Quan Zang said to himself gratefully, "Fortunately there is a pharmacy next to here...If it's a little later, it will be over..."

   "It turned out to be you!!" Jiang Cheng jumped out first and flipped all over Zang.

"Hey? It turned out to be you," Quan Zang said happily, and stretched the suppository in his other hand to Jiang Cheng's face. "Please, help me with the medicine. I'm so painful that I don't have much energy anymore. One point, put this..."

   At this time, Gin Shi also jumped out, and without giving Quan Zang a chance to finish speaking, he kicked the latter with one kick, and the latter turned into a bright star and disappeared in front of everyone.

   "Yin Sang... just now that was..." Xin Ba Ji murmured while holding his glasses.

   "Don't care, there is nothing." Yin Shi replied without thinking, "You didn't see anything!"

   "Can you really wait for an arsonist in such a place?" Xin Baji couldn't help complaining, "There are so many alleys, why is he so sure that he will come here?"

   "I always feel that this alley has a kind of magic," Jiang Cheng murmured, "hasn't it already attracted two perverts?"

   "It makes sense." Yin Shi nodded, and then said, "Hurry up and hide! Waiting for the next suspect!"

"To understanding!"


ten minutes later.

   "Hey, someone has appeared again!" Yin Shig reminded in a low voice, "I can't go wrong this time!"

   "Enough is enough, Yinsang." Xin Baji vomited expressionlessly, "This is the third time you have said this!"

   Looking at the sneaky figure squatting down on the garbage dump and looking around, Gin Shiki chuckled lightly: "Look? This person is definitely an arsonist!"

   "Maybe there is nothing wrong with this!" Xin Baji replied, and then looked at Kondo, "Kondo-san, you have to watch that person's every move!"

   "Don't worry!" Kondo patted his chest and promised.

   "Ahhhhhhhhhhh, wait...that coat..." Tatsumi, who had been staring at the alleyway, suddenly felt that the figure became clearer and more familiar, until the figure turned his face.

   "Isn't that the bald head in your place?!" After seeing the figure clearly, Ginshi said.

   "Why is the old convention in such a place..." Tatsumi murmured, "Could it be that the arsonist is..."

   Before Tatsumi finished speaking, everyone saw that the bald uncle took out an ergonomic magazine, and said to himself in a tangled way: "Why don't you throw it away? I like this one very much..."

   "It seems to be just here to throw ergonomics..." Xin Baji whispered.

   Everyone fell down at the same time.

   But the sound attracted the eyes of the bald uncle.

   "Tatsumi? What are you doing in a place like this?" asked the bald uncle.

   "It's you! Don't come to such a place specially to throw Xiao Liu Bei!" Tatsumi walked to the bald uncle and complained.

   "No way! I just came to throw a jump!" The bald uncle pointed to a stack of magazines on the ground with a flushed face and explained.

   "You don't deceive people! You also come up with this kind of disguise that you can see it is a lie!" Tatsumi retorted.

  On the top of the stack of books, only the top one is jump, and the bottom one is all Gongkou magazines...

   "Really, I don't want to be such an uncle." Yin Shi stepped forward and said.

   "It makes sense!" Kondo said at the same time.

   "Enough for the two of you! Your waist has also been eroded?!" Xin Ba Hao pointed to the full of ergonomic magazines sandwiched between the waists behind them and spit out loudly.

   "We have a lot of spring thinking kids in our family, so we can't take these books home." Yin Shi walked to the bald uncle and squatted down and said, at the same time he kept flipping through the stack of magazines in front of the bald uncle.

   "Idiot! It's because I'm a kid who is thinking about spring, so I need this kind of thing!" The bald uncle retorted solemnly.

   "Who do you think is the kid who is thinking of spring?" Xin Ba Jia scolded when he kicked the silver, but his face turned red.

   "Of course it's you!" Yin Shi got up and replied without thinking, "Aren't you in heat three hundred and sixty-five days a year?"

   "That's me!" Kondo said.

   "Don't think I didn't see it, you just stuffed something in your arms secretly! New Eight!" Gin Shiki continued.

   "Where is there anything!" Xin Baji flushed his face and retorted at the same time, but his hands were unnaturally protecting his chest...

   "Don't look, Kagura-chan," Jiang Cheng said, covering Kagura's eyes, "They are basically helpless. Their existence has no social significance."

   "That's right..." Tatsumi nodded in agreement. UU Reading


   "What are you doing here instead of those insignificant things?" The bald uncle ignored the silver that was fighting on the side, but the three of Shinbaji and Kondo looked at Tatsumi and asked.

   Tatsumi listened, and rolled his face unnaturally, as if he didn't want to answer this question.

"You... don't you still want to do those extraneous things?" The bald uncle sighed softly and said bitterly: "You are almost enough, right? You have caught eight fake arsonists this month, in the group. I have received a lot of complaints..."

   "No matter what an uncle like your ergonomic magazine says, I will never leave the firefighting business!" Tatsumi replied without thinking about it.

   "Just give up, don't you know that we don't need a little girl like you at all?" The bald uncle stood up and said impatiently.

   "Stop calling me a little girl!" Tatsumi retorted, "I am the one who has watched you put out the fire until now! So, even me, it can come in handy!"

"I don't care what you looked at when you grew up, but I never remember wanting to train you to become a firefighter!" The bald uncle sternly said, "Listen to me! No matter how noble things are in front of the fire, they will be instant. Turn to ashes!"



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