May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 138: : The so-called life is like soap bubbles... (Firefighter Chen...

"How terrible this is, you should know better than anyone else!" As he said, the bald uncle's tone became much calmer. "The fire fighters have to face not only the raging fire, but the burned ashes will be behind this. On the back, the dead companion or the person who could not be rescued. My back is already covered with ashes. Do you think you can carry it all with your thin body?!"

   At this time, even the three people who were just arguing on the side stopped, listening to their conversation thoughtfully.

   "Are you... still dealing with my parents..."

   Without waiting for Tatsumi to finish, the bald uncle said again: "Your parents, it feels like I killed them. If even you are dead, I..."

"What are you talking about! Bald!" Tatsumi retorted with some excitement, "Mom and dad died in the fire, it is not your fault at all! Compared to those, didn't you save me?! Didn't you already save me? Is it so big?!"

   "I want to repay you, what's wrong?! Is there anything wrong with wanting to help you?!" Tatsumi was very excited at this time, and seemed to have said everything he wanted to say in his heart.

   "Huh, I didn't raise you because of love or anything, but just atonement! The sin of not saving your parents!"

   At this time, everyone who has been listening has finally understood the ins and outs of the matter.

When    Tatsumi was a child, a fire broke out in his home. Except for himself, who was rescued by this bald uncle, the rest of his family were buried in the flames. And this bald uncle will raise up Tatsumi who lost his family...

   "So you don't have a reason to continue being a firefighter? If you understand, go find a man and live the life of a woman!" The bald uncle turned and left after speaking.

   Shin Baji, who had been listening, couldn't help but want to say something, but Kondo and Gintoki covered their mouths at the same time. Kagura too, but Jiang Cheng's mouth was also covered.

   "Uncle..." Kagura turned his head and whispered, but Jiang Cheng just shook his head and said nothing.

Regardless of whether it is Yinshi, Kondo, or Jiang Chengcheng, they understand that although the words of the bald man are sincere, they are also a test in a sense. If Tatsumi has to give up being a firefighter because of these words, Then...

   But at this moment, a slightly sharp man’s voice came, "Hey, are you holding a party here? Would you like to take me?"

   "What silly thing to say..." Yin Shi said impatiently and looked over, but after everyone looked over, he realized that the fire had spread. Everyone suddenly realized that the man who made the noise with glasses and a stubborn face was an arsonist! !

"What sort of garbage should be done? It's really troublesome!" The man with glasses laughed, and poured all the gasoline in his hand on the fire. "In fact, garbage can be burned as long as it is lit! Just burn all the rubbish!!"

   After speaking, the man with glasses fled towards the alley without turning his head.

   "Hey! Wait for me!" Yin Shi tried to catch up, but the fire was too big, trapping everyone in the alley.

   "Get out of the way!!" Tatsumi roared and picked up the prepared fire extinguisher and sprayed at the burning garbage in front of the crowd.

   After a while, the fire in front of everyone was extinguished.

   "Leave the arsonist to the police uncle!" Kondo glanced at Tatsumi, and then rushed out of the alley.

   "You can't just let the sliver stand out!" Yin Shishi said and rushed out.


"Hey, it's burning up here too," Jiang Cheng said, pointing to the wall that was attracted by the fire just now. "Don't be froze, didn't you just talk about becoming the number one firefighter in Edo? Isn't this your job?!"

"It's over! It's burning up!" At this time, Tatsumi finally found the current fire, and quickly rushed out, shouting at the pedestrians on the road: "Hey! It's a fire! Everyone, run away! It's a fire!" "

   "You two, also go to help evacuate the crowd." Jiang Cheng said at the side of Xin Ba Hao and Kagura.

   "Hi!" The two responded and rushed out quickly.

   "You..." The bald uncle looked at Jiang Cheng and muttered.

"Don't say anything, I believe that kid will prove himself by action." Jiang Cheng said he had walked out of the alley. "At that time, you can go and blame her again. By the way, I will help you. Notify that team or something."


   "Hey, grandpa! Your house is on fire! Run away!" Tatsumi shouted at the grandpa who was blowing bubbles on the second floor.

   "Hey? Smash the wall with cakes to your heart's content, right?" The grandfather asked in doubt, "Well, I see."

   "No, you don't understand at all!" Tatsumi exclaimed, "Are you wearing ear-cursing headphones on your ears?!"

   "Yes, yes, I am burning for the love that has been chasing me." The grandfather replied unhurriedly, and then said with a little emotion, "I want to follow you~ Nanyoko~"

   "I don't know what you are talking about!" Tatsumi roared with white eyes, "Your house is already on fire! Can't you see such thick smoke?! You smelly old man!"

   "Who do you think is the smelly old man! Be careful I kill you!"

   "Why don't I hear you so clearly when I say bad things about you!" Tatsumi had just finished complaining, and heard a loud explosion, "That's it! I have to go up and save him! This is endless!"

With that said, Tatsumi rushed directly into the house, and the bald uncle who had just come out of the alley rushed in when he saw it, and shouted at Tatsumi's back: "Wait! Tatsumi! Old man, I'll save it. You go to evacuate the crowd! Someone from the team has notified me!"

While    shouted, the bald uncle had already caught up with Tatsumi.

   "It's verbose! I don't want to listen to you! You bald go away!" Tatsumi rushed to the second floor while retorting.

   "Who can flash people!" The bald uncle retorted, "Although I am bald, I will not run away! I am an enhanced version of baldness!"

   At this time, the fire is getting bigger and bigger, and the whole room is full of smoke billowing, and because of the wooden structure, the fire spreads very fast.

   "It's not good, the fire is getting bigger and bigger!" The bald uncle came to the second floor and looked at Tatsumi who was trying hard to push the door.

   "What's going on... Why can't it be opened..." Tatsumi said as he pushed the door, and just finished speaking, he saw that the door was pulled open from the inside.

   The old man blew a bubble into Tatsumi's face.

   "Old man! What are you doing! Didn't I tell you about the fire?!" Tatsumi roared.

   "I won't go to a nursing home! I want to trouble you all my life!" The old man closed the door again and locked it from inside.

   "What the **** are you talking about! How can it be repaired! It's just that the donkey's lips are not right!"

   "Who do you think is a donkey!" The old man's voice came.

   "Open the door, you smelly old man!" Tatsumi roared and slammed directly into the door, which was knocked down.

   But the ceiling was smashed down.

   "Are you an idiot?!" The bald uncle roared, and rushed forward to push Tatsumi who was too late to escape in the future.

   At the same time, Jiang Cheng followed the members of the team to the scene of the fire.

   "Hey, Shin Ba Chi, Kagura, what about those two people?" Jiang Cheng asked the Shin Ba Chi and Kagura who were standing there.

   "The two people seem to have rushed into Aru, and there seems to be an old man inside who has not escaped." Kagura replied.

   Kagura just finished speaking, Gintoki and Kondo also returned to the scene with the strictly tied arsonist.


"Tatsumi, don't bother in vain," the bald uncle shouted, looking at Tatsumi who was trying to move the thick ceiling on his body, "A firefighter of your level should know what is the first priority?! If you hesitate. If you do, people who can be saved will not be saved! You don’t know what a firefighter represents!"

"Wow!" Tatsumi retorted, "It's true that I want to be a firefighter because I live with you, and I really want to repay you, but... it's not just this, at that time, you saved me, so I want to save others too! So, no matter what you say, I will do what I like!"

"It's a dead-headed woman," the bald uncle looked at Tatsumi, who was still moving the thick ceiling on his body, with a gentler expression, "I want you to live too, yes, just like I said. The same, the first adoption of you was indeed for atonement, but ah, I don’t know when it started. It’s not so much as an atonement, but because I feel so happy to live with you, countless times watching someone die in front of me Feeling my weakness."

"I'm drifting with the wind, like soap bubbles, I feel like I'm about to break at any time. But ah, because of you, I can never break. If you break too, I will definitely not be able to support it. Going down?" As he said, the bald uncle remembered every day Tatsumi was growing up...

"On the back that only bears ash, it makes me feel that you are the only one who bears blood-connected relatives. So, don't live like us anymore, so run! Tatsumi! I don't want to bear it. My daughter’s ash!"

"What an uncle with a bad brain..." Tatsumi stood up, walked to the old man who was still blowing bubbles, and carried him on his back. "I don't want to carry my father's ashes again. Oh, idiot. So, wait for me, I'll come back to rescue you right away! Dad!"

   After speaking, Tatsumi rushed downstairs with the old man on his back.

At this time, the bald old man was finally unable to hold on. Looking at the soapy water and straw left by the old man on the ground not far from him, he tried his best to reach out, but he couldn't reach it. ...

"Life is like soap bubbles. When the wind blows, it flies up to the sky. When I noticed it, it disappeared with a snap. At the moment when it was about to burst, I wanted to fly higher by myself, but back It’s always too late when the gods come... I’m sorry... Tatsumi... But, am I flying high enough, right?"

"What silly thing to say? Isn't it broken yet?" Jiang Cheng's voice came, and the wall of the second floor was smashed by Yin Shi and Jiang Cheng at the same time. Then, the two appeared in the bald father's. before.

"I said, when you changed from a bald uncle to a bald dad, you have evolved from a soap bubble to a rubber ball," Yin Shizuku leaned down, and got his hands into the ceiling that pressed against the bald dad. "Know that It’s hardest to raise a daughter or something!"

   Talking, Yin Shi moved the ceiling forcefully, and Jiang Cheng hurriedly pulled the bald father out when he saw it.

   "Be careful that your daughter is tangled by this kind of naturally curly silver-haired man." Jiang Cheng dragged his bald father up and reminded him at the same time, "If your daughter finds such a man in the next half of her life, tusk tusk..."

   "She dare!!" The bald father shouted without thinking.

   "Hahahaha," Jiang Cheng couldn't help but laughed, "It seems that soap bubbles have really evolved completely...hahahaha..."


   Looking at the three people who jumped downstairs, Tatsumi rushed over and took the bald old man over.

   "Hey, you kid, if you dare to think about my daughter..." the bald old man turned his head and pointed at Yinshi and said fiercely. The aura was indeed terrifying.

   "What are you talking about! You smelly bald!" Yin Shizuo shouted, "I would not save you if I knew it!"

   "Yinshi, at that time, I clearly saw you riding on her..." Jiang Cheng is always a master of watching the are you talking about! ! "The bald old man exploded his hair in an instant, leaving Tatsumi aside, it was a set of combo punches at Yin Shi...

   "No! It's just riding on her who is curled up in the trash can!" Yin Shig retorted while parrying the bald father's fist.

   "You might as well not explain..." Jiang Cheng vomited.


   In the end, after Tatsumi's explanation, the bald old man was finally willing to believe that it was a misunderstanding.

   Of course, Yin Shi has been beaten into a pig head.

"Listen well, Tatsumi!" The bald father was still a little worried, and said bitterly: "You must keep your eyes open when looking for a man in the future! Otherwise, life after marriage will be like soap bubbles. I don't know when it will be broken! "

   "You are too wordy too!" Tatsumi retorted, "It's too early to think about this kind of thing now! It's just that I called you daddy! You entered the role too quickly!!"

   "What did you say! You stinky girl!"


   The two quarreled again.

   But the group members on the side laughed...



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