May Be the Fake Gintama

: Extra 5: The late night rabbit, wandering

   (Continued from Extra Story 4...)


   Planet Laan, the planet destroyed in the space war, is also the hometown of the night rabbit.

   The night rabbits who were lucky enough to survive the war escaped. As for those who can't escape, they can only stay in peace, no, maybe they can only survive in the hometown called ruins. Altana spewed from the ground, and the withered planet became a nest for mutated creatures.

   After that, no one has been to this planet for hundreds of years, until that man appeared, and the man known as Xinghai Fangzhu broke into Anan alone, liberating the hometown of Night Rabbit.

   It was also because of this battle that Xinghai Fangzhu was given the title of [the strongest].

   The information that Jiang Cheng inquired about in the universe is probably like this.



   "It's really a rare scenery~" Jiang Cheng glanced at the area he saw, and said with a slight emotion, "But is it an illusion? I always feel that someone is staring at me..."

   At this time, Jiang Cheng had just stepped off the spacecraft and walked forward for a while. The entire sky in An'an was red, and there was an extremely rotten smell in the air. If you change to a normal person to come here, I believe you will be unable to hold on if you don't last two days.

   There is a huge bird flying in the sky, but if you look closely, the bird should have only the skeleton and a thin layer of skin attached to the skeleton.

   The ground is basically full of yellow sand, and occasionally I can see broken buildings in twos and threes, and they are basically crumbling. Plants are even rarer, and Jiang Cheng only saw a few grasses after walking a long way.

   "Are you spying on me?" Jiang Cheng paused and asked, looking at the huge bug behind him.

   The whole bug looks like a ladybug, but the whole shell looks quite hard. Of course, the appearance is also very huge, at least two meters high, and the body is about three meters in diameter.

   Jiang Cheng just finished speaking, the huge mutant bug rushed towards himself with a roar, as if he had seen something rare and delicious.

"Hey, don't be so angry, I know breaking into your home without authorization makes you angry." Jiang Cheng bent his legs slightly, holding the umbrella with his hands in front of him, and making a defensive posture, "But now Isn't it too late to say hello?"

   The mutant bug couldn't understand Jiang Cheng's words. It still rushed towards Jiang Cheng, but suddenly... Jiang Cheng felt a violent sensation, which came from the ground.

   The shaking became more and more violent, Jiang Cheng didn't dare to hold it big, he just got up and jumped away from the position he was just now.

   Jiang Chengcai, who landed again, finally discovered that countless large blue snakes had emerged from the ground. If it weren't for Jiang Cheng's fast speed, he would have become a Chinese food for those big snakes.

   But the mutant insect that stayed in place was not so lucky, and was swallowed directly by one of the big snakes.

   "Is this the Lord?" Jiang Cheng murmured, Jiang Cheng felt the power of Altana from the body of the snake.

  Presumably, that is the big snake called [Lord of An'an] that Jiang Cheng heard from the universe before. It lives by devouring Altana and stretches out its 108 heads to expel creatures close to their planets.

"This is too big!!" Jiang Cheng said with emotion, then waved his hand at the snake and shouted vigorously: "That! I came here because something happened! I'm sorry to disturb you! That, can you? Do you understand me?"

  Jiang Cheng just finished speaking, dozens of snake heads drooled and rushed towards Jiang Cheng who was standing on the ground.

   "It seems that communication is impossible," Jiang Cheng sighed, and then pulled out the umbrella behind him, ready to face his own battle.

   However, what happened next was a bit beyond Jiang Cheng's expectation. The snake rushed to Jiang Cheng but stopped, although the saliva was still flowing.

   This fact made Jiang Cheng a little confused, but following the line of sight of the snake in front of him, Jiang Chengcai finally realized that the snake was staring at the umbrella in Jiang Cheng's hand.

   "Are you looking at this?" Jiang Cheng opened the umbrella and asked, "It seems that you also know Sister Jianghua?"

   Of course, Da Snake couldn't understand Jiang Cheng's words.

   Then, the snake retreated. The serpent maintained the posture it had when he first appeared, standing high on the ground, looking straight at the umbrella in Jiang Cheng's hand.

   Then, all the big snakes uttered a low growl. Jiang Chengneng heard an emotion from the low roar, which seemed to be nostalgia and mourning. The snake growled in a low voice for nearly a minute.

   "Where did Sister Jianghua live?" Jiang Cheng shouted loudly, "She is in a very bad condition now, I want to save her!"

   Orochi did not respond, but at the same time turned the snake's head in a certain direction.

   "I see, thank you." After speaking, Jiang Cheng rushed straight in the direction the snake's head was looking.


   half an hour later.

   "This is..." Jiang Cheng muttered while looking at the unfinished building in front of him, and then walked in without looking back.

   In fact, Jiang Cheng is still very confused now, so he came here, looking for the footprints of Jiang Hua's life, trying to find Jiang Hua's ideas from these places.

   Then, maybe we can find a reason to persuade Jiang Hua to come back here.

   Jiang Cheng walked into the unfinished building, walked to the second floor, and pushed open the door that had not been opened for ten years.

   opened the door and looked at the small house with only one bed and bookshelf. Jiang Cheng was a little surprised, because it was not as dirty as expected, but rather clean. There is even little dust.

   At this moment, Jiang Chengcai finally understood something. Maybe it was all made by the strange creatures outside, to commemorate or commemorate Jiang Hua.

   Jiang Cheng walked into the house and looked out from the window facing the door. Not far away was the big snake still standing on the spot.

   "Thank you!" Jiang Cheng yelled at the big snake, then Jiang Cheng went to the small bed and sat down, picking up a book on the shelf and reading it...

   From this look, I saw the dusk, the sky was already dark, Jiang Cheng raised his head and put down the book in his hand.

"Unexpectedly, this romance novel hundreds of years ago was written so well. It's really touching~" Jiang Cheng wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes and said with emotion, "The touching love between the male lead and the female lead is really so touching. Moved!!"

   Voiceover: Hey, do you still remember what you came here for? !

   Then Jiang Cheng stood up and found a few dusted candles and flint on the table next to the window.

   lit a candle and placed it on the table, Jiang Cheng ushered in his first night in Lu'an.


   Jiang Cheng lay on the small bed, flipped through the faint candlelight and looked at the books on the shelf without stopping. Every book has Jiang Hua's comments. I want to come, Jiang Hua used to spend one lonely night after another.

   But the types of these books are really mixed, such as novels, popular sciences, even planting, and all kinds of books.

   The peaceful night was very quiet, and the mutant creatures were also asleep. Except for the sound of the wind, Jiang Cheng could not hear a sound. Silence, incomparable silence.

   Jiang Cheng may understand how lonely Jiang Hua was once, and from the notes in the book, it can be seen that Jiang Hua has lived a long, long time.

  Some of the handwriting is even hundreds of years ago, and she has been alone since then.

  Perhaps, she is used to being alone and accustomed to being alone, but one day she suddenly met the owner of Xinghai who broke into here.

   Just like when I met Jiang Hua after living alone with An Xing for seven years, Jiang Hua was saved because he met Xinghai Fangzhu, and he was also saved because he met Jiang Hua.

   "I don't know whether I should thank the bald man or beat him up," Jiang Cheng put down the book in his hand and murmured, "Sister Jiang Hua's heart was saved, but she also pushed her into the abyss of death."

   Jiang Hua, who has regained the affection and family, is definitely unwilling to leave her family and return to this planet. She didn't want to regard them as tourists passing through her life, but regarded them as the end of her life.

   Jianghua is definitely not willing to return to this planet, watching the distant family members grow old and die naturally in his long life. Jiang Cheng couldn't empathize with this kind of suffering and pain, but he could understand a little bit.

   "So, how can I save you..." Jiang Cheng murmured, then got up and stood up.

   The sky was already bright at this time, Jiang Cheng, who hadn't slept all night, walked to the window, stretched his waist, and looked at the big snake who was still standing still on the spot.

  Perhaps, only by turning Jiang Hua into an existence like her own can it truly save Jiang Hua, not only the body but also her heart.

   But, seeing those big snakes, Jiang Cheng knew in his heart that Jiang Hua loves every creature here, even if she could do it, she would not choose to do that. Because once the core of Altana is taken away, all the creatures here will slowly die, just like Hean.

   He An Xing is the only one left, and there is no more creature.

   "Forget it, let's find some crystal stones first, maybe it can delay the death of Jianghua sister a little bit. It will also give me some more time."

   In fact, Jiang Cheng knew that only the words of Altana, who was in peace, could not save Jianghua. To make a simple analogy, Chuan is the deep sea, then Jianghua is the deep sea fish. And the Altana of An'an is nothing more than fish food.

  The fish that landed on the shore, the fish that jumped into the fresh water, only food can not live long, but it can be delayed for a while.

   Jiang Cheng rearranged the room and put the book he had read back in place. Then he picked up his umbrella and walked out, and gently closed the door.

   Jiang Cheng, who walked out of the unfinished building, first came to the blue snake and greeted him, then ran straight to the distance...



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