May Be the Fake Gintama

: Extra Story 6: Simple Wish


   It has been nearly two months since Jiang Cheng left Laoyang. From that day on, Shenwei would come to the hillside where Jiangcheng used to store spaceships every day.

   In the past two months, the owner of Xinghai Fang also came back once, but Shenwei did not communicate with him. This man is his own enemy, Shenwei always thinks so in his heart.


   One day, two days, three days, one week, two weeks, three weeks, one month, two months, Shenwei expects that man to appear again every day. However, two full months have passed, but Shenwei can't wait for the man, who is suspected to be Jiang Hua's uncle.

   Although Shenwei was also gradually disappointed, Shenwei always felt that that man was different from the owner of Xinghai Fang. Perhaps, he can really save Jianghua. Even with brute force, that man shouldn't lose to that bald man.

   The most important thing is that the man may exist just like his mother. Moreover, in that man's eyes, he could feel his determination to save his mother.


   In the morning, the sky was just getting bright, and the gods could not wait to jump out of bed. The first thing was not to cook Jianghua and Xiao Kagura, but to ran out of the house and jumped on the roof of his house to look at the small mountain not far away.

This habit of    Shenwei has been maintained for two months, every day, Jiang Hua and Xiao Kagura are no surprise.

   However, the owner of Xinghai Fang, who came back once a few days ago, would be wrong, thinking that his son is eagerly looking forward to his return home every day. Immediately moved and overwhelmed, holding her son's moving tears, the result was that she was kicked out of the house by Shenwei...

   "That's..." Looking at the familiar spaceship on the mountain peak, Shenwei was overjoyed, and then ran straight to the street.

   That man is back! !


   When Shenwei found Jiang Cheng on the street, Jiang Cheng was devouring him in a restaurant.

   "Hey, I don't know if I come back." Shenwei complained, then walked into the restaurant and sat down opposite Jiang Cheng.

   "Wait...Wait...I'll talk again...I'll finish." Jiang Cheng replied vaguely as he ate.

   After a full half an hour, Jiang Chengcai finally stopped eating.

   "Really dying..." Jiang Cheng patted his stomach like an October pregnancy, "Finally I have a decent meal!"

   "Hey, how about it? Have you found a way?" God asked impatiently.

   "Tell me back on the boat first," Jiang Cheng stood up, took out a wad of money from his arms and handed it to the waiter, then turned and walked out.

   Shenwei followed closely.


   in the spaceship.

   "This, you take it home first." Jiang Cheng threw a sack to Shenwei, "Remember, spread these evenly on your home, under the floor, and on the wall."

   "What is this?" Shenwei unzipped the sack, looked at the crystal stone full of green light inside, wondered.

   "Don't worry about that much, in any case, spread it all over your house." Jiang Cheng walked to the side and sat down and said casually, "Then..."

   Suddenly, Jiang Cheng got stuck, can Jiang Hua eat this? Is it different from yourself? When I was in He'an, I ate this as food, and it was crunchy and crispy.

   "The water for sister Jianghua to drink, put this in and boil it. But other people can't drink it, do you understand?"

   If you can't eat it directly, soaking in water should be fine, I'm really smart! Jiang Cheng gave himself a like.

   "Why?" Xiao Shenwei tilted his head in doubt.

   "Your body can't bear it at all, you will die." Jiang Cheng said casually.

   "Huh?!" The crystal stone in Shenwei's hand was frightened, "Is this poison?!"

   "For everyone other than her, it is poison. Including me." Jiang Cheng replied seriously, "So, you must pay attention to your diet."

   "I see," Shenwei closed the sack again, raised his head and asked, "With these, can I really save my mother?"

   "No, it can only relieve her symptoms." Jiang Cheng replied casually, "If you don't go back to that place, there will be no cure."

   "Do you know the true identity of your mother?!" Shenwei was a little shocked. The previous time Xinghaifang master came back, Shenwei got the answer from Xinghaifang master. Shenwei couldn't think of it, this man knew it too!

   "Aren't you underestimating me?" Jiang Cheng glanced at Shenwei and muttered, "Quickly go back, I want to sleep for a while, for these things, I almost died."

   "Almost mean..."

"Well, I almost starved to death," Jiang Cheng continued, complaining in his tone, "There is nothing to eat in that place. If it weren't for a box of compressed biscuits on the spacecraft, I would really starve to death there. …"

   "I thought you were in some danger! Was it just because you were hungry?!" Shenwei couldn't help but vomit loudly.

   "Are you underestimating hunger?!" Jiang Cheng retorted dissatisfiedly, "Hunger is not one of the most painful things in the world!"

   "By the way, can these things really restore mother's health?" Shenwei ignored Jiang Cheng's complaints, but asked uncertainly looking at the sack in front of him.

   "It will make her body recover some, and, slowly, the effect of this will be weakened. If you want to get better, you can only go back to that place." Jiang Cheng replied.

   "Then cure the symptoms, not the root cause!" Shenwei said with his little face upside down, "Isn't this spaceship yours?! Why can't I send my mother back!"

"Yes," Jiang Cheng said, digging a long rope from the side, winding it up and passing it to Shenwei's hand, "As long as you can tie up your mother and send it here, I will promise you to send her. Back to peace."

   "Really?!" Shenwei said in surprise.

   "Of course, I won't lie to you yet." Jiang Cheng replied.

"That's a deal!"

   "Hi, hey, you'd better go home and arrange these." Then, Jiang Chenggong carried Shenwei and the bag of crystal stones to the cabin door of the spacecraft and threw it down.

   But turning his head, Jiang Cheng suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly shouted, "Hey! Nobita, there is this! Slow down!"

   "I have said it many times! Don't give me any weird names! My name is..." Shenwei turned his small face and cursed, but before he finished speaking, a stack of books had hit Shenwei's face.

   "Those books, your mother should like them." Jiang Cheng said casually, "Also, if you have anything, come here to find me. If I am away, leave a note at the door."

   After speaking, Jiang Cheng yawned and closed the hatch.

Jiang Cheng was really tired. He basically didn't rest for a moment in Ju'an. Moreover, he did almost die. The Altana leaked from the surface of Ju'an madly invaded Jiang Cheng's body, and Jiang Cheng's own Altana furiously resisted. , Naturally it was Jiang Cheng who suffered.

   Jiang Chencheng almost never returned. But in the end, Jiang Cheng persisted.

   "This time, I should have been sleeping for a long time..." After speaking, Jiang Cheng fell straight down...


   Shenwei cautiously opened the door and walked in. Then first put the rope in his hand behind the water tank on the side. Then he put down the sack containing the crystal stone, and put the thick pile of books on the chair beside Jiang Hua's bed.

   In this way, Jiang Hua can pick it up when he wakes up.

   Then, while Jiang Hua was still asleep, Shenwei scattered all the crystal stones and hid them in the house as Jiang Cheng said. Only five or six yuan left.

   Shenwei put two pieces under Jiang Hua's pillow, and put the rest in the kettle, and boiled a pot of boiling water.

   Shenwei discovered that after the water boiled, the crystal stone seemed to become smaller. Shenwei actually wanted to have a bite, but thinking of Jiang Cheng's words, abruptly prevented his curiosity.

   Jiang Hua woke up leisurely until noon.

   "Mom!" Shenwei exclaimed in surprise, and at the same time he held a cup of water to Jianghua, this cup of water was boiled with Altana crystal stone.

   Jianghua glanced at the pile of books on the chair beside the bed, then looked at the slightly green water in Shenwei's hand, and smiled softly.

   Jianghua could feel that the whole room was filled with peaceful Altana, but it didn't break. He took the hot water in Shenwei's hand and drank it in one breath.


   For seven days, Jiang Cheng slept for seven days in this sleep, but Jiang Cheng did not know the time when he fell asleep.

   Jiang Cheng got up, yawned and stretched, and then walked to the spacecraft door. After opening it, Jiang Cheng discovered that there were several papers on the door.

   "That's it, it really is exactly the same as I thought," looking at the note written by Shenwei [Mom's complexion is getting better and better, and she can get out of bed! 】, Jiang Cheng said to himself, "But I don’t know how long the effect will last..."


   "Where have you been these past few days? Why can't I find you?" Shenwei complained while sitting in the spacecraft.

   "It's too early for children to know the world of adults!" Jiang Guo replied decisively.

   "Uh..." Shenwei thought of a certain possibility, "You are really bad! Is the so-called adult world that kind of dirty world?!"

   "I want to understand women, you are a few decades early!" Jiang Cheng replied without thinking.


   "By the way, did you succeed? Tie up your mother and send it to the spaceship." Jiang Cheng asked casually. In fact, Jiang Cheng was just joking at the beginning. Unless Jiang Hua himself is willing, no one can force her.

   "Every time I was almost," Shenwei felt regretful when he talked about it, "Every time I was discovered by my mother when I was almost successful."

   "Hahahaha, you really tried it..." Jiang Cheng couldn't stop smiling while clutching his stomach, "Are you a fool?"

"You're an idiot!" Shenwei retorted with a white eye, but then his expression became more gentle. "Mom's body looks much better. Yesterday I got out of bed and cooked for us... It's just a little too much salt. …"

   "Now, as long as there is a steady stream of crystal stones, it will not be a problem to stay for another three years. UU reading" Jiang Cheng replied.

   "Three years..." Shenwei murmured.

   "I will figure out a solution in three years." Jiang Cheng's tone is still very casual, but Shenwei feels a little relieved from his voice.

   "Next time, take me too!" Shenwei said seriously, "When looking for any crystal stone, take me too! I want to work hard for my mother too!"

   "You should stay with her," Jiang Cheng replied without thinking, "It's already a great help to be able to stay with her."

   "Dad, he... also said so..." Shenwei's mood instantly dropped a bit, and then raised his face and shouted, "Do you think I am not strong enough?!"

"Ha? What the **** are you kid thinking?" Jiang Cheng was puzzled, but then he also reacted, "That's not what I meant. I mean, if you stay with her, she will be very happy. Next time. , When that bald comes back, let him stay. If they are all together, she will be happier. Being together as a family is your mother’s wish."

"how about you?"

   "I..." After pondering for a moment, Jiang Chengcai said slowly: "As long as she is happy, I don't care. Moreover, on another planet, I also have an existence that I want to protect."



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