May Be the Fake Gintama

: Extra Story 9: Shenwei: Can I trust you?

   One week, Shenwei stayed in this small room for seven days. During the seven days, apart from going to the spacecraft to eat, the rest of the time was all looking at the diary under Jianghua's bed.

  Shenwei is also the first time to come in contact with Jianghua, who he doesn't know about. The loneliness of Jianghua revealed between the lines in the diary can also be gradually felt.


   "It's time to go, kid." Jiang Cheng opened the door and said to Shenwei who was sitting on the edge of the bed with his head down.

   "You..." After a while of silence, Shenwei raised his head and slowly asked, "Can I trust you?"

   "What are you talking about..." Just as he said it, Jiang Cheng found the confusion and pain in Shenwei's eyes. Then Jiang Cheng smiled softly, walked to the bed, squatted down, showing a warm smile, and reached out his hand to touch Shenwei's head, "Of course. You can trust me at any time. Me. Will save your mother, so please rest assured."

   "I don't know, I don't know at all," Shenwei lowered his head, and large teardrops kept rolling down his face, "What the **** should I do?!"

   "Didn't you just say it?" Jiang Cheng smiled and said, "Just leave it to me, and the children can do their children's work."

   As he said, Jiang Cheng turned around, "Come on, you're already very tired, right? The kid shouldn't be brave."

   "I'm not a kid!" Shenwei wiped his tears and said with a small mouth, but the next moment, Shenwei still did not hold on, forcibly fainted and lay on Jiang Cheng's back.

   "I don't know who I learned from such a stubborn temper..." Jiang Cheng couldn't help laughing, and then stood up with one hand supporting the gods on his back.

   Jiang Cheng discovered when he entered the house that Shenwei should have not rested for several days. Being able to last so many days on this planet with such a poor environment is already the limit for a child.

   "But, it did grow up..." Jiang Cheng turned his head to look at Shenwei who was sleeping on his shoulder and muttered, "In this case, do you understand Sister Jianghua's heart better..."

   "Mom..." Shenwei whispered a dream on his back.

   "Cut, I feel like an ordinary child when I fall asleep..." Jiang Cheng picked up the umbrella on the side and walked out with the crystal stone he had collected.

   In fact, Jiang Cheng still had something to say to Shenwei. For example, when Jiang Cheng was searching for the crystal stone, he met the owner of Xinghai Fang who was also searching for the crystal stone on this planet, but Jiang Cheng hid and did not meet him.


   "This is..." Shenwei opened his eyes, lifted the blanket on his body, and looked up at the surrounding environment.

   It was just a glance, and Shenwei had already made a judgment. This is neither Luan nor Laoyang, nor on the spacecraft. This is more like... a hospital...

"Are you awake?" Jiang Cheng opened the door and walked in. He glanced at Shenwei who was sitting on the hospital bed and complained: "I said I won't let you reluctantly, but it is still reluctant to this extent. But the recovery is very fast. Yes, you should be discharged from the hospital today."

   "Where is this?" Shenwei asked in confusion.

   "A small planet on the way back," Jiang Cheng replied, and at the same time threw a large bag of food at the hospital bed, "Quickly eat, should you be hungry?"

   "How long did I sleep?" Shenwei stretched out his hand and squeezed his fist.

   "One week," Jiang Cheng replied, "Hurry up and go back with me after eating the hemp. It's true that I wasted a week because of you kid."

   "Oh," after responding, Shenwei opened the bag in front of him and took out the cooked food bought by Jiang Cheng and started to eat special.


   on the spaceship.

   "Why are you okay after staying there for so long?" Shenwei asked with a small face, "If I were the same as you, maybe I could be with my mother on that planet..."

   "Don't think about these," Jiang Cheng said casually, "If your body stays there for a long time, you will really die. That place, except her, is not suitable for anyone to survive."

"I know……"


   A week later, branding Yang.

   "I'm finally back..." The spacecraft slowly landed, Jiang Cheng glanced at the scenery of Laoyang through the window, and said with a slight emotion.

   But then, Jiang Cheng noticed that the divine power beside him was still a little unsatisfied, so he went on to say: "Hey, don't cry for a face all day, you will really be bald."

   "No way!" Shenwei retorted loudly with white eyes.

   At this time, the spacecraft just landed where Jiang Cheng had parked the spacecraft before.

   "Go back quickly," Jiang Cheng stuffed a sack of crystal stones into Shenwei's arms, opened the spacecraft goal and threw Shenwei down.

   "It hurts!" Shenwei, who had landed on his butt, got up and scolded.

   "Deserve it," Jiang Cheng said casually, but suddenly he thought of something, "Nobita, wait a minute!"

   "It's been several times! Every time I remembered something when I left, do you have dementia?! Also, I don't call that name!!" Shenwei turned his head and shouted.

   "This, take it back." Jiang Cheng held up a package that was several times larger than Shenwei and threw it down. It happened to press Shenwei's body and directly knocked Shenwei down.

"Isn’t it normal to bring some gifts to my mother and sister during the school trip? You can’t remember if you know, but I bought a little for you when you passed out." Jiang Cheng said casually, and then said to himself Muttered to himself: "I should clean up too, this time to go to that shop? The last time? No, this time I'd better change one..."

   "Cut, it's really a rotten man." Shenwei got up from under the package. Just when he wanted to say something, he saw Jiang Cheng closing the cabin door.

   got up and patted the dust on his body, Shenwei curled his mouth, raised the large package on the side, turned and walked towards home.

   What Shenwei didn’t know was that Jiang Cheng couldn’t hold on at the moment he closed the door of the spacecraft...


   "Mom, I'm back." Shenwei had just walked into his house carrying a large bag and a small bag, and when he looked up, he saw the Xinghai Fangzhu with a ghostly expression on his face.

   "What are you doing?" Shenwei said with a look of disgust.

"Hey, Shenwei, do you think something is wrong?" After seeing Shenwei, the owner of Xinghai Fang hurriedly rushed to Shenwei and whispered in Shenwei's ear, "Is there something wrong with my mother?! Or that one looks like something? Is the normal person really your mother?!"

   After returning home today, the owner of Xinghai Fang looked at Jiang Hua, who was supposed to be lying in bed but was actually busy in the kitchen like a normal person and still humming, the whole person was not good.

   "What the **** are you talking about?" Shenwei said while pulling Xinghaifang's face away.

   "Isn't that...returning to the light!!" The owner of Xinghaifang knelt directly, crying bitterly while beating the floor, "I'm sorry, this day has come...I'm really sorry..."

   "What the **** are you idiot talking about?!" Shenwei kicked the Xinghaifang master and cursed at the same time.

   "Listen well, Shenwei, at this last moment, we must pretend that nothing happened, know?" The owner of Xinghaifang wiped his tears and tried to put on a smiling face.

   "It's not what you think it is!" Shenwei scolded, pulling his neck.

"Then how does she explain it?!" The owner of Xinghai Workshop pointed to Jiang Hua who was cooking while humming. It has been very hot all year..."

   "Wash inside!" Shenwei shouted and kicked Xinghaifang master out of the house.

   "Alala, it was so noisy as soon as I came back," Jiang Hua stood behind Shenwei and Xinghai Fangzhu with a nuclear smile, playing with the kitchen knife in his hand.

   "This is... the real **** kid!" The owner of Xinghai Fang turned his head and murmured.


   "Are you having fun this time? Shenwei?" Jiang Hua asked with a smile at the dinner table.

   "Gifts! Did Shenwei bring gifts to Kagura?!" Kagura who was sitting on the side stared straight at Shenwei expectantly.

   Shenwei was staring so hard that he could not bear it, and said quickly, "Kagura, don't look at me like that..."

   But then, Shenwei suddenly thought of something, pointing to the big bag aside, "Um, where are your gifts or something."

   "Really?!" Little Kagura jumped off the dinner table and rushed to the big bag with joy.

   "What is this? A blindfold? But it seems a bit too big..." Kagura unzipped the bag and took out a lace blindfold, which should have a D cup.

   "Ah, is that also the gift you chose?" Jiang Hua asked, narrowing his eyes.

   "That fool..." Shenwei suspects that Jiang Cheng must be gloating and his teeth are itchy.

   "It seems that Shenwei is still too young. Next time I buy this kind of thing, I'll let Dad come!" At this time, the owner of Xinghai Fang finally pulled his head from the ceiling and jumped off.

   "Mom's size is not that big at all!" Just after the owner of Xinghai Fang, Jiang Hua once again resorted to a trick [True Baby, **** uppercut! 】Knocked the master of Xinghaifang to the ceiling.


   "Although I don't know what happened, but watching my mother recover, Dad, I am so happy!" The owner of Xinghai Fang said while sitting at the dinner table with a bag full of head.

Kagura on the side of    was playing with the toy that was turned out of the package. In fact, Jiang Cheng chose not only some clothes but also some books and children's toys.

   "Also, Shenwei, where did you get these things?" Xinghai Fang asked.

   Before Shinwei could think about his words, Kagura on the side replied first, "It's a school trip. Shinwei has gone on a school trip. These are all gifts he brought back!"

   "Study trip," the owner of Xinghaifang pretended to be emotional, "I really miss it. When I was young, I used to be like the gods..."



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