May Be the Fake Gintama

: Extra Story 10: Thank you

   "Hey?!" Little Kagura was shocked, "Did dad take a school trip than you?! Where's mommy?"

   Jianghua still kept smiling and did not speak.

   "Of course!" The owner of Xinghai Fang replied without hesitation, "I was the most obedient kid in the class at that time!"

   "The last half sentence is simply impossible!" Shenwei spit out.

"What's impossible! That's true!" The owner of Xinghai Fang retorted, but then, the owner of Xinghai Fang smiled mysteriously, pretending to be mysterious, took out an object from his arms and held it in his hand. Boy fucking!"

   "Surprise?" Little Kagura tilted his head and was a little unsure, "What is that? What do you mean by surprise?"

   "It's a gift! A gift that has been spent!" Xinghaifang master replied.

"Gift?!" Kagura jumped down again, and ran to the owner of Xinghaifang, pulling on Xinghaifang's clothes, and staring at Xinghaifang with his big eyes, "Is there any Kagura? Are there any surprises for Kagura? ?"

   "That..." The owner of Xinghai Fang stopped his daughter staring a little, "That, actually..."

   "No? Is there no Kagura? Doesn't Kagura deserve a surprise?" Little Kagura's eyes slowly filled with mist.

   "Next time! Be prepared for Kagura's surprise next time! Isn't it okay to be alone once? It's Kagura's turn next time, OK?" Xinghai Fang said quickly.

   "Really?" Xiao Kagura wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes and raised his head to ask seriously.

   "Of course!" Xinghai Fang replied without hesitation.

   "That's it, I must prepare to surprise Kagura next time." Little Kagura held out his little finger.

   The owner of Xinghai Fang smiled and gave a little thumb.

   "What about the present?" Jiang Hua asked aloud.

   "Of course it's this!" As he said, Xinghaifang advocated opening his other hand, and saw a crystal stone glowing green lying in the hands of the owner of Xinghaifang.

"What's the matter? Are you shocked and speechless?" Seeing that everyone was silent, the owner of Xinghaifang explained aloud, "Don't underestimate this thing! This is something that can restore mother's health! "

   "Hey?" Shenwei deliberately prolonged the tone, "It's really the best gift."

   As he said, Shenwei got up and lifted the big sack at the door, and poured all the crystal stones in it on the ground, and glanced at the crystal stones in the hands of the master of Xinghaifang again, teasing: "What a surprise~"

   Looking at the crystallized stones on the ground, and there is no one smaller than the crystallized stones in his hand, the owner of Xinghaifang just feels that he wants to find a seam to drill in, which is really shameful.

   "Well, I just made a joke just now!" Xinghai Fang said again after coughing twice, "That is actually a surprise for Kagura this time!"

   "Hey?! Really?!" Kagura said in surprise.

"Yeah! Really!" Xinghai Fang said seriously, and then looked at Jiang Hua seriously, "Boy damn, let's work hard today! How about making a brother or sister for Kagura? Kagura, surprise? You will have a younger brother or younger sister soon!"

   As it turns out, the readers can guess it too. The owner of Xinghaifang hangs on the ceiling all night.


   The next day.

   "It seems that someone is faster than me..." The master of Xinghaifang murmured, standing in front of the bed.

   "Ah, yes." Jiang Hua sat on the bedside and glanced at the sleeping Kagura and Shenwei, then looked at the crystal stone in his hand, smiled and replied.

   "Who the **** is..." The owner of Xinghai Fang wondered, "I have been searching for so many years and only found a small piece. Who can find so many in such a short time..."

   Jianghua didn't answer, but looked at the divine might.

   "Could it be..." The owner of Xinghaifang looked at the divine power aside, "Could it be this stinky boy? Do I, dad, be surpassed by this stinky boy who has not grown his hair yet?!"

   "No," Jiang Hua shook his head, then looked out the window and said softly, "It's another [family]."

   "Another family? Who?" The owner of Xinghai Fang was still puzzled.

   "Earth." Jiang Hua turned his head to remind him.

   "Earth?" The owner of Xinghai Fang didn't know, but then he thought of something, "Couldn't it be that stinky boy! I heard that the stinky boy participated in the war, and then disappeared. I didn't expect..."

   That’s right, Jiang Hua has always been attached to Jiang Cheng on the earth, and every time Xinghai Fangzhu goes out, he will let Xinghai Fangzhu pay attention to Jiang Cheng’s news.

"That said, I can understand. If he exists like you, he will be more sensitive to these things than an ordinary person like me..." Xinghai Fang finally wanted to understand, "Then, that smelly Where is the kid now?"

   Jianghua shook his head without answering.

"Did it not show up?" The owner of Xinghaifang continued, "I heard that he killed a division of Chunyu on Earth alone. The entire Chunyu is now looking for him. Then, maybe I should say hello to some of Chunyu's old friends. , It can be regarded as thanking him."

   "Where are you? Do you want to leave this time?" Jiang Hua ignored the words of the Xinghaifang master, and then asked.

   "Ah, to go, I don't want an outsider to work hard for my wife while hiding here." The owner of Xinghai Fang squatted down, took Jiang Hua's hand and said.

   "Perhaps, this is also family, not just staying together to call family." Jiang Hua murmured.

   "Jiang Hua, you..." The owner of Xinghai Fang had never thought that he would hear such words from Jiang Hua's mouth, and his expression became gentle.

   "God Akira..."

   Just when the two of them are in love, their mouths are going to meet each other...

   "Ahem!" Shenwei sat up and stared at the two.

   "You **** occasionally show me the atmosphere, atmosphere! Can't you see any atmosphere now?!" Xinghaifang cursed.

   "You are right! Saying these nasty love words in front of the child makes me get goose bumps all over!" Shenwei retorted.

   "Shenwei, it is wrong to do this. You should pretend to sleep like Kagura, pretending that you can't hear anything." Xiao Kagura sat up, stretched out a finger and said earnestly.

   Xinghai Fangzhu: "……"

   Jianghua: "……"

   "Good trip," Jiang Hua said decisively, and at the same time lay down and closed his eyes.

   "Isn't it?!!!" The master of Xinghaifang shouted irresponsibly, and at the same time looked unhappy at the divine power with expressionless and contempt, "You stinky kid!"

   "This smelly bald guy!" Shenwei was not to be outdone.

"What are you talking about?!" The owner of Xinghaifang was not angry, "I should call my dad with a refreshing head! No, no, my hair is still thick now! Jianghua, don't always say bald in front of children. Yes, if you say too much, it will become true!"

   "Isn't that better?!" Shenwei exclaimed.

   "What an irritating kid! I knew I would give birth to you, so I should have shot you in the corner of the corner!" Xinghaifang said with a grin.

   But at this moment, Jiang Hua didn't hold back a laugh.

   "Mom..." Shenwei said that he was hurt.

   "I'm sorry, Shenwei," Jiang Hua said, "I just think this sentence is familiar. Some people have said this ten years ago."

   "Who is it?" Xinghaifang master and Shenwei asked at the same time.

   "It's an idiot." After Jiang Hua finished speaking, he covered the quilt.


   "Hey, let's go after lunch." Shenwei stood at the door and said to the owner of Xinghaifang.

"Hey?" The owner of Xinghai Workshop raised his head and glanced around, then turned his head and pointed at himself, wondering, "Are you talking to me? Couldn't you happen to have something similar to seizing a house, right? Or? Do you have a fever?"

  The blue veins on Shenwei's face jumped and jumped, and finally rushed towards Xinghai Fangzhu intolerable.

   "Mommy, Shenwei is fighting with Dad!" Inside the room, Kagura pointed to the window and said.

   "I know." Jiang Hua said with a smile, then got up from the bed, "I haven't moved my body for a long time... Kagura, you have to close your eyes."

   "I see!" Kagura quickly covered his eyes, but secretly left a few gaps for himself.


   Shenwei, with a blue nose and swollen face, and Xinghai Fangzhu knelt at the dinner table, and no one dared to speak first, while Jiang Hua sat at the dinner table with Kagura for dinner.

   Except for the sound of Jianghua and Xiao Kagura eating, the whole room was quiet and terrible.

   After Kagura was full, Jiang Hua glanced at Xinghai Fangzhu and Shenwei who were still kneeling on the ground, and said casually, "Eat."

   The two were relieved and quickly got up and ran to the dining table.

   "This chicken drumstick belongs to me! My dear wife made it for me!" The owner of Xinghai Fang watched as the chicken drumstick he was going to get was preempted by Shenwei, and couldn't help but yell at his neck.

   "No! This was made by my mother specially for me!" Shenwei retorted.

   Then, the two started a frantic scramble for food mode. The entire dining table is the battlefield of the two. On the side, Jiang Hua narrowed his eyes and smiled.


  After, wait. "Shenwei shouted to the owner of Xinghai Fang.

   "What's wrong?" The owner of Xinghai Fang, who was ready to go, turned his head and asked.

   "Thank you..." A mosquito-like voice came.

   "Nani?" The owner of Xinghai Fang was a little confused, "Did you really eat something you shouldn't eat today?"

"I have said thank you!" Shenwei raised his head and shouted, resisting the anger in his heart, but then the tone was softer and he continued, "Thank you for saving my mother from the **** called loneliness, although I still don't understand. , But thank you so much!"

"What silly thing to say?" Xinghaifang came to Shenwei, reached out his hand and touched Shenwei's head, with an extremely gentle expression, "It is not only me who brought her redemption, but also you and Kagura. Maybe I too. I should say thank you, thank you for being my family."

   "It's disgusting, you bald boy, I heard these sensational words from your mouth..." Shenwei turned his head and curled his lips, but his eyes were moist.

   "What are you talking about, you brat!" The owner of Xinghaifang couldn't help cursing.

   So the two quarreled again.




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