May Be the Fake Gintama

: Extra Episode 11: Letter Opened in Advance

   After this, Shenwei followed Jiang Cheng several times to Lu'an to search for the Altana crystal stone. Every time he returned with a full load, and Jiang Hua's body was indeed under the influence of the Altana crystal stone, and it seemed that he recovered no different from a normal person.

  According to Jiang Cheng's estimation, these crystal stones can maintain Jianghua's health for three years, but after that, crystal stones alone are not enough to save Jianghua.

   So, Jiang Cheng is ready to find a new way.


   "Hey," Shenwei sat in the cabin, looking at Jiang Cheng who was writing something on the side, "I lost."

   "Lost? What do you mean?" Jiang Cheng raised his head and wondered.

   "Didn't you make a bet at that time?" Shenwei replied.

   "Oh, I remembered," Jiang Cheng just remembered that something really happened.

   "I lost, so, what do you want?" Shenwei asked next.

   "Let me think about it..." Jiang Cheng looked at the letter paper in front of him, "Then send me a letter."


   "Ah, help me deliver this letter to her in three years." Jiang Cheng replied, and at the same time stuffed the letter into the envelope and handed it to Shenwei.

   "Also, this ship, just treat it as a gift from me." Jiang Cheng glanced around and said casually.

   "Hey?!" Shenwei was a little slow, "I obviously lost..."

   "It has nothing to do with the bet, it's just a gift." Jiang Cheng replied.

   "Are you leaving?" After a long silence, Shenwei raised his head and asked.

"The adults also have their own things to do." Jiang Cheng said casually, and then smiled and said, "And, don't worry, I said, your mother's affairs are left to me. Even if you need a short time Parting, one day I will also let you reunite. This is an agreement."

   "It's really an unreasonable person to mix with other people's housework and leave by himself." Shenwei murmured while looking at the envelope in his hand.

   "Why are you so disappointed? Are you reluctant to bear me?" Jiang Cheng teased in Shenwei's ear.

   "Where is it!" Shenwei retorted with a blushing face, "Don't be wrong!"

   "Hi, hi, then I beg you." Jiang Cheng continued, reaching out his hand for the last time and touching Shenwei's head.


   Watching Jiang Cheng walk towards the passenger ship step by step, finally, Shenwei did not hold back and shouted loudly:

   "Hey! My name is..."

   Of course, Jiang Cheng still didn't give Shenwei a chance to finish speaking, and a small stone flying at high speed happened to hit Shenwei's head.

   "It hurts, bastard, what are you doing!" Shenwei scolded Jiang Cheng while rubbing his smashed forehead with both hands.

"Name or something, I will introduce myself when we meet next time. Before that, learn the etiquette first~" Jiang Cheng said lightly, and then raised his hand and waved without looking back. Goodbye, Nobita."

   "You said, don't call me by that name!" Shenwei cursed, but he couldn't help but laughed after he had just cursed, watching Jiang Cheng step by step on the passenger ship.

   "What a weird guy," Shenwei said softly, "but...bye bye, Doraemon."


   "I'm back." Shenwei shouted and stepped into the house.

   "Welcome back." Jiang Hua replied with a smile, then turned around to continue preparing for today's dinner.


   At night, Kagura snored slightly.

   Shenwei lay in Jiang Hua's arms, thinking of the man who always looked casual but incredible.

   "Mom, I will definitely not become a man like Dad." Shenwei raised his head and said seriously, "Also, I won't become a man like that man!"

   "Hey, I see." Jiang Hua reached out his hand and touched Shenwei's head, "Now, it's time to go to bed."

   "He has never been in front of his mother for such a long time, aren't you curious, mom? Don't you want to see him?" Shenwei asked curiously with his small face up, but there was still a sour tone in his tone.

   "Because, I'll always see you again," Jiang Hua said with a smile, and then took out an envelope from under the pillow.

   "Hey! That!" At this time, Shenwei discovered that the letter was exactly what Jiang Cheng lowered himself and let himself convey it on his behalf three years later.

   "Do you believe him?" Jiang Hua asked, before Shenwei could answer, and then said, "So, I also want to try to trust that kid."


   "Because, I know, the guys who can be trusted by their children are not bad." Jiang Hua replied with a smile.

   "So, will mother go back?"

   "I don't know," Jiang Hua shook his head, and then said, "However, I also began to look forward to a little bit. The joy of our family reunion after a long absence."

   After finishing speaking, Jiang Hua looked at the little Kagura beside him, then looked out the window, his eyes full of hope.


   One month later, Jiang Cheng returned to the earth. Before Jiang Cheng seriously thought about how to save Jiang Hua, a group of familiar people found Jiang Cheng, that is, his companions who were saved by Jiang Cheng in the war against the barbarians.

   Although some people survived, they didn't dare to show their faces in order to avoid the shogunate's pursuit, but they didn't know why they got together again.

   "Getting together is easier to be found by the shogunate." Jiang Cheng reminded with a light sigh, "So, what is it for?"

   Now everyone is sitting in a small room. It's a secret stronghold.

Seeing a crowd of people with big eyes and small eyes talking nonsense, just don't tell the truth to himself, Jiang Cheng was a little helpless, and said: "Hurry up! How can you be like a woman? Hei Ziye, for you. "

"Let me do it then." Kuroko wild gave a salute and began to explain, "After the war, we people have been hiding in the country in order to avoid the shogunate's pursuit. Except for the family members knowing that we are still alive, None of the others are clear. But..."

   "But what?" Jiang Cheng asked next.

   "Let us explain it." A samurai who looked familiar stood up and motioned for his companions to join him.

   Two samurai came to Jiang Cheng.

   At this time, Jiang Chengcai finally dug up the information of these two people from the depths of his memory, "You guys, aren't you from the original ghost soldiers?"

"Exactly!" The samurai headed by kneeling sat down and said, "After the war, the ghost soldiers ushered in a wave of purges by the shogunate. Basically all the surviving members of the ghost soldiers were arrested by the shogunate. The two of us managed to escape, and met them during the journey..."

   "Cleaning? Where is Gao Zi? Where is Gao Zi? He can't do nothing." Jiang Cheng's face became serious, and he continued.

   "Mr. Takasugi..." The samurai bit his lip, his face was constipated.

   "Say! What's wrong with Gao Zi?!" Jiang Cheng yelled at the former member of the ghost soldiers.

   "He couldn't be found everywhere, as if he had disappeared... The shogunate probably didn't find Mr. Takasugi either." Kurokono made a sound to relieve the ghost soldier team member.

   "That's good." Jiang Changchang breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at the group of people in front of him, "So, is your purpose to rescue those companions imprisoned by the Shogunate?"


   "That, in fact, in four days, the arrested ghost soldiers will be publicly executed," Kuroko murmured, "We gather here just to rob the law field and save those companions!"

   "I can really find things one by one." Jiang Cheng sighed lightly.

   "So, we can only seek the help of Senior Jiang Cheng!" The two ghost soldiers lowered their heads at the same time.

   "Are you idiots?" Jiang Cheng couldn't help cursing, "Do you know what the consequences will be after you rob the field? After that, you will be endlessly pursued by the shogunate."

"The shogunate just wanted to use this method to confuse the people in the period after the end of the war, kill chickens and monkeys, so that the wind of barbarians will no longer rise. This is their purpose. And you who undermined their plan... the consequences, I don’t need to talk about it."

   Jiang Cheng's analysis is exactly the same as what Kurokoye and the others inquired.

   "But are you going to die like this?! Are you not Mr. Takasugi's friend?!" a member of the ghost team shouted.

   "Who said that seeing death can't be saved?" Jiang Cheng explained, "I just said that the robbery field is not suitable."

   "Then, do you mean let us go directly to the robbery?"

   "Forget it, it just happens to be entangled with how these things should be used," Jiang Cheng sighed, then took a small bag from his arms and opened it, "This is something called [Warts] obtained in the universe."

   The crowd gathered around Jiang Cheng, watching the dense and sesame-sized flesh-colored [warts] in Jiang Cheng's hands, and looked over curiously.

   "What's the use of this kind of thing?"

"It works, as long as you put it on a this thing can be parasitic within one day, and a basically identical body will be copied in two days. The real body will become the same size as this thing. Sleeping on [Warts]." Jiang Cheng explained.

   "Why is there such a convenient thing?!"

   "Of course, this was exchanged for a plate of peanuts with the uncle on the side while drinking." Jiang Cheng nodded, speaking naturally.

   "You believe in 100% suspicious things too!"

"The universe, the possibilities are infinite." Jiang Cheng replied, then glanced at everyone in front of him, and then said: "Tonight I will sneak into the prison and put these on the companions who are about to be executed. Hei Ziye, think of a way. Buying the corpse collectors after the execution. After the execution, get the corpses back, and I will find a way to restore them to their original condition."

   "It means letting [Warts] be executed instead of them, but the body is still alive, does that mean? Senior Jiang Cheng?" Hei Ziye asked.

   "Well, that's it." Jiang Cheng nodded.

   "But is this thing really reliable?" Someone wondered.

   "Of course, if you don't believe it, don't you just do an experiment?" Jiang Cheng smiled and looked at the puzzled person.



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