May Be the Fake Gintama

: Extra Episode 12: Rescue Ganghwa is over! (Finally finished!!!)

   At the same time, everyone looked at the person who was suspicious.

"You..." The man swallowed his saliva, but then stood up resolutely and stretched out his arm with a decisive expression [I will not go to hell, who will go to hell], "Come on! "


   Two days of experimentation passed, and everyone was extremely excited by the results of the experiment. 【Wart】The effect is very good. The copied body is basically the same as the body. In addition to claiming to be the ontology two years later.

   Besides, it is impossible to restore [Warts] to its original shape with any other weapons except for beating with origami cardboard.


  In the cabin.

   "Are the tasks clear?" Jiang Cheng glanced around and said.


   "Then, start acting!"

   After finishing speaking, Jiang Cheng stood up and put on a black stealth suit. Jiang Cheng's mission was the most important. He had to sneak into the prison, escape the guards, and hand out [warts] to the ghost soldiers who were about to be executed.

  The task of the rest is to buy the corpse collector, and wait for the death of [Wart] to be recovered after the execution.


   Two days later, Edo.

   Jiang Cheng, wearing a hat, stood among the crowd of onlookers, standing on the bank of the river, watching the heads of the fully developed warts one by one.

   But at a certain moment, Jiang Cheng suddenly discovered that there was a familiar figure on the bridge opposite. That is... Takasugi with a hat!

   "I always knew that you would definitely come." Jiang Cheng muttered to himself, then watched Takasugi, who couldn't see his expression, turned and left.


   "What's wrong with me? Shouldn't I be executed?"

   "It seems that he did not die." Jiang Cheng squatted down holding the origami, looked at the ghost team members who had just been knocked back to the prototype before him, smiled and said, "Welcome back."

   "You are... Master Jiang Cheng!" The members of the ghost soldiers finally recognized Jiang Cheng.

   "Did Master Jiang Sung save us?"

   "Thank you so much!"

   "It was almost time to see my dead father, and I felt embarrassed not knowing what to say..."

"It's alright, don't sigh." Jiang Cheng stood up, "Let's think about what you should do afterwards. It must not do to appear in the public again with this face. You are already in a certain sense. Died once."

   "Dead once? What do you mean?"

   "Let me explain..." Hei Ziye walked out and explained what happened to everyone.

   "It turned out to be like this..." A man with goggles touched his head and murmured, "I thought I really would never see Daddy again..."

   "You kid," Jiang Cheng was surprised, "Aren't you Saburo?! How? Are you still studying robots?! Can you find the one that can deform [Kaka Kaka]? Hey, hey!"

   "Sure enough, it's still exactly the same as before, Jiang Chengsang." Saburo smiled honestly.

   "At that time, I actually wanted to dig you over and let you into my team several times, but Gao Zi just didn't let anyone go. For this, I was sulking with him for a long time." Jiang Cheng said helplessly.

   "This time we rescued a total of 185 ghost soldiers, these people..." Hei Ziye said hesitantly.

   "So many?" Jiang Cheng leaned his chin and muttered for a while, then raised his head to look at the ghost soldiers who survived the disaster, "You have to choose what you want to do next, and my task has been completed."

   "We..." A group of ghost soldiers began to hesitate.

   "It's better to escape to the countryside and hide yourself. That's the best choice." Jiang Cheng suggested.

   "Where is Mr. Takasugi?" a member of the ghost team asked aloud.

"I don't know." Jiang Cheng replied, and then sighed slightly, "You guys, don't you still want to go back to the barbarian? Since you have already died once, shouldn't you cherish life more? Live well, I believe, even if it is. If that guy knew, he would hope so too."

After speaking, Jiang Cheng took out a business card from his body and placed it in Saburo’s hand, “This person, I said before that he is the number one plastic surgery doctor in the universe. You can go to her and change your appearance. After all, this look of yours is not suitable for the public. Of course, it is voluntary. Don't worry about the money, tell her that it will be charged to my account."

   "She?" Everyone heard a trace of something wrong, and they all looked at Jiang Cheng unkindly, and at the same time showed an expression of [I understand].

   "What I know in the universe is not what you think." Jiang Cheng cursed with a black line on his face, "In your hearts, who am I..."


   In the evening, members of the ghost soldiers who survived the catastrophe held a banquet together with Hei Ziye and others.

   "Speak down a little, don't attract officials anymore." Jiang Cheng said while sitting in the hallway outside the door with a bottle of liquor.

   "Mr. Jiang Cheng," Saburo walked over with a wine glass, and also sat in the hallway.

   "Don't be so polite, just call me Jiang Chengcheng." Jiang Cheng said casually, and then took a sip of wine, "You should be older than me, right?"

   "It has nothing to do with those, Jiang Chengsang." Saburo showed a smirk.

   "This is Edo," Esari said leisurely, "I remember your home is in Edo? Don't you go to see your family?"

   After listening, Saburo was silent for a long time before looking up at the bright moon, "How can I be embarrassed to go back... I ran out to participate in the war and almost died... this kind of thing..."

"What's the matter? Are you still stunned with your father?" Jiang Cheng sighed softly, and then eloquently persuaded: "Although I don't understand your family situation, I believe that your father has always cared about you. ."

   "I know..." Saburo lowered his head and fell silent.


   late at night

   A group of people drunk asleep, Saburo quietly touched it out. Jiang Cheng has been following Saburo. Jiang Cheng knew that Saburo had gone back to see his father.

   Jiang Cheng’s task is to clear the obstacles for Saburo to go home...

   Saburo stood at the door of his house, looking at his father who had died of drunkenness at the door, with mixed feelings.

   But in the end, Saburo walked over, carried his father up and sent him into the house.

   After covering the old man Yuanwai with a quilt, Saburo also carefully put a pot of water on the chair beside him.

   "I'm sorry... Dad..." Saburo looked at his father who was still whispering in his sleep, and finally did not hold back, tears streaming down his face.


   "Do you really intend to appear in front of him?" Jiang Cheng leaned at the door and asked aloud, "Just let him know that his son is still alive. Isn't that good?"

   "No..." Saburo walked out and closed the rolling shutter, "Wait a little longer... Wait until I feel like I am a qualified son. Besides, Jiang Chengsang, you have something to find me, right?"

   "Are such a simple man outside also have such a delicate mind?" Jiang Cheng joked, but then his tone changed slightly and he became serious, "Are you sure you think about it? This is a chance to reunite with his dad."

   "I have a good idea." Saburo said seriously.

Seeing Saburo’s serious face, in the end, Jiang Cheng gave in, and took out a peaceful Altana crystal stone from his arms and threw it at Saburo, saying: "Well, I need someone to study this thing, I Only you can rely on...After all, among the people I know, you are the only one who can play this kind of stuff..."

   "I can feel a powerful energy..." Saburo muttered while looking at the crystal stone in his hand.

   "It's still too late to look back now." Jiang Cheng once again persuaded him, "This is very dangerous research."

   Saburo did not answer, still staring straight at Jiang Cheng with a serious face.

   "Okay, I get it." With that, Jiang Cheng turned around and left, "This is not a place to talk, so let's talk in another place."


   Jiang Cheng and Saburo were in the same cabin. The two chatted all night. Jiang Cheng told Saburo everything he knew, including his life experience and Jiang Hua's affairs.

   "So, I hope you can study this. I want to save Sister Jiang Hua! Please!" Jiang Cheng lowered his head and said in an imploring tone.

   "No need to do this, Jiang Chengsang" Saburo quickly helped Jiang Cheng, "I will do my best to study! After all, this life was saved by you."

   "Thank you so much!"


   Laoyang, three years later.

  The effect of the crystal stone has been getting smaller and smaller. Although Jiang Hua didn't say anything, from her increasingly weak face, both Shenwei and Xinghai Fang knew that if they didn't go back to Luan, then Jiang Hua would really kill her.

   "Don't look at me like that..." Jiang Hua looked at Xinghai Fangzhu, Kagura and Shenwei standing beside his bed, "I will go back..."

   "That's great!!!" Shinwei and Kagura cheered at the same time.

   "Let my father be responsible for sending my wife back to her natal family!" The owner of Xinghai Fang said, holding his hand.

   "No, I have a spaceship too! I'll take my mother back!" Shenwei retorted with his face up.

   Looking at the father and son who were arguing again, Jiang Hua smiled helplessly, then turned his head and touched the head of Kagura who was pretending to be strong: "I'm sorry, Kagura."

"No, no need to apologize! I believe that we will be reunited again! Our family!" Kagura pouted his lips and said, "Isn't it an appointment? Our family, we must go to the earth together! When my mother is completely healed !" After speaking, Kagura's eyes were completely wet.

   After hearing Kagura's words, Shenwei and Xinghai Fangzhu on the side also stopped.

   "Well, it's agreed." Jiang Hua resisted tears and hugged Kagura into his arms. Xinghai Fangzhu and Shenwei also squatted down.

   The family, hugged tightly together...

--Dividing line--

  【Baiqi, sister Jianghua:

Is    still healthy? I am Jiang Cheng. I don’t know if you have forgotten me. After all, the last time I met was 13 years ago, but I have never forgotten you. At first, bring me the redeemed person. Thank you so much.

   Thanks to you, I live very well on earth and I have found my own unique and wonderful life.

   So, let's fight again, sister Jianghua. the last time.

   I know that it’s not right to be an outsider to give pointers to your life. However, I can't help but want to save you.

   Maybe it was the man who brought you redemption at first, but this time, I want to bring you redemption. I don't know how to say it, the samurai's affection or repayment? I always feel alike but none of them. But there is no doubt that whether it is me or your bald and stinky boys, we all want to save you.

   I don’t know how to persuade you, but I think the so-called family members are not family members if they are together.

   And, I have agreed with I will definitely reunite your family!

   So, it's better to be like Nobita, trust me once! ——Jiang Cheng. 】

   Jiang Hua sat on the spaceship and closed the envelope. This should be the second time Jiang Hua opened the letter, the first time was three years ago.

   "I want to know what made you change your mind..." The owner of Xinghai Fang looked at Jiang Hua with a gentle expression.

   At this time, the owner of Xinghaifang is sending Jiang Hua back to Anan, while Shenwei is driving the spaceship sent by Jiang Chengzeng to follow behind the owner of Xinghaifang. Kagura was also noisy and got on the ship of Shenwei.

   "In fact, Kagura has already known..." Jiang Hua didn't answer Xinghai Fang's question, but murmured, "That kid, who has always known it, never shows it bravely."

   "It seems that I am a failed dad. Let my young daughter take on this kind of thing..."

   "So, unknowingly, I want to fight again, just like I followed you to leave peace. I must be able to get together again, with a better expression." Jiang Hua said again.

   "I...I know..."


   There is one more chapter. It will be updated around ten o'clock, and the Red Sakura chapter begins.



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