May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 141: : Be cautious about changing your style! (Red Sakura Chapter 1)

   "The moth travels through the darkness. In the deep darkness, the moth just flies blindly. Fearing the darkness, seeking light, just blindly..."

   "The moth that found the light swooped toward the light. However, the moth at that time had nothing to do with its own consciousness, and it could no longer escape the light."

   Following the monologue of Okada Nizo, or the man slashing like Tibet, on this Edo night, all the ghost soldiers appeared. The ghost soldiers headed by Takasugi stood on the deck of the spacecraft, looking out at the night sky.

   "Everyone, please be foolproof!" Takeshi Bianpingtai reminded.

   "Don't worry, senior." Kajima Kazuko replied casually, playing with the double guns in his hands.

   "People who are active on the surface and in the bright place are only underneath." He Shang Wan Qi said.

   "Let's go, our legendary curtain has been opened..."


   A few days later, Yoshihara.

   Jiang Cheng lay on the roof and looked up at the moonlight in the sky, which was obscured by a cloud.

   "Hey, what are you doing here?" Yueyong asked as she jumped up.

   "What are you doing? Of course I appreciate the moonlight." Jiang Cheng replied casually.

   "Indeed, if it was Yoshihara before, this kind of scenery is really unusual." Yueyong replied.

   "I always feel a little too quiet..." Jiang Cheng murmured.

   "Quiet? What silly thing are you talking about?" Yue Yong said with a dumb look at the crowd on Yoshihara Street.

   "I'm not talking about that..." Jiang Cheng was a little speechless, turned his head and continued, "What about you? Don't you need to go on patrol?"

   Just after Jiang Cheng finished speaking, Yue Yong jumped straight down.

   Looking at Yue Yong's back, Jiang Cheng was a little confused.

   "What a weird guy."

   Jiang Cheng just finished feeling emotional, he heard Yueyong's voice again.

   "I heard that a knife-testing murderer appeared on the streets of Edo recently. Don't be killed by some strange guys carelessly."


   On the other side, Gui, who was walking on the bridge wearing a monk hat, was suddenly stopped by someone.

   "Sorry to bother you, you should be Kotaro Katsura, right?" Okada Nizo, who was wearing a hat, stood behind Katsura and said.

   "You admitted the wrong person." After that, Gui was about to leave.

   "Don't worry, I'm not a minion from the shogunate." There is a hint of joking in Okada's voice.

   "Even if it is a dog, will there be a mad dog who wants to **** blood?" Guitou said without looking back, "Recently, people often kill people on the street in order to try a knife. But you'd better choose an opponent that can withstand it."

   With a chuckle, Okada Nizo held the knife on his waist and posed. Said: "Unfortunately, my partner and I want to taste the blood of a master like you. So, can you do two tricks with me? By the way, comment on the gap between my sword and that beast... "

   Said, Okada Nizo rushed towards Katsura.

   "That sword is..."

   Before Katsura finished speaking, Okada Nizo rushed to Katsura. Used the sword-drawing technique he was proud of.

   I have to say that Okada Nizo's sword drawing technique is really good, not only fast, but also accurate.

   Katsura fell down before he could react.

   "Alara, so you are just as capable..." Okada said without looking back, "I thought I could get some comments, it seems that I overestimated you..."

   After finishing speaking, Okada Nizang grabbed a handful of Katsura's hair that he had chopped off on the ground, and walked forward without looking back.

When Okada Nizo walked away, Katsura stood up again, looked at his shaved short shoulder-length hair, sighed lightly, and said, "Is this hairstyle too risky? Although it saves a fortune. Money to go to the hair salon, but is this look too risky? It’s really distressing..."


   The next day, noon.

   "Jiang Chengsang, the matter is not good!" Before seeing the figure, the voice of Xin Ba Chi came in first.

   surprised Jiang Cheng who was struggling with the game.

   Jiang Cheng put down the gamepad and looked in the direction of the door, and saw Shinyachi and Q Taro from Katsura appear at the door.

   "What's the situation?" Jiang Cheng said.

   "That, Guisang, Guisang, he was suspected of being given to by the recent knife-testing murderer..." Xin Ba Hao said anxiously, killing the two words without saying it.

   "Hi, hi, I know, so, hurry back. I will continue to play my own games." Jiang Cheng replied casually.

   "Hey!!" Xin Ba Ji rushed directly to Jiang Cheng and shouted loudly: "Aren't you friends with Gui Sang?! Why is this attitude like this?!"

"Because, didn't you say it after you came in just now? Suspected of being killed, it means that there is no evidence. Wait for you to find the corpse and notify me." Jiang Cheng replied casually, "I will bring the gift money to attend. Funeral. So, please close the door when you go out, ok?"

   "It's not like that at all! That's Guisang! Isn't your friend?! Shouldn't you look anxious at this time?!" Xin Baji yelled while pulling Jiang Cheng's collar.

   "I don't know what you are talking about," Jiang Cheng patted Xin Ba Ji's hand and said again: "Wigs will die in the hands of the murderer who tried the knife? Don't be kidding. Wigs are not such a weak man."

   "Why are you so sure?! Guisang is missing now! Only a **** wallet is left!"

"Even if he really meets a man who is stronger than himself, he will smear the soles of his feet and try to slip away. That man's ability to escape is not blown out." Jiang Cheng explained, "Then, I don't know how to escape. I believe that there will be such a strong knife-testing murderer."


"Maybe I went to the survivor's house again. I suggest that you investigate the entire Edo survivor. You can definitely find the wig." Jiang Cheng replied, "Also, don't be stupid to try something. murderer."

"Have you heard? Elizabeth Sang?" Xin Ba Haw looked at Elizabeth who was aside and said, "Even Jiang Chengsang thinks so! So, you have to believe him! So, we still have never died. Let's get started!"

  【No, no more. I will look for Guisang by myself. Elizabeth lit up the board, and then walked out without looking back.

   "Wait, I'll be with you too..." Xin Baji shouted and followed.

   "Where did the wooden sign come from..." Jiang Cheng, who stayed in place, began to think about this question.

   Ten minutes later, Jiang Cheng finally stood up with a light sigh, walked aside and picked up his umbrella.

   "Still going?" Yue Yong leaned out of the door and took a cigarette.

   "I don't know what you are talking about, it's just going to buy the game. This has been cleared." Jiang Cheng replied casually, and walked out without looking back.

   Yueyong stepped into the house and glanced at the eye-catching [GAMEOVER] on the computer screen.

   "What a man who is not frank at all..."


   At the same time, Gintoki also accepted the request to find the [Demon Sword Red Sakura] from the brothers and sisters in [Forge House]. Immediately afterwards, he also began to search for the trace of the demon knife.


   Earth Defense Base, that is, thrift store or second-hand store.

   "Demon knife? How could that kind of thing appear in the thrift store?" The lady proprietress leaned against the bar and said casually.

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   "No, no, now is the age of publicly selling demon swords." Yin Shizuo said, and then continued to search for something on the shelf.

   "The kind you are talking about are all fakes." The proprietress replied.

   "I turned a lot of pawnshops and they didn't have them. I thought it must have been sold, but now it seems that the purpose is not money." Yin Shi put down the funny glasses that he turned over and said casually.

   "I don't know what kind of demon sword you are looking for, but I have heard the legend about an interesting knife," the lady boss turned to look at Yin, and then said:

"Do you know about the recent knife-testing murderers? Everyone who touched him was chopped off. However, it seems that some people have seen it in the distance. It is said that the knife that the man took was not so much a knife. , It should be said that it looks like a creature. Well, you have to be careful of the murderer who tried the knife."


   It's night time.

  The people who are looking for the murderer who is trying to kill can be divided into three waves, one is Elizabeth and the new eight. The first wave is Yin Shi, who got a clue from the wife of a thrift store, and Jiang Cheng, who wandered down the street.

   As for Kagura and Dingchun, they are looking for the smell of Katsura.


   "Report! Senior Elizabeth! Fried noodles and bread are here!" Xin Ba Hao yelled at Elizabeth, who was carrying a knife, holding a bag of fried noodles and bread.

   [What I want is croquette bread]

   Elizabeth took out the wooden sign without looking back. UU reading

   "Well, the croquette bread is sold out, so I bought something similar back, I'm really sorry!" Xin Bajia explained.

With that said, Xin Ba Haw walked two steps forward, came to Elizabeth's back, and said: "How is it? Did the murderer appear? But I always feel a little risky, so I asked Gui directly to the murderer. Regarding Sang, and I'm not sure that the murderer is the knife-testing murderer, right?"

   Just after the new eight chicks, Elizabeth drew her knife and swung it down at the new eight chicks. Fortunately, Xin Ba Hao had quick eyes and quick hands, and quickly dodged aside.

   "What are you doing?!" Shocked Xin Ba Hao, sitting on the ground, shouted.

   Elizabeth, who has evolved into thick eyebrows and dangling a cigar, raised the wooden sign: [Don’t stand behind me]

   "Wow! Obviously a body that can't distinguish the front and back!" Xin Ba Hao cursed.

   But at this moment...

   "Hey," the officer who was patrolling the streets noticed Shin Baji and Elizabeth, "What are you doing in a place like this, bastards? What a suspicious guy..."

   "Well, it turned out to be an official official, don't scare people." Xin Ba Ji said with joy, and he really scared Xin Ba Ji into a cold sweat just now.



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