May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 147: : Red Sakura chapter change: 7

"Indeed, but..." Takasugi's voice sounded behind Jiang Cheng, "There are some habits you can't change in your life, I remember them clearly. Every movement, every step, is telling me that you have reached the limit. Got it..."

   "Gao Tsai, you..."

   Before Jiang Cheng could react, Takasugi grabbed the knife on the side and cut it straight towards Jiang Cheng's back.

  In an instant, blood was sprayed, and then Takasugi lifted his foot and kicked Jiang Cheng off the boat.

   "Sir Jinsuke..." Youzi still didn't react at this time.

   "In this way, there is only one white Yaksha left." Takeshi Bianpingtai crossed out Jiang Cheng's name on the paper. Gui's name has also been crossed out, and only the words Sakata Gintoki are left.

   Takasugi said nothing, put away his sword, turned and walked into the cabin.

   "Shinjudai..." He wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say it.

   "Are you okay?" A Langshi lifted up the two companions who had just been kicked by Jiang Cheng.

   "Ah, it's okay..." The two martial artists rubbed their chests and stood up.


   "Ah, it's really cruel to start, Gao Zi." Jiang Cheng turned his head and glanced at the horrible cut on his back, and muttered.

   The moment he was kicked off the boat, Jiang Cheng inserted his umbrella on the board of the boat and firmly grasped the handle of the umbrella before falling into the sea.

   Jiang Cheng grasped the umbrella's hand slightly harder, the whole person jumped up and sat on the umbrella which was reduced to a stand.

   "But what I said is right, I really can't hold on anymore..." Jiang Cheng changed his posture, yawned and fell asleep with an umbrella.


   When Shin Baji rushed to the shore with Kagura's mobile phone, Kagura, who had just been thrown onto the shore by Jiang Cheng, fainted, also woke up.

But in the next second, the two saw it at the same time. On the boat not far away, Jiang Cheng was cut in the back by Takasugi... But because the boat was on its side, the two did not see Jiang Cheng being kicked off the boat. Picture.

   "That's..." Xin Baji murmured.

   "That bastard!!" Kagura yelled angrily, "Absolutely..."

While    shouted, Kagura was about to rush towards the ship again.

   "You calm down a little Kagura sauce!" Xin Baji stopped Kagura firmly, "The opponent is the kind of person who can defeat Jiang Chengsang! Now it is better to go back and notify Yinsang!"

   "I want to avenge my uncle!!" Kagura roared, and at the same time broke free of the new eight, and rushed straight to the ship.

   Xin Ba Ji stayed where he was, and it took a long time to finally make up his mind, wiped a tear from the corner of his eye, and looked at the distant Kagura, [Wait for me! Kagura sauce! I will definitely be here after I go back and notify Yinsang! 】

   Thinking about it, Xin Ba Ji turned around and ran.


   "Yin Sang! Yin Sang!" Xin Ba Ji rushed into the House of All Things as he shouted, but as soon as he entered the door, Xin Ba Ji saw a strange girl who was giving Yin Shi medicine.

"Oh, new eight haws, what's the matter? Did you find Kagura?" Gin Shiki replied casually, and then looked at his tightly bandaged body, "That kick is really dying... "

   "It's not the time to talk about this now!" Xin Baji exclaimed, "Jiang Chengsang... Jiang Chengsang..."

   said, Xin Ba Ji's tears fell.

   "Huh? What's wrong?"

   "Jiang Chengsang was killed by..." Xin Ba Ji muttered while biting his lip.

   "What silly thing to say? Even if anyone dies, he can't die." Yin Shi disdainfully replied.

   "I saw it with Kagura with my own eyes!" Xin Baji roared, "On that boat, Jiang Chengsang was...being..."

   Hearing this, Yin Shi's heart suddenly shook, "What's the date today?!"


   "So, didn't you tell me? What's the date today?!" Yin Shi directly stood up and shouted at Xin Ba Hao.

   "Ten...15th, the 16th in a few minutes..." Xin Baji replied.

   "That bastard! He really did it!" Gin Shizuo was so angry at this time, he couldn't help but grabbed the wooden knife on the side and put on his kimono and rushed out.

   "Yin Sang, wait for me!" Xin Ba Chi called out at the same time.

   But at this moment, Tiezi shouted to Xin Baji, "Well, can you wait a moment? I still have something to tell you about the truth about Hongying."

   "Anything like that is fine!" Xin Baji shouted, and then he was about to rush out.

"I see... then at least take this with you," Tiezi replied, and took out a knife from behind. "You can't fight against the red cherry made by my brother with that kind of wooden knife. At least take this one. The knife I built."

   "Qiaodou sacks, brother? Brother means..." Xin Baji heard something wrong.

   "Let's talk as you walk, I'll take you over with a motorcycle." As he said, Tiezi took the new eight and walked out of the house together.


   And at this time, on the other side, in the base camp of Yi Zhishi that Gui belongs to. A group of Gui sect lords gathered here, but unlike usual, Gui was not here today, and Elizabeth was sitting in front of him.

   "Elizabeth-san, it has been ascertained so far! Okada Nizo belongs to the Takasugi faction!" said an arbitrator.

   "Even the old companions can do it, Takasugi bastard!" Another arrogant person scolded.

   "Let's go! Take revenge for Guisang!" shouted a crowd of people with great ambitions.

   [Be quiet, or wait first]

   Elizabeth raised the wooden sign.

   "But..." Before he could finish speaking, the door was suddenly opened.

   A barbarian who is in charge of monitoring stumbled in and ran in.

【what's happenin】

   Elizabeth raised the wooden sign.

   "Just now, Master Shirayasha rushed to Takasugi's boat with a wooden knife, and according to our spy report, we saw on the shore...Master Jiang Cheng was being taken by Takasugi on Takasugi's boat..."

   "What?! Not only Guisang, but also Jiang Chengsang..." In an instant, these lofty people boiled.

   "This Takasugi really doesn't miss old feelings at all?!"

   "What are we waiting for?! Elizabeth San! Let's go too!"

  【Set up equipment and come with me】

   Elizabeth stood up and raised the wooden sign.


   On the other side, Kagura sneaked into Takasugi's houseboat again. It's a bit inaccurate to say that you slipped in. It should be said that it was scored.

   "Where is that bastard?!" Picking a ronin again, Kagura roared, "Where is the man named Gao Zi?!"

   At this time, Kagura's condition is not good, and he has been shot several times.

   "Don't use that nickname to call Lord Jinsuke's name!" Youzi scolded.

   "I'm definitely going to kill him Aru!" Kagura shouted, and rushed to the cabin, "He is here! Gaozai, come out for me!!!"

   But when Kagura rushed into the cabin and looked at the mirror image in front of him, he was a little speechless, saying that it was the cabin, but in fact it was more like a factory.

   Hundreds of petri dishes lay all knives, and all the knives were glowing pink as if they were alive.

   "This is..." Kagura murmured, and the next moment, he held two guns against Kagura's head.

   "Since you have seen this kind of thing, then you don't have to think about being able to leave." Yuko's voice sounded behind Kagura.


   "What?! You said that Red Sakura was made by your brother and handed over to the Ghost Corps?!" The new Baji sitting on the motorcycle was a little unbelievable.

"Ah, to be honest, I don't know what my brother is thinking, but the so-called [Red Sakura] is made from [Red Sakura] that was forged when my father was alive. It uses automated mobile weapons against warships! The artificial intelligence named "Denpo" manipulates the user's body by parasitizing their body." Tiezi explained,

"To digitize the battle process, accumulate learning and improve one's abilities, is simply a living knife. Although I don't understand the purpose of my brother, but if this technology falls into the hands of the ghost soldiers, countless red Sakura was made... then..."

   "I really want to kill people now! For a knife, not only Guisang, but also Jiang Chengsang..." Xin Ba Ji's heart at this time can only be described with grief and indignation.

   But just after finishing talking, Xin Ba Ji saw the Gui Yi faction and Elizabeth who were gathering on the roadside.

   "Elizabeth!" Xin Ba Chi yelled.


   Inside the house-shaped ship belonging to the ghost soldiers, Okada Nizo was sitting quietly in his room at this time.

   And Yuko and Takeshi Henping Tai is on his way.

   "Senior Wushi, how do you deal with that little girl?" Youzi asked.

   "Sure enough, sportswear is better."

"Are you still thinking about this?! There should be a limit to your level of loli control!" Youzi cursed, "Furthermore, I didn't expect that little girl actually saw that is already The unending hostile relationship is over. You can give me enough, too!"

   Just finished speaking, the two had already reached the door of Okada's room.

   The two directly opened the door and walked in. At this time, Okada Nizang was applying medicine to himself, and I have to say that Jiang Cheng's kicks were too heavy.

   "What's wrong? Is this miserable?" Youzi sarcastically, "Is it because you have encountered a difficult opponent? I took [Red Sakura] out privately and made this miserable..."

"Haha," Okada Shizang put on his clothes, "If you face that adult, it will not be much better than me. It's just a few simple tricks... But, you have already got incredible data. , Next time, I will definitely..."

   Okada Nizo was interrupted by Takeshi Yantai before he finished speaking, "If you mean Mr. Jiang Cheng, you can give up this idea, and you have to say why..."

   "I have been killed by Master Jinsuke!" Youzi added the second half with a look of admiration.

"Oh oh oh, how did you kill it?" Okada's gloomy voice sounded, mocking: "Using that insidious method, this is not the Lord Jinsuke I know. But it's a pity. , I still want to fight with that wild horse again~"



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