May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 148: : Red Sakura chapter change: 8

"Can I think that you are slandering Mr. Jinshou? You are so faint!" Yuko shouted at Okada Mizang with a nasty expression, "Also, don't be too confident! You can defeat that Gui , Relying entirely on Hong Ying!"

"That's right, but..." Okada Shizo turned his head and smiled, "What's the matter? We and the adult are people who gathered together to rectify this decadent country. Then, not just. Should they become legends? But those guys are always shining behind us. It's really an eye-catcher. They are people who get in our way! It's almost time to let old legends abdicate and build new ones!"

   "That has nothing to do with you at all!" Yuzi cursed, "That's the matter of Mr. Jinshou! Before he gave the order, you **** took the lead...Do you know that Mr. Jinshou treats those people..."

"I'm going to meet one day?" Okada Shizo interrupted Yuko, "So it's better to be earlier, after all, that adult must not be able to wait, right? That's why I can attack the beast without thinking. Also, it is not them, but us who are standing next to the adult! It is our task to give him a proper push!"

   "You are so pale! I..."

"Hold on, Yuko," Takeshi flattened and interrupted Yuko, and then looked at Okada Sizura, "Indeed, what you said makes sense. We will meet those people one day. Since there are The opportunity to get rid of them, then... But right now, there is still one Lord Shiroyasha, and this one is left to you. This is the order of Mr. Jinsuke."

   "If you can handle it, then the matter of you taking Hong Ying away privately before is completely wiped out. My words have been passed on, let's go, and again."

   "But, senior..."

"This is Shinsuke-sama's order!" As he said, Takeshi Bianhetai glanced at Okada Nizo and reminded: "Also, I also need to remind you that the adult does not need us to go. Give it a push, because the direction he walks has never changed."

   After finishing speaking, Takeshi Bianpingtai took the lead to turn and leave, and Yuzi reluctantly followed Takeshi Bianpingtai out of the door, not forgetting to turn his head and take a sip on the way.

   After hearing the two go out and close the door, Okada Shizo gave a gloomy smile.

   Shinsuke’s order? Didn’t come in person because I was afraid that I could not help but want to kill me? Still can't let go of the feelings of old friends? Thinking of this, Okada seemed to raise the corner of his mouth.


   The cabin, or inside the knife factory.

   Takasugi and a middle-aged man in a gray kimono stand in front of a petri dish containing red cherry blossoms.

   "This is crazy. You made this knife in the era of cannon bombing." Takasugi chuckled as he looked at the petri dish in front of him.

   "I want to use this to subvert the shogunate, your excellency brags, and it's crazy!"

   Murata Tetsuya, that is, the elder brother of the Forge House brothers and sisters, and the elder brother of Tetsko

"A person who can realize the bragging words can be called a true hero." Takasugi replied without irritation, "I don't brag about the impossible. But... you deserve to be an outstanding swordsman— -Murata's only son, I didn't expect to be able to make such a terrible guy."

   "I have heard the saying that blue is better than blue, but you seem to be even better. You want the world to see that the samurai and the sword have not been completely destroyed, right?"

   "I don't have any interest in what your Excellency is planning or doing!" Tetsuya held his hand and looked at Takasugi, and said, "The knifemaker just makes a knife that can be [cut off]!"

   said, Tie Shi took a step forward, put his hand on the petri dish, and then said: "I want to do only one thing! Let this sword not cut something constantly!"


  In the house-shaped boat of the Katsura school.

   "I didn't expect Guisang to have something like this..." Xin Baji said with emotion while standing on the houseboat.

There are also two warships equipped with cannons beside the   ya-shaped ship.

"After all, we used to be radicals, trying to reverse the future of this country by force." A samurai explained, "But Guisang recently abandoned this idea and wanted to find other ways to change this. Country. Takasugi should be angry with Guisang, who parted ways with him, so that's why..."

   "No, it's not that simple at all," Xin Ba Hao retorted aloud, "because not only Guisang, but even Jiang Chengsang was..."

   said, Xin Ba Hao's mood fell a little bit again, "I don't understand why Jiang Chengsang, who did not have an intersection with him, was also killed innocently..."

"Perhaps only by asking Takasugi in person can we understand that whether it is Jiang Chengsang or our Guisang, they entrusted their backs to the opponent's comrades in the war against barbarians, but... I didn't expect to get to this point..." The barbarians murmured.

   At this time, Elizabeth, who had been communicating with Tiezi, came over.

   [The matter has been clearly understood from Miss Tiezi, give me the knife, and I will bring it to that person. 】

   Elizabeth raised the wooden sign.

   "No, I want to go too! Kagura-chan is also on that ship! I'm going to save her!" Xin Baji said with a serious face, "Please! Elizabeth!"


   "Please!" Xin Baji lowered his head.

   [Suga...I see...]

   Then, Elizabeth turned around and looked at the aspirants who were busy on the boat.

  【We...go! 】


   On the Takasugi boat, in the imprisonment room.

   "Let go of me! You souls!" Kagura was firmly tied to the wall. However, the legs were not tied up, and the ronin who was approaching him was kicked one by one.

"So didn't you say it? It's better to finish it soon." He said as he walked in, and stopped in front of Takeshi Bianpingtai, "How did a little girl do it like this? Senior Takeshi ?"

   "How can you kill her without getting any information? Also, a girl of this age will reach the most dazzling age in two or three years." Takeshi replied unhurriedly.

   "lo*ic*n also has a limit, senior!" Youzi couldn't help but vomit.

"I'm not a lo*ic*n, but a feminist." As he said, Takeshi Bianping looked at Kagura on the wall, "Look, it's only after a while, the place you hurt is healed. Also. There is that strange power beyond common sense and that fair skin."

   "Senior, please stop at it. No matter where you look at the remarks just now, I just think you are a pervert."

   "So I said you were wrong, not that I was just a pedophile...feminist!" Takeshi Henping explained.

   "I almost told the truth just now! I almost admitted that I was a pedophile! This is no longer as simple as lo*ic*n! It's just a simple pervert!" cried again.

   "It's okay, it seems you can't understand it, idiot." With that, Takeshi flattened up and looked at Kagura again.

   "You are a fool." Youzi retorted without thinking.

   "What I want to say is that it is consistent with the characteristics of the [Yutu] clan. Go to hell."

   "You are going to die." After speaking, he started to get serious again, "[Yettu] is the mercenary unit [Yettu]?"

   "It seems that you don't know anything about Jinsuke-sama's past comrades," Takeshi Bianping explained, "So didn't you say it? This little girl is Jiang Sung-sama's niece."

   "What do you mean? Does that mean that frivolous man is also a night rabbit?!"

"As a qualified planner, I have studied those people one by one. Although that person has never admitted his identity, but...maybe it can be defined now. Master Jiang Cheng is Yetu." Takeshi flattened and replied.

"Shut your mouths!" Kagura murmured, lowering his head, "You are not qualified to call your uncle's name! He... he protected my home, but you... I want to kill... kill that Gao Zi!!!"

   As he said, Kagura raised his head, showing a grinning smile, apparently on the verge of losing his mind. At the same time, the hand began to twist constantly, trying to break free from the iron ring that bound his hand.

   "It's useless, this is one of the hardest metals in the universe. Even if you are a Yatu, you can't get rid of it." Takeshi flattened out loudly.

"Well, no matter what you are, there is no other way than to kill, right? Since you can't do it, then let me do it." As he said, he took two steps forward and took out his own. The gun hit Kagura's head.

"go to hell!"

   Yuko was about to press the trigger, but was kicked out by Kagura.

   Boom! ! !

   plunged straight into the wall to the side, and the whole wall was broken.

   "Ahem," he clutched his chest and climbed up again, "This stinky girl! Actually!"

   said, he would pull the trigger at Kagura again.

   But, at this moment, a voice rang behind Yuzi...

   "What...what are you going to do to her?" Yin Shi tried to restrain his with a wooden knife pointing at Yaozi's head and whispered.

   "Silver sauce!!!"

   Kagura finally recovered from the brink of collapse, shouted, and then burst into tears.


   Ten minutes ago, Gin Shi came to the shore, which was exactly two o'clock in the middle of the night. Except for the moonlight, there was no light anymore.

   Takasugi’s boat was docked on the shore, and there were several ronin patrolling on the shore.

   But Yin Shi did not intend to sneak in, but...

   "Who are you guys!" When a crowd of ronin surrounded Yin, a ronin said.

  , while Yin Shi lowered his head and did not speak.

   "He is Shirayasha!" A Ronin recognized Gin Shi and shouted.

   "What are you doing here at this time?!"

   Finally, Gintoki raised his head and said in a voice that couldn't distinguish his emotions, "Is Takasugi here?"

   "Huh? What silly thing to say?"

   "So didn't you say it? Where is that **** Takasugi!!"

While    shouted, Gintoki rushed forward.



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