May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 149: : Red Sakura chapter change: 9

   "Is this the power of Shiroyasha?" Seeing the companions next to him were defeated one by one, the hand of a Ronin holding a knife also began to tremble slightly.

   "Hurry up and inform the power room, set off the boat!" a ronin shouted, "The rest of you buy time to hold him! Don't let him get on the boat!"

   "I see!" The Ronin on the side did not hesitate, ran to the ship, rushed directly into the power room, and shouted to the dozing controller, "Hurry up and sail! Baiyasha is calling!"

   "Hi, hi!" The two sleepy controllers quickly woke up, and quickly rushed to the console to press several buttons in succession.

   It's just too late, Yin Shi has already settled the ronin on the shore and boarded the ship.


   "Silver sauce!!" After yelling, Kagura finally woke up, and then continued tearfully, "My uncle... My uncle..."

   "I know." Gin Shiki lowered his head and turned back, while ignoring Yuko and Takeshi Hentai on the side, he went straight to Kagura.

   "White Yasha..." She was shocked by Yin Shi's aura again so she didn't dare to shoot.

   Takeshi Bianpingtai clenched the knife on his waist, and slowly retreated behind Youzi.

   "Hey, are you still a man hiding behind a woman at this time? Senior Takeshi!" Youzi couldn't help cursing.

   "I'm from the brain!" Takeshi Hentai replied naturally.


   Aside, Gintoki came to Kagura, picked up the knife of a fainted Ronin from the ground, and swiped it twice at the hoop that bound Kagura's hand. The iron ring was cut off directly.

   "Senior, didn't you say that it is the hardest metal in the universe?" Yuzi whispered.

"Leave the next thing to me, you can disembark." After Gintoki said this after saving Kagura, he turned around and looked at Yuko and Takeshi to make peace. "Takasugi... he was here. There?"

   "I won't tell you the whereabouts of Mr. Promotion!" Yuzi cursed, and finally overcame the fear and raised his double guns, "Also, don't underestimate me!"

   But Yinshi still didn't have the opportunity to shoot Youzi, and instantly threw the knife in his hand that had just been unlocked by Kagura. The knife clung to Youzi's neck and stuck it on the wall behind Youzi.

   If it gets closer to one centimeter, Youzi will definitely cut his throat with this knife.

   "The same thing, I don't want to say the second time..."


"Yo, your guest is here." Takasugi came to the gate of Okada Nizo, leaning at the door and said to Okada Nizo who was wiping red cherry blossoms in the house, "It's really exaggerated and gorgeous, thanks to you, Before engaging with the minions of the shogunate, you have to deal with a bunch of troublesome guys..."

"Really? But I always think it shouldn't be the one who came to me. You are the one they want to find, right?" Okada raised the corner of his mouth and asked, "Also, how does it feel? The feeling of [comrade] in the past..."

   Without waiting for Okada Nizo to finish, Takasugi drew out the knife and rushed in. He cut off at Okada Nizo.


   Okada Nizo seemed to be prepared long ago, and instantly raised the red cherry tree above his head with his right hand, and took Takasugi's knife.

   "It seems that you get along well with Hongzakura, so I'm relieved." With that, Takasugi put away the knife and walked to the door.

However, Takasugi stopped at the door, turned his head and reminded Okada Sizura: "Also, don't use the words [comrade] to call us anymore. We are not in that kind of naive relationship. If there is Next time, I will cut you off with the knife!"

   After speaking, Takasugi turned and left.

   [Just now, I really wanted to kill me...] Okada Saizo thought. Then Okada Shizo stood up.


   In the air.

   "Elisabeth-san! That is Takasugi's boat!" An aspiring person pointed to the boats moving slowly on the sea below and reported.

   [Let the other two ships not prepare for shelling, let's go directly]

   Elizabeth raised the wooden sign.

   "I see!" The magnate ran away as soon as he said, and gave orders to the magnates on the side.

   "Has Yinsang boarded that ship?" Xinbaji murmured.

   "According to the report from the spies, the Lord Baiyasha boarded the ship an hour ago." An aspiring scholar said.

   "I don't know how Kagura is going..." Xin Baji muttered, lowering his head, "Perhaps I should have gone with Kagura-chan at that time..."

   [It must be fine, because I felt a nostalgic breath on that ship...]

   "The breath of nostalgia... Could it be that you mean..." Xin Ba Chi muttered.

   Elizabeth did not answer, but stared straight at the ship. At this time, Elizabeth's ship was approaching the Ghost Soldier's ship at a very fast speed.


   Takasugi was standing on the deck at this time, leaning against the railing, looking up at the two battleships in the sky, that were the battleships of the Katsumi faction. But they did not fire.

  At this time, Gintoki and Kagura also came to the deck. Behind Gintoki and Kagura were Takeshi Henping Tai and Yako and members of the ghost soldiers.

   "Takasugi, where is Jiang Cheng?" Yin Shizuki came to Takasugi and asked with his head down.

   "My uncle was..." Kagura gritted his teeth and said.

   "Hey, did you hear that? I asked you where he is?" Yin Shi asked again.

   But Takasugi still looked up at the sky without answering.

   "You can jump into the sea and look for it. If you are lucky, maybe the shark will leave him some clothes." Yin Shi yelled Youzi behind him.

   "Shut up!" Yin Shi said, and finally raised his head, "Did you not hear me? I'm asking you where Jiang Cheng is!"

   "Who knows..." Takasugi finally lowered his head, looked at Gintoki and said casually.

"You bastard..." Yin Shi gritted his teeth and said word by word, "That guy didn't hinder you from beginning to end, right? No matter what you want to do, what you plan to do, that guy has never stopped you. , Don't you know? That guy is no bastard!!!"

While    shouted, Gintoki directly waved the wooden sword.

   "Well, you can't let you kill this adult, because the prelude to our legend has just begun..."

   Okada Nizo arrived on the deck at some point, and rushed to Takasugi to block Takasugi with a knife.

   "The guy who took his life from his hands is not qualified to appear here." As expected, Gintoki lifted his leg and kicked Okada Sihi away.

   This kick was like a signal, and all the members of the ghost soldiers moved and rushed towards Gintoki and Kagura.

   randomly picked up two members of the Ghost Soldiers, Gintoki came to Takasugi again, and asked word by word: "Answer me, at that time, what were you thinking when you cut Xiang Jiangcheng?"

Takasugi did not answer, but watched Kagura who was fighting in the crowd slowly and said: "They are all night rabbits too, but this little girl doesn't seem to know how to use her body yet. Has Jiang Cheng taught her? Although the chaotic personality is indeed similar, the actions are not at all."

   "Answer my question!!" Gin Shiki roared.

   Yin Shi just finished roaring, suddenly a violent explosion sounded from inside the cabin.

   "What's wrong! Is it shelling?!" a member of the ghost team shouted.

   "No, it came from inside the factory!" another member of the ghost soldiers replied.

   "How can it be repaired! Are those red cherry blossoms..."

   "Don't worry, the technology is still there! Even if it is gone, you can make a new batch in a short time!" Takeshi flattened out loudly, "But, who did it..."

   "It's not who, it's Gui!" Gui's voice sounded.

   Everyone found out that a man with short hair came out of the smokey cabin. It was... Gui! !

   And at this moment, Elizabeth's ship also leaned on the side of the ghost team's ship, and the new eight and Elizabeth rushed over. And a kind of Gui Yi faction's anti-barbarian scholars also rushed over.

   "It's a rare festival..." Takasugi murmured after smoking a cigarette.

   "Gui Sang! Yin Sang!" Xin Ba Ji yelled in surprise holding Tiezi's sword.

   "Ha, this is really meeting someone you didn't expect," Takeshi Bianping turned his head and said to Gui, "I didn't expect to be able to meet the dead at this time."

"I still have nostalgia for this world, so I came back from Huangquan. I was killed by my past companions, even if I die, I won't look down, right? Now, Takasugi?" Gui looked at Takasugi and then looked towards lying down. Okada Mizou among the ruins on the side, "Also, maybe I should thank you, this careless companion, who picked up my hair without checking and walked away."

"You bastard! If you're alive, just say it!" Kagura rushed over and kicked and kicked and cursed, "Do you know how long we have been looking for you to find you?! And ~www.wuxiaspot. com~Even my uncle..."

   said, Kagura began to sob again.

   But before Katsura said anything, Okada Shizo, who was lying in the ruins, got up.

"Katsura!!!" While shouting, Okada Nizo rushed over. Seeing that the situation was not good, Katsura quickly got up to protect Kagura behind him, and instantly drew out his sword to resist the red swing. cherry.

   "Aren't you still waiting for my comment?!" Gui put his hands on the back of the knife, "then let me hear clearly! Your swordsmanship is worthless!!"

While shouting   , Katsura forcefully pushed back Okada Sizo a small step.

   "It's worthless? Shouldn't it be said that you were spared by me?!" Okada Sizura shouted at the same time, rushed over, and waved the red cherry in his hand very quickly.

   "Don't be wrong," Gui yelled while resisting, "No one would lose to someone like you who relies on this kind of thing! You simply don't deserve the title of samurai!"

"Oh, old friends from the past are rarely gathered together. Are you having a party? Would you like to take me?" Jiang Cheng stretched out on the railing, "After a nap, I feel better. What~"

   There is one more chapter, let me have a meal before ten o'clock...



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