May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 151: :Red Sakura Chapter 11

Cang! !

   After a stubby confrontation, Okada seemed to hide the knife and put it in its sheath, while Jiang Cheng seemed to have never moved.

   Ten seconds later, Okada Nizo looked back at Jiang Cheng with his back on his back, and slowly landed.

   "It's really...beautiful light..."

   As he said, the armor made of mechanical tentacles on Okada's body began to break down and fall. He lost...


   Katsura announced loudly.

   "It's too fast..." Xin Baji looked incredulous, "I didn't see anything clearly..."

   wrote on the wooden sign that Elizabeth held up.

   "Indeed, beautiful sword drawing skills." Jiang Cheng turned his head and whispered at Okada Sizo who was lying on the ground, "Also, it's incredible."

   "Cheat...liar..." Okada raised the corner of his mouth, and continued weakly, "Obviously, you can't take a single blow...I..."

   "No, I didn't mean that," Jiang Cheng explained softly, "You..."

   Jiang Cheng was interrupted by a voice before he finished speaking.

   "Stand up! Red Sakura will not lose!" Tetsuya yelled at Okada Nizo from a height, "Give yourself to Red Sakura! Give up resistance! Red Sakura will never lose!"

   "Close..." Jiang Chenggang wanted to stop him, but another voice interrupted Jiang Cheng again.

   "Stop! Brother!" Tie Zi shouted at Tie Shi, "That kind of thing is not a real sword at all! Have you forgotten what father taught you?!"

"Aren't you expecting yourself to turn into a sword?!" Tetsuya ignored Tetsuko's words, and continued to shout at Okada Nizo, "What are you waiting for?! It's not that you want to be able to protect the bonfire of Takasugi. Is it your knife?! Should I give up at this level?!"

"Shut up." Jiang Cheng's voice without any emotion sounded, and then continued to look at Okada Shizo, who was struggling under the erosion of the red cherry blossoms lying on the ground, "I am someone who has invaded his spirit by that kind of thing. I would definitely not agree, that is not a samurai! People who can’t beat that kind of thing, I won’t admit that he is a samurai! Are you willing to do that?! You...want to protect Gao Zai’s heart is better than that one. Sword?!"

"Whether it's me or... Gao Zi," Jiang Cheng said, looking at Takasugi who was still leaning on the side, "Never will admit it! Come to think of it! Where is your real sword! Come to think of it. Ah! Your real sword, the real sword buried in your heart, the sword named!"

After    Jiang Cheng finished speaking, Okada Nizo finally stopped struggling. After spitting out a mouthful of black blood, he threw out the red cherry with all his strength.

   "That's not...the real me..." Okada murmured, and then slowly turned his head to Takasugi, "My lord, I'm sorry...Is it still..."

"Enough is enough," Jiang Cheng came to the front of Okada Nizo, and slowly squatted down, and continued with a very small voice that only two people could hear, "But after seeing you, I gradually felt , There is nothing behind him, and you people are guarding his back, I am relieved. Thank you..."

   "Ha...hahaha..." Okada smiled, and smiled bloody, "I...understand. So...even without me..."

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){}   Saying, Okada Nizo turned his head to Gintoki and Katsura. Although I can’t see it, Okada Nizo can feel it, whether it’s Jiang Cheng , Silver Shi or Gui, he could feel the dazzling.

   "You guys...always stood behind him...then...I'm relieved..."

Okada Nizo has reached the final juncture. Originally, his life was maintained by Red Sakura. Although Red Sakura constantly competed with him for control of his body and eroded his body, in a sense, Red Sakura also Supporting his life.

   Okada Nizo, who threw away the red cherry blossoms, has run out of oil.

   "So...please...that adult...please...that bonfire...please..." Okada seemed to hide in Jiang Cheng's ear, muttering the last sentence, finally...

   "Perhaps in a sense, I took your life," Jiang Cheng smiled wryly, "Although I swore an oath, but... well, I know, your last wish."

   After finishing speaking, Jiang Cheng stood up, and finally glanced at Okada Sizo who was smiling at the corner of his mouth, and then turned his head and glanced at Takasugi.

   "Is that guy... mourning the murderer?" asked again in a low voice.

   "I don't know, but that adult must have his own ideas." Takeshi Bianping Tai murmured back.

   "Hey," Jiang Cheng shouted at Tiezi, and threw the sword in his hand at Tiezi, "Nice sword."

   "Oh, oh," Tiezi hurriedly caught the sword thrown by Jiang Cheng, "Thank you for the praise."

   "Then, finally..." Jiang Cheng walked towards Takasugi unhurriedly, grinning with a mouthful of white teeth, and said with a smile: "Perhaps we should say goodbye? Gao Zi."

   Everyone is watching Jiang Cheng and Takasugi. I don’t know why, but everyone feels that as long as Jiang Cheng is here, the dispute will not continue.

"Huh," Gui Hun said with a smile, "I always feel exactly the same as before. Wherever he is, no matter what disputes we have, we will be prevented. But I didn't expect that there is still hope to see this in this lifetime. One scene."

"It seems that your eyes are the first to cross the Santuchuan River," Gin Shizuki replied, curling his lips, and then looked behind Jiang Cheng. There was a deep knife mark on Jiang Cheng's kimono. The bloodstains of the dead, "That fool, there must be a limit to his gross nerves. Otherwise, I can't guarantee that he will be cut that day."

   "Perhaps," Gui chuckled, then turned to look at his men, "We should also leave, this dispute is over. Hong Ying has also been destroyed, let's go!"

   "Senior, just let them go like this?" asked again.

   "After all, Your Excellency Jinsuke hasn't given an order yet, even if you ask me, I will..."

   Takeshi Bianpingtai hadn't finished speaking, but suddenly saw Jiang Cheng clenched his fist and involuntarily said that there was a punch on Takasugi's right cheek.

   Takasugi took a punch and staggered back several steps directly to the left, but fortunately, Jiang Cheng didn't beat him, so Takasugi didn't fall.

   Takasugi stood up straight, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, then raised his head and looked at Jiang Cheng silently.

"Sorry, that person asked me for this punch. In a dream." Jiang Cheng closed his fists and still had the smiley face, "Also... the knife really hurts you, your soullessness." !"

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){}   "What did you soul Dan do to Jinsuke-sama?!" Youzi instantly raised both spears and cursed at Jiang Cheng.

"That person?" Takasugi finally spoke, and then smiled and continued, "Long gone, Jiang Cheng, that person is long gone, haven't you woken up yet? What's the matter? Where are your eyes looking at? Why can you still look at me with that kind of look at this time? That kind of... look exactly like the teacher."

"Confirm, maybe as you said, that person is indeed gone, but," Jiang Cheng said, looking at Takasugi with a serious face, and staring at Takasugi with his eyes straight, "He once existed, really. Do you have to abandon those pasts too?! I remember I said that I can ignore whatever life you choose, but... if you dare to abandon those pasts and the past that existed for that person, I... I will never let you go!"

"I don't remember the kind of children's play for a long time," Takasugi snorted, pointed to his chest and said, "There is nothing here, you are the only one who is addicted to the memories of the past. People. You should admit it too? We are actually the same, we are all empty shells with nothing left."

"No, it's not!" Jiang Cheng retorted loudly, then pointed at Okada Nizo lying on the ground, and pointed at the ghost soldiers headed by Yuko and Takeshi Hentai. "Don't you still have them? You? Can you really not feel the slightest temperature in your heart? Didn’t they get together because of you? No matter what you want to do, don’t they never leave you? You **** just look back at you. There are many people behind you!"

"Enough, UU reading Jiang Cheng," Gui stepped forward and patted Jiang Cheng on the shoulder. "There is no need to say so much anymore. Takasugi has already pointed at another one that we can't reach. It’s gone, and it’s useless to say anything."

As he said, Katsura looked at Takasugi and said, "Takasugi, I hate you, whether it was before or now. But I always feel that we are companions, whether before or now. Perhaps, at that time, standing in front of the countless graves We left in different directions, but I never felt that it was parting ways..."

"What silly thing to say, maybe we really started from the same place, but we have seen different directions since then," Takasugi took out a book from his arms... it was written on the cover. The book I wrote, "Everyone is letting himself go and living in a completely different direction. I am the same as at that time, and the direction I am looking at is the same as at that time..."

"Wig, me, when I heard you say that you want to pick up the sword for the country and for your partners, I actually feel good. Think about it, the sword you hold, who taught us how to use the sword? The way of the samurai and the way of survival, who is it that taught us these?"

"The person who gave us the world in which we live is undoubtedly Teacher Songyang. But this world has taken him away from us, so we can only fight against this world and take away his world. We can only destroy it... Now, you, what do you think about living in this world? How can you enjoy a leisurely life in this world that has taken away the teacher? I hate this. Into the bone..."

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