May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 152: :Red Sakura Chapter 12

Gui Gang was about to speak, but was suddenly stopped by Jiang Cheng.

I saw Jiang Cheng with a look of rejoicing, "Ah, it seems that I haven't forgotten it, so I can rest assured~ Then, Gao Zi, I will withdraw first~" Then Jiang Cheng turned around and prepared to leave. Up.

"Qiaodou sack!" Gui hurriedly shouted to Jiang Cheng, "Did you not hear clearly what he said just now?! Are there any reassuring words in those words?! He wants to destroy the world! Like the movie. Isn’t that kind of big boss exactly the same?! Have you listened to him?"

"Huh? Destroy the world?" Jiang Cheng turned his head with a look of confusion, and then he leaned into Gui's ear and whispered, "Gaozai is not a day or two in Grade Two. Wasn't it the same as when he was a child? It’s just a little longer, and it’s completely the same as before."

   "This... indeed..." Gui Wensheng supported his chin and nodded.

"Why do you have to hear everyone who whispered?" Xin Ba Hao vomited expressionlessly, "I always feel embarrassed. The big boss in the early stage of this work was said by this person as the same as the second disease... …"

   But at this moment, everyone suddenly heard a painful groan. When the crowd turned their heads, they found that Tetsuya jumped off the top of the houseboat and picked up the red cherry tree that was thrown away by Okada Nizo.

   The countless mechanical tentacles on Kozakura's sword are tightly wrapped around Tetsuya's body, and they are constantly invading his body from the surface of Tetsuya.

   "Stop! You will die!" Jiang Cheng shouted at Tie Shi.

"I won't lose! Red Sakura won't lose!" Tie Shi was already on the verge of losing his mind, "I only have Red Sakura! I can't lose, absolutely can't lose to that kind of blunt sword! I don't have anything except Red Sakura. It's left!"

   "Brother, stop now!" Tiezi shouted.

"What a great swordsman," Takasugi smiled and continued, "I gave up everything for his sword and entrusted everything to the sword he made. It was you, Jiang Cheng, who caused all this. It was you who destroyed his hope."

   Jiang Cheng lowered his head and did not answer. Instead, he walked to Tiezi's side, but he still lowered his head. No one could see Jiang Cheng's expression. Then Jiang Cheng stretched out his hand.

   "Ah...this..." Tiezi finally reacted, and then he was about to pass the sword in his hand to Jiang Cheng, but...

"Enough." Yin Shi came to Tiezi and took the lead in taking the sword in Tiezi's hand. "When you shouldn't be brave, don't be brave. Although I don't know why you became like this, but I don't want to take it anymore. You don't have to force yourself to take up the sword. We are still there next to you."

   "Yinshi, you..." Jiang Cheng raised his head and muttered.

   "After it's over, remember to help me pay the rent owed by my mother-in-law, and treat it as a reward." Yin Shizuki said casually, digging his nostrils, and then rushed straight towards the iron arrow who had lost his reason and turned into a monster.

   Katsura and Takasugi who saw this scene did not speak, but it can be seen that both of them are thoughtful.

"Hey, you..." Yin Shi drew out the iron forged sword, pointed the sword at the iron arrow and shouted, "Don't you think it doesn't matter if you are defeated by that kind of thing? Wouldn't it be enough for a swordsman to make his own sword? !"

   "Shut up! Ahhhhh! I am..." Tie Shi screamed vaguely, and then when countless mechanical tentacles rushed towards the silver, of course, there was also the huge red cherry blossom that was swung down.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   boom! ! !

   "Yin Sang!" Xin Ba Ji exclaimed anxiously.

   The smoke dissipated, and I saw that Yin Shi was still standing on the spot, holding the knife in both hands on top of his head, resisting forcefully.

   "Wake up soon! Brother!" Tiezi rushed to the right of Tie Shi and pleaded loudly.

   "It's so noisy!!!" Tie Shi roared, lifted Hong Ying to Tie Zi and chopped it down.


"Hey, have you really lost your mind? Even your sister can do it. Then let me wake you up! Use this blunt knife forged by your sister!" Yin Shishi stood in front of Tiezi, After blocking a blow for Tiezi, he shouted, "Quickly wake up! You stupid brother!"


"A knife is always a tool for murder. No matter how much you put in it, you can't change it." As he said, Murata Rentetsu smiled, and reached out his hand to touch the heads of his two young children, and went on Said: "But we can't stop the hammer in our hands because of this, or we won't be able to live anymore. No, it's not just that. The things we make are weapons, so we have to fight and fight, keep fighting, and not fight. Iron, but our soul."

"Build your soul while striking the iron, become a gentle and honest person, and live a beautiful life. As long as you can become more positive and positive, correspondingly, the knife can also gather those who can use it positively. . Now, what kind of sword do you want to play?"

   The young Tetsuya did not answer, but the Tetsuya sitting on the other side thought for a while and replied, "A sword that can protect people."

   The picture turned again.

"Tiezi, although your skills in swordsmanship are terrible, but you have the aptitude that Tie Shi does not have, when will he understand..." Ren Tie said while standing behind Tie Zi who was forging the knife, completely absent. It was discovered that Tie Shi was standing outside the door and eavesdropping.

   The screen turns again.

   "It's a pity, that person passed away..."

   "Yes, there is no one who can hit such a good knife..."

   "I heard that he has a son, how about that person?"

   "He can't do it. If it weren't for his father, the rare swordsmith, Ren Tie, people would never remember him. Of course, it would be okay to have a meal..."

   Listening to the people talking outside the Forge House, Tie Shi didn't say anything, still wielding the hammer non-stop.

   Tetsuya’s memories end here.


   So, the quality I don't have is... Thinking of this, Tie Shi finally heard a voice, it was Tie Zi's voice.

   "Wake me up!" Yin Shi scolded while picking Fei Hongying.

   "Please come back! Brother!!" Tiezi knelt on the ground and cried out in tears.

   The next moment, the red cherry in Tetsuya's hand hung in the air.

   "Are you finally awake?" Gintoki said breathlessly.

"Tiezi, I'm sorry... My foolish brother only understands now." Tie Shi smiled and looked at Tiezi tenderly, "Well, it's a failure... I planned to abandon everything that the sword accident happened. For things, instead of being a person, I want to be a swordsman and exist only for the sword."

"But, at the end of the end, it was your sister's voice that awakened me in the end. It seems that even if I abandon everything, I can't abandon you. With such a half-hearted realization, it is impossible to create any ultimate. Of the sword."

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   "That's not a superfluous thing!" Gintoki cursed, "How can there be any superfluous things! Give everything to live just to forge a sword? , Is this a craftsman? Don't pretend to be a great look! You just find it troublesome, don't you? Bastard!"

   "With a lot of things on your back, needlessly escape, and without the courage to live, don't pretend to be a knifemaker! You have taken good care of me! What kind of power do you have for the extra things you said!"

   said, Gintoki waved the sword in his hand again and slashed straight at the red cherry in Tetsuya's hand...

   Click! !

   To everyone's accident, I saw Hong Ying actually shattered, bit by bit into ordinary iron pieces, and the mechanical tentacles wrapped around the iron arrow also collapsed bit by bit.

   "Brother!" Tiezi quickly caught Tie Shi who fell down, "Are you okay?"

"Actually, I always knew what I lacked. My father told me from the very beginning. It's just..." Then, Tie Shi smiled and reached out his hand to touch Tie Zi's face, "Maybe I just I have forgotten it, but...Thanks to you, I can remember. Thank you so much..."

   "Tie Zi, I must be an excellent knifemaker..." After saying that, Tie Ya closed his eyes, forever. Ordinary people couldn't bear the backlash of Red Sakura at all. The moment Tie Shi held Red Sakura, the ending was doomed.

   "Brother!" Tiezi bit her lip and cried out in tears, and then tightly hugged Tie Shi into her arms...

   Jiang Cheng and others who watched this scene did not But suddenly, Jiang Cheng felt that something had fallen.

   Jiang Cheng stretched out his hand and felt it, "It's raining."

   After hearing Jiang Cheng's words, everyone raised their heads and looked at the sky. The dense raindrops fell down. It seems to be washing away the sadness on this ship, whether it is iron or...

"Actually, I... always like rain," Jiang Cheng walked to the side and took his umbrella in Kagura's hand and held it up. "Because, I can feel that whatever it is, it can be washed away. Whether it’s sorrow or tears, all will disappear. Maybe there is sorrow that cannot be washed away by heavy rain, but...our bodies washed by rain seem to be able to bear that kind of grief."

"So, it doesn't matter if you cry, because the rain will wash away, Gao Zi. Also, the teacher who taught me to use the sword is Songyang, but in the same way, he also taught me to use the umbrella. The sword can protect myself and protect my companions. , What about the umbrella?"

   After finishing speaking, Jiang Cheng looked back at Takasugi with a nice smile. However, Takasugi found the sadness and pain that there was nowhere to tell on that smiling face.

"We can't escape the past, it really exists in our bodies, heads, and hearts. But..." Then, Jiang Cheng looked up at the sky that was already slightly lit again, "I can carry these things on my back. Going on, maybe this is what the teacher hopes we can learn. It doesn't matter whether you destroy the world that has taken the teacher or protect the world that the teacher loves. But..."

   As he said, Jiang Cheng turned his head to look at Yin Shi who was sitting on the ground panting aside.

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