May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 350: : The so-called life is made up of constant defeats!

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"Ah, I'm sorry," Jiang Cheng touched the back of his head and smiled a few times. He looked at the immobile Shenwei on the floor and said, "I was shocked~ So my hands are a little heavier. But don't worry, I But it’s enough to keep your hands, ahhahaha..."

[I can't see it at all...] ​​Afutu looked at the unconscious divine power on the ground, and then looked at Yunye, who was also unconscious because he was accidentally involved in the battle just now, and twitched his mouth. I thought, [I can’t tell which side is the monster...]

"Nobita, don't just rush forward at this time next time." Jiang Cheng frowned and pretended to complain. As he said, his expression changed slightly, "It's dangerous~"

Capturing the moment when Jiang Cheng suddenly broke out, Afutu trembled all over, his eyes widened, and he looked at this seemingly casual man with a smile on his face in disbelief.

[What kind of monster is this...] Afu Rabbit’s face was instantly covered with cold sweat, and then he unconsciously swallowed a mouthful of water, [Head...No, even Boss Fengxian doesn’t have this kind of aura...]

"The unshaven man over there," Jiang Cheng looked at Afutu with a smile, "the two of them will ask you. Don't worry, it's just that they won't be able to move for a while, and they will heal in a few days. of."

As he said, Jiang Cheng suddenly thought of something. He touched his head and said with a silly smile, "Ah, sorry, I forgot that you are night rabbits with strong self-healing ability, so you should be able to move in one night, and it shouldn't What sequelae will be left behind."

"Hi..." Afutu twitched the corner of his mouth, and responded with a cold sweat on his face.

"Yueyue, I'm going back." As he said, Jiang Cheng stretched his waist and turned around again, and then yawned a long time, "I was sleepy, and I played games for two consecutive days. I moved my body with the little ghosts, and I almost couldn't open my eyes..."

After speaking, Jiang Cheng slowly walked towards the door.

Upon seeing this, Yue Yongqiang resisted the shock in his heart, turned his head and glanced at Afutu, and said: "The room is ready, it's next door."


"That's right! I almost forgot!" Jiang Cheng, who had just walked to the door, suddenly thought of something. He stopped and turned his head, and looked at Afutu with a smile, "The man with dirty and shaggy beard over there. Man, there are bathhouses and barbershops downstairs, don’t forget. If you don’t have a point card, I can lend you."

Afutu wanted to refute a few words, but thinking of Jiang Cheng's fighting power like a monster just now, he could only pull the corners of his mouth, revealing a reluctant smile, and nodded in response.

"That's it, good night." Jiang Cheng said with a smile, "Also, a little reminder, don't make trouble in Yoshihara at night. If you wake me up, I will be very upset."

After speaking, Jiang Cheng finally turned his head and stepped out of the room door, and left towards his room without looking back. Therefore, Afutu's hanging heart was relieved.

"Where did you find such a monster?" Afutu finally couldn't help but twitching his mouth and vomiting.

Yue Yong did not answer, but walked towards the door of the room unhurriedly while holding the cigarette stick.

When Shenwei regained consciousness, the first thing he saw was Avotu who was completely replaced by another person. At this time, the beard on Avotu's face was clean and his hair had been trimmed. . It looked like it was when Shenwei first met Afutu.

Shenwei sat up and looked at Afutu with a smile, raised his hand and said hello: "It's been a long time, Afutu."

"Don't laugh at me, you look more funny, right? Captain." Afutu said helplessly.

"Really?" Shenwei lowered his head and glanced at his bandaged body, "It's no different from usual."

"Do you know how long it has been since you lost your consciousness?" Afutu looked speechless, "It took three full hours to wake up, and Yunye over there will definitely not be able to wake up in two days. Speaking of that Who is a man? I have never seen a monster like that, but you two really look alike, brother?"

"Know? Afutu," Shenwei turned his head and looked at the window, "When I first saw him, I was eight years old and he was seventeen years old. I had no chance of backhanding at all."

As he said, Shenwei turned his head, squinted and said with a smile: "The second time, I was eighteen and he was twenty-seven, but there was still no change. This feeling is really unpleasant, Avotu. "


"Not reconciled," Shenwei continued with a smile, "Why could he do what I couldn't do at that time? Why can't I do that when I reach his age? Can you tell me? Afutu. "

"Don't ask me this kind of question, captain." Afutu complained helplessly, "Speaking of which we can go back? We already know that Boss Fengxian is no longer there, so can we go back? Is it true here? The whole body is uncomfortable, every moment I feel that I am being stared at by some terrible monster, and I will be eaten if I am not careful. We are also an endangered race in the universe, if we are killed in such a poor country, it is said It would be shameful to go out."

"Don't worry, Afutu." Shenwei said with a smile, "That man can no longer bite his prey and he no longer desires blood."

"Head, don't say such things that are difficult to understand." Afutu sighed helplessly, "Facing that kind of monster, the momentum alone has made me breathless. I can forgive you a little bit. Subordinates?"

Just after speaking, Afutu suddenly thought of something, widened his eyes and looked at Shenwei in shock, and then said: "Wait, Commander! According to what you just said, then Boss Fengxian..."

"Don't care, don't care," Shenwei smiled and waved his hand. "Maybe he has become an ordinary grandfather of the earth. The only thing he can know is that there is no threat anymore."

"In this case, there..." Afutu stopped talking.

"Afutu, do you know? Some people are already dead when they change."

"I... I get it."

"Moreover, the kind of grandfather who is imprisoned in this place is not comparable to that man, isn't it?" Shenwei smiled and asked, "No matter how the comparison is, this man is more exciting."

"Head, let's just stop it a little bit, so you can't really tell that the man has stopped?" Afutu frowned and sighed, "If that man gets serious, we will be all taken in an instant. It's done, can you really not see this kind of thing? I don't want to collect your corpse in such a poor country."

"Avotu, do you have time to be scared?"

"Even if it is an endangered fighting race, it is impossible to fight against this kind of monster. I still have some self-knowledge about this." Avotu replied.

"I want to know why that man is so powerful and has been looking for answers, but he still has no clue," Shenwei continued, "It is completely inconsistent with Fengxian and that bald man. What is it? Why do I feel like I am stepping in place compared to him? Why?"

"Don't ask me if you have said this kind of question..." Afutu bowed his head heavily.

"Although it's a little shameful, but whether it's him or..." As he said, Shenwei thought of Jiang Hua, always smiling Jiang Hua who was busy in the kitchen holding the cigarette stick, "The fists of the two of them, I have not been able to do it once. Hide it."

"Head, you are strong enough." After a long time, Afutu slowly spit out such a sentence, "Compared with when I first saw you, it is strong enough. After all, I have been able to fight against that Phoenix fairy. It."

"But when facing him, why is it like no improvement?"

"Sleep to sleep, I have heard the same words several times today." Avotu simply closed his eyes and leaned against the wall.

Shenwei did not speak any more, but turned his head and looked out the window with a smile...

Early in the morning, breakfast time.

"Is this Jiang Chengsang's nephew, Kagura-chan's elder brother?" With a smile, Hichirin looked at the supernatural power who was holding the big wooden barrel frantically grilling rice. "The two brothers and sisters really look alike."

"Hahahaha," Jiang Cheng put down the tableware, patted Shenwei on the back, smiled and said, "Sorry, Daxiong is not very good from his snacks, and he hasn't changed it for so many years. Just laughed."

"No, it's elegant compared to you." Yue Yong said mercilessly.

"Because I heard that Yatu has a lot of appetite, I prepared very hard this morning." Hichirin smiled and said, then looked to the side of Afutu who was sitting at the dinner table and never dared to move, "Afu Eat the rabbit mulberry too. Today, I prepared it according to Jiang Chengsang’s three times the appetite. UU reading is definitely enough."

"It's really delicious." Shenwei put down the empty tub that he didn't know, wiped the rice grains from the corner of his mouth, and looked at the sun with a smile. "Uncle fool can eat such delicious food every day. It's so happy."

"Who is this stupid?! Bastard!" Jiang Cheng shouted with his eyes blank.

"That said, I also think Jiang Chengsang is very happy to eat this kind of food every day, but it is really distressing to hear his complaints every day." Rilun pretended to be distressed.

"Well, that's really distressing." Shenwei agreed, and then again picked up a big tub filled with rice from behind and pulled it up.

"Cut, I thought my personality would become a little more likable after so many years," Jiang Cheng sipped impatiently, and then picked up a large tub filled with rice from behind and pulled it up crazy in his mouth, eating while eating. He said vaguely, "But...not at all, it's the stinky kid who doesn't like it..."

[Sure enough...] Afutu looked at the two people who were gradually synchronizing their eating phases, and thought with a helpless expression, [Even if they are eating, they are still fighting against defeat... Leader...]

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