May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 351: :Before you leave home, remember to say hello to your home! At least leave a piece of

Breakfast PK, winner! Jiang Cheng! !

   After breakfast, Shenwei dragged Afutu to follow Jiang Cheng, and followed Jiang Cheng to Jiang Cheng’s room like a stalker.

After   , after seeing Jiang Cheng sitting down and proficiently turning on the computer and taking out the gamepad, Shenwei sat down with a smile on his face and picked up another gamepad.

"Remind you in advance, you won't have any chance of winning when you compete with me on this kind of thing." Jiang Cheng casually reminded, "Even if anything else can be lost, but in the game, I definitely can't. The reason for losing and self-esteem."

   "Well, it turns out that it is because of humble self-esteem that I dare not see the result of my loss." Shenwei said with a smile.

   After listening, Jiang Cheng's expression changed, his face suddenly burst into blue veins, "Come on! Smelly kid!!"


   FPS game PK, winner! Jiang Cheng! !

   "Look, you have said that you are still far behind in this kind of thing." Jiang Cheng put down the gamepad in his hand, and snorted with some disdain.

   "I mean, in this kind of nit-like life, it's really not as good as you, dumb uncle." Shenwei said with a smile, but the game controller in his hand made a cracking sound.

   "Bastard! Don't break my handle! Bastard!!"


   At lunchtime, Shenwei unexpectedly competed with Jiang Cheng again, but in terms of the result, it was exactly the same as the result of the breakfast PK.

   The difference in appetite between the two is visible to the naked eye. If the Shenwei is six, then Jiang Chengcheng is nine or even ten.

   After lunch time, Shenwei once again followed Jiang Cheng to Jiang Cheng’s room and started a new round of competition.

   Afutu just sat on the floor behind the two with a helpless look, even though he was impatient, he didn't dare to say anything. I can only keep quiet and watch the two people continue to compete.

   But something different from the morning is that before the two of them could decide the victory or defeat, Jiang Cheng's door was opened at the same time as a certain ball-headed girl screamed.

"Stupid uncle! This month's pocket money time has come to Aru!" Kagura shouted as he reentered the room, but after Kagura saw the figure sitting next to Jiang Cheng clearly, he was shocked. Ground.

"Ah, it's Kagura," Jiang Chengtou replied without knowing it, "I'm sorry, now my uncle is in a battle that I can't lose, so I can get it from the shoe at the door. By the way, I can only take this You can’t take more for the month’s worth."

"Why are you here!!!" Kagura froze and rushed towards Jiang Cheng, aiming at the back of the two heads, one person and one kick, not only Shenwei and Jiang Cheng were kicked into the computer by Kagura at the same time. On the screen.

   Afutu then stood up with a constipation expression on his face. Although Kagura could be stopped just now, after hearing Jiang Cheng's words, Afutu wisely chose not to move.

   "Yeah yah yah~ This is not the idiot sister that I haven't seen for a long time. I saw it in such a place. It really made my brother feel unhappy." Shenwei said with a smile while he got up.

"Kagura!!" Jiang Cheng stared at the broken computer screen in front of him for a while before exclaiming, "Give me enough! Why do you want to join me! Have you said that yet?! We are now in the process of winning and losing that we absolutely cannot lose! We absolutely cannot lose!"

   "Why is this idiot here?!" Kagura pointed at Shenwei to the side and shouted at Jiang Cheng, "The idiot uncle decided to form a duo duo with the idiot brother to make his debut on the earth Alu?!"

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   "Not bad too." Shenwei said with a smile.

   "Don't be stupid, Kagura," Jiang Cheng waved his hand with impatience. "Debut with this kind of stinky kid. There is absolutely no popularity. Maybe it won't be a mainstream group for a lifetime."

"Shenwei, the balance between us should be settled." Kagura Qiang endured his anger and watched Shenwei gritted his teeth and said word by word, "I have waited long enough for this day. Alu !"

   "Are you still caring about that?" Shinwei smiled, "I have forgotten all about it. After all, although she is a stupid sister, she is a younger sister anyway. As an older brother, she won't hold that grudge.

"Asshole!! Had it not been for you to take all the money left by that bald man to repair your broken spaceship and be that broken pirate, I wouldn't have been so miserable!" Kagura cursed with blank eyes. He said, "Do you know how I spent those years Aru?! That bald guy only sends me a small amount of living expenses every month and every month. In the end, I couldn't stand it before I picked up the spacecraft and came to the earth!"

   "Spaceship?" Jiang Cheng looked at Shenwei in doubt, "Is that spaceship still there?"

   "It has been scrapped," Shenwei replied with a smile, "but I was really happy at that time. I was sailing in the space alone in a spacecraft."

"Uncle, listen to me talking about Alu," Kagura looked at Jiang Cheng with a grieved expression, "Obviously this guy said he would take me on an adventure, but when I woke up I found out that this guy took all the money I took them away, leaving only a note, which is more than the mark? I often ran out of food for a while."

   Jiangcheng nodded, then looked at Shenwei, with a serious criticism on his face: "Nobita, it's wrong to do that!"

   "No, I just think it's not good to take my sister to take the risk. If you encounter danger, it will drag me back." Shenwei replied.

   "You should be the one who is holding back, right!" Kagura retorted with blank eyes.

"Indeed, in men’s adventures, women are indeed weaker and more likely to fall into danger." Jiang Cheng nodded again, then looked at Kagura, "For this point, I think Daxiong didn’t take you with you. correct."

   "Don't be kidding! At least leave the money to me!"

   "Isn't it already for you?" Shenwei asked with a smile.

   "Only enough to eat two bowls of white rice a day! Asshole!!!"

   Looking at the increasingly angry Kagura and the divine prestige who always smiled on his face, Jiang Cheng finally couldn't help but stretched out his hand to separate the two.

   "It's so noisy to chirp! If you want to noisy, please give me out and quarrel you two!" Jiang Cheng cried.

   "Just right! Just let this idiot have a taste of the fist of his sister Aru!" Kagura raised his umbrella and pointed it straight at the gods.

   "The kind of fist that doesn't hurt or itchy, I don't care at all. It doesn't seem to have made any progress anyway." Shenwei's face always has a casual smile.

"Stop it to me!!!" Jiang Cheng roared, "You want to call me out to fight! You can do whatever you want after Yoshihara! Everything you break is money! It's all the hard work of the wandering girls outside The money earned! People who don’t experience the hard work of others but only know how to vent their anger are not worthy of being called human! Give me a good note of this! Bastards!!!"

   Then the two of them calmed down.

   "I'm sorry..." Kagura pursed his lips and whispered.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   "Yes! It's great if you admit your mistakes! Kagura is doing well!" Jiang Cheng nodded, then looked at Shenwei, "Nobita, come! Hurry up! One point! My younger sister admits her mistake in front of you, and I can't fall behind as an older brother!"

   Shenwei smiled without saying a word.

"Sure enough, my brother is inferior to my sister. After all, he hasn't made any progress." Jiang Cheng sighed, then looked at Kagura, "Kagura, given your performance, this month's pocket money double!"

"Yoshi!" Kagura cheered for an instant, and then looked at Shenwei with a mocking expression, "Let's see~ You don’t even have pocket money if you don’t grow, you don’t think you can grow, you have to listen to others. It only counts when it comes out."

   "So, being treated as a child can make you so happy." Shenwei replied with a smile.


Looking at the enraged Kagura again, Jiang Cheng looked helplessly at the somewhat at a loss Afutu standing aside, "Hey, the deputy commander over there, these two little ghosts are handed over to you, look good. They don't let them make trouble, or you will bear the responsibility. If you exceed 10,000 yuan, you will pay me compensation at the same price."

Before Afutu refused, Jiang Cheng directly picked up the umbrella at the door of the room, and stepped out of the room involuntarily, leaving only one sentence: "I will buy a new monitor and a new game, before I return. give it to you."

Seeing Jiang Cheng's disappearing back and the two brothers and sisters who are about to break out of war, Afutu suddenly regretted that he followed his head to this remote if not here. If you come, you won't be asked for such troublesome things.

But then Afutu was a little fortunate. He felt that if he hadn’t been here, maybe he wouldn’t have had the chance to see the appearance of his head, like a child who refused to admit defeat, and constantly provoked his sister. ...

   But before Afutu sighed, Shenwei and Kagura started at the same time and rushed towards each other.

   "Hey! Can you two forgive me?!" Afutu rushed forward...


   In the evening, Jiang Cheng returned to Yoshihara with a new monitor and a game CD that was just released.

   But when Jiang Cheng opened the door of his room, he was stunned, and saw that the entire room had been destroyed in an improper way. It is not too much to call it a ruin now. Kagura and Shenwei sat in two corners of the room with their noses and faces swollen, and at this time they were constantly provoking each other.

   As for Avotu, it's worse than the two of them. At this time, he was sitting in the room, his upper body was naked, holding a bandage, and he was constantly bandaging his wounds.

   The moment he saw Jiang Cheng, Afutu suddenly felt overwhelmed.

   "That...can you explain a little bit?" Jiang Cheng looked at Afutu without expression.

   "I have tried my best... I'm sorry." Afutu sighed helplessly, "Our head and his sister can't be stopped by ordinary people. I have tried my best to stop it."

   "Hey, Kagura, this month's pocket money is halved, and, Nobita, I don't need to eat dinner today." After that, Jiang Cheng closed the door and turned away without looking back...

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