May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 460: : To raise different breeds of cats in different ways is actually the same as "..

   "...The difference is that compared to the person standing at the top, I am just a hooligan hired by the underworld."

Fangyi continued to talk about his past, "As long as it is the above order, no matter who it is will be killed. With these hands, countless lives have been taken. "I'm not wrong, I just got hired, so I can't help it." "Methods", to shift all the responsibilities to the employer, and to separate this idea in the head is just blind work. "

"...At that time, unlike me who was restrained by my employer, a free-living wild cat shined into my sight. I don't know when it started, feeding it became I have a fixed link every day. In the days of killing, I only feel free when I play with it."

"It was after that, I didn't want to kill anymore. No matter how many people I cut, what is called the "weight of life", in the small life touched by my own hands, I gradually gradually feel. "I won't cut anyone anymore," he agreed with the guy without authorization. "

"But I still got an order from my employer to get close to the job of dying. I probably realized that I was useless. I thought, if dying would take people's lives, it would be better to just die. That's what I think. ..."

After being silent for a while, Fangyi slowly continued: "When I recovered my consciousness, I realized that my surroundings had become a sea of ​​blood. In the sea of ​​blood, I saw that a person like me fell. There…"

"I broke my promise to become like this, but that guy gave me my body and let me continue to live, so I decided. I have been taking something unique until now, but this body, from that The body that the guy got from it must be used to protect something unique."

   "Even if the ear is bitten off, it is still disliked, or turned into a lonely cat, I will protect it until the body turns into dust..."

"Sure enough," Gui's voice came from below, and then he analyzed for himself: "The abuse of newcomers called baptism is also to protect the cats? Is there a fierce competition for survival in this place? The power of Kabukicho’s survival, you use your own body to filter it. In order to prevent innocent lives from passing away, the violent dictatorship is also to prevent wild cats from acting without authorization and to avoid disputes with humans. For this street For the cats on the Internet, nothing can suppress them more than "horror". "

"It's great to be able to analyze this point," Fangichi looked at Kondo and Katsura who woke up at some point below, "I can't teach you anything anymore. I will leave the rest to you. Starting today, Kabukicho Your BOSS cat is you!"

   "What did you decide without authorization?!" Yin Shi instantly exploded and spit out frantically: "How can we become BOSS cats!"

   "Yes!" Kondo raised his hand and said, "It is impossible to become a BOSS cat, please change to a BOSS gorilla!"

   "This is not the problem, right!" Gui cried.

"If it's yours, it's okay." Fangyi closed his eyes and said slowly, "I'm getting old, and I can't control those irritable guys anymore. The relationship with humans has deteriorated to the point where things like egg hunting occur. It's because My dominance is insufficient."

"What are you talking about?" Gui retorted with some excitement: "If the cats knew that you had to protect their feelings regardless of yourself, they would definitely change their minds! The boss cats on this street, except for your Royal Highness Fangyi , I can’t find a second one again!"

"So you're just an idiot, wig," Jiang Cheng chuckled lightly, then glanced at Fang Yi on the side, and continued with a playful expression: "Those are wild cats. Use this way of treating domestic cats. Deal with them, sooner or later, problems will arise."

   "No, there is only one domestic cat here." Yin Shi silently complained.

"Almost forgot. In fact, your head is full of mutated brain cells called idiots just like the wig." Jiang Cheng snorted and replied casually, "BOSS cat? In a sense Isn’t it a person who puts them on a collar and ropes and puts them in a cage called "rules"? For those free wild cats, nothing is more difficult to accept than this. Don't you guys even understand this kind of thing? Are you idiots? "

"Perhaps what you said makes sense," Fang Yi shook his head and sighed softly. "From this we can see that I am not a BOSS cat material, but you are different. If a few people work together, maybe Maybe it will become a BOSS cat completely different from me, maybe it can change the way of life of the wild cats on this street."

As he said, Fang jumped down, looked straight ahead with determination, and continued without looking back: "But, I can't do it. Now there are more important things that need my old bones, and the things that follow. Please leave it to you."

   "Don't you...want to take the caught cats..." When thinking of some silver, he looked at Yoshiichi's back in surprise and muttered.

   "Wait!" Jiang Cheng suddenly interrupted, "At the end, I have one more question to ask you!"

   "Hurry up, my time is very tight." Fang said without looking back.

   "That..." Jiang Cheng showed a serious face, "You should have done "that kind of thing" after you became this body? Can you describe that feeling to us. "


   "What are you thinking about in your head!" Yin Shi stood on two feet and smashed Jiang Cheng's head heavily. "Why can you ask this kind of question at this time?!"

   "Aren't you curious?!" Jiang Cheng rubbed his head and retorted, "I heard that there are thorns in the cat. Are you not curious about what it feels like? You are definitely curious too!"

   "Indeed, I am also a little curious." Gui nodded and said.

   "No, I'm more curious about the "that kind of thing" of apes. "Kondo raised his hand.

   "No...nothing feels..." Fang said stumblingly.

   "Have you...really done that kind of thing?" Yin Shit twitched the corners of his eyes, and looked at Fang Yi with black lines all over his head.

   "No, it looks like it doesn't," Jiang Cheng shook his head, "This tone sounds like a cherry cat."


"Don't lie, your tone has been exposed." Jiang Cheng shook his head and said with a light sigh, "The guy who entrusted your body to you is really miserable. He still hasn't gotten rid of his identity as a virgin cat at this level. What..."

   Just finished speaking, Jiang Cheng's body suddenly became suspended.

   Jiang Cheng turned his head to look at a certain ball-headed girl who was carrying the nape of his neck and an eye boy next to him, "Meow?"

   "Yueyue, I found Aru," Kagura took out his mobile phone and dialed a number. "With a group of wild cats, it seems to be doing something very happy Aru."

   "Is this the cat that Miss Yueyong raised?" Xin Baji leaned down and glanced at Jiang Cheng, "It's pretty cute."

"Meow! (Hey, you guys, think of a way! Jiang Cheng yelled at Yin Shi, "Meow! (My current body can't deal with such a strong little girl! Come on!) I think of a way!

   Yin Shi and others turned their faces silently, turning a deaf ear to Jiang Cheng's cry for help.

   "Xin Ba Ji, this ugly cat looks like silver sauce!" Kagura pointed at Yin Shi and looked at Xin Ba Ji, "Natural scrolls are like Aru."

   "Meow! (Who is the ugly cat?! Yin Shibai yelled.

"It's really a bit like it, even the dead fish eyes are exactly the same. But now is not the time to say this, the commission has been completed, it's time to go back, Kagura-chan." Xin Ba Hao said with a smile, and then turned around. He turned his head to Yin Shi and waited for the cat to say hello, "It's been a bit unrest recently, you guys also pay attention to safety, goodbye~"


   It was not until Kagura and Shin Baji walked away that Fangichi spoke again, "I will leave the rest to you. Goodbye."

   After that, Yoshihide started slowly towards the front...

   But at this moment, a group of wild cats slowly gathered around.

   "Fangichi, it looks very happy to have good friends!"

   "Call us if you go to play~"

   After faintly glanced at the malicious wild cats that surrounded him, Fangyi asked coldly, "You guys, what do you want to do?"

   "Humph, Yoshihide, it's really hard work. You have been stepping on us to dominate."

   "But that's it!"

   "We will hand you over to the city management after crippling you. There is no need for BOSS cats on this street anymore, we have to regain our freedom!"

   After all, a group of wild cats flicked their hairs at the same time, erected their tails and showed their claws, and screamed at Fang fiercely with their Come on? ! "Yin Shi jumped off and landed firmly beside Gui, "Cut, I was really hit by that idiot..."

   "Stop it!" Gui shouted, "You guys know how your Highness Fangyi has been guarding so far..."

   "Stop talking nonsense! Kill you guys too!"

   "Don't let these boss cats alternate!"

   As soon as the voice fell, the wild cats rushed towards this side.

   "Run!" After yelling, Fang turned his head and glanced at Yin Shi and others, "I will leave the rest to you!"

   "Fangichi!!" Yin Shi yelled.

   But it was too late. Several wild cats had already jumped on Fang Yi's body with their teeth and claws.

   Just a few seconds of work, Fang Yi's body is already scarred, and blood has even begun to drip to the ground.

However, Fangyi seemed to be completely indifferent, and started again and walked in the direction ahead. At the same time, he said unhurriedly: "This will save trouble. I just want to see the stupidity of the guys caught by the city management. Face, well, show me the way."



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