May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 468: : To say that it is a special article is actually just overdone


"Everyone in front of the screen, I'm extremely sorry!" Jiang Cheng, who was kneeling on the ground, bowed his head and shouted, then raised his head to face the camera and said: "Today I was going to show the [Beep——] words [Beep——] 】 Article, but because of the reason of [BEEP——] it became [BEEP——]! So I sent the special article with the feeling of [BEEP——]!"

"That..." Qingta reminded me speechlessly, "Brother Jiang Cheng, what exactly did you mean? He said a lot of [BEEP——] at the beginning, and the readers don't understand what you are saying... "

"Don't care about this kind of thing!" Jiang Cheng replied with a disapproving look, holding his hand up, "It doesn't matter at all! The Onmyoji chapter that is going to be broadcast today can only be fooled with a special chapter because the actors are not in place. This kind of thing is not important at all!"

"That's not it," Harita squinted her eyes and spit out contemptuously. "Don't you just tell me the specific situation? What does it mean to say that the actors are not in place? This will happen in our crew. Don't you know the so-called thing?"

"Don't you realize that you and me are the only two of you on the entire set today?" Jiang Cheng squinted Doudou and reminded him expressionlessly, "Even the set was selected in my room. At this level, you still Do not understand?"

   "I understand a little bit..." Harita lowered her head and sighed heavily, "Speaking of which we are going to play together today? Don't you think it's weird? Our group."

   "But then again, what is Haruta's favorite line for so long? In our work."

   "The topic is too blunt, right!" Qing Taibai spit out angrily, "Speaking of which is this today? Is it a special chapter of classic lines?!"

   "If you don't like it, just use your diary or something to fool it." Jiang Cheng shrugged and said indifferently.

"No, let's use a special line..." Haru replied without thinking, and then suddenly thought of something, and quickly continued, "No, it's not right at all? It should be the reader's favorite line, right? I? My favorite lines are useless at all."

   "Of course, when it comes to the lines I care about the most, it really is the one that Jiang Hua's sister said at the beginning of Chapter 2." Jiang Cheng raised an index finger and said to himself.

   "Hey, why did I go on talking so naturally?" Harita vomited blankly.

   "Because I already have someone who can hold an umbrella for me?"

   "Yeah!" Jiang Cheng nodded, then picked up his umbrella and stood up, "I still care about it. Wait a minute, Haruta, I will slaughter the bald boy and come back."

"Do you care about this?!" Qingtai was all ill, and pointed to Jiang Cheng spittingly. "It's just jealous! By the way, your sister-in-law complex is too deep, right? Stop! Please stop!"

   Saying, Haruta hugged Jiang Cheng's leg and desperately stopped it.

"Let go of me! Harita!" Jiang Chengbai roared with eyes open, "I will definitely slaughter that bald guy today! What's the look? It's just a bald guy! It's just a bald guy! No matter how you look at it, there is nothing but a bald guy. The baldness! By the way, baldness is not an advantage at all!"

"Hey! Calm down!" Harita shouted vigorously while dragging Jiang Cheng, "If you leave too, I won't be able to do it alone! Absolutely not! Today's broadcast is over! Please! A special chapter on classic lines will do too! I will cooperate! Please! Brother Jiang Cheng!"


   Seeing Jiang Cheng who was sitting down again holding his hands with an uncomfortable face, Harita smiled awkwardly, then turned to look at the camera, raised an index finger and smiled at the same time.

   "So, if it's my turn, there are really a few lines that I really care about. First of all, in Chapter 23, Brother Jiang Cheng said..."

"When human beings are dominated by sensibility and emotions, humans at this time will not consider the rationality of the situation at all. Although it may sound stupid and funny afterwards, I always think that this is also the flash of humanity. Point one."

   "...Although I still don't quite understand what it means, I still feel a little concerned."

   After that, Haru scratched her head too much and smiled.

   "Have I ever said something like this?" Jiang Cheng asked, squinting Doudou's eyes with an unclear face.

   "Hey, what's the matter with your head?" Harita squinted her eyes with contempt.

   "Ahaha," Jiang Cheng scratched his head and smiled, "Since you have said so, that means I have really said this. But then again, what is the meaning of this sentence?"

   "Don't you know it yourself?!"

"Ah, I don't know." Jiang Cheng shook his head, then he held his hands and closed his eyes and continued, "But when it comes to shining points, I always think of CharmPoint. Of course, I don't need to mention my CharmPoint, too much. I don’t think I can count it myself."

   "You found it from yourself!"

   "It's embarrassing." Jiang Cheng shook his head and smiled embarrassingly. "Anyway, I really can't do this kind of thing by boasting myself, even though I am really perfect."

   "I was embarrassed, but I didn't feel it at all. I shamelessly said that I was perfect!"

   "Don't worry about such small things."

"Cut, it's such a hot man." Qing Tai sipped in a low voice, and then continued, "Then, there are some lines that I care about, which is what Guisang said to me in Chapter 99. sentence…"

"Is it my turn finally? It seems that my chance, who has been waiting outside the set, has finally arrived." Gui, who didn't know when he arrived, stood behind Jiang Cheng, holding his hands and chuckles, "Really, it is. Then I will count my 4,000 personal sentences..."

   Without waiting for Gui to finish, Jiang Cheng got up instantly and tied Gui tightly with the rope he didn't know where he found. Then he threw Gui from the window without any hesitation.

   After doing all this, Jiang Cheng closed the window and returned to the original position to sit down, as if nothing had happened.

   "Don't...don't let your sword lose..."

   "Direction!" Gui, bloody, slapped the window, pushed open the window hard, gritted his teeth and added.

"Disappear for me!" Jiang Chengbai yelled loudly, and at the same time kicked Gui flying out again, "Haruta, afterwards all the lines about this guy will be cut off, if any, all the lines about this guy will be cut off. Recently, this guy has played enough times, and even thinking of coming out to rub the camera, he is really insatiable at all! Next one!"

   "Crossing the past doesn't mean forgetting the past! You bastards!"

   "Haruta-kun?" Jiang Cheng leaned into Haruta's ear and asked in a low voice, "Whose line is this? Why is it so strange?"

   "It's your own!" Harita exasperatedly exclaimed, "Your lines in Chapter 233! You can remember clearly what you have said!"

   "Hey? Really? Have I really said this kind of lines that are not handsome at all?" Jiang Cheng said in disbelief.

   "Well, that's enough, I don't want to complain anymore, hurry up and move on to the next one!"

   "Even if you are no longer young, and no longer beautiful. But...the thoughts that have lasted for hundreds of thousands of years, is it not a kind of light?"

   "Who said this sentence?" Jiang Cheng asked with a puzzled look, narrowing Doudou's eyes.

"It's still you!" Qing Taibai exclaimed, "Dragon Palace Chapter! Throw me to the Dragon Palace Chapter in Dragon Palace City during the summer vacation! I remember it clearly! That person practiced in the dojo alone!" Sad summer vacation!"

   "It doesn't matter if it can't be used as a sword to protect them, at least, you can use this tattered umbrella to block a few drops of rain and grief for them, it's enough!"

   "I have an impression of this!" Jiang Cheng raised his hand and shouted, "Let me think about it for a moment, which one is from...Ah, by the way! It's the Bitu!"

   "By the way, you are tall! What is the Bitu chapter? There is no such chapter at all! It is the Hongying chapter, right!"

   "What is the first thing that humans saw in this world? It is Opal! There is only one earth, while Opal has two! I really hope that the last thing touched at the end of life is Opal!"

   "Although I don't know who said it..." Jiang Cheng hugged his hands and chuckled approvingly, "But the guy who can say this must be a good guy."

"Hey, this is still your line, right? When it was in the Yanagi story." Haruta grumbled expressionlessly. "The guy who can say this kind of line is just a pervert, right? It just likes the oppa. It's just abnormal, right?!"

   "Don't you like it?" Jiang Cheng asked rhetorically.

   "If you like it, you won't say it directly like you!" Haruta blushed and shouted, "Okay! Next!"

   "Retire from the game? How can there be such a thing in life?"

   "This is the line of the Jiazien chapter!" Jiang Cheng said without hesitation.

   "It's the Gambiro football chapter of Chapter 307!" Haruta corrected.

"It's not half-hearted! Half-hearted can't get the first place in a team of tens of thousands of people! Half-hearted can't accept your true self at this time! Half-hearted can't shed tears in such a place ! The last and most important point is that you can't admit that you are a half-hearted person! Remember it for me! Bastard!!"

"It's too long! That idiot said such a long line?" Jiang Chengbai said indignantly, "The whole dialogue is all half-hearted! If I want to add one thing, it means that it can be said so long. People who don’t have enough nutrition are already half-hearted!"

   "That...this sentence is also what you said..." Haruta reminded him speechlessly, "At the time of Owee."

   Jiang Cheng:...

"But... I want to choose the latter Aru. It doesn't matter even if it is a long detour, I also want to choose the latter. Maybe at this time smart people will choose the former, but it doesn't matter, because I'm a fool. Yeah. It doesn’t matter if you choose the latter because you’re a fool, because you’re a fool.”

   "Kagura sauce is so handsome~ My uncle will always support you~"

   "Sister Kagura's lines do you remember very clearly..." Haruta spit out speechlessly.

   "Samurai...a group of stubborn people."

   Jiang Cheng lowered his head and snorted softly, and then whispered with some emotion, "Well, it's not bad to end this way."

"What's so good?! It's not over yet! Why can you speak to yourself that is like a conclusion! It's not over yet! There are eight hundred words left!" Qing Tai was angry! Yelled.

   "Hey?! Really?!" Jiang Cheng was surprised.

   "Is it really okay to make this kind of reaction?! "Hey?!" What is it? "Qingtai exclaimed, "Take me more serious!" "

   "Please take the rest of the time! Lin Jun next door!"

   "That book is over a long time ago!"

   "In that case... Then please! The next Inosuke-kun!"

   "Hey! It's tomorrow! The next studio is over today! There is no more today! Only us!"

   "There is no way." Jiang Cheng sighed lightly. "Then solve it as usual."

  ——Special dividing line for small theater——

   The fourth episode of "Three Years Group Z, Teacher Jiang Cheng"!

"Ahem, next is the reader's letter link." Standing on the podium, Jiang Cheng cleared his throat, looked at the envelope in his hand and read slowly, "Mr **** from **** asked, "Jiang Cheng before he came to Yoshihara Have you been wandering for the past seven years? What is the state of life for the past seven years? And is Jiang Cheng in the feature film a frivolous man? Hope to answer.""

After reading the content of the letter, Jiang Cheng raised his head, drooping his eyelids and replied without energy: " has been wandering all the time. The state of life is between starvation and alive. Medium. As for frivolousness? No, in the feature film, my character is set to be a person whose EQ is below the human average. In other words, I am just an emotional idiot who likes Opie."

"By the way, Jiang Cheng in the feature film is actually a very innocent man. When he was just entering the spring thinking period, he even knocked down a girl wearing strawberry shorts at the corner of the corridor of the school where he had just transferred. With this misunderstanding, the one who finally fell in love was like a dream of pure love comics. Of course, the girl in the dream also has a proud bust."

   After that, Jiang Cheng took out another letter from his pocket, opened it, and read it: "Mr. **** from the **** star. "Luffy...""

"Well, that's all for today's letter link," Jiang Cheng said, crumpled up the letter paper in his hand and threw it into the trash can on the side. "Also, everyone in front of the screen! One last reminder, three years Z The me in the group and the me in the feature film are completely two different people! The character settings are completely different! Except for the same favorite game and Oppie, there is no similarity! Give me a good memory!"

   [It sounds no difference at all...] ​​A group of students in the audience spit silently in their hearts at the same time.

   The fourth episode of "Three Years Group Z, Teacher Jiang Cheng", finished!



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