May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 470: : To give a man face in front of a woman he likes is a man's unspoken rule

"You two bastards!" Ignoring the smoking TV, Yin Shi turned his head and yelled angrily at Kagura and Shin Baja who were sitting on one of the sofas, "both said when the guests came. Turn off the TV!"

   "Silver sauce, don't you keep it on all the time Aru?" Kagura retorted.

"Silver sauce? Who is that?" Yin Shi asked pretendingly in doubt, and then continued in a reprimanding tone, "That guy has died, right? I told you to forget that guy! Go ahead! Make tea! Stupid!"

   "Cut!" Kagura made an uncomfortable cut, then turned and walked towards the kitchen reluctantly.

   "That, Kagura-chan, I just want Coke." Jiang Cheng, who was sitting next to the anchor Yuno, waved and said with a smile.

"Sit here for me! That's not where you should sit! You are a non-staff intern in the House of Everything!" Gintoki yelled angrily, and then faced the Yuno anchor with a smile on his face." I'm sorry to make you laugh, haha..."

   "Why am I also included in the House of Everything? And what is a non-staff intern?" Jiang Cheng vomited expressionlessly, but he got up and went to the side of Xin Ba Hao and sat down.

"Ahaha..." Yin Shi sat down and raised Erlang's legs, leaning on the sofa, and continued: "In fact, there are more than 20 employees besides them, but unfortunately everything went out today. Only these few have nothing to do. People who use it. In fact, I recently decided to move into the Roppongi Building, so it looks a little messy, haha..."

   "Hey..." Xin Ba Hao squinted his eyes with contempt, "Are we also a mansion clan now? How awesome, Yinsang."

   "It's said that Yinsang is dead!" Yin Shizuo exclaimed, "Call the president! The president!"

   "It's really a shame that you didn't complain, Jiang Chengsang..." Xin Baji looked at Jiang Cheng, who was holding his hand and looked disdainful. "If it were your normal you, you would have been unable to control the complaint, right?"

"This woman is the one, right." Jiang Cheng shrugged and explained in a low voice, "Yin Shi's favorite woman, right? I won't say anything bad about him on this occasion. This is the rule between men. Now. Although it’s unhappy, but just cooperate with him a little bit, or you will be hated for a lifetime, New Eight Chi-jun."

   "That's really incredible..." Xin Ba Ji murmured silently.

"Cough cough!" At this time, Yin Shi cleared his throat, claps his hands and shouted in the direction of the kitchen: "Hey, Sebastian Chinko, where's the tea? Is the wine not ready yet? It should be 40 years old. There's more."

   "Hi...President." Kagura opened the door and walked in blankly with two cups of high Lego and a can of Coke.

   "Please use it." Kagura leaned down and pushed a glass of high Lego to the anchor Yuno, and at the same time threw the Coke in his hand to Jiang Cheng.

   "Hey, what's this?" Gintoki frowned, staring at the steaming cup in front of anchor Yuno with an uncomfortable face and asked.

   Kagura, who sat down beside Jiang Cheng, replied, "It's Gao Lego Aru."

   "Why come out with Gao Lego!" Yin Shizuo shouted, "It's not my classmates to play now!"

   "Golego is delicious and nutritious, and it is a first-class Aru that can be drunk by both children and adults." Kagura gave a serious answer.

   "Only you like it! By the way, you were sent to promote it!" Gin Shibai shouted with his eyes open.

   "Silver, it doesn't matter at first sight." Jiang Cheng reminded him expressionlessly, "If it's advertising, it will be milk tea."

   "Shut up, please!" Yin Shi yelled angrily, "You drink 10,000 yuan of Coke. Remember to hand it over to the finance department later."

   "Hello, Administration for Industry and Commerce?" Jiang Cheng took out his cell phone and broadcasted a number and put it in his ear, "Hey, I'll report everything in Kabukicho..."

   "Washing inside!" Yin Shi directly got up and kicked Jiang Cheng away.

   At this time, the anchor Yuno picked up the Gao Lego in front of him and took a sip in his hand, and then smiled: "Thank you, it is delicious, Gao Lego."

"Yeah~" Yin Shi quickly switched to a disgusting smile and sat down again, "Go Lego really is the best, I'm sorry, I had prepared Go Lego for 40 years, but it seems that they made a mistake. Hahahaha..."

   "It's delicious..." Kagura praised Kagura, who took a sip of Gao Lego.

   "What is the 40-year-old Gao Lego..." Xin Baji silently complained.

   "Really, it's really irritating and disgusting." Jiang Cheng sat down beside Kagura and curled his mouth in disdain.

   "I'm so proud of Aru." When he looked at Yin who was still scratching his head and smirking, Kagura murmured.

   "Don't blame him, Yin-sang has been looking forward to the anchor Yuno." Xinbaji whispered to the two of them, "I have always been watching the weather forecast without failing in one episode."

   "Where is this kind of woman good?" Jiang Cheng looked at the anchor Yuno who was still holding Gao Lego on the opposite sofa, and said silently, "The type that Ginshishi likes hasn't changed at all."

   "Which type does Yinsang like?" Xin Baji turned his face to look at Xiang Jiangcheng.

   "Don't you know?" Jiang Cheng spread out his hand and explained casually, "It's the kind of short hair. If you change to purple hair and wear an eye mask, it will look exactly the same as Gao Zi."

"I always feel that Jiang Chengsang, you seem to have said something terrible..." Xinba Haw twitched the corners of his mouth, "I feel that the relationship between Yinsang and Takasugi suddenly became a little complicated, and suddenly I was a little curious about what they used to be. Story."

   "Yeah..." Jiang Cheng raised his face, squeezed his chin, and said thoughtfully, "If you use words to describe the relationship between Yin Shi and Gao Zi, it would be appropriate to describe the relationship between Yin Shi and Gao Zi. The two people quarrel every day, but they can give each other back and chrysanthemum. "

   "Just talk about the back, don't talk about the chrysanthemum." Xin Baji reminded him expressionlessly, "I think of some terrible pictures."

   "Hey, what were you talking about just now?" Yin Shi looked at Jiang Cheng and Xin Bajia with a look of contempt.

   "No, it's nothing." Jiang Cheng replied casually with a shrug.

"Although I don't know where you picked up this female version of Gaozi, what should I do afterwards?" Kagura looked at the other side, lowered his head and looked at Gao Lego's Yuno anchor, and continued, "In order to make the weather forecast. Is it accurate to change the weather Aru?"

   As he said, Kagura turned his face away, "Aru, who can't be done even in the House of Everything."

"Who is the female version of Takasugi! This is the unique Yukino anchor! The Yukino anchor with a sweet smile! What do you know about the smile of Yukino anchor who is so sweet that my blood sugar has risen?!" Gintoki Shiro's eyes were angry. Scolded, and then let out a long sigh of relief, turned around and lowered his head and said, "Miss Yuno..."

   Hearing the sound, the anchor Yuno raised his head and looked at Gintoki, and at the same time Jiang Cheng, Kagura and Shinbachi looked over at the same time.

"Unfortunately, even we can't change the weather for you," Yin Shi stood up unhurriedly, and slowly said, then Yin Shi turned and walked towards the window behind the desk while walking. While saying, "But there is one more thing I can do for you..."

   Talking, Yin Shi came to the window, stretched out the blinds that did not exist, and looked out the window tenderly, "It's your cloudy face, let me make it clear."

   "President, I'm sorry, there are no blinds there." Xin Baji reminded him expressionlessly.

Ignoring the new eight haws, Gintoki still looked out the window affectionately, and then said: "Miss Yuno, if you can, would you like to try to talk to us about your troubles? We will surely make you smile again. of."

   "Can I have another glass?" The anchor Yuno gave the empty glass in his hand to Kagura with a smile.

   "President, I'm sorry, she didn't listen to you at all, she has relied on Gao Lego to make her smile again." Xin Baji reminded her expressionlessly again.

   "It's enough for you to have this mood," the anchor Yuno showed a trace of relief on his face, and said softly, "Even if I have fallen to this way, there are still people who support me. I am very satisfied with this."

   Yin Shi still didn't speak, still holding the blinds that didn't exist, looking out the window affectionately.

"By the way, why the weather has suddenly become unpredictable so far that it can be accurately predicted?" Just asked, Xin Ba Hao suddenly thought of something, "No, it should be said that accurate forecasting is the most powerful until now. Yes. Isn't it what happened?"

   The anchor Yuno shook his head lightly, and replied softly: "This is not a problem that can be solved by discussing it, I'm sorry."

   "Sure enough, something happened, right?" Xin Baji said surely tell us. "

   Jiang Cheng digs out his ears with his little finger and glances boredly at anchor Yuno. At the same time, Gintoki also turned his head to look at anchor Yuno.

   "I can't let you get involved in danger." The anchor Yuno lowered his head, his face full of loss.

   "Danger? What the **** is going on? When I hear this, I feel that I can't let it go." Xin Baji replied hastily.

"Suga..." After murmured something like this, Jiang Cheng stood up and said to Yinshi very perfunctorily: "Um, the president, today I am a non-staff intern of Wanshiya who is going to resign as well as Kagura. Come on, and the remaining two dozen employees~"

"Oh, let's get out! I'm more relaxed without her!" Yin Shi said grimly, then got up and went to the desk and leaned on the desk, holding his hands and lowering his head and slowly said: "Anchor Yuno, it has nothing to do with whether the weather forecast is accurate or not. I just want to see your smile again. I can get a whole day of vitality from your smile. It's only because of this that I watch you. Program. Every day every day..."

   While talking, Gintoki turned his face to look at the anchor Yuno seriously, "This time it's our turn, let us help you."



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