May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 479: : The rules are bad for you? Who cares! All we obey is...

"Ahahaha! Just to let you see how strong I am!" Seeing Seimei who was held up in the air and couldn't breathe with an expression of pain, Dao Man's expression gradually became savage, "In order to save your self-esteem Tear it apart bit by bit! Let you die in despair! Seimei, from that day onwards, I lived by the obsession of revenge against your brother and sister and that man! Constantly dreaming about the moment when you were torn apart I kept grinding my claws in the darkness of hatred, and then the time finally arrived! The long-standing weather war ended at this moment..."

The word Domanshu hasn't been spoken yet, and the huge mace in the hands of Waidomaru, who jumped up high, has already cut off the dark red unknown spell that has locked Qingming.

Qingming untied his restraint and landed steadily on the ground with a backflip, clutching his throat and coughing for several times before gradually recovering, then turned his head and looked behind him.

"Who!" Dao Man shouted toward the door.

"Hey, hurry up, Shikigami." Kagura, dressed in a Yunoya female onmyoji costume, urged behind him.

"Why... why did it become like this..." Wearing a black tights, with two tentacles on his head, and a thin tail behind him, Shin Ba Chi, holding a fork, followed Kagura weepingly.

"That! I'm sorry to be late!" Silver Shi, who also walked in the forefront of the Onmyoji costume, stopped and yelled deliberately towards the ring, "Is this the venue of the world's No. 1 Budokai?" ?!"

"Gin Shi, I was mistaken. This should be the place for the Zhongnin Hunter's Holy Grail War Examination." Jiang Cheng, who was not dressed up at the end, reminded faintly, "Isn't it said that you must be able to summon Shikigami to appear on the stage? In other words, you have to learn spiritism or summon a follower or something, right?"

"Ah, don't worry," Yin Shi chuckled, "I remember the fingerprints of spiritism clearly!"

"Then, please answer..." After speaking, Jiang Cheng had already arrived on the ring, stood beside Dao Man, and then turned to look at the crowd below, "Seventeen times seventeen is equal to how much..."

"It's equal to..." Gin Shiki broke his fingers and muttered for two seconds before reacting, bursting with Qingjin and shouting: "That's not right! Why did you change to this question halfway? No matter what you think, it should be about spiritism. The order of the seal!"

"Hey, the Yinshi players from the Yuno family, got a zero score in the first test and were eliminated." Jiang Cheng lazily announced.

"Why have you become the chief referee?!" Yin Shi yelled uncomfortably.

"Contestant Daoman, it's your turn, what's the three to three?" Jiang Cheng turned his face to look at Daoman.

"You bastard..." Daoman gritted his teeth and looked at Jiang Cheng bitterly.

"I don't seem to know," Jiang Cheng shook his head, and there was a bit of hatred for iron and steel. "Then, Doman also failed in the first game. I declare that the first draw is—"

"Why did you decide for yourself that the first game was a math problem!" Dao Man yelled uncomfortably.

"Are you underestimating mathematics?!" Jiang Chengyi said righteously, "Do you know how bad my mood was when I was forced by the sun wheel to tutor Harita's math homework last night?! Can Onmyoji be underestimated by mathematics?! Or Said that your victory and defeat did not consider the question of written examination at all? No? Obviously it is the only onmyoji family in the world. You know that even the Zhongnin exam also has a written examination. Are you really not?"

"Then... that kind of thing doesn't matter at all!" Dao Man retorted.

"That! Please listen to the question!" Jiang Cheng cleared his throat. "It is known that Haruaki Yuno has placed a total of 27 shikigami in a certain area of ​​Edo, which are divided into two-legged birds and four-legged animals. Then, Excuse me..."

"The simple problem of chicken and rabbit in the same cage, do you think it can stump my Dao Man?" Dao Man snorted disdainfully, but the next second he turned his back and broke his fingers with sweat on his face.

"...What style is Yuno anchor's **** today?"

"Pink pants with bunny printed on it!" Qingming replied without thinking.

"Hey, where did your Shikigami go?" Ginshi said with a blank expression. "Are you really protecting Edo? You sister!"

"No!" Dao exclaimed angrily, "Why is the last question like this?!"

"In short, the Qingming contestant gets one point, and the Doman contestant deducts one point." Jiang Cheng declared again.

"There is no such rule!" Dao Man shouted through gritted teeth.

"Don't be angry, it's just to help you alleviate this too dull atmosphere." Jiang Cheng shrugged and said, "And I think since it is a victory or defeat, it must be considered comprehensively, so it is fairer to join the written test. ?"

"There is no need at all!" Dao Man shouted with his eyes white.

"Is it unnecessary or scared?" Jiang Cheng raised his hand and said with contempt.

"Onmyoji's victory or defeat doesn't need that kind of thing at all!"

"It's because you don't have that kind of thing in your head?" Jiang Cheng waved his hand in disdain, then shook his head and sighed: "What a sad man~ I don't even dare to face his own weaknesses. People who dare not participate in the written test still call themselves onmyojis, stains and stains, it really makes people laugh~"

"Who...who wouldn't dare to face it?!" Dao Man shouted pretentiously, then turned his head and ordered to a subordinate behind him, "Hey, you, take a written test! Just take the ninety-nine multiplication table! The cashier in charge of daily food and clothing in the clan called out to participate in the competition!"

"Anyway, the first game has already been done for you." Jiang Cheng waved to Yin Shi's group of people, "Come on for a while, maybe your maths should be OK?"

"Brother, I'll leave it to you for the first game!" Yin Shi patted Seimei's shoulder and said seriously.

"Yes, sister control. The first nine-nine multiplication table written test is handed over to Aru." Kagura nodded and said with a serious face, "Go on!"

"Qing Ming-sang, you can only win the first game. I don't remember a few of the seven formulas very clearly." Xin Ba Hao smiled embarrassingly.

"!" Qingming who reacted, stared blankly at Yin Shi and several people on the side. After a while, he cried out in a frantic manner, "What are you doing here?! It's not useful and useless. Is it?! Isn't the simplest multiplication table of ninety-nine not even possible?!"

"No! Brother! I just don't remember the number of seven clearly." Yin Shi shook his head and replied solemnly.

"Who is your brother!"

"Don't be so dismissive. Sooner or later, I will join Sakata Gintoki." Gintoki chuckled and replied, "I came here to cheer for my brother's first written test in order to save my family from the crisis. Of course."

"Don't call my elder brother! I don't remember Kriste looking for a son-in-law like you!" Qingming reprimanded. "Hurry back! People who don't even memorize the nine-nine-nine multiplication table, return to me!"

"If I spend a week firmly memorizing the nine-nine-nine multiplication table and recruit me to be a son-in-law?" Yin Shi pointed to himself and smiled easily.

"How could there be such a reward! And it takes a week to memorize a multiplication formula. Your head is no longer saved! Go back! Hurry up! I'll give you the Big Demon King Piccolo and Kurin, hurry back. !"

"Don't be so stubborn," Kagura put his hand on Qingming's shoulder, showing a profiteer's face, "Anyway, you are divorced, right? It just so happens that we are dragging a child here. It's a good match. Luyo."

"Do you want to come too?!"

"Don't worry. As long as we can get the inheritance, Aru." Kagura opened his hands and explained casually, "Anyone can be called Okasan."

"Don't say it's dragging a child, it's a malignant tumor!"

"Hey, we won't pay a penny for the payment," Jiang Cheng, who didn't know when he arrived, patted Qingming on the shoulder and reminded, "But in return, please give us a lot of money. come."

"Give me a little fairer! What role do you play? Father?!"

"Yeahhhhhhhhh, my son will ask your sister." Jiang Cheng bowed politely, "In-law."

"Who is your in-laws!" Qingming yelled in an angry voice, then looked at Waidaomaru on the side and said, "Waidaomaru, take these guys back quickly! Don't even spell spells." Knowing laymen get involved, do you think they can get out of it all?"

"Sir Seimei," Gatodomaru turned his head and explained unhurriedly, "Indeed, these guys don't know how to use spells, they don't know how to divination, they don't know how to use shikigami, and they don't have the power to dispel the rain. I know they have a way to regain Master Kriste’s smile, and I can guarantee that."

"Hey, don't count me." Jiang Cheng squinted Doudou's face and reminded him expressionlessly, and then said to Qingming on the side, "Also, if you can, please trust them, although all except Kagura A group and so on. But one thing is certain, although they don’t know the rules of the Onmyojis, these guys are the best at changing the boring rules to their own rules, and then under their own rules. , They won't give up so easily."

"Hey, why did it become waiting when I was with Xin Ba Hao?" Yin Shi sneered contemptuously.

"Hehehehe, I thought that Yuye crowd no longer has anyone who can fight," Daoman hummed a few times, and then looked at Gintoki and the others under the ring, "Also, you and Seimei will be , It's Kriste together, I'm here to send you to hell!"

As he said, Daoman opened his hands and announced loudly: "The final battle of this weather war, the death battle of Shijin 3V3 spells, now begins!"

As soon as Daoman's words fell, all the people in the surrounding stands cheered.

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