May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 480: : Humans can't see things that don't exist!

"Wait, Tao Man, these people..."

Seimei wanted to say something more, but before he could finish speaking, he was directly pushed towards the ring by Kagura.

"Brother, the first math game is up to you! We will cheer for you down below!" Yin Shizie hugged his hands and snorted, "Then, we can leave the next games to us!"

"I won't admit you, son-in-law before Kriste nodded!" Seimei turned his head and exclaimed, "If you really want to help, no matter how you look at this first scene, it has nothing to do with Shikigami. You should play all of the games? How bad is your arithmetic?"

"Come on, sister control." Kagura shouted to Qingming.

"Qingming-sang, you must be more careful when answering seven!" Xin Ba Haw shouted to Qingming.

"Master Qingming, come on." Waidaomaru exclaimed very perfunctorily, "I believe that if it is the strongest onmyoji like Master Qingming, the simple formula for multiplication of nine or nine will surely be all right."

"This kind of thing has nothing to do with the strongest Onmyoji? It should be said that it is something that ordinary people can do?" Qingming said speechlessly, but then he found that all the people behind Yin Shi were all generals. Faces turned aside, including Waidomaru and Jiangcheng.

"Forget it, I didn't say it. If you continue to speak, you will feel that there is not even a normal person on your side..." Qingming sighed rather unlovably while holding his forehead, then raised his head. Come and walk towards the ring step by step.

Seeing Qingming entering the ring, Daoman outside the ring snorted with disdain: "Huh, did you send a general in the first game? It seems that no one is available. Humph, hem, hahaha..."

"Laughing who is an idiot who can't even know how to multiply formulas?!" Yin Shi and several people roared at the same time, with their blue eyes bursting.

"No one said that!" Dao Man shouted, "Speaking of which, you have admitted this? You admit that you don't even memorize the formula of the Nine-Nine Multiplication Method!"

"Daoman, stop talking about those useless words," Qingming said faintly, "Come on."

"The situation on our side is different from yours. The talented Siri wild people will not send a general in the first game." Doman hummed, and then asked a Siri wild behind him, " Hey, hasn't the old man in the cashier come yet?"

"In the end, don't you know how to recite?!" Yinshi shouted with blank eyes.

"Who is the old man in the ledger?!" Xin Ba Haw frantically complained.

"Old...old...the old..." A little old man with a cane and a trembling waist already bent into a boomerang, looking at least seventy-five years old, walked over staggeringly. "Listen... I heard... The first... The leader asked me to play the game..."

"I'll leave the first written test to you! Old man!" Daoman cheered up, "As the accountant in charge of the Shiliye family, you will never lose in this kind of place! I believe you!"

"Certain... thanks to the leader... hey, that... what is coming... the old must... hey, that... what is coming..."

"Okay, okay! Hurry up!" Daoman said impatiently, "Speak slowly, don't say it! Hurry up!"


On the ring, facing two tables with white paper and pens, the old man in the cashier who was about to lose his teeth sat Seimei and Mirino's.

In the middle of the two of them, a bald-headed Onmyoji from the Mino Family guest starred host with a microphone in hand.

"Cough cough!" The host cleared his throat and spoke to everyone. "Now let me explain the rules a little bit. This death duel is composed of three surgeons from both sides and their own shikigami. This kind of spells are used for a duel, and the winner will be determined in three games."

"Even if there is a dead person in this game, there is no legal responsibility. Also, you can save your life if you abstain before being killed. Of course, you will be sentenced to lose. Then, the first round of the duel rules will be explained. "

"The first round of competition is a written test match between the practitioner and the Shijin. The purpose is to examine the basic intelligence and common sense of the practitioner. In today's new era, the onmyoji has only strength but turned out to be an idiot. Absolutely not, at least you should have a certain level of knowledge."

"Hey! Who do you call an idiot?!" Dao Man shouted, staring blankly.

"Um... Doman players, I didn't refer to you, please don't match your seats like this." The host continued, "Finally, I will introduce the rules of the first game. The two players must answer the table within half an hour. Here are the ninety-nine punishment formulas for disrupting the order. Remember that it’s only half an hour! In addition, you can ask Shigami for help! Full score is 90 points! Two points will be deducted for the wrong answer! Finally, the higher scorer wins! Then... …begin!!"

"Come on! Brother!" Yin Shi called to Qingming on the stage.

"Who killed your elder brother!" Qingming replied irritably, "Then, shut my mouth and keep quiet while I am doing the question!"

"The first game is so difficult," Kagura said with a sigh, holding his hand and shaking his head. "It's still the multiplication formula Alu that disrupts the order. Even the sister-controlled Alu can't get it all right."

"How much is six or seven? New eight." Yin Shi whispered to the new eight on the side, "Is it thirty-two or forty-eight?"

"No, Yinsang, six or seven equals forty-five." Xin Ba Hao corrected.

[These guys...] Jiang Cheng thought, full of black lines.

"Uncle, help me take a photo Alu." Kagura took out his communicator and handed it to Jiang Cheng, "I want to send the photo to Mommy to see Alu."

"Speaking of Kagura-chan wearing this dress, does it really mean a lot more points than usual, the so-called uniform theorem?"

After smiling and complimenting, Jiang Cheng took the phone in Kagura's hand, turned on the camera function, and took pictures of Kagura.

And Kagura is also very cooperative in posing one posture after another.

"Hmph, has even the younger uncle noticed my feminine charm from the inside out, Aru?" Kagura snorted with a look of pride compared to the scissorhands.

After listening, Jiang Cheng, who took the picture, handed the phone to Kagura, and was silent for a while before speaking, "I'm sorry, Kagura."

"What do you mean, sorry?!" Kagura instantly exploded his hair, bursting with blue veins and yelling, "Asshole!!!"

"Kagura, even if it's my little uncle..." Jiang Cheng shook his head lightly, then said after a sigh, "I can't see anything that doesn't exist at all."

"Yes, it's too difficult for someone to do, Kagura-chan." Xin Ba Hao on the side said.

"Kagura..." Yin Shi shook his head, and then cast a warm and compassionate look at Kagura, "Forget those things. Only by forgetting the pain can you grow more easily."

"No! Don't forget!" Jiang Cheng retorted, and then looked at Kagura seriously, "Remember them! Face them! Only by facing the pain can we grow!"

"All wash inside!!" While shouting, Kagura flew out Jiang Cheng, Yin Shi and Xin Ba Jia at the same time.


Half an hour later, when the first game was over, Seimei covered his face and walked off the ring.

"Well, I hope you can forget the first game today." Qingming came to Jiang Cheng and the others and reminded him in a low voice.

"Forgot what?" Jiang Cheng put up an index finger, squinted and said with a smile, "Is it because you tied the hand with the old grandfather who couldn't stand still or did they both answer three wrong answers?"

"If you can, please forget the entire first game..."

"Brother, you have worked very hard." Yin Shi said with soft eyes towards Qingming.

"Why should I be praised by you?!"

"Then, the first game is over here, and the two sides are tied!" the host or referee said again, "Because of the first tie, then the second game will be changed to a tiebreaker! By the way, if the first game is tied! If the second match is a tie, then the third match will be rejoined as the final match!"

"We're on it, sister control." After saying that, Kagura dragged Xin Ba Hao and came to the stage.

"Hey! This is the final in a sense! Why did you two go up like this!" Seimei, who had recovered, quickly turned around and shouted to Kagura and Shinba Haw on the stage.

"Brother, don't worry, those two guys will definitely help you win the game." Yin Shi stepped forward and stood beside Qingming, quietly comforting, "They are not weak guys who will lose to the spell. ."

"Yes, I always think Kagura can win." Jiang Cheng on the side said casually, holding his hand.

"You believe there is a fart! How do you think that both of them will definitely lose, right?" Seimei pointed to the new eight-jaw and Kagura on the stage and continued with some madness. , That is not Shiki at all!"

"No, it's Shikigami, who is in charge of the chores in the house." Yin Shi lied without blushing and heartbeat.

"That's just a handyman in tights?" Seimei retorted, and then looked at the new Baji, who was standing on the ring and squeezing his body, his eyes littered at sunrise, and continued blankly, "Look at his eyes. It's still swimming around! In the butterfly stroke! It's still blinking like a splash of water!"

On the other side, Daoman also selected a player to participate in the second round, a middle-aged man named Bao Xian.

"Bao Xian, your second battle!" Dao Man shouted to Bao Xian who was standing on the ring, "If you can, solve them directly in the second game! Let them see how powerful the sirens are!

"Yes!" After responding, the man named Bao Xian took out a folded paper man from his arms, pinched the paper man with his index and middle fingers, and shouted: "Come out! Yasha Maru!"

As soon as the voice fell, the paper man in Bao Xian's hand turned into a ray of light and flew to the center of the ring.

After the bang, smoke rose from the ring.

After a few seconds, the figure of Bao Xian's Shiki God appeared in the gradually dissipating smoke.

Looking at the blue skin in front of him, his body is strong, his face is hideous, his height is at least three meters full of fangs, and he is staring at his shikigami with a fierce face, the whole person is bad for a moment. After a few seconds, Xinba Hao rolled his eyes and fell straight on his back.

After falling to the ground, Xin Ba Hao's body was still straightened out of fear, and at the same time, Xin Ba Hao was still trembling uncontrollably.

"Hey, let's not talk about butterfly swimming. He is just muddy in the swimming pool!" Looking at the new eight haws who kept opening their mouths like fishes, Qingming couldn't help but complain, "Who is going to find a job? Personnel, someone is drowning! Go and save him!"

However, at this moment, Xin Ba Hao finally eased his mind and walked towards the edge of the ring on a crawl.

"No! Yinsang! I definitely can't!" Xin Ba Hao climbed to the edge of the ring and screamed at Yin Shi who was under the stage.

However, Gin Shi was disapproving on one side, digging his nostrils and turned his face to one side naturally, and at the same time Qingming turned his face aside in the same way. As for Jiang Cheng, he was sitting with his hands in his arms and making no shots, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Hello? Don't ignore me! Bastards!" Xin Ba Haw shouted loudly, but immediately after that, Xin Ba Haw thought of the rules announced by the host before the start of the first game————Being killed If you abstained before, you could save your life.

Thinking of this, Xin Ba Hao stood up without any hesitation, raised his hand and shouted to the host on the give up..."

Before Xin Ba Chi finished speaking, Kagura reached out his hand and covered Xin Ba Chi's mouth to prevent Xin Ba Chi from continuing.

"Huh?" The host looked over at some unknown point, "Did the Yuye crowd just say something?"

"Nothing Aru! I just forgot to feed it!" Kagura didn't know where he took out a can of canned dog and pressed it directly on Xin Ba Hao's mouth, and whispered, "Hey, look. Clearly, it's Baolu. Give me delicious food."

(Pedigree: dog food brand.)

"Then, what's next is the explanation of the rules for the second round of duel," the host continued, while a trail slowly rose up, just connecting to the ring. "The second round of competition is a triangle of bread between the magician and the shikigami..."

"Is it talking about eating bread (Pan) competition?" Xin Ba Ha raised his head in surprise, "If this is the case, there may be a chance of winning."

But as soon as the new eight chicks finished speaking, the host said what he hadn’t had time to say just now, “Pandemonion game!”

Looking at the two extremely curious-looking creatures hanging above the finish line on the other side of the trail, except for the color, the creatures with disgusting slime dripping from their bodies, Xin Ba Haw grew up screaming and turned his head. Come to spit out crazy, "Yeah——! What is Pandemonion?!"

"It's the food that Shikigami likes, Pandemonion, the larva of the fairies." Waidaomaru in the audience explained unhurriedly, "Well, it's something similar to sweets. It's great~ I eat this for competition."

"How can that kind of disgusting thing be regarded as sweets!!" Xin Ba Hao ranted frantically.

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