May Be the Fake Gintama

Chapter 481: :For virginity, the first kiss is really not a trivial matter!

"Pandemonion, or bread for short (Pan), arrives in the way of two people and three legs..."

The host is still explaining the rules of the game.

"There is a fart for the first arrival!" Xin Ba Hao pointed at Pande Monion who was hanging on the shelf at the end of the trail and frantically complained, "How can you eat that kind of thing! That kind of monster!"

However, Kagura didn't care. He squatted down to the side of Xin Ba Hae and unhurriedly tied her left foot with Xin Ba Hae's right foot with a ribbon.

"...Okay, every player is in place!"

"Will I be in place?!" Xin Ba Hao closed his eyes with black lines all over his corners, shook his head frantically to express rejection, "Absolutely not! I will never go! No!"


"--and many more!"

Xinba Haw hurriedly called to stop, but neither the host nor Kagura gave him a chance to react.

When the host just yelled "Run!", Kagura yelled and rushed towards the finish line! As for Xin Ba Hao, because he couldn't react in time to keep up with Kagura's footsteps, he fell to the ground with an unsteady foot.

The new eight harp was dragged to the end by Kagura abruptly.

However, compared to Kagura and Shin Baja, who reached the end in an instant when the host just shouted out, the combination of this pair of people and Shigami in the other group of Siri Yezhong still stayed in place, unable to take a step.

"Oh-! The Shiriye team is out of sync because of the huge shikigami strides that were summoned!" The host shouted out the reason.

"It hurts! No way! The **** is about to crack!" Bao Xian, who cooperated with the Yasha Wan to take a tentative step, cried out in pain.

"What are you doing?!" Dao outside the court filled with blue veins on his forehead, "Hurry up!"

"Oh! Maybe this time..." Qingming on the other side clenched his fist, showing a little bit of interest on his face.

"Right, so I said it a long time ago." Yin Shih held his hand and said.

[Pandemonion...] Jiang Cheng frowned slightly, staring straight at the end of Pandemonion hanging on the shelf, [I always feel... I heard the name somewhere, and the appearance is very familiar... 】

"Stand up! New Haw! Hurry up and eat Pandemonion!" Kagura yelled at Sin Haw, who was curled up on the ground with his head in his arms.

"No! Eating Pandemonion and saying nothing will work!" Xin Ba Haw was full of black lines in a loud rejection, and then tentatively opened his eyes and glanced at Pandemonion on his head, "Why is it watching? Me! I'm staring at me!"

Seeing the appearance of the new eight chicks, Kagura could only support the new eight chicks and push them forward, and at the same time comforted them: "This is like eating crabs, Aru! Crabs, octopuses, and clams. Ah angler fish, the stranger it looks, the better it tastes Alu! Alu that the silver sauce said!"

"It's not the problem, okay!" He was still resisting Kagura's push and shoving. He closed his eyes so that he could not see Pandemonion who was ten centimeters above his head. At the same time, he shouted, It's delicious, how can this monster be able to eat it!"

"Then close your eyes, Aru, I'll put it in your mouth for you."

"Hands are forbidden~" the host kindly reminded, and then exclaimed, "In addition, just when you are entangled, the Siri wild team has arrived!"

"Xin Ba Ji! Hurry up! Let's eat Aru first!" Kagura quickly reminded him when he saw the Siri wild team approaching the finish line next to him.

"Damn it! If that's the case, I'm going to fight it out!" Xin Ba Haw thought, "Holding Ululu's mentality!"

(Still in Ululu: A challenge program produced by MBS from the middle of the 20th century to the beginning of the 21st century)

Having said that, the new Baji and Kagura on the side leaped again and again, trying to reach Pandemonion with their mouths, but the Yasha Maru of the Sirino team beside them was because of their size. It's too big, I can only squat down to reach another Pandemonion with his head down and his mouth open.

In general, it is not easy for both parties in a sense.

"Damn it! It's almost!" He jumped a few times and didn't succeed in eating Pandemonia's new eight haws, said a little unwillingly.

As soon as the voice fell, it seemed to be in response to Xin Ba Hao's unwillingness, the mouth of Xin Ba Hao who took off again finally touched Pan Demonion...'s mouth.

After a soft kiss, Xin Ba Haw, who had not yet landed, couldn't help widening his eyes, staring blankly at Pandemonion in front of him.

After landing this time, Xin Ba Hao didn't take off again, but fell silent with his head down.

"Huh?" Kagura, who realized something was wrong, looked down at Xin Ba Ha, "What's wrong with you Aru?"

"That... first kiss..." Xin Ba Haw said quietly, but then looked up again, "No, it's nothing, cheer up and do it again."

"Huh?" Kagura let out a puzzled cry

At this moment, the voice of a strange girl came from above Kagura and Shinbachi. (PS: The sound only appeared in Xin Ba Hao's mind, Kagura heard nothing, only the sound of Pandemonion's insects)

"That...that, I...I am also the first time." Pandemonion said with a slight blush, with his face turned away.


Xin Ba Ha's face turned red unconsciously, and his pupils trembled unconsciously, and the eyes looking at Pandemonion were as green as an innocent boy holding hands with a girl for the first time.

"Oh! What an unexpected emergency!" The host exclaimed and laughed, "It looks like I kissed Pandemonion by accident!"

Suddenly, the crowds in the stands boiled, and whistles sounded continuously along with booing boos.

"It doesn't matter! Get on it!" Yinshi unconsciously burst into a blue vein on his cheek while still beating constantly, yelling at the unpleasant people in the surrounding stands, "booing. What the hell! Hush what?! Eat! Hurry up and give it to me!"

"Private...Private Marseille, my...not on purpose." Xin Ba Haw blushed and said quietly towards Pandemonion with dodging eyes, then lowered his head, the voice became smaller and smaller," I'm this way, I took away your important...for the first time..."

As he said, Xin Ba Hao scratched his head a little embarrassingly.

"No...nothing, I didn't care..." Pandemonion hugged his chest with both paws, and blushed and dodged the same eyes.

"Ah..." Xin Ba Haw trembled in his heart, raised his head and looked at Pandemonia, his eyes also had a somewhat inexplicable figure.

At the same time, the atmosphere between Xin Ba Hao and Pandemonion also changed, and even the background became pink, like the color of first love.

"Why blush! Inexplicable!" Yin Shi frantically complained in the audience, "What is that? That spring-hearted atmosphere? Why is there such an atmosphere in the Pandemonion game?"

"That kid..." Jiang Cheng asked Yinshi with some uncertainty, "Is there something special that we don't know about? I always feel that even the BGM has changed, and it's only in pure love works. of

It’s a tender BGM. "

"The ghost knows!"

[What... It's just a kiss accidentally...] Xin Ba Haw turned away slightly, and thought with a heartbeat, [To such a Pandemonion, absolutely... definitely not the influence of kissing...]

"Hey! If you have time to engage in a psychological monologue there, eat it quickly!" Yin Shibai shouted with eyes open.

[It was an accident rather than a kiss...] Xin Ba Ha blushed, his eyes were complicated, and he thought to himself, [Pandemonion didn’t kiss me because he liked me...]

"Who is Pan De Monion?! Is your classmate?!"

[Moreover...] Xin Ba Haw turned his face away, twitching and continued to think, [This is not the time to think about this...]

Immediately afterwards, the Pandemonion in Xin Ba Hao's mind changed! Although there is not much change in the body, the face has changed! From a disgusting monster face to a beautiful girl with blue eyes with beautiful long blond hair!

After detecting the Yin Shi in the picture in Xin Ba Hao's mind, he spit out again, "Hey! Who is that?! Classmate Pandemonion looks like this? Isn't it a face like Beihe Wright? "

(Beherite: From the Legend of Sword Wind, Overlord’s Egg)

[Ah, it’s strange...] Xin Ba Hao’s heartbeat started to speed up, [Strange, why is my heart beating so fast? 】

Thinking of this, Xin Ba Hao raised his eyes tentatively and glanced at but just looked over. Xin Ba Hao discovered that Pandemonion glanced at him secretly at the same time.

The eyes of the two met for an instant, although they only intersect for a moment, then Pandemonion quickly moved his eyes away, dodge his eyes and flicked his hair with his front paws.

But a strange feeling slowly rose among the two of them, and it couldn't dissipate for a long time...

[Is Pandemonion classmate so cute? ] Xin Ba Hao's desires gradually became addicted, [Oops——! I'm getting more and more unable to speak! 】

"Hey, Xin Ba Hao, what are you doing Alu? Hurry up and eat Aru." Kagura, who didn't even see the thoughts in Xin Ba Hao's mind, reminded him with a frown.

The new eight chirps that came back to their senses, he faltered, and then jumped with Kagura again.

But this time, although the mouth did not touch, one of the tentacles on the head of the tights worn by Xinba Hao touched Pandemonion's body.

"Ah..." Pandemonion let out a shy moan in a low voice.

"Ah! I'm sorry!" Xin Ba Haw blushed and said hurriedly after landing, "Did you run into something strange?"

Pandemonion crossed his front paws and shook his head slightly, lowered his head and blushed, and dodged his eyes, and said quietly: "No, chest..."

"Chest?!" In an instant, Xin Ba Haw was all ill, and then quickly folded his hands, "I'm sorry! I didn't want to be like this..."

"It's okay, I know..." The understanding Pandemonion twisted his face and said, "I'm sorry, the deer keeps bumping my chest... I'm not careful... next time... Next time I will try my best not to send it out. Sound!"

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